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Miami Hot: #1 (Miami Heat Series)

Page 25

by Joyce Jordan

  As soon as she said she needed him inside her, Conrad turned her to lie on her back and entered her in one fluid move. She started moving instantly and Conrad followed and matched her movements.

  Moira felt like she was in heaven. It was glorious. She set the pace and he followed. He soothed her nipples with his tongue as they moved. “More,” she cried and dug her fingers into his back.

  Conrad took her ass into his hands and met her thrust for thrust and made her pleasures known which only fueled him. When he felt her close, he moved faster and faster and she groaned in excitement. They battled and when she couldn’t take it anymore, her virginal walls squeezed him hard and she came with him following immediately behind her.

  “Oh God,” she breathed heavily. “I think I’m becoming such a slut.”

  “You won’t hear any complaints from me,” he said laughing at her embarrassment. She tried to elbow him, but he held her hands expecting that. He turned them and they lay side by side. “Feeling better?” he asked.

  She stretched feeling content. “Much,” she replied with a yawn.

  Conrad watched her sleep. It was almost dawn. If he had been at his home, he would probably have gone to his office to do some work. There was always work to be done in his empire. New projects to think of. Old projects to supervise. Personal investments to over see. But nothing beat watching the woman beside him. He was always finding ways to be close to her. after his dad had caught him watching her more than once at work, he had told him he was officially a stalker. And since then he had understood why some stalkers did what they did. Unfortunately some were just evil, which meant there were good and bad stalkers, with him being in the good category. He smiled thinking how the law enforcement would love hearing that. It was two hours before she slowly came awake. With the amount of sleeping she had done since yesterday afternoon, Conrad thought she had finally worn herself out with sleep.

  “Morning,” she smiled sleepily.

  “Morning,” he answered her. He had his head resting against his palm with his elbow holding his head up.

  “How long have you been up?”

  “Since you woke up all horny and needy,” he laughed.

  She laughed. “And you never went back to sleep?”

  “No, I just watched you sleep instead. I love doing that. You are beautiful when you sleep. Besides I enjoy hearing you talk when you are asleep.”

  “That’s not true, I don’t talk in my sleep,” she said in surprise. “Besides, you would have said so before,” she added.

  “Well, let’s see. You told me I should go ahead and book that vacation for summer. You…”

  “I did not!” Moira said and rose up. She straddled him and held his hands against his head. “Now, I need you to take that back. It’s a lie, and you know it.” Moira knew he was making it up. He had been relentless in asking her to take a month away with him and go on a cruise. When she had looked at him as if he had grown another head, he had reduced it to a couple of weeks. But Moira still told him he was crazy. A week, she might consider, but nothing was a guarantee.

  “No, I won’t because as soon as you said it, I called Janet and told her to book it. So it’s already been paid for, which means you have to make good on your word,” he told her laughing.

  “That’s it,” she told him, then started tickling him. She got him before he reversed their positions and roared with laughter. Moira kicked and found her legs strapped underneath his legs. She found her hands held in one of his, then he tickled her with the other hands. She cried out and begged, but he kept on tickling her until he felt pity for her. As soon as he stopped, he took her breasts and the mood suddenly changed.

  “You are beautiful baby,” he told her. “Your breasts seem a little fuller,” he said caressing them tenderly, “and your body is more lush,” he added moving his hands down her body. “I think the sex agrees with you,” he said with a wink at her.

  “With the non stop sexual demands from you, what…” Moira froze. “Oh God, get of me, get of me,” she cried out. With superham effort, she managed to dislodge him and quickly got out of bed.

  Conrad followed her worried at her tone. “What’s wrong Moira?” He found her looking at herself in the mirror. She kept turning this and that way, holding her breasts up, then she touched her tummy and squinted.

  “This can’t be true,” she said in dismay.

  “What’s not true?”

  “I need to think,” she told him and took her robe and covered herself.

