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Skyrocket (Love and Music in Texas Book 6)

Page 5

by Nikki Lynn Barrett

  “As if you don't?” Chris retorted playfully. “Taryn told me you sent her away so you could plot pranks.”

  “Guess you'll find out eventually, won't you?” Kyra climbed to her feet and waved at them mischievously before heading toward the stage as Baby Stetson finished with their sound check. She passed Taryn on the way up. “Good job!” Kyra stopped to talk to her, even though she needed to get her butt in gear.

  “Thanks! Good luck, not that you need it.” Taryn wiped the sweat from her brow with a cloth, then dropped it in her lap before wheeling down the ramp.

  Kyra stopped Avery next. “You guys rocked! Nervous?”

  “Umm ... slightly,” Avery admitted, gripping her guitar. “It's still surreal.”

  “Just wait until the arena is full.” Kyra held her hand out, slapping it against Avery's for a high five. She still needed to talk to her at some point and find out how she was handling the articles popping up about them already.

  “Ready, Kyra?” Mason, her main sound guy, wired her up with an ear piece and mic as members of her band took their places.

  “I'm good. Let's do this!” She spoke into the microphone as she said it, facing the seats. Matt and Andrew waved. Kyra broke out in a smile. Energy pumped through her. “This is a shout out to the two handsome guys up there. I've got my eye on you.” She goofed off with the band for several songs before they turned serious and launched into Knock Me Over, the upbeat tune she'd be starting her shows with. When Kyra turned back to see how Matt and Andrew were doing, she discovered their seats empty. Huh? Where'd they go?

  Kyra got through the first verse and chorus before something caught her attention from the corner of her eye. Trying not to lose concentration, she whirled around toward the left to see exactly what was going on. Her heart raced, unsure of the extra person on stage that she couldn't account for.

  Chapter Five

  “You guys are terrible!” Kyra socked Matt's shoulder after her sound check ended.

  “Let the pranking begin!” Matt sent her a sly grin. “Come on, I had to get in on at least one. All part of the experience, right?” The sheer look of shock on her face when he led Andrew, Chris, and everyone else up on stage, all wearing the same style of Kyra's shirts, was hilarious.

  “You would try to pull that one on me,” Kyra mused, wrapping her arms around him.”Good one, but I have to admit, at first I thought someone was coming to attack me or something.”

  “Aw, hell. I didn't even think of that. I'm sorry.” Matt pulled her closer. Whoops.

  “It's okay. Like I said earlier, the jitters will fade soon. You definitely pulled a good one. I assume someone got it on video?”

  “Yep. One of the crew got it. The look on your face … I'll never forget it.” Matt pressed a kiss to her temple. “I do feel bad that I scared you, though.” The thought never even crossed his mind that Kyra would think something like that. “What blew my mind was you didn't even stumble over your words or anything!”

  “Lots of practice. Your prank wasn't the first or worst I've encountered, so kudos for a good startle, but you'll have to do better than that to throw me off my game.” She wagged a finger at him in a taunting, suggestive manner.

  Matt shrugged, playing coy. “It was still fun. I probably already asked this, but what all do you have to do tonight after your show ends?”

  “I have a meet and greet for about an hour where I'll be signing autographs, and I also have to approve some of the digital footage taken tonight so it can go up on the website. I might not go to bed until one or two in the morning.”

  He grimaced. “And we're leaving when?”

  “Five in the morning.”

  “Good grief! When do you sleep, exactly?”

  “I'll catch a few z's on the bus.” Her tone was a little edgy.

  “And this is what it's like for you?” Barely any sleep, always on the go ... how in the world did she keep up with this, and how the hell did she manage this at fourteen years old? Matt had a hell of a time getting Andrew out of bed half the time in the morning, and those were times he'd gotten a full nights sleep! His respect for Kyra grew. She loved this life, even if there were a lot of things she didn't get. Wow. So many eye opening things happening here.

  “Sleep is overrated, anyway.” Kyra shrugged. “I've been on the go so much, the adrenaline keeps me going. It's not all the time, and I do make sure I take care of myself.” Her tone went slightly defensive, and hurt flashed in her eyes.

  “I'm not judging,” he promised, leaning his head close to hers. “I'm just prone to be shocked at how many hours you put into this. Who am I to say anything? Who had to drag me out of my shop the other day, and it's not anywhere near as rewarding as what you do!”

