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The California Saga

Page 24

by Chunichi

  “Say no more.” I cut her off mid-sentence, noticing my baby mother, Ciara, staring at me from the cut.

  Although I missed my kids like crazy and wanted badly to see them, I wasn’t trying to see that bitch. That last time I saw her, I had beat the shit out of her and ended up in jail. She, just like Jewel, just had to fuck Calico.

  I turned back around to the bar, pretending to not even see her. If it wasn’t for my pending case and the temporary restraining order she had on me, I would have gone over there and beat her ass again. There was no amount of beating that could be punishment enough for the line that bitch had crossed.

  “Let me get a Grey Goose on the rocks.”

  “That’s on me,” one of my boys told the bartender. “Put all his drinks on my tab.”

  I spent the next hour, kicking it with my niggas and drinking Grey Goose like it was water. Before I knew it, I was fucked up.

  “Yo, I’m out, niggas,” I said to my boys as I scrambled to get off of my barstool.

  “Hold on, nigga. We can’t let you drive like that. You just got out the hospital from one injury. We can’t send you right back.”

  “Oh, he straight,” I heard a familiar female voice say.

  I looked up to see my ex-girlfriend, Lisa. Ghetto spots like Mo Dean’s wasn’t her thing. “What you doing here?”

  “Don’t you worry about it. Just be happy I’m here and willing to help your drunk ass,” she said, escorting me out the door.

  I looked back to see Diana giving me a dirty look. Sure, I wanted to fuck that, but Lisa had taken over. Besides, I knew Diana was guaranteed pussy. I could hit that at any day any time. I was lucky to get an opportunity to get up in Lisa’s stuff again because we’d broken up on bad terms. I was even surprised she had approached a nigga.

  “Where did you park?”

  “That way.” I pointed.

  Minutes later we were in my car.

  “Where to?” Lisa asked.

  “To my crib. Don’t act like you don’t know the way. You used to live there, remember?” I said, thinking back to the times Lisa and I used to kick it.

  “Yeah, until you kicked me out for your ignorant-ass baby mother!”

  “Yo, I ain’t trying to hear that shit.” My mind was on one thing and one thing only—pussy.

  It was times like this that I was grateful I didn’t sell or rent out my old crib out Bayside area, off of Newtown Road. We pulled up to my spot, and I stumbled out the car to the front door. Once inside I fell across the couch, lit up a cigarette, and called out to Lisa, who was heading up the stairs, apparently to my bedroom.

  “What you doing, girl? Get naked. You know you giving me some ass tonight.”

  There was no way she was staying the night at my crib and not fuck, especially since she’d fucked up my plans of getting with Diana.

  “I’m going to freshen up. Meanwhile, can you pour me some wine or something to help me relax, please?” she asked while walking upstairs.

  “Nah, I ain’t got nothing,” I replied, shaking my head.

  Just then my phone rang. I noticed I had three missed calls from Jewel already. At the time, I wasn’t even trying to hear nothing her ass had to say.

  Minutes later Lisa had come back downstairs with one of my T-shirts on. I lifted it up, only to see her neatly shaven pussy underneath.

  “Excuse you.” She pulled the shirt back down then straddled me.

  She tried to kiss me, but I quickly turned my head.

  “What? I can’t get a kiss?”

  I threw her on the couch and ripped her T-shirt and underwear off.

  “Why you got to be so rough?” She rolled her eyes at me.

  “Shut the fuck up!”

  My phone rang another four times back to back. I knew it was Jewel blowing me up.

  “Touch, you just tore my bra. This is a La Perla bra and panty set. Do you know how much this cost?”

  “Of course, I do. Wasn’t I the one buying you that shit when we were together? I probably bought this shit you got on now,” I replied, cramming my dick into her dry pussy.

  I figured she wasn’t in the mood yet, but I was sure it wasn’t anything the “king cobra” couldn’t fix. And, just as I figured, a few minutes later, I was hearing those sweet moans and groans.

  “Ride this dick,” I ordered after turning her over to switch positions.

