Miami Hot: #1 (Miami Heat Series)

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Miami Hot: #1 (Miami Heat Series) Page 21

by Joyce Jordan

  “Hey George,” she greeted him as they hugged. “Been a long time. How are you?”

  “Since September or October, I believe. And I am doing good. I miss Miami a lot though. But I am slowly getting used to Orlando, although the vibes are totally different,” he said to her and took his seat.

  Moira followed suit. “Miami is definitely ‘The Life’. Maybe you should come back and bring my friend back with you.”

  “We’ll see how the job goes. But I certainly wouldn’t be opposed to moving back to Miami in the future, just not now,” he said looking at Sere.

  Moira cleaned up after breakfast while Sere cleaned and tidied the apartment. Moira helped her with the vacuuming part, despite her refusal for help. “Nonsense,” she said. “It’s not like I am a guest guest. You wouldn’t hesitate to do the same. And isn’t that what friends are for?” she asked.

  “Yes. I just didn’t want you to do this when this is supposed to be a fun weekend,” she clarified.

  “The sooner we are done, the sooner we can have fun. And I can’t wait to go to the Disney Parks. It’s been more than a decade since I was last there. And to think I live only an hour’s flight away,” Moira said shaking her head. “The weather is great. Last time we were here, it was the middle of summer, and boy was it hot.” Moira moved a few pieces of furtniture. “Anyway, It’s just what I need. Uncomplicated fun.”

  It being a one bedroomed apartment, it didn’t take long for them to be done. George had already left to meet up with his friends. Moira and Sere left and drove the short distance to the parks. They settled on the Hollywood Studio’s theme park.

  Chapter Twenty Three

  “You know I had so much fun this weekend. I felt like a kid again. Thanks for the weekend,” Moira said to Sere as she finished packing her bag. “Tell George I said thanks for putting up with me. I hope I didn’t spoil any of his plans.”

  “No, are you kidding me,” Sere said. “He was glad to spend so much time with the boys without feeling guilty about leaving me alone. I’m not very comfortable with some of his friends, so I tend to pick and choose when to join him. That couple we met yesterday at the park is one of the ones I can enjoy being with.”

  “Well, thanks anyway. And now I get to treat you to a late lunch at The Orlando. I can’t believe Lucas agreed when I first gave him that proposal.”

  “That’s neat. You get to eat great food, for free, then get to review the desserts.”

  “Today it’s we, you and me. And anything goes. So make the most of it,” she told her. “Let’s leave. I don’t want us to rush through our food before I have to catch my flight back,” Moira said as she pulled her bag on its wheels.”

  “Ah, okay,” she mumbled back. But they left soon after.

  “So what are you having?” Moira asked when they sat. She giggled at Sere. “I swear I have worked in lot’s of hotels, but I don’t know half of what’s on this menu.”

  “That’s because your head is always buried in pastries,” she smiled back.

  “Well, I think I’ll stick with something I know. So maybe a soup and then the t-bone that comes with roast potatos and a vegetable, or should I get the ribeye?” Moira asked herself.

  “I’m thinking of soup as well, but pork chops with the roast potatos and sauteed mushrooms,” Sere said.

  When they placed their order, Moira opted for the t-bone. The service was great and within a short time their soups were served.

  “Sere are you okay? You keep fidgeting and looking around.”

  “Umm, nothing, I just got the feeling that someone was staring at us, but I think I was mistaken,” she replied biting her lip. “Sorry, I guess I’m just afraid that everyone knows that on a normal day we can’t afford a meal in a place as this one.”

  Moira laughed. “I agree. I think they all think we are fraudsters.” Moira swung her fork in the air saying, “Did you see the price of the wine we ordered? I’m not even sure I like it, but hey, it’s fun.”

  “You think maybe it’s because we just don’t have the palate for the finer things in life?” she asked laughing.

