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Dazed Page 19

by Katie Hauenstein

  Gah. My head.

  Darrel furrowed his brows. “How?”

  “Apparently, he has had premonitions, too. I don’t know if he felt it or envisioned it, but he knew when he died.”

  “Did you know before he told you?”

  “Yes. Every time one of the participants has died, I have had a vision of the room of coffins. The first came when I closed my eyes and kissed Theo on his forehead; one wooden coffin just disappeared.

  “The second was after Stephan died. In my rose garden, when I closed my eyes on my sofa swing, another wooden coffin disappeared.

  “The third happened the night before Brian died. I saw a silhouette of a man the color of the night sky with glittering stars. He circled the coffins, placed his hand on the wooden one at the end and it disappeared.

  “The most recent was while I was in there with Linc. My eyes were open, but the image of the coffins covered my real vision. The silhouette kicked one of the wooden coffins off the stage.”

  I gasped as the same thing happened again. That time, though, the silhouette pushed the wooden coffin over and laughed maniacally and dancing around like an imp. Only one wooden coffin was left. I shook my head again and screamed at the shooting pain in my head.

  “What? Did it happen again? Are you alright?” Darrel asked, spinning over and holding me steady by my shoulders.

  I nodded. “Linc is gone, I think. The silhouette pushed another wooden coffin and laughed. Need something for this one.” I pointed at my head.

  “All that is green and good,” Darrel said as he went into Linc’s room, then immediately came back out nodding. “He is gone.” Darrel walked right past me, went into his office, then came back with a pill for my head.

  After swallowing it without water, I said, “I think I know what the glass coffin is, Darrel.”


  “Linc had another vision that he told me before sending me out of his room. Based on what I heard, I think it is a cryogenic chamber.” I looked up at him. “Is it possible that I am sick and you just have not detected it, yet?”

  “It is highly unlikely. But I will listen to the room recording and think about it. Would it make you feel better if I took another sample, Miriam?”

  I nodded. “How is Christopher?”

  “He still only has a headache. I think he has a few more days before he succumbs to the disease.”

  My headache already subsiding, I stood up. “Alright, then, I think I will come back tomorrow to visit him. If you could let him know about Leo and Linc and let him know when I will be back, I would really appreciate it.”

  We walked out to the drawing chair in his lab and he took another sample. As I made my way back to the palace, I thought about Leo’s suspicions of Peter.

  Was that mad rambling or logical reasoning Linc was spouting?

  Chapter 27

  Going straight to the holostation in my office, I put in the contact information for Lieutenant Hanson that Father had given me on my way out of his office earlier. He didn’t answer, so I left a message.

  “Hello, Lieutenant. I had a thought; one I hate that I had. I would like to discuss it with you to make sure it is something you have already thought about and disregarded. Please contact me in my office as soon as you can.”

  Reconsidering what I was trying to do, I leaned back in my chair and covered my face in my hands. My office was the best place for me to go when I was feeling like I needed to be alone. Because I rarely occupied the room, there were never maids, butlers, or assistants waiting in there. No one ever sought me out there, either. The only company I had was a solitary Guard stationed outside the door, who I personally paid extra to stand there regardless whether or not I was in so it wouldn’t give me away when I was.

  Why am I about to put Peter under investigation – at the very least, suspicion – by the Petrichorian City Guard? What do I have to go on besides a dying man’s paranoia? It’s not like Peter has done anything to tie him to what’s going on. He’s certainly not smart enough to do it on his own. But he does have charm and leadership potential. Could he be in charge of some kind of coup? Would he put me in a glass coffin? Could he be responsible for the death of his own family?

  I’ve only known him a little longer than I’ve known Marie. Marie, who I trusted. Am I a fool to trust Peter the way I do? No. I can’t let what happened with Marie impact my relationships with everyone I know.

  My door chiming interrupted my thoughts. I considered briefly if I should ignore whoever it is, so I didn’t give away my location, but decided to allow them in. I pressed a button on my desk and the door slid open, allowing entrance for Lieutenant Hanson.

