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Amethyst Dragon (Awakened Dragons Book 5)

Page 4

by Terry Bolryder

  “You can come in,” she said, gesturing to a chair across from her. “I like this friend thing. It’s easier to be around you.”

  “You took off pretty quick tonight, though.”

  She pressed her lips together, her pretty curls falling forward to partially obscure her face. “I have trouble at night.”

  He sat forward. “Want to talk about it?”

  She shook her head. “No. But I mean it about helping more with the kittens.”

  “I thought you only agreed to it because I said you could do the easy part.”

  “I’m not a monster,” she said. “I just didn’t know how much I could really take on. I haven’t been doing very well. But I guess you heard as much, didn’t you?” She raised a dark eyebrow. “That’s why you’re really here, right?”

  He nodded, seeing no reason to lie to his mate.

  She sighed. “I keep having nightmares. Even when I wake up, they’re devastating.”

  “About the wolf?” Dom refused to say his name out loud.

  She nodded, then shook her head, bouncing her curls. Her rounded shoulders fell, and her hand gently stroked the kitten as she gathered her words. “Not just that. In fact, I think what scares me more than anything is no one was looking for me. Other than Bridget. No one else in my life cared. If not for one person I made friends with, I could have died. A whole life of thinking people cared, and then I disappear and no one looks for me.”

  “People are selfish,” he said, knowing from experience.

  “It was terrible being there as the months went on,” she said. “Even before Galen was harassing me. I was so powerless. I kept seeing other prisoners disappear, knowing I could be next. I saw the news. No one was looking for me. Us. It was scary to know we could all just disappear.” Her eyes blinked back sparkling tears that caught the low light from her lamp. “Even now, I wonder if the other women are okay, but I’m too terrified to think of doing anything about it.”

  He nodded. “It makes sense.”

  She wiped her tears. “It makes me selfish, too. You know, I fought back at first. I was beaten.”

  Dom felt his hands tighten into fists, his whole body going rigid, but tried to keep his face relaxed, understanding. He didn’t want her to mistake any of his anger as being directed at her.

  “And then yes, there was the Galen thing. Listening for every footstep, every sound, wondering if that night he was going to go all the way. Not that it wasn’t already bad, being groped, hearing him talk about mates in that disgusting voice as he pinned me down and took liberties.”

  A small growl escaped Dom’s throat before he could stop it, deep and ominous, and Lana looked up with wide, startled brown eyes that appeared gold in the lamplight.

  “Sorry,” he said. “It makes me unreasonably angry what he did to you. Not that I know what reasonable would be.”

  She nodded. “I know. I saw how you felt when you beat him up.”

  “I should have done more, no matter who tried to stop me. Then I could have killed the fear in your eyes along with his worthless existence.”

  She giggled softly as she stroked Spot. “Makes me feel slightly better hearing someone else is as angry as I am.” Her eyes were cold as they met his. “Sometimes, I wish he had died.”

  “I don’t blame you,” he said. “But what about your family? What are they like?” He had to know what kind of people could make an angel like this and not care if she was gone.

  “My dad is a rich businessman,” she said. “My mom was his mistress. She left me with him, but he couldn’t have cared less. I had money, great education prospects, but no love really. His wife always hated me, and as soon as I was eighteen, they packed me off to college and didn’t want to know what happened to me.” She sighed. “I think that’s why I worked so hard at making friends and including everyone. I was trying to build my own family.”

  You can build one with me, he almost said but stopped himself. He looked down at the kitten, who had rolled onto its back with a contented, milk-drunk smile.

  “I’m calling him Spot.”

  She laughed softly at that, her long lashes fluttering as she looked up at him. “You know that’s typically a dog name, right?”

  Dom frowned. “He has a spot.”

  “So he does,” she said, touching the kitten’s little nose. “But how do you know he’s a he? Don’t we have to wait until a month to check?”

