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Miami Hot: #1 (Miami Heat Series)

Page 23

by Joyce Jordan

  While the boys cleaned up, Moira flicked through the channels and wondered what she could get for a Monday night. Maybe The Bachelor, or was it The Bachelorette this time? In luck, it seemed today was the season premier of The Bachelor which was the most fun for her. After the first elimination, it became way too competitive with girls bitching around and snide comments. If only girls learnt how to live well together, no cat fights, no bitch slapping, no gossip. Well wouldn’t that be like solving world peace.

  “What are you watching Sam asked her?”

  She laughed. “The Bachelor. I know, I know. Just give me until all the girls arrive and then I will leave the TV to you boys.”

  “Just so long you don’t make me pick girls,” he said.

  “Well, that’s the fun part. Now you and Conrad get to compete. Let’s see who picks the most number of girls to remain after the first round of eliminations.”

  Sam groaned. “Moira, it’s a waste of time,” he said.

  “Not if the winner gets a cake of their choice, baked just for them,” she said.

  “Of their choice, you said?” Sam asked.

  “Aha! Just describe what you want, and I’ll make it.”

  “Conrad, you game?”

  “Sure, but I have the feeling I’ll live to regret the decision,” he said.

  Moira grabbed a pen and paper. “Okay, so you tell me who you think will remain and I’ll write the names down, then I’ll tally at the end of the show.”

  They watched as the girls arrived, dressed to the nines and hoping to make a first impression. And as they made their first impressions to Sam and Conrad, she took the names they called out. And at the end they had to eliminate a few since each list was slightly too long. Once all the ladies had made their entrance, Moira made good on her word and left them to watch something else and she retired to her bedroom, and continued to watch the show.

  When the show ended she tallied the results and laughed when it was a tie. It was going to be interesting what kind of a cake they would choose. Moira thought she would make things interesting and have them agree on one cake. As the time the news came on, Moira prepared for bed. Despite her earlier nap, sleep came easily. Her only warning that Conrad had joined her, was his warm body behind her. When he snuggled behind her, she went back to sleep.

  Since they started spending nights together, Conrad became her alarm clock. He always woke her up wanting sex. It was always a slow process with him preparing her with his fingers for his cock. Moira floated between sleep and waking up until she felt him nudge into her. The man was insatiable, and by the look of things, that disease was spreading to her too.

  “Morning,” she said when he had slipped through. It was a tight fit. Overwhelming.

  “Morning,” he grunted. “Sleep well?”

  “Like a baby,” she replied. Moira moaned as he palmed her breast and kneaded it until she felt the corresponding ache in her pussy.

  “I’m going out of town today,” he told her.

  She had found it funny that he discussed his day with her during their morning sex. But now was quite used to it and didn’t have the need to wonder where he was most of the times. She hadn’t thought that men volunteered their day planner like that. Or was he just trying to put her at ease.

  “Where?” she asked.

  “Just Tampa.” He grunted and pushed hard. “Will be back tonight.” He took the second breast and did the same. Moira linked her fingers with his as he kneaded her breast. “Will you miss me?”


  “Good answer,” he told her. “Now lift your ass. Perfect.” He withdrew completely then pushed her chest flush against a pillow and thrust back in, then started moving slowly in and out, like a man with all the time in the world. He flicked her nub and Moira flew apart.

  She turned and held her hands out. Conrad went into her arms and they kissed slowly, and as the kiss progressed from slow to fast, so did Conrad enter her again and move fast until they were both panting.

  Conrad knelt in front of her. “Don’t move,” he said and lifted her legs to his shoulders. He palmed his cock then moved closer to her and pushed his mushroom head in. He retreated when she moved. “Don’t move,” he repeated. He played with her nerve endings until Moira was thrashing wildly and crying for him to fill her. He surged right in and her orgasm hit her hard. Conrad fucked her fast and hard through her orgasm. Only when he too climaxed did Moira finally find peace and lay limp in bed. Her legs felt like they belonged to someone else. Conrad massaged them until she felt blood flowing through again.

  “So Tampa,” she said and they both laughed. Her alarm which they referred to as the secondary alarm rang. Conrad reached out and shut it off, then grabbed her from the bed to the shower. He washed her and then she left him to finish with his shower.

  Because she now knew what to look out for, Moira saw a car leaving as soon as they each pulled out of the parking lot. She guessed that was either Mitch, Jim or one of the other protection guys. Apparently it was a team of six. Protecting both him and his dad.


  “Let’s do something different,” Moira said to her team later that morning. “For the next several days I want each of you to think of a morning pastry and afternoon dessert you want to try out. You will each take a full week to make whatever you come up with, serve it everyday and if the response if positive we will incorporate it into our menu choices.”

  Christi Sanchez jumped up and down with joy.

  Moira laughed. “I see someone is already excited. How about you two guys?” When everyone was on board, they agreed to finalize on Friday.

  Moira and Sofia were now meeting every other day and since they were meeting today, she left early enough to make the meeting. They were becoming friends, although most of the stories were one sided. Sofia was not shy about talking about herself and her family escapades. With three younger brothers she was never short of stories to tell.