  Ugh. I wanted him to comm, not come in. I should have ignored the door chime.

  Lieutenant Hanson bowed and I greeted him. “Good afternoon, Lieutenant. Thank you for coming to see me. Please have a seat.”

  “Of course, Your Highness.” He sat across from me. “I would like to apologize before we have any kind of conversation. I was extremely rude to you earlier concerning Ms. DeWittacker. I know it must have been difficult to find out about her treachery.”

  “All is forgiven, Lieutenant.”

  “You said in your message you had something you wished to discuss with me?”

  “Yes. But I do not want it to be broadcast to everyone. I – It is difficult for me to even bring up, but after what happened with Marie this morning and after some suspicions I heard from Duke Leonard on his death bed –”

  “Duke Leonard is dead, then?” he interrupted.

  “Yes. And Count Lincoln.” He nodded and I continued. “Anyway, he brought something up that I had not considered, probably because of my blindness to those I care about. At first, I took it as inconsequential ranting, due to the nature of the disease, but the more I think about it, the more I think it is possible. I only hope it is something you have already considered and dismissed.

  “Are you aware that Count – I am sorry – Duke Peter of Juniper is the only male Noble who has been tested negative for any version of the mutated Daze?”

  “Yes. And Duchess Elleouise of Maple is the only female Noble who has been tested negative.”

  “Right. My light suspicion lays on Peter, though. He has everything to gain by the other noblemen being gone. If he ends up being the only one left, it is quite possible he could become King by default, should the King and Council decide against hosting a different form of King’s Test.”

  He nodded. “What about Countess Elleouise, Your Highness?”

  “What of her?” I furrowed by brows.

  “Certainly, you are still here now, but should you become infected and die, and without her parents living, would she not be next in line for the Crown?”

  “I – Well – I had not thought of that, but I suppose you are right.”

  “And You, Duke Peter, and Duchess Elleouise are very close, yes?”

  “Yes. However, Stephan was also very close to us.”

  “Yes, but if Stephan were alive, Peter would have to compete with him.”

  “I am not sure I understand what you are saying.”

  The Lieutenant propped his elbows on his knees and leaned his chin on his folded hands. “With all the noblemen gone and you out of the way, it would open the doors wide for Duke Peter and Duchess Elleouise to take the Crown.”

  My eyes widened. “You do not seriously think they would –”

  “I do not know. That is why it is one among many theories we are exploring.”

  Could they do that to me?

  I stood up and walked to the window, which faced the wide field of wild flowers that led to the forest. Biting my thumb nail, I considered everything the Lieutenant had just said.

  Is it possible that my own flesh and blood would turn against me like that?

  I shook my head. It didn’t make sense; at least, I didn’t want it to. In reality, it made perfect sense. Along with at least ten other theories I was sure the Lieutenant had been considering.
  Not turning around, I asked, “Have you found any solid evidence indicating such a plot?”

  “No, Your Highness. But I assure you, we are exploring all options.”

  The way he said it made me turn around to look at him. He averted my gaze. “I am a suspect, am I not?”

  After hesitating, he said, “Yes, Your Highness.”

  I nodded. “My motive being my well-known distaste for the King’s Test.” It was a statement, not a question.

  “Yes, Your Highness.”

  “Is there any way for me to clear myself? I will be glad to do whatever it takes because I have done nothing wrong. I have held the hands of three dying men and have made numerous trips to question and assist Doctor Winston.”

  When the Lieutenant turned a shade of red, I was sure he was angry with me, but his words and tone didn’t match my assumption. “I understand that you have been going through a lot, Princess. You have had a friend die, a friend betray you, and you do not even know who you can trust anymore. If you will allow a search of your rooms and office, and access to your holocomms so we can listen to the recordings, it will be quicker to clear your name.”

