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Dazed Page 20

by Katie Hauenstein

  “At least I had an idea before. I knew I had seven possibilities for a husband and I knew them all at least a little bit personally. I knew I would be crowned in four days. I knew all of the Noble families. Now all of those things are uncertain. I can’t be normal. I can’t even sleep in my clothes or bathe in my own bathroom or sleep in my own bed tonight.” With a heavy feeling of defeat, I resumed my seat next to Peter. “What kind of a Queen will I be?” I asked rhetorically in a whisper.

  Peter said nothing and did nothing for a few moments. I thought he might just get up and walk out. Instead, he eventually took my hand and walked me down to the guest room he knew I favored. As we walked in, I glanced into the closet to find it lined with a guest wardrobe in my size. The door slid shut behind us and Peter whipped me around to face him.

  “You will be a wonderful Queen. Do you know why?” he asked. I shook my head. “Because you will face all those uncertainties with your head held high. You will flow with the changes. You will accept your destiny no matter what it looks like. You will show your kingdom a strong and wise Queen, even if you are broken into a million billion pieces inside.”

  Not believing I was hearing all that from Peter’s mouth, I gaped at him. I knew he believed in me, but he had never put it, or really anything else, so eloquently. His brown eyes were on fire with the fervor in which he spoke and he bore his teeth like a lion displaying his ferocity. It was the first time I could really imagine him being King.

  “Now. This is what is going to happen, Rose. You’re going to draw your own bath, dry yourself off, pick out your own rotting night clothes, and tuck yourself into bed. You will sleep off whatever depression-ridden squirrel has nested in your head and wake up the woman I know and love.” At that, he gave me a peck on the mouth and left me standing there stunned, alone with my thoughts.

  There is no way he would betray me.

  Chapter 29

  The next day, Father called for an urgent meeting of the Council, though everyone but Father, Peter, Ella, and I had to holocomm in because of the lockdown. With so many holocomms spread all over the place, I felt more like I was in a media room than the Council Chambers. Glancing at the corner of the nearest one, I noted that it was past 1:30 in the afternoon.

  Before I went to the meeting, I had called Darrel to check in on Christopher. I still hadn’t seen him and wanted to before his end. Darrel said he was progressing rapidly, but he didn’t see him dying until well into the night. After a large exhalation of air, I had stood up from my guest holocomm in my guest room and left for the meeting wearing guest clothing.

  Oh! The price of transparency! Princess Problems.

  When I decided to give the Statement of Allowance, I had done it on a whim. By any means, I didn’t regret the decision, but I hadn’t thought about all the little things I was used to being taken away. My hair smelled of blackberries instead of roses.

  Again. Princess Problems.

  “Ladies and Gentlemen of the leadership of Arboria. I call this urgent session of the Council into order,” Father began. Everyone looked somber. At the last meeting, the minority of provinces had lost their Nobles; now they were in the majority. Those who hadn’t lost their Nobles only had one left. The Delegate from Alder had puffy eyes from recent tears; probably over Christopher.

  “As you are all aware, whoever the attacker was has essentially succeeded at killing the innocent Noble families of Arboria. Though Duke Christopher is still with us, Doctor Winston does not anticipate him lasting through the night. Luckily, we still have Duke Peter of Juniper and Duchess Elleouise of Maple with us.”

  Ella teared a little, probably because the weight of taking her father’s title just rested on her.

  Father continued. “Though none of us in the Royal family have tested positive for the Daze mutation after several tests over the last few weeks, we will not feel confident that we are out of the woods until this fiend is apprehended.

  “That being said, with the upcoming Birthday Ball for Princess Miriam and her Crowning Coronation, we will be lifting the lock-down on Evergreen Palace.”

  “Wait a moment. You are still having the Birthday Ball?” Delegate Birch asked incredulously.

  Father opened his mouth to say something, but I interrupted him. “It is not actually something that we have discussed yet, Delegate. I was actually going to suggest cancelling the Birthday Ball, but proceeding with the Crowning Coronation.”