  I had to admit, this bitch did have some good pussy. After we had finished fucking, she quickly fell asleep.

  I tried to, but Jewel kept calling. Knowing her, she was probably trying to hunt my ass down. I was never the nigga to turn my phone off, because I always figured that the one time I turned it off would be the day something happened to my mom or kids and they couldn’t reach me.

  But Jewel was leaving a nigga with no choice. Once phone call number fifteen had come through, I was forced to turn off my phone to get some rest. What a day! I thought, drifting off to sleep.

  Chapter 16

  “Cheating Death”


  “Gotdamn!” I yelled as I hung up the phone with my boy.

  He’d just given me the news that Calico was locked up. Most niggas would look at that shit as bad luck, but in his case, it was good luck. That nigga ain’t even know he was minutes away from death. That fucking arrest saved his life. The reason I couldn’t come for that nigga when he was calling me was because I was setting shit up so I could do him in. I was planning to pick him up and take him to the spot and dead his ass later in the day. But this time that nigga got away.

  Ring! Ring!

  I was surprised to see Jewel calling. I guess she’d heard the news too. “What up, ma?” I answered right away.

  “You fucking tell me. That’s what the fuck I want to know. What the fuck is up, Poppo?” Jewel yelled in the phone between tears.

  I hadn’t the slightest idea what the fuck she was snapping about. “Yo, yo, relax, mami. What’s going on?”

  “What the fuck did you say to Touch, Poppo? He came home talking some shit about me and you in cahoots together, and I can’t be trusted. He even tried to say we were fucking! That’s crazy, especially since I haven’t talked to you in forever. I assumed you were playing games when you stood me up, and now I hear this shit?”

  Right then I knew exactly what Jewel was talking about. It looked like Touch had finally broke the news to her. I personally wondered what the fuck took that nigga so long. I expected to get this call days ago. Already prepared for the wrath, I slipped right into character, becoming Mr. Concerned and Apologetic.

  “Listen, Jewel. I’m sorry, baby. I didn’t mean for shit to go down that way. That was my bad. A nigga wasn’t thinking.”

  “Did you tell him that we were fucking, Poppo?”

  “Nah, I would never do that. I’m a man of my word. You got to trust me. Besides, are we fucking?” I laughed.

  “Hell, no!” she snapped back.

  “All right, then. Bitch-ass niggas tell a whole bunch of people stupid shit like that. I’m a real nigga. Soon, my actions will show you that. I understand if you’re sitting on the sideline as a skeptic right now though, especially since the last time we were supposed to meet I never made it. But about that day, I swear, ma . . . that shit was out of my control. I was on my way and I ended up getting locked up over some bullshit.”

  “Things are real bad for me, Poppo,” Jewel cried out. “I’m fucked up in the game right now. I don’t know what to think or who to trust. You don’t understand the shit I’ve been through. I mean, look at this shit. Me and Calico use to be together. He was my man, Poppo, and now we’re fucking enemies. Sasha was my best friend, and she stabbed me in the back. Touch was all I had, and now that shit is fucked. What the fuck am I supposed to do or think?”

  “I feel you, baby girl. I understand you to the fullest. But I’m saying, I’m setting shit up, ma. Please, I just need you to be a little more patient with a nigga. This shit takes time. You feel me?”

  “Yeah, but I can
only be patient for so long,” she whimpered.

  “Don’t worry. I got chu. Can I bring you lunch, dinner, or anything else that would cheer you up?” I asked in a concerned tone of voice, trying to throw in a little game. I thought it was the perfect opportunity. Bitches always slipped up when they’re vulnerable.

  “No, thanks. I’ll be all right. I’m just ready to get things going.”

  “I know. I am too, so let me do my thing. You screaming in my ear ain’t helping either one of us.”

  “Okay,” Jewel said before hanging up the phone.

  I was relieved that I was able to calm things down and smooth shit over.

  Chapter 17

  “Thin Line between Love and Hate”


  I was at my parents crib in Columbia when I got the word. I kept repeating the words of Detective Tarver in my head, “We finally got him!” That was the greatest news I could have ever heard.

