Book Read Free

The Grey Zone

Page 29

by Easton, Don

  Forty minutes later, Jack suggested they get back to the trailer and blow up some balloons while he finished making the punch.

  “Already?” Peter complained. “I’m on my best game ever.”

  “Go ahead and finish it,” Jack replied. “I’m going to go sit in the cockpit again.”


  Jack put the punch bowl on the kitchen table and fussed over it, ladling some of it into a glass and pretending to sample it, then repeating the process as he added more ingredients, conscious that Skye was watching.

  “Okay, it’s ready,” Jack announced. He ladled out the mixture into the lowball glasses and had Skye deliver them to the others, who were seated in the living room. He also took that opportunity to pour some of the crème de menthe he’d set aside earlier into his own glass before entering the living room.

  Celeste smiled at him. “Saved you a spot,” she said, patting the sofa cushion.

  Jack glanced at Skye, who went to get a kitchen chair for himself, then returned Celeste’s smile and sat beside her.

  Jack cleared his throat, then raised his glass in a toast. “Happy birthday, Celeste … and don’t forget, an Irish woman is never drunk as long as she can hold on to one blade of grass and never fall off the face of the earth.”

  “That’s supposed to be an Irish man!” Celeste exclaimed, but she laughed.

  “To you,” he said, then gulped his drink down.

  Score one for Celeste. One for Skye … although it looks like he didn’t like it. Derek only took a sip. Same as Horace.

  “Yeah, I’ll have another one of them,” Peter said.

  “You can have mine,” Derek said, handing his brother the glass. “A bit too sweet for me.”

  “I’m going for another one, as well,” Jack said, standing up. He looked at Celeste.

  “Why not,” she said, handing him her glass.

  Jack reached for Skye’s. “Uh, thanks, no,” he said.

  “Come on, you’re part of the team, aren’t you?” Jack chided.

  Skye grinned. “Guess you owe me that one. Okay, one more.”

  Jack was a little slower to consume his second glass, but by the time he did, Skye and Celeste had finished, as well. Horace’s original glass was still half-full, but Peter had finished Derek’s drink and already helped himself to a third.

  Damn it, slow down, you idiot. If you pass out, Celeste and Skye will be giving me the hairy eyeball when they start to really feel the effects.

  By the time dinner was over, Skye and Celeste were beginning to slur their words. When Peter stood up, he stumbled and had to grab the wall to keep from falling.

  Son of a bitch. He’s out of it. Celeste and Skye aren’t quite there yet. We need to keep the party going for a little while longer. Even though everyone else was finished eating, he speared another section of ribs as Peter staggered toward the bathroom.

  Celeste glared at Horace. “How much did the two of you drink out in the hangar today? I know we’re having a party, but get real. We have a job to do tomorrow.”

  “Nothin’,” Horace replied. “I swear.”

  “Yeah, I’ll bet.”

  The sound of Peter vomiting came from the washroom.

  “Real nice,” Celeste said. “Get him out of here. Grab his sleeping bag and put him in the hangar to sleep it off.”

  “He’s my brother, I’ll look after him,” Derek said, then looked at Celeste. “Nobody had any beers in the hangar.” He raised the half-full beer he’d been drinking and said, “This is the first beer I’ve had.”

  “Same for me,” Horace said, indicating his own bottle.

  “I think that punch was stronger than it tasted,” Derek said, eyeing Jack.

  “It is pretty strong,” Jack acknowledged. “Sorry, maybe I should’ve warned everyone.”

  “Yeah … I can feel it myself,” Skye said. “I won’t be having any more, that’s for sure.”

  Peter lurched out of the washroom and Derek steadied him by the arm to lead him outside to the hangar. After a few minutes, Derek returned. “He’s passed out. It had to have been really strong.”

  Jack smiled apologetically, then slowly finished off the last piece of rib on his plate. He was conscious of Celeste staring at him from across the table and knew that to reach for more food now would make her suspect that he was stalling.

  “I wonder if this would be a good time for you and me to check on our guest?” Celeste said, as Jack wiped his fingers with a paper towel.