  “You were a little judging. At least, it felt that way to me.” Kyra curled a finger around his belt loop. “I recognize that look and tone, but I assure you, I've always had a pretty good handle on taking care of myself, even with these brutal hours. I promise as soon as I'm done tonight, I will sneak quietly into our room, curl up beside you, and hold on as long as we have.”

  “That's a promise I'll hold you to.” Matt kissed her. “Baby Stetson is about to start. I told Blaine I'd video chat with her so she can see Randy's first night. She's loving the photos everyone is posting on Facebook, but I know she wishes she could be here.”

  “I really hope the morning sickness eases up for her. She called me the day after the going away party to apologize, and I told her she's crazy for thinking she even needed to. I have a list of all her appointments, and she'll keep me updated on any others, so I told her I'd get Randy out there for each and every one while he's still on tour.”

  “She's going to come to the Dallas show. I figure if we sent her some personal videos that are only for her, it'll make her feel better.” Matt reached to pull the phone from his pocket.

  “I'll be sure to give her plenty of experiences to see.” Kyra smiled. “I'd better go. If I'm spotted in the crowd, there's bound to be a riot, plus I'm sure at any moment, Mauve the stylist is going to go crazy looking for me. She's such a perfectionist. Enjoy the show.”

  “No doubt that I will. See you soon.” Matt pulled her close for one last kiss before reluctantly letting go of her. Kyra scurried away through the arena, and Matt left to take his seat with Andrew and Chris. They had a front row view tonight.

  Matt spied his son taking a selfie as he approached. “Don't tell me you've gone the way of the selfies now, too!” He held back a groan.

  “This is a trip of a lifetime! Of course I'm going to take selfies. I'm sending some to Daisy, and they're going on Facebook. Get over here and take one with me. It's not often we get a picture together.”

  “As much as I'm not a fan of the selfie craze, you've got yourself a deal. It's not often my fifteen year old shows me his sentimental side.” Matt moved quickly to sit beside him. He smiled at the camera as Andrew leaned close. The flash made him squint, but the photo came out pretty good.

  “I'm tagging you in it,” Andrew warned as he tapped into his phone. He'd convinced Matt to get a Facebook account to keep up with Kyra. Matt barely logged in, but he was subscribed to all of Kyra's updates. The lights dimmed as the anticipation grew, and the arena filled up with applause and cheers.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, are you ready for the kick off night on the Bare My Soul tour?” the announcer shouted into the mic. Lights flashed as the crowd ramped up. Andrew put his phone in his lap. Matt prepared to call Blaine once Baby Stetson began their intro.

  “Our headliner, Kyra Sanders, wants you all to know she's got so much planned for this tour, and she's proud to endorse a new band that she's taken on as her opening act!”

  Kyra's voice filled the arena, though Matt couldn't see her. “I want to personally introduce you to my opening act. They had no idea I'd be out on this stage before they came on. Baby Stetson is a band I met when I went home to Texas last year. Their talent and personalities blew me away. Get ready world, because Baby
Stetson is an act you're not going to want to miss. Please give some love to this small town Texas band, Baby Stetson!”

  The lights brightened just as Kyra raised her hands in the air. Taryn launched into a drum solo, gearing up for the band's first song. Matt pulled up the video conference call option on his phone and dialed Blaine. She appeared on the screen. Her lips were moving, but he couldn't hear a thing she said. Not that she could hear him either, but it didn't stop him from saying. “Baby Stetson is starting. Watch!” He turned the phone around as the spotlight lit up Avery.

  “New Orleans! What a city! I've never been here before, but you showed me what you're all about in just a few hours. Now it's time to return the favor. Thanks to Kyra for that great introduction. Getting to be part of her comeback tour is the best dream come true ever. Let's do this!” She clapped her hands as the rest of the band joined Taryn on the musical front, and they launched into their first tune. Matt made sure to move his phone left and right slowly so that Blaine could see all the sides of the stage. After the first song ended, he turned the phone back around and waved at her. Blaine's eyes welled with tears. She mouthed a thank you to him, and the video call ended. Within a minute, his text screen lit up.