  Now that I knew Calico was locked up, I could finally move freely. I still wasn’t trying to testify against him, but I’d told the detectives any information I could find out about Jewel and her affiliation with TMF. I figured this was my only opportunity to finally get Jewel out the picture for good. And once she was gone, I would move in on her throne, steal her king, and rule her empire. Finally, I would be the queen that I was destined to be.

  I’d planned to only give them information that pointed toward Jewel. Hell, as far as I knew, she was the mastermind behind her and Touch’s little fortune anyway. She was the one with the TMF connect. Because TMF was one of the biggest organized drug rings in the United States, I knew that saying those words to the detective would be like music to his ears.

  I was still on some get-money shit. I had gained so much trust from Diablo, I’d gone from delivering packages to receiving them at my address for him. I was number one on the team. He trusted me more than he did some of his close boys, which worked in my favor. The more jobs I got, the more money I made.

  I had an incoming call from Diablo.


  “Yo, when my daughter gets dropped off at your crib, I need you to take her to VA. Can you do that for me?” Diablo spoke in code. He wanted me to take the package I received at my house to Virginia.

  I excitedly agreed. “No problem.”

  “Cool. Come see me when she arrives.”

  The timing couldn’t have been better. An all-expenses paid trip to VA was exactly what the doctor ordered. This gave me the opportunity to get at Touch.

  I packed my bags as I waited for the package to arrive. By the time I was finished packing, I’d received the delivery. I wasted no time packing it up and getting on the road. I ran by the club and hollered at Diablo then hit the interstate.

  In eight hours flat I was in VA. I grabbed some food and got checked into my hotel and relaxed a little. I thought about calling Touch, but I wasn’t sure how I could go about it. I mean, I did bust his girl in the head with a champagne bottle. I hoped he could look past that and focus more on that one night of perfect lovemaking we had shared.

  It took a moment, but I finally got up enough courage to scroll through my phone to give him a call.

  “Hello,” Touch answered the phone in a fake female voice.

  “Touch, stop disguising your voice.”

  He continued in his fake voice. “Hello. Who is this?”

  “It’s Sasha, fool.”

  “What the fuck you want?”

  “Damn! It’s like that? Why so much aggression?”

  “What the fuck you want, Sasha?”

  “Well, I’m in the area, and I was wondering if I could come check you. But before you answer, I need you to think about the last time you were in this phat pussy.” I paused a minute. “Okay, now that you’ve had time to think about it, what’s up?”

  “Bitch, I’m in some phat pussy right now. And I wouldn’t fuck your conniving ass with an AIDS-infected dick. Lose my number, bitch!” Touch followed his statement with a click in my ear.

  That was the final straw. Touch had dissed me for the last fucking time. I didn’t take rejection well. He was definitely going to feel my wrath. If he didn’t know, he was about to learn that payback’s a bitch. His name had officially been added to the get-back list. I was about to make his life a living hell and benefit from it all at the same time.

  I called up Diablo.

  “What up?”

  “Oh my God, Diablo,” I said, forcing out the words between fake cries.

  “What’s wrong?” Diablo yelled in a panic.

  I purposely didn’t answer. I just continued to cry uncontrollably, to add more drama to my act.

  “Sasha!” Diablo yelled. “What the fuck is going on?”

  “Touch robbed me,” I lied. “He beat me up and robbed me.”

  “What the fuck you doing with that nigga?”

  “I invited him over to my room to kick it. Once he got here and realized I had the package here, he straight robbed me.”

  “What? This nigga can’t know that’s my shit. Ain’t no way he would fuck with my shit like that. Let me give that nigga a call.”

  “I’ll call him on three-way. He probably won’t answer your call, since he don’t know the number.”

  I dialed Touch’s phone.

  Touch yelled into the phone as soon as he picked up, “Bitch, didn’t I say lose my number?”

  “Yo, nigga, this Diablo.”

  “Diablo? What the fuck you doing with that broad? What type of games y’all playing?” Touch asked, confused.