  “Uh, might be a bit early,” he replied. “We haven’t had your birthday cake yet.” He felt her toes search out his groin under the table and squirmed back in his chair.

  Celeste looked bemused at his discomfort. “I prefer to have my cake afterward,” she said, rising to her feet. “Derek and Horace can do the dishes when they’re done their beers.” She looked at Skye. “Aren’t you supposed to have an online chat with someone?”

  “Oh, right … I’ll need some privacy,” Skye replied, his head swaying slightly.


  Jack followed Celeste and Skye down the hall, all too aware that Derek and Horace were watching him from where they sat at the kitchen table.

  Upon entering Jack’s room, Skye sat down heavily on the bed.

  “You all right?” Celeste asked.

  “I’ve got a splitting headache,” he replied, massaging his temples with his fingers.

  “Come with me,” Celeste said. “I’ve got some Tylenol in the bathroom. I could use one myself.”

  Drugs and poison … that should be a good mixture to speed things up.

  Celeste looked at Jack. “Wait here.”

  He waited until the two of them had entered the master bedroom, then whispered in Alicia’s ear. “Everything’s going well. Skye won’t be awake much longer.”

  A moment later Skye reappeared in the doorway and gestured with his head toward the master bedroom. “Go on in, she, uh, wants to talk to you.” He held the door jamb to steady himself, then continued down the hall to the kitchen.

  His shirt was tucked in a moment ago and now it’s not. Got a gun in your waistband? In your condition you’ll be lucky not to shoot yourself.

  Jack tipped Alicia’s chair back and dragged her into the master bedroom. As he did, he saw Skye talking to Derek and Horace. From the bit of conversation he picked up, they were telling him that they felt okay.

  “Close the door, Jack,” Celeste said, emerging from the ensuite. She was wearing a black leather mask, a black leather bra, tight black leather shorts, and knee-high leather boots.

  Jack closed the bedroom door, then gestured to Alicia. “Do you have the scissors?”

  “This isn’t your fantasy, Jack. This is my birthday, and things are going to be a little different.”


  “Take the tape off her eyes. I’m saving her for a grand finale, but I want her to watch.”

  “But she’ll see you.”

  “We’ve been over that. I’m willing to risk it. Hurry up.”

  Jack peeled the tape from Alicia’s eyes and saw the fear in them. He heard the door of the room next to them closing. Good, Skye’s back. Bet he passes out within twenty minutes at the most.

  “Leave your underwear on, but take off everything else and lie down on the bed,” Celeste ordered.

  Hell, no!

  She opened the bedroom door a crack and called out to Skye. “You okay in there?”

  He mumbled an affirmative response, so Celeste closed the door and turned her attention back to Jack. “Why’re you still standing there? Get undressed.”

  “Maybe you’d like to take ’em off for me?” Jack suggested, nodding for her to join him where he stood beside the bed.

  “No, you do it.”

  Jack slowly started to unbutton his shirt, then smiled at Celeste, his fingers hesitating over the last couple of buttons.

  “My fantasy doesn’t include a striptease,” Celeste said. “Come on, off with it.
I want you on the bed. Why are you stalling?”

  “Pleasure comes from anticipation,” he replied.

  “I’ve been anticipating all day. Hurry up!”

  Can I get away with choking her out now? He glanced at his watch. It’s only been three minutes. I need to stall. He took off his shirt, jeans, and socks, then sat on the edge of the bed in his boxer shorts. He smiled and patted the sheets. “Get over here. Let me really put you in the mood.”

  “I’m already in the mood,” she replied, opening a dresser drawer. She took out some items and tossed them on the bed.

  Jack looked at the short black leather belts. No fucking way.

  “Do your ankles first, then one of your hands,” she ordered.

  “No, I’m not into bondage. The idea of it freaks me out.”

  Celeste shook her finger like he was a naughty child. “It’s my birthday, Jack. You said yourself it’d be a shame to disappoint a lady on her birthday. Now do what I command!”

  “But the idea of being tied up is like a phobia for me. I wouldn’t, uh, be able to perform.”

