Miami Hot: #1 (Miami Heat Series)

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Miami Hot: #1 (Miami Heat Series) Page 20

by Joyce Jordan

“Sure, for another short one,” she told him.

  “We’ll see.”

  “I feel sticky. I need a shower,” she told him.

  “We’ll take it together,” he told her as he stood up and removed the rest of the dress from her. Then he unhooked her bra and dropped it on the floor and carried her to the shower. Once he had tested the water did he put her down. He gave her the shower cap to cover her hair. She turned him around then washed his back. He laughed as she squeezed his butt. She chose to wash his front while he was still turned away from her. She moved from the neck to his chest, further down to his six pack, then she avoided his frontal area and knelt down to wash his legs. She re-soaped her hands and took his cock in her hands. Moira wasn’t surprised to find it hard again. She smiled as she palmed it in both hands and pumped him slowly, then milked him by squeezing lightly. “Harder,” he told her and held onto the shower wall.

  Moira increased slightly and milked him, one hand after another, until he was grunting and hissing. Moira squeezed the base then switched places and was kneeling in front of him and took his cock into her mouth. She moved her tongue around and he jerked. She sucked then let it out with a pop and he creamed. She tongued the slit and he swore and jerked. More precum escaped. Moira filed that trick for use at a future date. She held his cock in one hand then took one ball into her mouth and sucked.

  “Fuck Moira, I won’t last.”

  Moira sucked again then took the second ball and sucked it twice as well before she moved back to his cock and bobbed her head, moving fast up and down. She held the bottom as if she were holding a banana. She moved to the tip and sucked hard and felt him shooting into her mouth. She drank and swallowed it all.

  Conrad pulled her by her armpits and slammed his mouth to hers. Her mouth tasted of his semen. “Come, let me wash you before the water runs cold.” He quickly washed her then dried her, then he dried himself. They spooned and fell asleep.

  Chapter Twenty Two

  Moira woke the next morning to an empty bed. She was surprised to find that it was almost 11am. It looked like the weather forecast had been correct about it being another warm day. Moira intended spending it sunning herself outside. She was grateful for their apartment that had a huge backyard and allowed them to have outdoor furniture that included a couple of chaise lounges. Most people were surprised that such apartments existed. They were hard to come by because those that snagged them never left. It was almost like living in a house.

  Once she had showered, dressed and cleaned up her bedroom, she left it and went to look for breakfast. She wasn’t surprised to find more bonding happening in front of the TV this time. And you guessed it, they were watching sports, soccer by the look of it.

  She took a bowl of cereal and added warm milk. She had never enjoyed cereal with cold milk. She sprinkled a little sugar and decided to see what all the hype was about. “Morning boys,” she greeted.

  She grinned when she saw Conrad’s eyes bulge out at what she was wearing. She had a skort that she knew he mistook for a teensy tiny skirt. Then she wore a short t-shirt that left her belly button out.

  As if she knew what was going on, she asked, “Who is winning?”

  Sam looked from her to Conrad then shook his head and returned to the game. Conrad who was unaware of her sport cluelessness looked back to the screen and to her and tried to remember what he was watching so he could answer her question.

  Moira smiled and then laughed.

  He narrowed his eyes at her and finally said something. “What are you wearing?”

  “You seem to have an morbid fascination with my dressing lately. Is there something wrong with what I am wearing?”

  “I wouldn’t go there if I were you,” Sam warned him.

  “Well, I’m just worried. It’s winter, so shouldn’t you be wearing something a little warmer?”

  “Fortunately for me, the meteorologist assured me it would be a sunny day,” she said sunnily. Her cereal finished, she stood up. “Anyway, anyone up for breakfast or lunch?”

  They both declined saying they had eaten, so Moira took her empty bowl and rinsed it. She took two pieces of bread and made french toast, added marmalade and sat down to eat. She finished her breakfast off with a cup of half coffee, half milk. A few minutes later she was lying down with her kindle. The sun wasn’t that hot so she figured there wouldn’t be any issues of being sunburnt. A short while later Lucas came to pick up his car, and then Conrad left at the same time.