  “Nah. The question is, what type of games you playing? What the fuck you doing with my shit?”

  “Fuck you talking ’bout, man?”

  “Sasha told me you robbed her. That’s my shit, Touch.”

  “Man, you believe that lying-ass bitch if you want to. Fuck her! And as a matter of fact, fuck you too for calling me with that bullshit. I’m rich, nigga. I don’t need your little-ass shit.” Touch disconnected the call.

  “Don’t worry about shit,” Diablo said to me. “I’ll handle this shit with him. You all right though?”

  “I’m banged up a little, but I’ll be okay.”

  I was happy as hell that Diablo had played right into my little plan. I must say, Touch was right about one thing—I was very conniving and believable.

  “Cool. Call me if you need anything.”

  Chapter 18

  “A New Woman”


  “You have reached the voice mail box of—” I hung up before the recording could finish. Not hearing Touch’s voice and wondering what the fuck he was doing and where the hell he was at was driving me crazy. It had been an entire day since our argument, and I hadn’t heard from him. I had called his phone nonstop for a whole hour straight, and all I got was straight voice mail. It had gotten to the point that I was starting to worry. I even called his mother, and she hadn’t heard from him.

  I didn’t know what to think. I wondered if he was with another bitch. It was insulting to me, to keep being sent directly to his voice mail. I was starting to feel as if he didn’t give a fuck about me or my feelings. Was he just ignoring me because of the argument, or had he run into one of Calico’s boys and was hurt or, even worse, dead? My brain was racing.

  I’d spent the past day sitting in the house, depressed and crying. I hadn’t eaten anything or even bothered to wash my ass or brush my teeth. I picked up the phone to call Misty because she’d called several times earlier in the day and I didn’t even bother to answer. I just wasn’t in the mood for conversation.

  “Hey, girl,” I said, trying to sound a little upbeat.

  “Jewel?” Misty asked, not even recognizing my voice.

  “Yeah, it’s me. What’s up?”

  “What’s wrong, momma?”

  “Girl, I’m down in the dumps. Sad as hell.”

  “Awwww. What’s wrong, boo?” Misty asked, sounding concerned.

  I explained to her the drama I had with Touch from
beginning to end.

  “I’m sorry to hear that. I’m coming over. Get up and get yourself together. We’re gonna go out and have some dinner and drinks. Then we’re gonna strategize on how to get your boo back.”

  “Okay. I’m getting up now. Give me about an hour.”

  “Cool. See you then.”

  I got off the phone with Misty then drug myself out of bed. I ran myself a hot bath, turned on Keyshia Cole’s CD, A Different Me, and turned on the jets in the tub and soaked.

  Thirty minutes later I was clean as a whistle and actually felt a little revived. I threw on some clothes, pulled my hair into a messy ponytail, and straightened up the house a little bit as I waited for Misty.


  Misty had arrived right on time. She gave me a hug as soon as I opened the door. “Hey, hon. You ready?”

  I wanted to just cry in her arms, but I took a deep breath, sucked it up, and put on a smile. “Yeah, I’m ready.”

  Misty tried to share words of inspiration as we headed to her truck. “This isn’t a pity party,” she said. “We’re preparing for a victory. You’re gonna get your boo back.”

  We ended up at a bar not far from my house called Pandemonium, which was the perfect atmosphere. We walked in and headed straight to the bar. Misty ordered our drinks as I got comfortable. Still a little shook from the New Year’s incident, I skimmed the restaurant, just to get a feel of my surroundings.

  “Oh my God!”

  “What is it?” Misty asked, startled.

  I stood up from my barstool and walked away immediately, totally ignoring her. It was like I was in a zone and no one or anything around existed as I headed toward the table in front of me.

  “Well, I’m glad to know you’re okay,” I said in my most sarcastic tone, my heart racing. This moment, and what I would do and say, had crossed my mind many times, but now that I was faced with it, I didn’t know if I was ready for it.

  Touch didn’t respond. He just looked up at me, disgust on his face.

  “Hello? I’m talking to you. I was worried sick calling all over the place for you. I even called your mother.”


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