  Since I can't hear a thing you're saying and vice versa, I thought I'd text you. Thank you. I really appreciate that. I miss you all so much, but I know this tour is gonna rock. Be sure to get a video of Kyra implementing my dance moves. I hope to hear good news about an engagement soon!

  He sent her a quick reply. Will do. Rest up, and I hope you feel better soon. She'd probably make a comment about his lack of response to her other statement, but Matt had nothing more to say on it. She knew he'd ask when he felt the time was right.

  For the rest of Baby Stetson's show, Matt relaxed with Andrew and Chris as the excitement continued to build. The audience undoubtedly responded well to their performance, and it was only the first night. He made sure to take a lot of photos and video snippets, as did Andrew and Chris. Before they knew it, Baby Stetson's time ended.

  “Thank you for a great night! It means everything!” Avery stood between Jameson and Melody. “Stay tuned, because in about fifteen minutes, Kyra Sanders will take the stage. Thanks again, New Orleans!”

  “They were awesome!” Andrew proclaimed as the lights came back on. Music played from the speakers as Baby Stetson left the stage. “Are they going to come out in the audience and sit with us now?”

  “I'm not sure,” Matt answered. “Most likely not. Kyra said there might be people from magazines wanting to interview them, and they might have a meet and greet set up. Did you catch some good shots or video?”

  “Yeah! Good thing I had my camera, too. Here, look.” Andrew showed him what he got while they waited for Kyra's show. Fifteen minutes flew by fast. It actually startled him when the lights dimmed again. “Hey! Kyra's about to start!”

  “She sure is.” Matt reached for his phone and camera again, eager to see her on stage.

  “We're back to bring you more live music! I want to hear some noise for Kyra Sanders!”

  Thunderous applause and cheers filled the large venue. Matt shot to his feet, cupped his hands around his mouth, and made sure to join in. It caught Andrew by surprise, but he followed suit.

  Kyra was silhouetted at first. “What did I tell you about my opening act? Did you love them?”

  As everyone cheered again, the spotlight brightened. Kyra stood in the middle of the stage, a smile on her face. Sweat poured down her neck, but she didn't even seem to care. She'd changed outfits, now decked out in a pair of shimmery black pants and a hunter green sleeveless shirt. Her long hair flowed down her back. Kyra seemed at ease and at home. The stage suited her. Matt watched her, completely transfixed on every move she made. No signs of her previous stage fright occurred.

  “I want to thank you all for the warm reception back to country music. This album was a long time coming, and each and every song comes from the heart.” She walked the length of the stage, and her gaze landed on him. Matt's breath hitched as she continued to look him in the eye. “Someone special to me is sitting in the front row with another special person beside him. I want you to know that I love you both. You're everything to me.”

  Matt's heart thudded against his chest at her gesture. He knew exactly what she was doing, and that was to let him know that no matter how much she loved her music, that he and Andrew meant something to her.


  The rush from being on stage didn't fail tonight. Kyra's worries melted away with each song. The audience loved it, she loved it, and every chance she could, Kyra glanced over Matt's way to see an expression of adoration and love. Whatever doubts he had about the music business must have left him alone, or he hid them well, because Kyra could tell he was proud. That in itself fueled her stage presence tonight.

  After she finished What Goes Up, Kyra headed toward the piano. The lights dimmed on cue. “This next song was written for my best friend. I learned to play the piano specifically for this track. I might mess up on playing, so try to ignore that. This one is still new to me.” She cracked a grin at the audience. “This one is called The Other Half Of This Heart.”

  This was the first time she'd played the piano live in front of an audience and the first time singing this song live. Kyra's emotions took over as she thought of the six years without Taryn and the stage. Kyra hadn't planned on tears, but they fell anyway as she continued to sing and play the keys. Her voice cracked a little, and she dared to look out toward the audience. The venue was lit up with cell phone lights, and to her surprise, a chorus of voices were singing right along with her. Her stomach knotted. Wow. What a powerful moment.

  Kyra had to regain her composure well after the song ended. She rested her hands on the keys, closed her eyes, and soaked in the reception. “Thank you,” she said into the microphone after clearing her throat. “To be honest, I had no idea how my first show on the tour would go. It's been an up and down ride my whole career, and to come back to such love … I can't ever thank those of you who have stuck by me enough, and for those who are back in my life in a good way, I appreciate it. My heart is racing right now.”