  Conrad took his robe too and followed her. He found her pacing in the bedroom, mumbling the word no over and over again. When he couldn’t stand the suspense any longer, he took her shoulders and she stopped. She tried to get away, but he held still.

  “Let me go,” she said very quietly.

  “Not until you tell me what’s got you so panicked,” he replied without budging.

  “This is a nightmare,” she said and sighed.

  “Baby, I have no idea what you are talking about, so enlighten me please.”

  “I haven’t had my period for a while now,” she whispered.

  Conrad froze. “How long is a while?”

  “I’m not sure, but I think since we have been together,” she told him.

  “And this is only occurring to you now?” he asked quietly.

  “Yes, I…What do you mean?”

  “Well, don’t you have a calendar that you use? Isn’t this thing like clockwork?”

  “Stop putting the blame on me, Mr I want bare sex,” she said poking his chest. “If you hadn’t been trying to shove your dick into me every second, you would have noticed too.”

  “Well, mybe if you hadn’t forgotten to take the damn pills, we wouldn’t be in tis predicament,” he shouted back.

  “I didn’t forget,” she shouted back.

  “Well, obviously you did, otherwise you wouldn’t be pregnant.”

  A knock sounded on the door and they both shouted, “Go away.”

  “Oh dear God. Sam,” Moira wailed and started pacing again. “We are both dead,” she said with glee. “But looking on the bright side, I get to watch you die, slowly.”

  “Everything okay in there?” Sam asked from outside the bedroom door.

  Conrad pulled the door open and Sam almost fell in. “Your sister is pregnant and we are getting married,” he hissed at Sam.

  “What?” Moira screamed.

  “How did that happen?” Sam asked.

  “She forgot to take her pills,” he replied.

  Moira stamped her foot down. “I didn’t forget, you sex starved asshole.”

  “Kids!” Sam shouted to be heard. “Weren’t you practising safe sex?”

  “You ask him,” Moira said pointing to Conrad. “And I’m not getting married,” she told them both.

  “Oh yes you are,” they both said.

  “You are both delusional. If you so want to see a wedding, why don’t you get married to each other,” she told them then went into the bathroom and locked the door.

  Moira heard Conrad banging on the door, demanding that she open up. He argued with Sam until Sam finally managed to drag him away. She heard him tell Conrad to give her time to come around.

  Moira tried to calculate from her last period but failed because she couldn’t remember exactly when. Besides, maybe it could be a false alarm. Had happened with Sere before, so she would call her friend for guidance. With that thought she took a long hot shower relieving the morning and hoping for a miracle. Not that having a baby wasn’t a miracle. But that was not the miracle Moira was hoping for.

  She was glad to find the bedroom empty when she left the bathroom. She quickly dressed and dried her hair, then called Sere. The news wasn’t so comforting. While Sere had been late after just a month, Moira’s rough calculation told her it was closer to the two month mark since her last peroid. And since they had started having unprotected sex from that Valentine’s day night, it could be anyone’s guess when his little swimmers found
her innocent eggs and fought their way in.

  Chapter Twenty Six

  Panicked Conrad paced the living room as Sam sat and watched him. A lot was going through his head but nothing stayed long enough for him to digest and make any plans. Only two words stuck in his mind. Baby and marriage. Both frightening in their own right.

  “You need to sit down man, you are giving me a headache,” Sam told him.

  Conrad looked at Sam and ignored him. “We need to get married as soon as possible. Next weekend at the latest. Something quiet, and then if she wants a big wedding, we can do that later.” He stopped in front of Sam. “What do you think? You think you can be there for her next weekend?” Without waiting for a response, he went on, “I’m sure dad can re-schedule anything he might have on his calendar. Lucas is not a problem. Then I’m sure she will want her best friend, Sere to be there. That’s it right? Who else is missing? Your uncle, Stu?”

  “Sit down, Conrad. Besides you should be planning this with her.”

  He made an evil laugh. “You should know your sister better. Stubborn as a mule. Makes me crazy. Fuck, no woman has ever done that before,” he said wearily then fell into a chair.