  “I’ll be the judge of that,” Celeste said testily.

  “No, really. I mean it.” That’s it, I’m not waiting. Time to put you out. He stood up, then heard Skye calling out, asking her to come back in for a minute. Damn it, now what?

  “Where do you think you’re going, Jack? Stay here, I’ll be right back.”

  As soon as she left, Jack took the paring knife from out of his jeans and cut the zip tie binding Alicia’s wrists to the back of the chair. He hadn’t yet had time to cut the one around her wrists before Celeste reappeared.

  “What’re you doing?” she demanded.

  “She was trying to say something,” Jack said, slipping the paring knife into Alicia’s hands before turning around. It was then he saw that Celeste was pointing a gun at him. “What the hell? What’s that for?”

  Celeste glared at him suspiciously. “My headache is getting worse and I’m starting to feel sick. I also get the distinct impression that you’re stalling, for some reason.” She gave a nod toward the door and added, “My partner’s feeling worse, though he hasn’t been sick or passed out like —” she glanced at Alicia “— like the young guy.” She paused. “You poison us somehow, Jack?”

  “No! What the hell? The ribs might’ve been a little off, but that’s not my fault.” He paused. “Now that you mention it, I don’t feel all that good, either.” Who would, with a gun pointed at them?

  “But who passes out from food poisoning? With the young guy, who knows? Maybe he did drink too much, but my partner didn’t. If he passes out in the next hour, you’re going be praying for me to kill you long before I actually do.”

  “You’re being paranoid. Can’t you see I’ve been looking forward to tonight as much as you?”

  “If that were true, you wouldn’t be stalling. Get your ass back on the bed and tie each ankle, with the strap overlapping the crossbar and one of the vertical bars at the foot of the bed. Space your feet about shoulder width apart. Then tie one hand to the headboard. After that, I’ll finish the job.”

  “This is ridiculous. Why are you blaming me for —”

  Celeste cocked the gun and aimed it at his face. “Do it!”

  Jack got on the bed and picked up a strap. As he tied his left ankle, he said, “You won’t shoot me. This is silly. Put the gun away and come over here.”

  “I won’t shoot you? For your information, I shot a guy just last month. Believe me, I’m not afraid to do it again!”

  “You did?” Celeste didn’t respond. “Okay, fine, but you’re going to see that we probably just ate something that was off,” Jack said with assurance. As he bound his right ankle, he glanced at Alicia, who was to his right. Their eyes met and she looked down at her own ankles before staring at Celeste.

  Jack understood. She couldn’t cut those ties without Celeste noticing. Another concern crossed his mind. When he’d cut the zip tie binding Alicia to the chair, one of the cut ends had sprung out wide. If Celeste saw it, she’d realize what was happening.

  “That one’s not tight enough,” Celeste said, gesturing to his ankle. “Pull it tight!”

  Jack tightened the belt further, then slipped the end through the loop to hold it in place. Both of his feet were secured. He flashed a smile to pretend he didn’t mind. Keep her talking. Lower her guard.

  “Now your hand,” Celeste said.

  “Okay, but tell me,” Jack said, as he picked up the two remaining belts, “what’s in store for her? Obviously it’s not my fantasy, but you said you were saving Ally for later. Let me enjoy some anticipation, too.”

  “She’ll be a treat for you and my partner later — if he’s okay,” she said, frowning.

  “Of course he’ll be okay,” Jack said quickly. “Come on, tell me what you’ve got planned,” he said, stringing one of the belts through the bars on the headboard on the side closest to Alicia. He held the belt in place with his wrist before turning to look at Celeste.

  Celeste smiled. “For starters, I’m going to tie her face down on the bed, with her feet at the headboard and her face overlooking the end.”


  Celeste then addressed Alicia directly. “Then I’m going to sit in that chair, hold your face up by your hair, and watch while Jack and my partner take turns fucking you up the ass.” She paused, relishing the look of fear on Alicia’s face, then turned to Jack. “Don’t worry, she’s not the type to kiss and tell.”