  Dom snorted. “I don’t know. Doesn’t he seem manly to you?” Spot pawed the air, chasing some invisible dream item weakly, and Lana giggled.

  “I don’t know. What are you going to call it if it turns out to be a she?”

  “I don’t know,” he said. “I think the one of the others is a girl. I’m thinking Marshmallow. Because she is soft and sweet.”

  “Sexist,” she said.

  “If it’s a boy, I would call it Marshmallow, too. Because he is soft and sweet.”

  She laughed and looked up at him, the stress of the night finally fading. Her body was visibly relaxed. “Thank you for this,” she said. “For getting me out of the house. For getting the kittens when I couldn’t have done it on my own. And for listening.” She stroked Spot again, and he mewed. “I guess it was good to finally talk to someone about it.”

  He nodded. “I’m always here to listen. I should have listened more before.” He crossed his legs and took Spot back because she looked ready to head back to bed. “But I’m hopefully doing better now.”

  She appraised him with those golden, catlike eyes. “Much better. Almost enough to make me forget you’re a shifter.”

  “If it’s working that well, I should have been your friend much sooner.”

  “Dom,” she said. “Don’t get ideas.”

  He waved a hand. “I’m joking. Joking. I’m not going to push you. I didn’t know you were hurting. Besides, no matter how sexy you think I am, you’re going to have to make the moves if and when you want more. I’m never pushing you again. I’ll be damned if you ever again compare me to Galen.”

  “I’m sorry about that,” she said. “You aren’t really like him. Just things remind me. I guess I’m a little traumatized.”

  “Anyone would be,” he said. “It’s okay.”

  She climbed in bed and lifted the covers. “I think I can sleep now, if you want to go back to your room.”

  He nodded and began to stand but noticed her hands tightening slightly on the covers in response and stopped. Did she want him to stay?

  He sat back down. “I’ll stay, at least until you get to sleep. Chase the nightmares away.” When she looked like she was about to protest, he put up a hand. “Just what a friend would do.”

  She hesitated, but he shook his head.

  “You aren’t going to make me leave,” he said. “No matter what. So just go to sleep, and I’ll be here to make sure your dreams are sweet.”

  He didn’t tell her it was one of his many powers. The ability to draw poison from the mind, especially during sleep, to help people find peace. He’d gotten so used to hiding his powers that the possibilities for helping people were only now becoming available to him.

  Lana wouldn’t know any better, but she would get the rest she badly needed, and he would keep watch over her all night.

  It was more than he’d ever hoped for, spending a moment like this with his mate. He laid the backs of his fingers against her forehead when she’d drifted off to sleep.

  He felt her body relax, felt soothing energy flood her and happiness flood him.

  Sapphire could heal people’s bodies, but Dom could calm their minds.

  And being here, able to soothe his mate, was his happiest moment.

  More than he’d ever deserved.

  Chapter 5

  Lana couldn’t believe what she was looking at when she woke the next morning.

  Across from her, Dom was slumped in his chair. Spot had fallen asleep on his chest, curled up between his impressively huge pectorals, and was rising with each of Dom’
s hoarse breaths.

  It seemed even in sleep, he wasn’t peaceful.

  But she felt she’d slept better than she had in months. Since the kidnapping, at least, maybe even before. So she had to be grateful he had stayed. She hadn’t known having someone look after her could be so comforting.

  It was something she never could have asked of him while he was still trying to pursue her.

  She liked that the door was unlocked if she wanted to open it. She stood, creeping slowly to pull on her robe, and walked softly over the lush, mauve carpet to where Dom was.

  He didn’t stir. Even in sleep, his long lashes fluttered slightly on his cheeks, and there were deep lines under his eyes, as if he hadn’t slept well in a long time. When awake, the other striking aspects of his face drew her attention and played down the stress apparent in his skin.

  But here, with a clear view of him uninhibited by speech or actions, she could see plainly this was a man carrying heavy burdens.

  He had listened to her fears, her deep-held secrets, and he’d been understanding. Stayed for her. A true friend indeed.

