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Eliza Gayle Witch Bundle (paranormal romance)

Page 29

by Eliza Gayle

  “I hear you, babe. I see this far more often than I should. Well, not exactly this, but demons and their tricks anyways.”

  “Bottom line, Noah, it’s going to take me more time to find out what’s going on here. What’s her current condition?”

  “She’s still out cold but all her vitals are good.” He looked at the screen above his desk where the security camera was focused on his bed and the fragile woman resting there. Funny, he would have never considered her fragile before, but this ordeal had changed her and she needed his help. Now every protective gene he possessed was on high alert. For her he would do anything, even lay his life down if it would save her from whatever had happened or would. And his experience and instincts told him that her involvement in this was far from over.

  “Noah, are you listening?” Rena asked.

  “Yeah, yeah, sorry. I sort of zoned for a second thinking about what Jessie’s been through.”

  “I get that she is your first priority, as your mate should.”

  “Wait, I didn’t say that, don’t go putting words in my mouth. She is special, I’ll give you that, but this whole fated mates and prophecy still sounds like a load of bullshit from a family past that is rather questionable at this point. I’m not about to put a lot of stock into it.”

  She laughed. “You will. I’m sure you can already tell the difference in yourself and your power being around her, and I would be willing to lay odds that the two of you are drawn to each other and having trouble keeping your hands off each other, and I’m not much of a gambler under normal circumstances. That’s just how much I believe in what’s happening.”

  He snorted. What could he say? He’d never reacted to a woman the way he did her. She twisted him in knots just being here, and truth be told he’d ached for her every minute since she’d left him. Now she was back—either through fate or something else didn’t really matter, they’d been dealt a second chance.

  Movement on the screen caught his eye as Jessie started to stir. “I’ve got to run, Rena, I think she’s waking up.”

  “One more thing, Noah, and it’s important so give it some thought. If Scott branded her with demon magick, and it was able to channel through her, who’s to say he couldn’t use that same connection to track her?”

  Alarm shot through him at her words. Fuck, he should have thought of that. Normally no one could find this place unless he wanted them to, but if she had been turned into Scott’s personal GPS tracking device they were screwed.

  “Noah, are you there? Did you hear what she said? This has me worried. Where are you and how secure is it?” Graelen had commandeered the phone from Rena.

  “Yeah, I’m here. I should have expected something like this. Getting her off his compound had been far easier than I’d expected. Shit! We are in a normally secure place, but that security relies on being able to hide. If he’s tracking her, we aren’t hiding anymore.”

  “How long would it take the two of you to get out of there?”

  “What difference does it make, where are we going to go he couldn’t track her?”

  “Then tell me where you are and we’ll all be on our way. If we all put our brains and our power together like we are meant to, then we should be able to take care of this once and for all. We’ll make a stand.”

  Noah envisioned his tiny cove being invaded by his brothers and their women. The loss of the tranquility would be devastating. But his home had been designed as a defensible base, it was probably a good as place as any to take on known and unknown enemies. He would have to break his long held location silence and allow his family to come here. “Hang on for a GPS screen shot. Feed it into your mapping system and you should be able to pinpoint the location pretty quickly. For Denn, it’s a half day’s trip, for you and Cash it will be longer. Probably a day and half, maybe two depending on your flight and travel arrangements.”

  Noah listened to the all too familiar sound of keys on a keyboard tapping out instructions. A low whistle sounded in the phone. “You really do know how to hide, don’t you? Still, we’ll leave here within the hour. You can count on our arrival in less than twenty-four hours. What will you do until we get there? Knowing you the way I do, I imagine you have a plan in place for this kind of thing.”

  “I have a few tricks up my sleeves.”

  “Uh huh, okay, brother, until tomorrow stay safe. For Goddess’ sake, don’t let the woman out of your site, our time is running out.”

  Noah switched off the phone and looked at the woman on the screen. She hadn’t gotten up from the bed, but her hands were threaded through her hair, cradling her skull. His body thrummed again with the need to touch her, to make sure she was all right as he turned off the screen and walked from his office to the bedroom. The minute he stepped in the room he caught her scent along with the familiar smell of fire. His scent. Together the two mingled, weaving around her, his senses leaving him a little short of breath and anxious to get close to her.

  “Jessie, how are you feeling?”

  “Tired, empty, and sick to death of your uncle.”

  He swallowed his laugh, since him thinking she looked more adorable than ever while upset and vulnerable like this might not go over very well. “Is your head hurting?” He sat next to her and traced the bare skin of her arms with his fingers till he, too, had her hair wrapped around his hand. He massaged her scalp.

  “I’ll be all right.”

  * * *

  “Do you remember what happened?”

  “Yes. The brand…it activated. I’m somehow still connected.”

  “He’s been using demon magick against you. Why didn’t you tell me? We have a pretty serious situation on our hands.”

  Jessie stilled, schooled her features in the hopes of looking neutral to his words. He’d seen her magick? “Demon magick?”

  “Yes, I got a handful of the hot and nasty red stuff from your body through that mark.”

  Hope went through her as she considered that maybe she could get her magick back after all. “What did you do with it?”