  “Now, I’m all about you and her getting married. The two of you belong together. But aren’t you jumping the gun a little?” Sam asked.


  “I mean, it could be a false alarm. Shouldn’t she have the doctor test her, or maybe use those pregnancy kits?” he elaborated.

  Conrad jumped up. “Fuck, you are a genius. Let me go buy one now. I’ll be back shortly,” he said.

  “There is a Walgreens down the road. But just don’t scare the little ladies at the pharmacy in your attire,” Sam said laughing.

  Conrad looked down and laughed. “Right. Moira would have a field day if I ended up in jail for indecent exposure.”

  They both laughed at the picture.

  “Let me call Lucas,” he said. “He should be able to get his sorry ass out of bed and bring it.”

  “Okay, well, let me get dressed,” Sam said as he rose. “But don’t go in there until she is out. If you corner her she will spook and you won’t like what she does,” he warned.

  “Right,” Conrad agreed with a grimace. When Sam walked away he called Lucas and gave him the brief version.

  “Double congratulations, man,” Lucas said heartily.

  “Fuck you! I need your help,” he told him.

  “What do you need?”

  “We need to do a pregnancy test, but I am not dressed to go out. She is sequestered in her bedroom and Sam advised me against going in there because it will just make her go mad. So that’s where you come in.”

  “Okay, just have breakfast ready when I get there,” he agreed. “Give me about an hour at most.”

  They disconnected and Conrad sat for a moment, thinking about the sudden change in his life. He rose and went into the kitchen to get busy.

  Sam was out a short while later. “You making food for how many people?” he asked with a raised eyebrow.

  “You, Lucas, me, and Moira is eating for two,” he said.

  Sam laughed. “O-k-a-y,” he said dragging the word out carefully. It looked like the food was enogh to feed an army. “You need help?”

  “No, just need to keep busy, otherwise I will go mad,” he told him. “Do you think she is okay in there?” he asked looking in the direction of her bedroom. “It’s been more than an hour and she doesn’t usually take that long to dress. Except when she’s just trying to make me wait for sex. Oops. Sorry.”

  “Yeah, that’s way too much information about my sister,” Sam said with a groan.

  Conrad smiled sheepishly. “Just came out, sorry,” he said again. “Anyway, maybe you can go and find out?” he asked hopefully.

  “No way, I’m just going to enjoy the show. Sit and watch the fireworks,” he said with glee. “And wait to walk her down the isle.”

  “You seem to be having an unhealthy amount of joy at my predicament,” Conrad said.

  “Now that the shock is over, I see the humor in all this,” he replied grinning. “You run a billion dollar empire, so it’s pretty funny when said man runs around in circles over some girl.”

  “Sorry, I fail to see the humor,” he said trying not to laugh. “Besides, I’ve got it all under control,” he added with as much conviction as he could master.

  Sam stood to open the door when the doorbell rang. “Right, keep telling yourself that. And soon you will believe the earth is square.”

  “Congratulations uncle,” Lucas shook Sam’s hand and grinned as he entered. “I brought champagne,” he said and raised his hand holding the bottle. He grabbed his friend when he got to the kitchen and gave him a slap on the shoulder. “So where is the bride?” he asked putting his packages on the table.

  “The bride is reluctant, so I wouldn’t go there if I were you,” Sam warned.

  “Your charm is failing?” Lucas asked Conrad.

  “Like a sinking ship,” Sam replied. “You should have been here for the fireworks.”

  “Sorry, I missed them. Did she roast him?”

  “Royally. We are still trying to remove the charred remains,” Sam asnwered Lucas.

  Conrad cleared his throat. “I’m right here, you know.”

  “Moira!” Lucas said loudly. He gave her a bear hug. “Good Morning. How are you feeling?’

  “Great. Thanks Lucas.” She hugged him back. “He told you?” she asked him.