  “Fine. Follow me.” After he stood up, I grabbed his chair and dragged it over next to mine at my holostation. I expanded the viewport so the receiver would see both of us. “Put in the address to whoever I need to speak to.” I sat hard – not plopped – into my seat, then gestured for him to sit back down in his chair.

  Lieutenant Hanson smirked and took his seat, then typed in the address. “Detective Pleth,” a young blonde woman answered the comm.

  “Hello, Detective. This is Lieutenant Hanson. I need you to take a Statement of Allowance from Princess Miriam.”

  The young woman’s big blue eyes widened as recognition seeped into her brain. I bit back a laugh. “Princess – Princess Miriam? Sir?”

  “Yes, Detective. She would like her name cleared from the suspect list. You were paying attention during our briefing this morning, right?”

  “Yes, sir. Of course, sir.” Detective Pleth looked down and tapped on a screen that only she could see. “Alright, Princess Miriam. I am going to put up a transcript for you to read aloud. There will be a few blanks for you to fill in. I am obligated to tell you that this is recorded and action will be taken immediately following your Statement of Allowance. Until the investigation of your property is complete, you will not have access to it. This includes, but is not limited to your rooms and communication devices. Do you have any questions?”

  “No, Detective Pleth.” I glanced at the corner of the screen and realized I was late for dinner.

  Oh, well. Just something else to top off the awesomeness that is today.

  “Good.” tap. tap. tap. “You should see it now, go ahead and begin when you are ready. Recording has already begun.”

  I sighed and looked at the words on the screen. “I, Princess Miriam Petrichoria of Arboria, give this Statement of Allowance to the Petrichorian City Guard to search my room, bathroom, and office and take what property is necessary, including, but not limited to, my holocomms so they can assess my viability as a suspect in case number PR569356. I understand these properties will be unavailable for me to access until such a time as my name is cleared.”

  Detective Pleth tapped her screen a few more times. “Thank you, Princess. Lieutenant Hanson will now escort you from your office.” Detective Pleth disconnected and, true to her word, Lieutenant Hanson stood, politely offered his arm to me, helped me stand, and escorted me from my office.

  Chapter 28

  “Thank you, Princess. Both for your cooperation and for bringing your thoughts to my attention. I understand the decision to implicate Duke Peter and Duchess Elleouise could not have been an easy one to make and allowing us access to your property will help in the investigation. Unfortunately, it will probably be a few days until your spaces are available for you. We will try to have your room and bathroom done first; hopefully by the morning of your Birthday Ball in three days.”

  I groaned. “Is that really only three days away? I wonder if I can cancel it this year.”

  Lieutenant Hanson smirked again. “That is not something I can help you with, I am afraid. Have a good evening, Your Highness.”

  We walked silently to the Core together, then went our separate ways at the stairs. I was surprised to see a team of the PCG making their way to my office already and another behind me on the stairs heading up to my room.

  At least they’ll make quick work of it.

  When I entered the Dining Hall, I noticed Ella and Peter sitting next to each other, deep in conversation with my parents. Before, their sitting together never would have bothered me, but given my new thoughts of conspiracies, it hit me hard. I stopped at the end of the table and stared blankly at the scene before me. Mother was the first to notice I had come in.

  “Oh! Rose! I didn’t even hear you come in!” Mother said.

  Everyone turned to look at me. Peter jumped from his seat and ran over, pulling me into his arms and kissing me. I was so shocked, I couldn’t respond physically. When he pulled away, he was smiling hugely. “Peter?!” I said, aghast that he would do such a thing in front of everyone.

  Peter shrugged and everyone laughed. “It’s alright, Rose. I have had many man-to-man talks with your father over the last few days. We’re good for another three whole days. I will not hide this anymore.”

  I glanced over at Father, whose eyes were twinkling. Mother’s cheeks were a brilliant shade of red. Ella was laughing so hard, I thought she would fall from her seat.

  No. Peter and Ella would never hurt me.