  But he hadn’t shared any with her.

  It struck her that the whole time he’d been pursuing her, he hadn’t really shared any of himself with her. Just let her know of his constant interest, but not shared the man behind the actions.

  This man—a kitten sleeping on him and a box of sleeping kittens at his feet and a bottle held loose in one hand—with his long, dark hair, fierce piercings, and striking jaw, didn’t let anyone in on the secret of who he really was.

  He hadn’t given her a chance to see him as anything but a shifter.

  A beautiful shifter, but a shifter nonetheless.

  She took another cautious step forward, her heart fluttering as she watched him for a reaction.


  Another step. The closer she moved, the more magnetic his pull. Maybe it was just the fact that she’d gotten a lot of her pain out last night in telling someone how poorly she’d been doing, or maybe it was the fact that he was asleep. Totally helpless. Unable to pose any threat. Not that he would even awake. She knew him well enough to realize he was a good person.

  When she was sane, that was. Sometimes, with Galen encroaching, she didn’t feel sane at all, and everyone seemed like a potential attacker.

  She was realizing now it was something she needed to face and deal with. And Dom was the person to do it with. He seemed to understand something about dealing with personal sorrow. And didn’t he need someone to share his with as well?

  She brushed his hair off his forehead, marveling at the smooth skin there, tantalizingly tanned. She was surprised by her own boldness, touching him like this.

  He stirred slightly but went back to lightly snoring. She grinned, glad they were alone this early in the morning, with rays of dawn just starting to stream into the elegantly appointed room she’d been given.

  Suddenly, being stuck here didn’t seem so bad.

  She leaned forward, unable to resist the urge to place a kiss on his forehead, a silent, unseen thank you for helping her when she needed him, and letting her sleep.

  She pulled back, and he was still asleep, and her eyes darted down to his lips. Full, intensely curved at the top, and pouty on the bottom. Entirely kissable.

  When she didn’t think of him as a shifter, but just as a person, a handsome man who had been kinder to her than almost anyone, she felt unbearable attraction.

  And it wasn’t hidden under a layer of uncertainty and fear.

  And well, he had said she could make a move whenever she wanted. And he’d forced a kiss on her before, even if she had to admit that was more consensual than she wanted to acknowledge publicly.

  She leaned forward until their lips were just a breath apart. An electric current of sexual tension flowed between them in the peaceful morning quiet, and she hesitated, despite her immense urge to settle her lips on his.

  To taste him. Feel him. Again.

  She leaned in, closing the distance, and relished the warmth of his lips, his breath, as she rested on him, light as a feather.

  It was more than a kiss. More of a bonding. An acknowledgement of what there was between them that she hadn’t wanted to face with Galen still hanging in the distance.

  But in this moment, there was only Dom, who’d been there for her, who was holding a kitten, who’d presumably brought them in here so he could care for them all night while watching her.

  It was an unbearably sweet thing to do.

  Better than any flowers. Better than any notes. Especially that horrible one from before, even if she understood that a little better now, too.

  She pulled back from the kiss and gasped when she saw his ice-blue irises studying her, his expression impassive.

  “Sorry,” she stuttered, stepping back, pulling her robe together. But she wasn’t, and a deep blush lit her face. She was still hot, still enjoying the echoing feeling of how nice it had been to kiss him on her own.

  “Don’t be,” he said. “I earned that.” He shook his head, lowering Spot into the box and stretching. “No, I mean, I kissed you before. But to be honest, you have my permission to do whatever you want to me.”

  “When you’re asleep?” she asked, biting her lip and fiddling with the belt of her robe. “Isn’t that wrong?”

  “Not if I give you permission.” She was still uncertain, so he brushed his hair back and went on. “Lana, if you feel most comfortable touching me when I’m unconscious, then I’m not going to complain about it. Do what you need to. I’m strong enough to deal with it.” He gave her a rueful grin. “Plus, I love that I’m hot enough to make you want to do that.”