  “How is my favorite niece doing?” Stu came in hoping to sweet talk her into a taste of the mango cake they had just tried out that day.

  “She is doing well, uncle Stu. But you still can’t have a taste just yet,” she told him.

  “Ah! A pity. What are you waiting for?”

  “Sofia need it to cool down then she will put some icing on it. You can try some of the icing though,” she said.

  “If that cake tastes as good as it looks, it’s worth while waiting for, so I’ll skip the icing and just wait for the finished product,” he told them.

  “In that case, let’s go to your office. I need to talk some business with you,” she told him.

  “Okay, just don’t be asking for a raise,” he told her.

  Laughing she told him she was quite happy with her salary. Then asked him if he saw the check for the Valentine’s order she did. He did and told her that he had meant to talk to her about it on Friday, but she had left early.

  “Well, I’m glad you liked it. Now I just need to let things simmer down a bit then I’ll hit them with Easter chocolates. Surely, nobody can resist marshmallow covered chocolates,” she asked.

  “I don’t know Moira. It’s not like Easter is as popular as Valentine’s. Maybe you’ll need to wait until Christmas. Maybe Thanksgiving,” he said thinking of more holidays before that.

  “Or Halloween. But I’m not giving up on Easter just yet. But in the meantime, I am being kept busy by the private orders people are making. Of course those are billed at full price. And just last week, someone was asking me to make them a cake for their little boy’s birthday,” she told him in excitement.

  “And how is that going?”

  “She is still working on a theme, so depending on what she comes up with, we will see whether she will want a cake or opt for cupcakes. So it’s still up in the air right now.”

  “I know I haven’t said this before, but I’m proud of what you have done so far. My brother would be proud of you,” Stu said thinking of how his brother, Clay used to teach her a
ll the baking secrets. After Sam hadn’t shown any interest in the kitchen besides cooking enough to keep him satisfied, his dad, Clay had turned to Moira and taken her under his wing. She had become his little protégé such that by the time she went to college and worked under some renowned chefs, she was already a mini pro.

  “Thanks Stu. And I better get back, I think the cake has cooled enough,” she said. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” Then she was out of his office with a wave.

  After Sofia had carefully decorated her mango cake they each took a slice. Moira took a few more slices then she left Sofia to give Stu his slice to taste.

  She left a couple of slices for Sam, then she packed her overnight bag and left for Conrad’s penthouse. He had given her back the keycard she had left at the Coincierge desk the other night. She waved as she took the elevator. The penthouse was silent. She had it all to herself for the next couple of hours. A text from Conrad had told her his meeting had run over.

  She ate a solitary dinner of chicken pot pie and salad. She caught a few minutes of chat time with Sere. Moira thought her friend didn’t sound her usual self, but didn’t press her.


  He found her fast asleep on his sofa. This woman who had in a short time rocked his world and started meaning something he didn’t care to name just yet. Before she entered his life, he would have stayed the night in Tampa, but today he had been itching to come back and share his bed with her. When the meeting went over, he had been disappointed that they wouldn’t get to share the evening together. If it had been Friday, he would have just flown her to join him in Tampa. Which would have been perfect because they would then have spent the weekend there.

  He warmed the chicken pot pie she had made for him, found the salad in the fridge then grabbed a beer and went to sit in the sitting room. He ate and watched her sleep. He thought of how he had thought she would be a quick fuck, something to quench his thirst for a night or two. And yet here he was, still not quenched, but just the opposite. Still wanting more. He had almost lost his mind last week when he got home to find her gone and then the guy at the Coincierge desk tell him she had run out crying. He didn’t know how long this was going to last, but he wasn’t ready to let her go just yet. He had always enjoyed the fast life, a different woman every few nights. None of them had ever had him coming for more. None of them had managed to ever see the inside of his home, and yet she had seen it even before they had fucked. And fuck they did, almost every night. sometimes several times a night. she never complained, and he tried to take it slow for her sometimes, yet she always begged him to go faster and while at times he resisted, other times he just lost the battle. Looking at her he felt a protective feeling wash over him. He wanted to keep the bad dreams and bad stuff away from her life. She was made to be cherished, and he would try to be that man, who did that for her.

  Conrad washed his food down with his beer then cleaned after himself. He took a shower then came to carry her to bed. She sighed then snuggled into his chest.

  Chapter Twenty Five

  Moira was glad she had managed to sway Conrad into agreeing to her Easter idea. It had taken some doing, but with his dad again coming to her rescue, things had gone according to plan. Today was Good Friday and they were following the same plan as they had taken with the Valentine’s day treats. Everyone was getting a bag filled with Easter chocolates. She knew of a shop that sold chocolates by the weight and had ordered from them a couple of weeks before. Now all they had to do was package everything into the cute little bags she had found.

  Christi, Jeff and Vinny had all agreed to come in early today so they could start early and hopefully finish early too. A win win situation for everyone involved. It was going to be a long weekend for Moira. She had taken the Monday off so she could just relax a bit.