  He took his time saying goodbye to Moira who lay on the chaise lounge. He undid the swimsuit bra she had worn and squeezed her breasts as he kissed her. “Do you want to come over to my place?” he asked her.

  Moira whimpered and pushed her breasts into his palms.

  He pulled her top up and suckled her breast.

  “Sam,” she said.

  “He is outside with Lucas,” he told her.

  “Tomorrow she whispered. Let me spend the rest of the day with Sam then I will sleep at your place,” she said to him.

  “Okay,” he agreed, then let her go.

  Moira retied her bra then turned to lie on her tummy. Sere’s call woke her later that afternoon. She filled her in on the previous night at the Jazz club. They confirmed Moira’s itinerary and Sere assured her she would pick her up from the airport.

  When she came indoors to cook, Sam told her he was going out later, so not to worry about him. Moira rummaged in the fridge and found some left over meat from the day before. She made a fresh salad, warmed the meat and ate with a glass of wine. After the last several days of no alcohol, she indulged herself. When Sam left, she took a glass to her bedroom and watched TV in bed with a large glass of red wine.

  The next few days proved to be very interesting with juggling sleepovers between Moira’s apartment and Conrad’s penthouse. Conrad refused to spend an evening alone, stating Moira was going away for the weekend, so they needed to spend time together. Moira indulged him. She found out it was better and easier to agree to him demands as long as she got her own way when she needed. Besides, the amazing sex was incentive enough to sleep next to him every night. They left for work together but each drove their own car. They spent their evenings relaxing in front of the TV, not that they watched much of it.

  Thursday evening Conrad had a Charity event to attend which Moira refused to attend with him. She said she wouldn’t know anyone there besides him and she wouldn’t want to run into any reporters that would link them together. Moira was intent on this relationship being kept as under the radar as possible. She didn’t want to be lumped together with his previous girlfriends or mistresses knowing when things end it would be tough being followed by the paparazzi and having her private life splattered in tabloids for all to see.

  After work she passed by her apartment and finished packing her weekend bag. Her intention was going straight to the airport from work the next day. She had decided she would leave her car at the airport rather than grabbing a cab. By 6pm she was at his penthouse and watched him dress and prepare for the function. A few times he told her he would just send a check and send an apology note, but Moira refused since this was something that he had accepted to attend months before. Besides, it wasn’t like another pressing engagement had come up. An hour and half later, he was on his way out.

  Moira ordered a pizza which she thought was the easiest and didn’t use any plates. She just ate from the box and spent the evening channel surfing. Between the reality shows that seemed to have overtaken regular TV, she was kept entertained until she began dozing a little after 9pm. Pizza and lots of wine will do that to you she thought as she switched the lights in the living room off, and moved into the bedroom. She had just finished her nightly bedtime ritual when his bedroom phone rang. She almost picked it up, then realized she wouldn’t know how to explain her presence to the caller. So she let the answering machine pick up. Whoever it was decided not to leave a message after all. Moira switched the beside lamp off and sleep for the next hour or so. Co
nrad has assured her he would leave after 9:30pm, and she knew him enough to know that he would wake her up when he came.

  Sleep, however, didn’t come. Whoever had called kept calling and hanging up. Moira had the idea to just unplug the phone, but since it wasn’t her home, she didn’t think it proper. Besides it could be something important and the call wasn’t just connecting correctly for the caller to leave a message. When she started thinking about the movie Phone Booth, she knew she was going crazy.

  When the caller finally decided to leave a message, Moira was thankful and hoped that was the last of it. The message, however, held her immobile for a full minute after it ended with her mind going in all different directions.