  “Could be, or just that expensive wine doesn’t necessarily all taste good,” she sipped and made a face. “Guess it’s a good thing I’m not doing a review of their wines. Although I think I’ll let that slip in there and see what Lucas says. It would be interesting to see his face when he reads that little comment,” she snickered. “Oh God, I wish we didn’t live in different cities. I really miss you Sere.”

  “I know, me too.”

  Moira sighed and pushed her plate to the side. If she didn’t stop eating, she wouldn’t have space for dessert.

  A few minutes later their server, Jorge brought them the dessert menu. They picked three desserts to share. They laughed when he raised his eyebrows in question.

  “Okay, this was great. Now I have to pay the bill then you can drop me off at the airport. I should be in Miami before dark.” Moira took the bill and they laughed at the total before she slipped her credit card inside.

  “Now that you aren’t tied down to your job, we should visit each other every couple of months,” Sere said. “I could come to Miami sometime in April, then you come back here June as so on. What do you think?”

  “I like. And you know I get a few free hotel stays so we could make the most of it, maybe meet up at The West Palm Beach. I hear that it’s very nice too. You know his hotels are easy to remember because he only builds one in each city, and name it after the city,” Moira said.

  “I like that idea…”

  “Excuse me, Ms Peters,” Jorge said and came closer. “There is something wrong with your credit card.”

  Moira and Sere looked at each other and wondered what it could be.

  “What kind of problem?” Moira asked.

  “I’m not sure, but I’m afraid your credit card company said to keep the card,” he responded.

  “What?” Sere said. “I have never heard of that.”

  “It certainly is strange. It’s not like there isn’t any available credit. I know because I hardly ever use it and I pay it off every month,” she said.

  “Are you sure Jorge?” Sere asked.

  “Well you need to come to the office and speak with my manager. He was the one who called them after they had sent an error message,” Jorge replied.

  “Well, this is embarrassing, but I can always use my debit card, but I can’t leave my credit card here. Unless I call my bank directly and they tell me the same thing,” Moira said.

  “Or I can use mine,” Sere said.

  “No, this was on me. Let’s go and hear what the manager has to say. I hope I don’t end up missing my flight,” she said as she stood up.

  They followed Jorge to the office behind the front desk, and found the manager on the phone. He indicated that they take a seat. He quickly hung up and got up to greet them.

  “Ms Peters?” he asked.

  “That’s me,” Moira said taking his hand. “Please call me Moira. And this is my friend, Serenity Segal,” she told him pointing to Sere.

  “Okay, thanks for coming. I’m Phil Bell, the manager on duty today. Let me get some papers from the front desk. I’ll be right back,” he told them and closed the door on his way out.

  Moira was glad when the door opened a few minutes after that. She needed to straighten the mess and be on her way home. If she missed her flight she may end up having to be put on standby and who knew if the later flights had any empty seats available. She turned when the door opened, and stared in shock when she saw Conrad standing there, instead of Phil.

  “What the hell? You’ve got to be kidding me. There never was a problem with my card was there? You set this up,” she told him furiously. “Let’s go Sere,” she said as she took her hand and made to move towards the door and past him.

  “Here is your credit card,” he said handing it to her. “You are not leaving until we talk. I’ve given you enough time to call me, but since you are being stubborn, I though
t it best we hash it out now,” he told her smoothly.

  “Excuse me. Since when did you start making decisions for me?” she prodded his chest with her fore finger. “And why couldn’t this wait until I was back in Miami?” she asked.

  “If I remember correctly, you ran away from Miami and have been ignoring my calls since,” he told her.

  “Well, that should have told you that I wasn’t interested in talking to you. And now I have to leave. I have a flight to catch,” she told him. “Out of my way.”

  Ignoring her, he looked at Sere. “Thanks Sere. I’ll make sure your friend gets home.”

  Shocked Moira looked at her friend who had the decency to not look her in the eye. “I’m sorry Moira. He came looking for you on Friday. He was upset and worried about you. He just needs to say his piece.”

  “You knew all along?”