  Father smiled and nodded. “Yes. I think that is an excellent idea. Either way, the lock-down is going to be lifted, but we will increase security.”

  “What of the King’s Test?” Delegate Elm asked.

  After a pregnant pause, Father said, “I have not figured that out yet.”

  “There are three options as far as I can tell,” I began and everyone looked at me. “First, we could leave everything as it is. Because Duke Peter is the last of the noblemen, he could become my husband, and, thus, Crown Prince of Arboria under this plan. Second, we could reach out to the countries we were previously in contact with and have a King’s Test consisting of foreign participants and Duke Peter. Finally, we could do a King’s Test consisting of common Arborians and Duke Peter.”

  “Why is Duke Peter included in all the options?” Delegate Maple asked.

  “Because he is the last nobleman of Arboria, he should be included in all of our options. After all, the King’s Test was meant to be done by our national noblemen. It would make no sense to cut him out of it,” I responded.

  Delegate Juniper cleared his throat. “How does Duke Peter feel about all this?”

  Peter’s eyes widened as everyone’s gaze switched over to him. Now he cleared his throat. “Well, the events over the last few weeks have certainly been unprecedented. Never in the history of Arboria have we been struck by such a horrible weapon.

  “Understandably, I know some of you may take this as a biased opinion, but I truly believe it is our best option. Right now, our great kingdom needs solidarity. Having a King’s Test of foreigners could prove problematic because they will not necessarily be able to acclimate enough to provide for the current unique needs of our people. A King’s Test for common Arborians is not a bad idea, but those men will be unknown by most of the people.

  “I know Princess Miriam’s first option is the best option. Not only do our people know and like me, but they are familiar with me and know that Princess Miriam and I have been friends for many years. Should we decide to go with that option, it will ease the minds of our people and reassure them that the leadership has their best interests at heart.”

  Impressed, Delegate Juniper nodded her head along with everyone else. I could barely breathe.

  Is this really happening? Could something good actually come out of this all?

  “What do you think, Your Majesty?” Delegate Juniper asked Father.

  Father leaned back in his chair and sighed. Putting a blank expression on, I gave nothing away as far as how I was feeling. When I looked over to Peter and Ella, I noticed the same blank expressions on them; except Ella was also biting her cheek.

  Nodding, Father said, “I agree with Duke Peter on all accounts. If it is agreeable to the Council, in my opinion, Duke Peter is the best option for becoming Crown Prince for Princess Miriam.”

  I was unsuccessful at quelling the small squeak of excitement that escaped my pressed lips. Luckily, Peter was the only one who heard it and he looked over at me with a smile.

  “I move to accept Duke Peter of Juniper as future Crown Prince of Arboria,” said Delegate Maple.

  “Seconded,” said Delegate Sequoia.

  “All in favor?” Father asked.

  Everyone said “Aye.”

  “All against?”

  No one said “Nay.”

  “The ‘Ayes’ have it. Shortly following Princess Miriam’s Crowning Coronation, Duke Peter of Juniper and she will be wed and he will become Crown Prince of Arboria. Upon Princess Miriam’s ascension to Queen, Duke Peter will be crowned
King of Arboria.”

  Everyone applauded and I saw smiles on faces that I hadn’t seen smile since the King’s Test Ball nearly a month before. My happiness was overflowing. For a moment, all the death and destruction of the last month was at the bottom of my list of things to think about. The thought that so many people could be made happy with something I longed for and could actually do overwhelmed me.

  With a smirk, Peter stood, walked over to me, and kissed me on the cheek, receiving whoops and hollers from the men on the Council. I’m sure I was as red as some of the roses in my garden and I smiled sheepishly as Peter made his way back to his seat.

  “Alright. Alright. Order everyone,” Father said. “I am glad at this reaction. Hopefully the people will be just as happy with this decision. I will keep everyone appraised on the situation with the mutated Daze. This urgent session of the Council is now adjourned.”