  No, this wasn’t happening. She knew she should have gone with her first instinct, to stay away from the rich boys. Damn Sere for talking her into it. And damn, Conrad for appearing like a nice guy. Moira jumped out of bed, tears falling down and called her friend. She just needed someone to talk to. When Sere didn’t pick up she cried harder and got dressed. She threw back the dress she had removed for tomorrow back into her bag. She couldn’t find her shoes and for a while she cried harder until she remembered she had left them in the living room. She left the apartment, dragging her bag with her.

  When she got to the Coincierge Desk she tried to pull herself together, but when she failed she just asked for someone to bring her car up-front, then handed the guy behind the desk her keycard. His name tag read Justin. He seemed like a nice guy. He tried to engage her and find out if he could help, but she told him noone could. She smiled through her tears and ran for the door. She didn’t care that she was drawing unneeded attention, but fortunately the lobby only had a few people coming and going.

  Moira got into her car and drove straight to her apartment. She wasn’t so lucky as to find Sam asleep. He was on the phone and had the TV volume on mute.

  “Moira, what happened?” he asked her as he hung up his phone.

  “I’m sorry, please go back to your conversation. I’m just going to bed,” she told him and opened her bedroom.

  “Well, something clearly happened,” he told her angrily. “If he did something to you, I need to know because I will go over there...”

  “Sam, don’t. I knew something like this was likely to happen, but I chose to ignore all the warning signs. I guess better now than after several weeks or months. I bet I was his shortest fling.”

  “Care to tell me what happened?”

  “All I can say is that he re-connected with an old girlfriend at the benefit he attended tonight. And now that they are together, that makes me a third and unnecessary wheel.” Moira entered her bedroom and dropped her bag next to her bed. Sam followed and was about to say something, when she stopped him. “Now, I just need to go to sleep,” she hiccuped as more tears flowed.

  “Okay, but if you need to talk, let me know,” he said and came to kiss her cheek. “Or if you need me to beat him up, I’m game too,” he added and smiled at her.

  “Thanks,” she said and smiled back. She locked her door and went to wash her face, then undressed and went to bed. As she was tossing and turning, Sere called and she told her what happened. She promised to she was still coming to Orlando, then they hung up.

  Moira slept fitfully. At one time she thought she heard Sam answering the door, then someone knocking on her door. Morning came too early and she knew as soon as she woke up that she had bags under her eyes. She had the mind of calling in sick to work, but thought that would be cowardly, and besides her work had nothing to do with Conrad. She refused to let other parts of her life suffer due to a failed relationship that was still in it’s infancy. Moira thought it was probably for the best, and wondered how much more painful it would have been if they had been together for months. Then she wondered how people moved on when they broke off after years of being together. She shivered and stepped under the shower spray.

  Needing all the confidence in the world, she dressed carefully and used more make up than she normally did. After a while, she thought she had done a good jobs on her bags. There was no need of advertising them because it would only lead to more questions than she cared to answer.

  She got to work at little later than usual, but she was still the first one there. As she drove she switched her phone back on and listed to the messages from Conrad. He wanted to talk, yeah right, Moira said to herself. Her work kept her busy and when her team, Christi, Jeff and Vinny arrived, she left them to do most of the work while she tried to catch up on her paperwork, today was probably a better day to enclose herself in the office.

  She didn’t pick up his calls, neither did she answer his messages. Finally when he threatened to come looking for her, she sent him a text that she would see him an hour before she left for her flight. Moira smiled thinking of how she would be long gone by then. She had fortunately managed to get an earlier flight. There was no need of hanging around after her paperwork was done.

  As she sat in the departure lounge at Miami International Airport, she hoped this wouldn’t be one of the days when her flight got to be delayed. With no weather issues, she was hopeful the flight would leave on time. She sat next to a lady who was going back home after spending a week at a sales conference. She introduced herself as Jean, and talked to Moira about her job during the hour long flight to Orlando. Although she would have preferred to read, Moira was glad that Jean kept her mind occupied on other issues. Reading would probably not have cut it today. At work, her mind kept drifting to Conrad, so she was sure that she wouldn’t have been able to read a full page, so she was grateful for the company.