  It seemed like she was never home for the past several weekends. Two weeks ago they had met with Sere in Tampa and spent the weekend at The Tampa. They had done everything from ordering room service and eating in the various restaurants in the hotel. Lucas had okayed the hotel stay and it was exciting being two girls in a huge city alone. They had done a lot of touristy stuff too and just enjoyed each other.

  With Conrad insisting they use his jet, they had travelled in style. The jet had taken Moira and gone to pick Sere up, then they both went to Tampa. She had put her foot down when he had told her he would send Mitch with them. It had taken a couple of days before he relented. She had won on the bodygurad issue and he had won on the mode of transportation. He had laughed when she had told him he was learning how to compromise. Always used to getting his own way, it had been a tough pill to swallow.

  The weekend before Conrad had taken her to Aspen. It had been cold and the snow had been beautiful but Moira refused to go skiing afraid she would fall and break her legs. They ended up spending the weekend couped up indoors. He had told her the house belonged to a friend. Apparently the friend was an avid skiier and came to the lodge a lot, but when he didn’t use it, he allowed his friends to use it. The only friend she knew was Lucas, so Moira didn’t ask.

  They had made fires in both the living room and their bedroom. Lucas had made love to her constantly from the Friday night they had arrived till the Sunday afternoon they had left. He had been patient and slow, as if he were savouring a fine wine. Moira felt like she was on a marathon of orgasms. They were short, and they were long, but most of all, they were out of this world. She hadn’t wanted to think further than the next day or week. But she was beginning to have a lot of feelings towards him, the sex aside. He had wormed his way into her and she didn’t think it would be easy to move on and forget about him.

  That weekend, he had taken good care of her, cooked meals everyday for her, and refused to let her lift a finger. Moira had felt spoiled – pampered – coddled. Now how was any man supposed to compete with that? The men or rather boys she had gone out with had always waited for her to cook. And once they found out she could cook, the dining out or take-outs stopped.

  “You are positively glowing,” Sere had told her during their Tampa trip. Moira had finally agreed when she finally took a good look in the mirror.

  And finally Sere came clean with what was bothering her for the last few weeks. She thought George was cheating but just couldn’t prove it. When she had asked him, he had denied it, then he became very attentive to her, but after about a week he started slipping again.

  “Every relationship hits a hard patch, Sere,” she told her friend. “Maybe there is something going on at work he doesn’t want to bother you with, or doesn’t want you to know.”

  “It’s possible. I did think about that, but something tells me it’s more,” she had said.

  “Just don’t go assuming the worst and turn out to be like me when I assumed wrong when I heard that voice message that fateful Thrusday night. That day will always hound me and will forever be glad that Conrad came after me, refusing to give up even after I ignored his calls and texts.”

  “I know. That’s why I’m also not trying to play detective, because when you start looking for faults, you will find them,” Sere said and sighed. “But on the other hand, you also don’t want to be blind sided,” she added.

  “I know things are okay in my world right now, but please don’t hesitate to come to me with your troubles,” Moira told her.

  “Thanks, Moira. I feel better just talking about it, but can we get back to enjoying Tampa?”

  Moira came back to the present when Jeff Myers called her name twice before it penetrated. “Must be some dream you were having there,” he said after she had blinked herself to the present world.

  “Hi Jeff. I was just reminiscing about our trip to Tampa. I met up with Sere, and we had a blast,” she told him. “Oh, I wish you could have been there, but then it was just a girls trip. Sorry.”

  “I couldn’t make it the same weekend when you went to Orlando, and then you scratched me out for Tampa,” he replied. “Who else went? Was it a couples thing?” he asked susp

  “Just the two of us.” Moira knew Jeff suspected she was having a relationship with Conrad. But he hadn’t been able to get her to confirm, and neither had he seen them together for weeks now. But he was still suspicious, Moira was sure.

  When her phone kept pinging, Moira had to excuse herself from Jeff. She knew it was Conrad. He was still jealous of Jeff and each time he saw them together he made his displeasure known. She had found out that he constantly watched her in the cafeteria, courtesy of the camera’s they had installed in the common areas around the building. She opened the message and sure enough it was him. So sophisticated and so immature at times.

  Conrad: Baby, if you don’t get rid of him in 5 mins, I’m coming down. And you won’t like what I’ll have to do.

  Moira: Keep your pants zipped. I know yours is bigger.

  Conrad: How would you know, you said you never fucked him. Or was that a lie?

  Moira: Not a lie. But I have gone swimming with him.

  Conrad: And you checked him out?

  Moira: I always check every guy out.

  Conrad: We’ll need to talk about that later tonight.

  Moira: Yeah, and we’ll also talk about how you check women’s boobs and asses.

  Conrad: It’s probably best if we forget about everything.

  Moira laughed and got back to work. They were done with delivering their Easter goodies by noon, and by 2pm lunch had been served. Soon after that Moira and her group left, leaving the cleanup crew behind.

  It was getting warmer and warmer and Moira couldn’t wait for Winter to finally break into Spring. The weather was perfect for a swim, so Moira took herself over to the pool and joined a group of others who had the same idea. She tied her hair into a ponytail and did about four lengthwise laps then she took the shorter width laps. She saw their neighbor coming to join her and they talked for a bit. A a few minutes later Moira left and went to get ready.


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