  “Yes, I mean not exactly. All he asked was that I find a way for the two of you to meet, and when he found out we had made plans to come here, he said he would take over once we were here,” Sere said and bit her lip. “Please just listen to him. I know you still care for him.”

  “I can’t believe you didn’t tell me. No wonder why you were all nervous during lunch.”

  “I’m sorry. Forgive me?” she asked.

  She smiled. “Nothing to forgive. I’m sure you didn’t have a choice,” she said and they hugged. “Just do me one favor?” she asked and turned to look at Conrad. “Call the police if I don’t make it to Miami.”

  His mouth twitched. Serenity laughed.

  Moira walked behind Sere as she walked to the door. Conrad took her wrist to hold her back. She looked at his hand and sighed, “I need my bag.” And maybe find a way to disappear, she added silently.

  “Don’t worry, someone will bring it in for you. I’m not letting you out of my sight until we talk,” he told her. “Let’s go upstairs. I’m booked here.”

  He interlinked their fingers and guided her out of the room. Moira was glad she didn’t get to see Phil as they walked out. She was sure he had been coerced too, and poor Jorge too, but he could have chosen not to participate.

  They took an elevator all the way to the penthouse floor. Moira got out wondering how much the penthouse at this hotel would cost. And as Sere said, he had showed up at her apartment on Friday and it was way past check out time, which meant he had booked it for three nights. She followed him inside and took her time looking around.

  “Would you like a tour?” he asked her.

  She nodded.

  “You are still not talking to me?”

  She nodded.

  He chuckled. “That’s alright because I can do all the talking.” He took her fingers again and showed her the kitchen, dining room, sitting room and two bedrooms on the first floor, then took her upstairs to the second floor where the master bedroom was.

  “It’s very nice,” she said. “Does The Miami also have the same floor plan?”

  “Mostly yes, but Lucas tried to implement a few slight differences. Ask him to show it to you when it’s not being used. Which is rare, though.”

  When thet got back downstairs he asked her if she wanted something to drink. She declined. She needed to keep a clear head. Maybe something non alcoholic later on, she thought. A knock sounded on the door. When Conrad opened it, she saw a man holding her bag, but he didn’t seem to be a hotel employee.

  “Mitch, meet Moira Peters. Moira, this is Mitch.”

  “Ms. Peters,” he said and took her hand.

  “Hi Mitch. It’s Moira,” she said. “Do you work here?” she asked.

  He smiled at her and looked at Conrad.

  “Mitch is my protection,” he sighed as if it was a hardship telling her.

  “Protection from who? Me?” she laughed.

  Mitch tried to stifle a laugh, but it escaped. Conrad’s lips twitched before he lost the battle and laughed too.

  “Thanks Mitch. I’ll take it on from here. Just drop the bag over there,” he said pointing.

  Mitch said goodbye to her as he left and shut the door.

  “Come,” Conrad said and took her hand , then directed her to a sofa. He sat and directed her to sit beside him. He pulled her closer until she leaned against him as she pulled her feet beneath her. Even if she wanted to pull away, she couldn’t. Conrad moved his hand around her and held her to his body. In his other hand was a beer bottle.

  “Mitch and his team are my protection, as in bodyguards,” he told her.

  “I didn’t know you needed bodyguards as in more than one. Is that for when you travel? Or did someone threaten you?” she asked.

  “Always,” he said. “In Miami they try to keep to the background, and blend in, but they are always there somewhere. But when I leave Miami, then they are more open.”

  “I see.”

  Conrad put his bottle down, and took Moira’s hand. “Are you ready for us to discuss about what happened Thursday night?” When she remained silent, he went on, “Fair enough, I said I would do all the talking.”

  Moira thought he seemed to take a deep breath before he continued.