  Jean even got so far as to offer to share a cab. She told Moira she was going a little further than where Moira was going. Moira called Sere to tell her she had arrived and would be coming to wait for her at her work. She would come in and get the keys to her car so she could drop her bag and then wonder around the shops close by. After she had settled that, she told Jean she was ready and they left together.

  Sere worked for an advertising company that had offices in Orlando, Miami, West Palm Beach and Jacksonville. She had transferred from the Miami office to the Orlando office after her boyfriend had transferred with his own job and asked her to move with him.

  “You know avoiding Conrad can only get you so far,” Sere told her as they were preparing dinner later that day.

  “I know, but I just need time away from him. Besides what is he going to say that I don’t already know? Except maybe try and break it off gently with me?”

  “Sometimes things are not as they seem,” Sere said.

  “Which part of the word ‘reconnecting’ are you failing to understand, Sere?” she asked. “She basically rephrased their whole conversation and concluded by saying she was excited that they would be picking up where they left things off. The only thing I didn’t hear was her name. And I’m guessing she didn’t have to say it because she knew Conrad would know who she was.”

  “You know I am on your side, but I think you still need to talk to him. Just hear him out, that’s all I am saying,” she told her.

  “I don’t know Sere. He really hurt me. Well that message did. And I am not sure I am strong enough to see him and not want to sleep with him. I mean he just looks at me and I want to jump him.” Moira sipped from her wine glass and looked at her friend. “You know, the best sex I have ever had, and will ever have for as long as I live,” she added wistfully. “But you know what, today I just want to have some girl time with my best friend. Put on some music and dance into the night. Maybe get a little drunk,” she said with more enthusiasm that was warranted. “Tomorrow will come soon enough,” she added.

  “’Kay,” Sere responded. “That works for me too. George won’t be back till late. He is have a boys night out,” she explained to Moira.

  Lack of sleep from the previous night and wine had Moira falling asleep a couple of hours after dinner was over. Sere laughed at her and made up her bed on the pull out sofa bed. She didn’t hear the distur
bance later that night nor hear George come in. She would have slept through a hurricane if one had come through.

  The next morning, she woke to little men pounding hammers in her head. She lay silently hoping to wait them out, but it was no use. She could hear someone in the kitchen and the smell of coffee was strong. She opened her eyes by fractions of an inch until her eyes got used to the light, then she lifted her head and saw Sere moving around the kitchen.

  “Morning sleepyhead.”

  Moira groaned. “Why are you so chipper this morning?” She lifted her upper torso and grabbed her robe then went to join Sere in the kitchen. “I need to make some of Lucas’ concoction. Arg! Why didn’t you tell me it was a bad idea to get drunk?”

  Laughing she told her, “Yesterday you were not in a listening mood. You needed to get drunk and bitch. So I was a good friend and helped you do that.”

  “Okay, makes sense. I should probably thank you for that. I’m glad I wasn’t alone in Miami,” she said and hugged her.

  “That’s what friends are for,” she said and hugged her back. “As as a your best friend, I need to encourage you to talk to Conrad.”

  “Oh, no, no, no,” Moira said shaking her head, before she cried out in pain and held her head between her two hands.

  Sere didn’t know how to tell Moira that Conrad had come looking for her last night. After almost half an hour of arguing she had finally convinced him she would try and convince her to talk to him, but he needed to give her space. Men being men, he couldn’t understand why she needed space when he could just explain the misunderstanding. Finally he agreed to spend the weekend in Orlando and be close by in case she agreed to talk to him. He, however told her he would take matters into his own hands if by Sunday she still refused to talk to him.

  “Okay, listen. Think about it a little then we can talk about it again later. George should be done with the bathroom shortly then you can shower and we can be on our way,” she told her.

  Moira agreed, then drank the horrible hangover concoction. But the instant relief was well worth it. She grabbed her clothes and went into the bathroom when George was done. By the time she was done, Sere had breakfast ready.


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