  “Destroyed it as quickly as I could. That stuff is damned unpredictable and not something to keep around no matter how much someone might want to look at it or study it.”

  She nodded. What else could she do but agree with him? The venom that he spoke with against demons and their magick made it crystal clear that she’d done the right thing when she left him the first time. He would never accept her if he knew the truth. Half witch or not, she possessed the demon magick that so many feared. More than that, she’d spent a lifetime trying to suppress it because she didn’t know how to control it. Her mother hated her for having it, and she had never met her biological father, which left her brother. She sighed long and deep. She missed Jake. He had always stuck up for her, protected her from hatred when he could, and in the long run she’d failed him by using the one thing that made them different.

  Now she was helpless to save him or herself. She shifted on the bed, restless now to do something, anything, to fight this. If she could find a way to get her magick back…

  “Rena seems to think with that brand of yours and the fact Scott has gotten his hands on some demon magick make him capable of tracking you. If that’s true then it probably won’t be long before we have some company out here.”

  “What!?” She jumped from the bed and paced the floor. Run, Jessie. Run. “I have to get out of here. Now.” She looked down at herself. Clothes. She needed some first. Her gaze traversed the room, trying to remember where she had clothes. She had to go now. She couldn’t wait. Couldn’t take the chance of being recaptured by Scott. Couldn’t let Noah be hurt or worse because of her.

  She ran for the door.

  “Jessie—what the hell?”

  She turned to the back of the cabin, remembering the boats tethered to the dock. She could get away that way. Halfway to the back door at a dead run she felt warm, strong arms wrap around her like bands of steel, his body propelled against hers, tackling her to the groun

  “Jessie. Stop. What are you doing? Where are you going? What’s wrong?”

  “Let me go, Noah.” She fought him with everything she had, twisting and kicking her legs, desperately seeking some leverage to get loose of his bear tight hold on her.

  “You’re not going anywhere, Jessie. Not this time. You. Are. Not. Running. Away.” He rolled over her, tucking her body underneath his, the look on his face fierce and determined.

  She scissored her legs, doing her best to get her knee to connect with his groin. “You can’t keep me here. It’s too dangerous. I don’t want to be here.”

  “Bullshit. You’re safer here than out there on your own. Tell me what you’re really running from. What are you not telling me?”

  She continued to struggle against his superior strength, doing her best not to think about the fire beginning to simmer in her body from his being pressed so tight against hers. Nope, she wasn’t going to think about the fabric of his shirt rasping against her peaked and aching nipples, or the throbbing in her sex that was already moistening at the mere thought of him touching her there.

  “It’s not safe here. I can’t stay.”

  “It’s safer here, this place is built to take care of us.”

  Their struggling together must have turned him on as well, because she felt his growing hard on pressing down on her. An unbidden image of his long, thick length stretching her and filling her flooded her mind and a small whimper escaped her lips.

  Magick stirred between them, a slow steady burn. His mostly, although remnants of hers remained. Her heart thumped an erratic beat in her chest as she continued to wiggle and fight to get loose. Arousal burned hot and bright with every move until she couldn’t stand it anymore. Sometimes being an insatiable half-breed drove her insane.

  “Please, Noah.” Her plea was a husky whisper to her own ears. Their gazes locked, their heads just inches apart. Power, lust, and control warred between them.

  “What? What do you really want? Be careful what you say next. My patience has run out.”

  The dark edge of control in his voice shivered against the length of her body, and she ached to give in to it. “You need to let me go.”

  “No.” His lips crashed down on hers, hard and rough, his tongue thrusting its way into her mouth. The taste of magick flooded her and the tiny shred of control she’d been grasping at broke free. She pulled her arms loose and grabbed fistfuls of his hair, pulling him tighter against her mouth, her teeth scraping and biting his lips. Noah bit back and rolled her to the side, fighting with her for control. Her lips stung against his assault and her pussy dripped with arousal the rougher Noah’s movements grew.

  The tightness in her chest loosened as the beast in her once again fought to unfurl. Yes, this was what she needed. Rougher, harder. Her freed leg wrapped around his hip, opening her to him and angling his cock right up against her pussy. Even with the fabric of his sweats between them, his heat and hardness rubbed her clit with delicious friction. She bucked her hips against him, pushing his back against the floor and leaving her straddled over him.

  She pinned his arms down with her hands and rode his cock, drenching his pants. Dark laughter rumbled from his chest as the crest of release grabbed her by surprise and sent her hurtling into the abyss of pleasure. She cried out and bucked, unable to control her movements. Before she could recover or utter a coherent word, her body was flipped to the floor and she found herself being put on all fours by Noah.

  “Please, Noah, hurry, I need to—”

  “I know, baby. Me, too.”

  She heard the rustle of Noah removing his pants and settling in behind her, thigh to thigh, his hot cock nestled tightly between. She whimpered when he pulled back and he no longer touched her. Frustrated, she pushed back to reach him and the head of his cock slipped between her moist folds and into her tight channel.