  “We love you, Kyra!” Voices in the crowd shouted, but the ones she heard the most clear were Matt and Andrew's.

  The lights were still low, but she knew exactly where they were. She whispered into the microphone, “I love you, too.”

  Chapter Six

  “I come offering cold water bottles, laughter, and if you want, a friend to go with you to your meet and greets. For old times sake.” Taryn met Kyra offstage after her show ended, holding out a large bottle of water. Her friend's smile was sincere and wide, and her eyes sparkled with love. “You freaking rocked it out there. I about died when you broke down on stage after The Other Half Of This Heart.”

  “That wasn't planned or for effect, either. What did it for me was hearing the crowd sing the song and seeing the endless sea of cell phone lights.” Kyra accepted the water bottle, anticipating the feel of the cool liquid after pouring out everything she had tonight. “You'd seriously go with me to meet and greets?” She figured Taryn would want to stay away from all of that.

  Taryn shrugged. “If you want me to. I thought we'd do it just the way we used to.”

  “I'd hug you right now, but I'm so sweaty and gross, you'd probably kill me. I'd love it, Taryn.” Kyra smiled at her best friend. “By the way, you were fantastic tonight. How did you feel?”

  “The magic is still there.” Taryn breathed out a happy sigh as she spoke. “I know this is only the first of many nights, but it definitely started off well. This is what I've been missing.”

  “Ready, Miss Sanders?” Two members of security ambled up to them, ready to escort her to a back room to do a quick touch up on makeup, hair, and a change of clothes.

  “Ready.” Kyra thanked them.

  Taryn followed her as a text notification went off. “That's Matt. He says phenomenal show and that he can't
wait to see you soon.”

  Kyra's heart warmed at his thoughtfulness to send Taryn a message for her. “I love that he's here for some of this.”

  “Me too. It's good for him to see a little of what you do.”

  “Yeah, I know. That's exactly why I asked him. Well, that and I want to spend time with him, but I needed Matt to see all the different aspects.” Her tone quieted down. No matter how much she tried, the whole thing worried her. What would he say and do in the end run?

  “He's not going anywhere, Kyra,” Taryn assured her. “That man loves you.”

  “I know he does.” But is love enough? When did that doubt come crawling in? Hopefully Kyra could make it inside without letting out some of her vulnerable emotions. “Thank you. I should be out in just a few minutes,” she told the security guards.

  “Take your time, Miss Sanders.” The taller, more plump one tipped his hat before closing the door.

  “You're trending on Twitter and Facebook,” Taryn commented as Kyra fumbled through her purse for her chap stick.

  “Yeah? What are they saying?” She applied the chap stick to her lips, staring at Taryn.

  “Hold on. Let me bring one up.” Taryn swiped her phone. “Ah, here we go. Okay, ready? Kyra Sanders puts on her first major show in six years in New Orleans. Her concert is opened up by a new act by the name of Baby Stetson, a small town Texas band who was just recently signed to the same management team as Kyra. Sanders personally endorsed this band before they took the stage. When it came time for Kyra's show, she performed many of her new songs from the latest album, along with a variety of songs she's most well known for. If she has any problems with anxiety and stage fright, it didn't show tonight. Sanders took the stage with poise and put on one hell of a show. No doubt she's back for the long haul and ready to put the events of the past six years behind her. There was a familiar face on stage tonight. Sanders' former drummer, Taryn McAllister, is back in the music spotlight, this time as opening act Baby Stetson's drummer. Among the top highlights of tonight's performance was when Sanders broke down on stage while she debuted a haunting ballad as she played the piano. The Other Half Of This Heart is a tune on her newest album and though it isn't said directly, the song seems to be geared toward her estranged friendship with Ms. McAllister. All in all, I was happy to be in the first row for an up close and personal view of Kyra Sanders' comeback tour, and if you haven't seen them yet, she's got her boyfriend and his son with her. Will there be wedding bells in Kyra's future? Her life seems to be taking off in an upward track in all aspects. If you get a chance to see her Bare My Soul tour, I say go for it. You won't be disappointed. Her stage presence is better than ever. If I had more than two thumbs to put up, I'd give them to Miss Sanders.” Taryn met her gaze as she finished reading the review.


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