  I gave Peter a peck. “Alright, then. Let’s go sit. I’m not very hungry, so I’m not offended that you ate without me.” I glanced at a waiter and without smiling, asked, “Could you bring me a glass of sparkling blackberry juice, please?” The waiter bowed and left to get it for me.

  I sat down between Peter and Mother. Everyone had stopped grinning and laughing and all stared at me like I had grown leaves from my ears. “What?” I asked.

  “Long day, Rose?” Ella asked as she took my hand. It was nice to have her back after being separated for so long.

  I nodded. “Sorry to spoil the mood. I’m not sure if you have heard yet, but Leo and Linc died this afternoon. I was there for it.”

  Ella and Peter looked surprised, but Father and Mother did not. “Indeed,” Father said. “I’m afraid the news is worse than that, though, dear. Duke Christopher is the only one left of his family. How was he faring when you saw him this afternoon, Rose?”

  “I – I didn’t see him. Leo and Linc died within minutes of each other. It was horrible; a different kind of horrible than with Stephan. They were covered in boils. Leo spoke romantically to me and wished me all the happiness in the world. Linc was delirious. By the time it was Christopher’s turn, I couldn’t do it.

  “I’m sorry for my weakness, Father. I asked Dar – Doctor Winston if he thought he would still be alive tomorrow and he said he did. Christopher had only begun having headaches today. I’ll see him tomorrow.” I looked down at my glass, which had arrived during my report, ashamed with myself.

  “There’s nothing to apologize for, Rose. It’s understandable,” Father said.

  I sighed. “Also, I gave the PCG a Statement of Allowance for my room, bathroom, and office, so I’ll need to stay in a guest room and have some of our guest clothing brought to it for the next couple of days.”

  “What?!” Peter asked.

  I shrugged. “Apparently, I was on the suspect list because I hate the King’s Test.” I took an unladylike gulp of juice. “I have nothing to hide, so I gave him the Statement of Allowance.” I unceremoniously finished my beverage. “Another, please.” The waiter took my empty glass and left to get me another.

  “Are you crazy, Rose?” Peter said.

  I leaned back in my seat and sighed again. “It’s possible. I think I’m going to bed after my next glass.”

“After your – Rose! You have people trying to press charges against you searching your rooms and you’re worried about getting sleep?! Rotting roots! What am I going to do with you?” Peter ranted.

  “Peter, calm down,” Ella said.

  “Yes, Peter. Calm down,” I repeated. “There’s nothing to worry about. The worst that will happen is that I’ll be out of my room until the morning of my birthday. Breathe.”

  He did. Peter took several deep breaths. “I’m proud of you for allowing that, Rose. It’s impressive that you have no fear of transparency,” Father said. “I think your mother and I are going to go to bed. I’ll have some clothes brought to your favorite guest suite.” Father gave Ella a knowing look.

  “Ah. Yes. I’ll be going, too. To bed. Yes. Good night, Rose – and Peter,” Ella stammered. All three of them stood and left single file. Peter was still glaring at me.

  I pinched the bridge of my nose and accepted my second glass of sparkling juice with a sip. “What now, Peter?”

  “You’re hiding something.”

  I looked at him with a tired expression. “What could I be hiding? If I was hiding something, do you think I would have allowed two teams of the PCG into my private things?”

  “No. Not hiding something legally. You’re hiding something personally.”

  I swallowed hard and looked back down. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Yes, you do. Look at yourself. You can’t even look at me for more than a moment.”

  I rolled my eyes and looked at him. “Better?”


  “I don’t know what you want me to say,” I countered, setting my glass down.

  “I want you to be honest with me.”

  Finally, I snapped. “I’m scared, Peter!” I screamed at him and stood with clenched fists at my side. I was shaking. “Terrified! I have held the hands of three dying men and will do so tomorrow for a fourth! Marie betrayed me! Marie! Who else can’t I trust? Now I find out that I’m suspect in the deaths of all those people. And my future is more uncertain than it ever has been. What’s going to happen to me?” Tears were flowing from my eyes.


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