  “Yes. I know you are still adjusting, but it’s not everyday I get to be an uncle, therefore, I brought champagne,” he said pointing to the bottle. “So I hope you will forgive me,” he said with a puppy dog face.

  Moira laughed feeling some of the tension slip away.

  “Now, why don’t you come and have breakfast. Here take a seat,” he said and pulled a chair out for her.

  Sam and Conrad watched dumbfounded. Lucas ignored them and added food on Moira’s plate. Soon they were all eating with Lucas keeping the conversation alive, mostly discussing some of the hotel guests behavior over the years.

  When the table was being cleared, Moira saw a Walgreens plastic bag sitting on the countertop. She opened it wondering what it was doing in the kitchen. She found several boxes of pregnancy kits, all claiming over 99% accuracy.

  And after that another battle went on with Moira refusing to take any of the pregnancy tests, and Conrad saying they needed to make sure it wasn’t just a false alarm. Not that she wouldn’t mind a false alarm, but after much consideration, Moira was 100% sure she was correct. Since her first period, she had never been late. It came, always like clockwork. And what bothered her more was the fact that he had made the decision himself without talking to her. She knew she was being irrational but right now she just felt all scared about having an unplanned pregnancy, then being told she needed to get hitched just because she was pregnant.

  “Well, if you are pregnant, I know it’s my baby in there, so I need to know,” he told her. “This is not up for discussion Moira. You will pee on the damn stick even if I have to hold the damn stick myself,” he threatened. “And we will be getting married on Saturday.”

  “Very smooth King,” Lucas said when Moira started crying.

  Conrad cursed and tried to hold her, but she refused and swore at him. “Go fuck yourself,” she told him.

  Sam received the same treatment. “You can marry him for all I care,” she told him.

  Only Lucas managed to calm her down. He stood with her in his arms. She cried into his chest. He produced a hankie and she took it and blew her nose noisily. “Sorry,” she mumbled. Conrad walked away and went to take a shower.

  Sam took charge of the kitchen and cleaned it twice until he saw Lucas giving him the eye when he was about to go for the third round. None of them knew what to do with a crying female. Finally when she quietened down, Lucas managed to convince her to take the test. When Conrad came out of the bedroom, Moira took the plastic bag and walked into the
bedroom. She locked the door because she didn’t trust Conrad to want to wait and see. She took the package to the bathroom and opened three different kits. If all three were positive that would do it, but if one of them came back negative, then she decided she would open another.

  While Moira peed on all three stick, the men waited like expectant fathers. No one said a word, they all paced and avoided looking at each other. She washed her hands and sat on the edge of the bathtub. Her little sticks were all arranged like little soldiers about to fire deadly news. A few minutes later she got her results and she cried tears of joy. She took the sticks and came out of the bedroom crying silent tears.

  This time when Conrad opened his arms she flew into them. After a minute she composed herself then stepped away. She handed him the three sticks and on one he read a plus sign, and the other two both said the word pregnant.

  “I’m sorry you are not happy baby,” he told her.

  “No,I’m over that. I’m excited,” she smiled.

  “Are you sure?” he asked.

  When she nodded, he took her in his arms again, then kissed her.

  “Okay, okay,” Lucas said breaking them apart. “She is already pregnant, no need for that now,” he said with a grin. “Now how about a hug from the two uncles?” he asked.

  Moira smiled and hugged him then moved on to Sam.

  “I’m sorry,” she said to Sam. “I know this isn’t what you expected, but Little Bo Peep is coming and I need you by my side.”

  “Ah, Moira! You are an adult now. I know sometimes it’s hard for me to grasp that concept, but I am proud of you. Besides, I get to spoil Little Bo Peep,” he said with a chuckle. He wiped her tears and she stepped away.

  “Okay, now how about that champagne,” Lucas said as he popped the cork. He poured champagne into three glasses, then poured orange juice into a fourth glass. “Sorry, mum. No alcohol until Little Bo Peep is out,” he said laughing.


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