  “That voice mail was from an old friend of mine. Her name is Veronica de Beers. We met in college and became friends, including with Lucas. So I should say she is a friend of ours. We were never anything more than friends. A couple of years ago she had to go to her home and take care of her ailing mother. We lost touch after that, until Thursday when we attended the same benefit. We talked for a while until I had to give a speech then we were both occupied with greeting other people. So the message you heard was of her saying she was glad we had reconnected as friends, and she wanted us to meet and catch up some more. That’s it. I promised you exclusivity, and I won’t go back on my word. Besides, I’m not about to take up an old girlfriend when I have a great thing going here,” he said.

  Moira smiled at that last statement. But felt crappy about the rest. She had jumped to a conclusion that may have seemed valid, but was not true. “I’m sorry,” she said. “I just jumped to the most obvious conclusion.” She shrugged. “I guess I didn’t think I stood a chance against someone as sophisticated as her.”

  “You think I am looking for someone who is sophisticated?”

  “I don’t know. I’m just not the usual type of female you go for. I don’t know. It’s just so confusing sometimes. You know.” She raised her hand to gesture, “You are you and I am me. Just average Moira.”

  Conrad lifted her and let her straddle him. “Never call yourself average,” he told her angrily. “You are beautiful. The most beautiful thing I have ever seen. Inside and out.” He lifted her chin. “Granted I have been with other beautiful women, heiresses, models, actresses, singers and the like. But most are just selfish jerks out to look out for themselves. Some are not so bad, but none of them hold a candle to you. None of them make me feel as crazy for them as I do for you. I hate being away from you, this weekend was torture in itself and I never want a repeat of that. So the next time something weird happens, you come to me and we discuss it. No more jumping to conclusions. Okay?”

  “Okay,” she agreed with a smile.

  “Now that we have that out of the way, how do you feel about spending the night here if I promise to get you to work on time?”

  “I’m okay with that,” she agreed not wanting to pass up the opportunity for a night in the hotel.

  “That’s great progress,” Conrad told her. Stealing a kiss, he asked, “Now how about we make up for lost time?”

  Moira laughed. “I was supposed to have been in Orlando either way.”

  “Makeup sex. And besides, we lost Thursday night together,” he added and pulled her closer.

  He was already hard. As tense as he was, Moira knew he wouldn’t rest until he had his way with her. She had missed him. He was like an addictive pill. Moira kissed him knowing it was going to be a long night filled with sex and multiple orgasms. And she was going to make him even crazier than he thought he was for her.

ra got up and stood in front of him. He looked at her questioningly. “So what time is our flight?” she asked.

  “If we get to the airport by 4:30am, we can be in Miami no later than an hour after that, and then another half an hour to work. I assume you have clothes to wear to work tomorrow? If not I can get you something,” he told her.

  “No, no. I have something to wear,” she told him. “So this is the deal. If I win, I get to call the shots, and if you win, then you call the shots.” She smiled at his expression.

  “Not that I agree yet, but what do I have to do for a chance to win?”

  “Ah! You see,” she laughed. “That’s the tricky part.” She moved a couple of steps back. “I can’t give the game away unless you agree.” Another couple of steps again, and she was almost in the clear.

  “Is that why you are cheating by moving away from me?”

  “No, I’m not cheating. Just making sure there is enough space between us for the game we are about to play.”

  “I can’t believe I am agreeing to this. But okay, should I stand too?” he asked.

  “No, you remain seated. You will have your chance to stand too,” she told him. “Ready?” she asked.

  “I guess.”

  “Why don’t you settle some of those nerves with some of that beer you have over there?” Moira told him, pointing to his half empty bottle.

  He laughed. “You think I’m nervous?”

  She snorted. “I can read you like a book.”

  As he took a sip, Moira told him the game. “The first one to make it upstairs wins.” Then she shot out and ran for her life. She laughed as she heard Conrad swearing. The beer must have gone down the wrong passage she thought and laughed harder. She made it with a few seconds ahead of him, and bounced on the bed in excitement.

  “You cheated,” he said. “You made me sit there, while you were standing, and you were several steps ahead of me.”

  “No, that’s not cheating. It’s called a handicap,” she told him.


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