  One by one, the holocomms shut off as the Delegates disconnected. When the last one was off, Peter jumped out of his chair, making it fly behind him and smash into the wooden wall. He ran over to me and yanked me out of my chair, causing me to squeal. “Yes!” he shouted and lifted me in the air by my waist and spun us in circles. Ella and I were both giggling and Father had a self-satisfied smile on his face. “You’re going to be my wife,” Peter said as he lowered me and pulled me into an embrace.

  I am going to be Duke Peter of Juniper’s wife.

  Part III

  Chapter 30

  “If you’ll excuse us,” Peter said as he gripped my hand and dragged my giggling self out of the Council Chamber. Swiftly, he pulled me out the doors and around to the field of wildflowers behind Evergreen Palace.

  “The future Mrs. Peter Petrichoria of Arboria, are you as happy as I am?” Peter asked when we reached the tree line.

  I laughed. “I’m pretty sure you’re happier than a family of worms after the rain.”

  “Now that’s a lovely mental picture.”

  Biting the corner of my bottom lip, I said, “I never dared to think this would happen. I never dared to hope, but here we are.”

  “Here we are,” Peter whispered as he pulled me close and pressed his forehead against mine. “I’m going to get permission to leave Evergreen Palace when you head over to the lab.”

  My smile faded. “What do you mean? We just got engaged!”

  He nodded. “I need to go to the Juniper estate and get my mother’s ring for you. You will wear it, won’t you?”

  Tears filled my eyes. “Of course I will, Peter. When will you be back?”

  “So sure your father will give me permission?” he asked with a twinkle in his eye. “I’ll be there and back again; I won’t be there overnight. I’ll get the ring and come right back to you. I’ll probably be home late tonight. I’ll make sure to see you when I get back.”

  Before I could smile fully, Peter pressed his lips firmly against mine. His mouth danced with mine, stealing every breath from my lungs and causing my heart to race to a speed I had never experienced before. He groaned and I sighed when he pulled me as close as possible to him. Any space between us felt like a mile. Any moment apart felt like a year.

  I couldn’t imagine ever doubting that love. How could I have thought it wasn’t real; that I was just some pretty face for him? Peter loved me in a way I knew no one else ever could. Finally, he stopped the kiss and we panted in our tight embrace.

  “I must go now. And you must go see to Duke Christopher,” Peter said.

  “It doesn’t bother you? My being with those men on their death beds?”

  “Rose, you do realize that we all knew we would be participating in the King’s Test from a very young age. We were all essentially trained to love you and only you. Sure, Christopher and Theo dated other women, but only to their parents’ chagrin. When you sat with Stephan, Leo, and Linc when they were dying, you were their love; you were the one they had waited their whole lives to be with. I know you don’t love them romantically, but your heart of compassion that extends to them is one of the reasons I love you so much. They would have died alone if not for you.”

  “Alright, then. Don’t forget to come see me when you come home,” I said.

  “Home,” Peter whispered.

  We walked to the front of the palace together, then split. He went inside to organize his trip and I turned to the lab to visit with Christopher. I strolled into the lab, trying not to seem too happy, given all the circumstances. When I got in, Darrel was standing in the middle of the room with a crazed look on his face.


  He looked over to me and his face softened.

  “What is going on, Darrel?”

  Darrel’s face twisted again. “I have rotting had it!” he yelled and threw a test tube against the wall, shattering it into sand. “How could I do it? How?”

  “I think you need to calm down, Darrel.”

  He scoffed. “Being calm did not save them. Being studious did not give me the knowledge I needed. Being connected did not get me the answers. I am a gigantic failure and a horrible man!” He threw another test tube. Then another.

  I pressed myself against the wall and began to shuffle to the quarantine hall. “Well, I think I will just leave you to shattering your test tubes and go visit Duke Christopher.”