  “Eager, aren’t you?” His hand grasped her shoulder and he drove himself forward with a strong, jolting thrust. Jessie’s body burned as it accommodated him, forcing her to take deep gulps of air. Wanting even more, she slid forward a few inches and he pulled her back by the shoulder, again burying himself to the hilt. She continued her movements until the give and take became so fast and rough it was difficult to tell who did what. He pounded into her as she met him thrust for thrust, pushing him for more, always more. More pain. More pleasure.

  With his tip rasping across her g-spot, he threw her into orgasm after orgasm until she no longer knew when one stopped or started. Her hair plastered to her sweat soaked skin as he took her over and made her his. Relief and satisfaction roiled through her in the knowledge that this man understood more than any what she really needed and that he wanted the same for himself. Her sex clenched hard and he groaned behind her, driving deeper, hurting her more, giving her just what she needed.

  “Fuck, Jessie, I can’t stop it, I have to fuck you hard. Even harder.” He slammed into her.

  “Yes, Noah. Oh, Goddess, I need it.”

  With Noah’s next hard thrust he tensed and groaned, splashing her with a new heat, while her own final climax burned over her. She shook from the intensity of it, collapsing forward onto the floor. Noah slipped from her body.


  She turned her sleepy eyes toward him, her heart beat harder at the emotion she saw there.

  “You are it for me. The one I have to have.”

  Before she could respond, piercing alarms sounded from everywhere in the house. Noah jumped up and pulled his sweats on as he did.

  “What’s going on? What happened?” she yelled, but she knew there was no way he heard her over the racket. He punched in a code in a panel in the wall she didn’t even know was there. With great relief the alarms silenced and he disappeared into his office. She followed him inside, staring in amazement at the array of electronic gadgets covering the room. Multiples screens on the walls, computers covering the desks, cabinets full of weapons and a gigantic safe in the corner. This was obviously the heart of this house and Noah had prepared for any possible scenario.

  She walked up behind him as he scanned the various screens that showed every corner of his property and parts of the swamp surrounding it. “What’s going on? Is someone here? Did Scott find us?”

  He turned and looked at her, his gaze roaming up and down her still nude frame. “You might want to get some clothes on, we are about to have company.”

  “Who is it?” She glanced frantically from screen to screen. “Where are they, I can’t see anyone.”

  “Relax, Jessie. It’s my brother Denn, I can feel him. And I imagine he won’t be alone. So, unless you plan to greet them like that…” He smacked her on the ass, surprising her.

  “Hey.” She laughed. “I’m going.”

  She hustled back to the bathroom and grabbed up her bag and headed for the bathroom. Surely she had enough time to take a shower before they got here. She couldn’t wait to see her brother again, and she wanted to meet Raven, the woman who had captured both Denn and Jake. She’d been a little surprised when Noah had told her what was up with Jake, but she didn’t care as long as her brother was happy.

  In the shower with the hot water sliding across her skin, she thought of Noah and what he’d said right before they’d been interrupted. Her breath hitched at the implications as she realized she was in more trouble than ever. She needed to tell him, and do it before his family got here.

  She hurried out of the shower and threw on some clothes, putting her hair in a ponytail, and headed back to his office to talk with him. She found the room empty and Noah nowhere in sight. She looked at the screens to see if they would tell her anything. Screen after screen and still nothing until the second to the last. A clear and crisp view of the back deck and beyond showed Noah standing at the railing looking out over the water. She hurried from the room, determined to tell him before it was too late.

  She pushed open the back door, “Noah, I have something I have to tell you.”

“Well, hurry up, you have about thirty seconds before they hit the dirt.” He motioned to the water behind him, and she stretched and looked past the railing to see two airboats coming through the cove, headed for the dock. Her heart sank, it was already too late. She couldn’t drop that on him with just seconds before a reunion with his family.

  “It’ll keep.” She smiled at him despite the sense of doom settling over her. Whatever opportunity she might have had just disappeared with two airboats and a huge group of people walking up the dock to the cabin. Her head pounded and her palms sweated, already the energy in the air thick with magick. When she spied Jake at the back of the pack she took off running down the dock. Everyone quickly sidestepped them as she ran into his arms, grateful beyond belief for the security of his strength and presence.

  “Oh, Jake.” Tears flooded her eyes that no amount of blinking would hold back. She’d feared for both their lives for so long.

  “Jessie, are you all right? What did he do to you? Did he hurt you?”

  She nodded her head against his chest, she didn’t want to let him go.

  “That part’s over now, I’m just glad that you’re here,” she whispered.

  “What about your power, have you gotten in back? I still can’t believe the bastard branded you?”

  She shook in his arms, all her emotions flooding through her, spilling out. Her quiet tears turned to hard racking sobs that she couldn’t control. She heard people shuffling around, but didn’t look.

  “Come on, let’s go inside. I’d feel more secure not being out in the open like this. We have to be on guard at all times.”

  She struggled to compose herself and wiped away her tears as best she could. She twisted and looked up to see all had gone up to the house except a dark haired woman—she assumed was Raven—and Noah’s twin. Despite knowing in advance they were identical twins, seeing him standing there still took her back. Except for the look in his eyes and the various tiny scars that Noah had that Denn didn’t, you wouldn’t be able to tell them apart.


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