  “Forget that! Turning her on is one thing. That I’m willing to chance, but to do that …” He shook his head. “Any idea what happens to rapists in jail? If a riot breaks out, they’re the first ones who get —” He let the belts fall off the side of the bed and made an unsuccessful lunge for them. “Oops.”

  Celeste took care to aim the gun at him as she moved past Alicia toward the fallen belts. “Twist away from me and turn your head,” she commanded.

  Damn. “Sure, but first … what makes you think Ally won’t tell anyone?”

  Celeste smiled in response, while behind her, Alicia used the paring knife to cut away at a zip tie around her ankle.

  “Because she and I already know each other pretty well.” She studied his face for a reaction.

  “Help me!” Skye screamed from the hallway. A shudder through the trailer indicated that he’d crashed into a wall before staggering into the master bedroom.

  Celeste’s mouth fell open.

  Skye pointed at Alicia as he stumbled in. “Look out! She’s getting free!”

  As Celeste turned, Alicia sprang up and tried to stab her in the neck. Celeste jumped back and the knife left a long, bloody slash down her leg.

  “You bitch!” Celeste screamed over the sound of Derek and Horace charging down the hall.

  Jack made a grab for the gun while delivering a solid punch to the side of her face with enough force to break her jaw.

  She let out an anguished cry as she fell. At the same time, Derek burst into the room with his gun drawn. He was the first one Jack took a shot at, though the shot missed. Derek did an about-face and crashed into Horace as the both of them tumbled back out of sight.

  Jack pointed the gun at the doorway. Beside him on the floor, Skye was screaming. Alicia, with one foot still tied to the chair, had toppled over on him, and she was wildly stabbing at him with the knife while Celeste cried out from the bottom of the pile.

  “Alicia! Enough!” Jack said. “Cut yourself free!” He kept the pistol pointed at the doorway as he undid the belts around his own feet. A quick glance back told him that Celeste wouldn’t be a threat; she’d crawled out and was sitting in a corner, cupping her broken jaw in her hand. Any movement she made would cause her extreme pain.

  Skye lay in the fetal position beside her, staring at the defensive wounds on his hands. Several more puncture marks were visible on the back of his shoulder.

  Alicia crouched on her knees, her body trembling as she held the knife above them. She
still hadn’t removed the tape from around her mouth.

  Jack got on the floor beside her, still aiming the pistol over the top of the bed. “Peel the tape from your mouth,” he said.

  Alicia didn’t move, so Jack reached over and yanked the tape off, then turned his concentration onto the doorway. “You okay?” he asked over his shoulder.

  “No! She stabbed me!” Skye said, easing over to sit beside Celeste. “I’m —”

  “Not you, asshole! Shut the fuck up!”

  “I’m — I’m okay,” Alicia said.

  Like hell you are. You’re going into shock.

  “I’m bleeding all over,” Skye said, slurring his words and gawking at his bloody hands.

  “Derek Powers!” Jack yelled. “Ally and I are both undercover RCMP officers. You’re going to be arrested for kidnapping. Don’t up the ante to attempted murder!”

  “Bullshit!” Derek replied. “You’re nothing but a fuckin’ dope dealer!”

  Sounds like they’ve retreated to the kitchen. “We’ve had your phone bugged. We heard Peter talking to you about a drug deal by saying he was selling golf clubs. After that, we watched you set up on our undercover operator in your surveillance van at Brentwood Town Centre.”

  “Shit. He really is a cop,” he heard Derek say.

  “Got some more bad news for you!” Jack shouted. “I poisoned your brother with antifreeze. If you don’t get him to a hospital within a few minutes he’ll be dead!” He glanced at his watch. Actually he’s probably got another six or seven hours, but no need to tell him that.

  “Oh, fuck,” Skye whimpered beside him.

  Jack tried to listen as Derek and Horace argued. Derek wanted to save his brother, but Horace wanted to stay and kill them. A few minutes later, Jack heard movement behind him and turned to look. Skye had slumped over.

  Celeste stared wide-eyed at Jack.

  “You’ll both be dead if I don’t get to a phone,” he told her.


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