  “Don’t bother.” He sniffed. “He’s dead. Just like all of them.” He gestured to the waiting mortuary across the room, which was filled with the bodies of every member of the Noble families. “All dead. All my fault. All my rotting fault.”

  I had to let the news fly over me because Darrel wasn’t finished with his tantrum. Instead of throwing it, he simply dropped the test tube from his hand on the floor. It crashed against his foot, which I just then realized was bare. A giant slash appeared on the top of his foot and he screamed in pain and began to weep.

  Slowly, I approached him and took his hand. “Darrel, have a seat. I will help you get cleaned up.”

  He snapped his hand out of mine like a toddler throwing a tantrum and sat down on his examination table. “What do you know about cleaning up a wound like this? Psh. I will probably need the cut weaver.”

  I tried not to scoff at his childish behavior and words. “As brilliant as you are, I am sure you can direct me on how to use the larger cut weaver. I have been weaving my own cuts with a smaller one for years. As for cleaning a wound, it is basic first aid, Darrel. You do not have to be a child prodigy to know first aid. I may not be you, but I am not stupid.”

  I made my way over to the wall where his first aid kit was stationed. Opening the box, I pulled out a cloth with the cleansing liquid and found the cut weaver on the bottom of the box. Without looking, I grabbed a table cart and pulled it over to where Darrel was sitting.

  While I set everything down, I asked, “Do you always smash your feet with test tubes when you are angry? It is very destructive behavior.”

  “No. Just when nine families all died in under a month while on my watch.”

  “You are always on the clock, Darrel. We have had this talk. It is not healthy.” I poured some cleansing liquid onto the cloth and wiped at his foot, causing him to wince.

  “I’m beginning to think you’re right.”

  “The sooner you accept I am always right, the easier life will be for you.”

  He smiled crookedly. “Thank you, Miriam. I was very wrong about you.”

  “You are welcome, Darrel.” I didn’t want to press him for an explanation of what he meant by that. He was in a very fragile state of mind.

  When the cut was clean, I examined the cut weaver. As it turned out, it wasn’t difficult to use at all. It was similar to my small one. I only had to aim and pull the trigger. As I began to weave his skin back together, Darrel said, “Hey, you are not too bad at that. You have very steady hands.”

  “Surprised? You should not be. I play guitar and dance. I am very good with my hands.” I smiled for a moment, then let it fall. “I am sorry I was not here.”

  “Why are y
ou apologizing to me? You were the one who wanted to be here for him.”

  “Yes, I did. But not only for him.” I finished up with the cut weaver and set it down. Darrel was looking at me, confused. “I wanted to be here for you, too.”

  “I do not understand.”

  “With each death, it was taking a toll on you. I knew when Christopher died, you could very well lose it. I was hoping to be here so you would not. I am sorry I was not here. I was clearly right.”

  “The sooner you accept that you are always right, the easier life will be for you.”

  I laughed.

  “There is nothing to forgive, but if it will make you feel better, you have my forgiveness. I am sorry you had to see me like that. Not exactly the most professional moment of my life.” After a moment of silence, he said, “You are much kinder and more considerate than I thought. Thank you for being here for me.”

  “Why don’t you join us for dinner tonight, Darrel? You can sleep in a real bed tonight, either at home or in one of our guest rooms.”

  “You’re inviting me to dine with the Royal family?” He sounded amazed.

  “Oh, please. Are we really going to have the titles discussion again?”

  “Yes – I mean – no, we do not need to have it again. Yes, I will join your family for dinner. It would be an honor.”

  “Should I arrange a room for you?”

  “Yes, please. I – think I would enjoy a shower.”

  “I would like you to shower, too. It has been a while. I can tell.” I winked and he laughed. “Dinner will be at 6:00. See you then, Darrel.” I made my way to leave and stopped at the door. “Darrel?”


  “Thank you for everything you did. I know you did all you could and I really respect you for the way you handled this situation.” His eyes still held a level of guilt in them, but the rest of his face graciously accepted my praise.


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