  She felt the blush burn up her cheeks. But despite her embarrassment, all she wanted was to kiss him more. She saw his glance follow her, heating, and wondered if he could read her thoughts at this moment.

  But all he did was watch her, that relaxed but tired gaze in his blue eyes. Shadowed by lush, dark lashes. Framed by gorgeous, dark hair.

  Every part of him was delicious, and she was tired of resisting him.

  She crooked a finger, inviting him forward.

  He stayed sitting, hesitant. “I told you. You have to make every move.”

  “You want to do stuff in that chair?” she asked. “Isn’t that dangerous for the kittens?”

  He frowned. “Maybe. But if I get on your bed, I kind of feel like that’s considered making a move.”

  “Not if I tell you to get your butt over there.”

  He stood, confused, but raising his hands. “Okay, okay. But I don’t know what caused this turnaround.”

  “You’re just being really sweet,” she said. “It lowers my defenses.”

  “I’ll be sickeningly sweet, then,” he said. Then he corrected himself. “I mean, because it makes you feel better. Not because I get anything out of it.”

  He climbed on the bed and sat there awkwardly, then leaned back against one of the pillows against the headboard. He put his arms behind his head and looked over at her. “Now what?”

  “Are you really this good of a person?” she asked, straddling him and staring down at him, loving the feel of power over him. She’d been powerless for too long. The fact that this shifter was letting her be in total control, so against what seemed to be shifter nature, was the ultimate turn-on, freeing the woman in her to want things again.

  He was actually healing her, she thought with shock as she leaned in to take his lips.

  They were cooler, from nerves or the air coming from her slightly open window, but quickly warmed as she put hers over them, savoring the perfect way they fit together.

  The first time they’d kissed, it had been a total surprise. She’d been able to notice his absolute magnetism, his alpha-ness, and the pure sexuality of it, but none of the littler, more precious things.

  Like the way the dip of his upper lip stimulated hers or the way his tongue played lightly at her lower lip when they shifted position or the way his ha
nd crept up to cup her neck, supporting her.

  Before, she’d thought he’d done that during their kiss to restrain her, but now she realized it was his way of connecting, of touching with more than just his lips. His other hand curled around her waist, and suddenly, it was going too fast.

  Images were flooding in, and she pulled back, gasping.

  He immediately jerked away, taking his hands off her. His blue eyes were wide with apology, and she sighed, taking a deep breath.

  As she watched him waiting with patient concern, the longing in her came back again, and she pinned his hands at his sides as she came in for another kiss.

  “Let me do the touching.”

  “Sorry,” he said against her lips. “It won’t happen again. Not unless you put my hands there.”

  She nodded, opening her lips but feeling no delicious swipe of tongue where she’d felt it before. She swiped her own tongue in, inviting him, but it wasn’t until she told him what she wanted in a harsh tone that he finally met her thrusts with his tongue in a hot embrace that melted her down to her toes.

  She hated that her past was holding her back with this wonderful man, but that was eclipsed by her joy at being able to actually experience this.

  After Galen’s attentions, she’d wondered if she’d ever think of something like being kissed or touched with anything but revulsion.

  She felt him shudder slightly and looked to see his arctic eyes were even more frigid than usual.

  “I’m sorry,” he said. “I wasn’t trying to read your mind. But we’re so connected right now.” He closed his eyes slowly, as if fighting something, but when he opened them, she caught a flash of long, reptilian pupils. A glimpse of his dragon. Then he closed and opened them again, and they were gone. “It’s just painful. Hearing them.”

  She swallowed. “I’m sorry.”

  “No,” he said, remaining still beneath her when it would only take a fraction of his strength to reverse their positions and pin her. “I want to feel your pain with you. I know what it’s like to try and deal alone.”

  She nodded. “I don’t want you to deal alone either. Now that we’re friends, you should start trying to open up to me, too.”


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