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Skyrocket (Love and Music in Texas Book 6)

Page 7

by Nikki Lynn Barrett

  “I knew it, actually,” Kyra admitted. “I stumbled across one the very first night I stayed at your place when your dad picked me up with the tow truck after hitting Blaine's car. I was looking for somewhere to plug in my phone and laptop, and I accidentally knocked some stuff over. I didn't mean to invade, but I caught a glimpse of some of your writing.” Please don't let him get mad.

  His cheeks reddened. “If my friends knew I wrote this stuff, I'd get picked on to the extreme!”

  “Well, if your friends knew how to pen their feelings as well as you do, they'd have something to be proud of. But you're fifteen, so I get the need to hide it. Regardless, I think this is great, which is why you made me cry. We'll work on a song whenever you want. I take it I'm not to tell your dad about this yet, huh?” She'd have to work hard not to accidentally let it slip up.

  “Not yet, if you don't mind. He's been trying to get me to talk about Mom and her giving up her rights to me, but I don't know what else to say. I wrote out what I wanted to, and I have to move on like she did, you know?” At the moment, his eyes held pain. “I can't make her love me and want me in her life, and after hearing about Chris and what he went through, I wanna make sure I don't go down that route with depression and anger. I was there partially already.”

  “I won't tell him, then. Can I give you a piece of advice?”

  “Sure.” Andrew shrugged, meeting her gaze.

  “Stay true to you. If you have a real love of writing songs, don't hide it. I think the world has enough of people hiding who they are because they're afraid. There's nothing wrong with writing poetry or lyrics, and don't let anyone else tell you otherwise.” Hopefully, he'd take this advice to heart.

  Andrew was about to say something, but Matt returned. “Hey. We found Marty. He's hungover, but they've got him on the bus and we're ready to roll. He's not offering up much of a response yet, but at least we're all rounded up.”

  Kyra blew out a breath. Thank goodness. “Well, it could have been worse. Say goodbye to New Orleans and hello to Biloxi, Mississippi!”


  “Kyra Sanders, the Wii Bowling Champion!” Taryn said as she recorded Kyra scoring her sixth strike in a row. “This is disgusting!”

  “Disgusting?” Kyra smirked, whirling around to face the camera. “Matt's got a better score than I do!”

  “I don't know how he managed that. He's out of it in the chair here.” Andrew pointed.

  Kyra stared in the direction Andrew pointed in. Sure enough, Matt had zoned out. “I guess I'll have to play for him. But first...” She pulled out her phone and snapped a photo. “He looks way too content.”

  “Bet we could change that.” Taryn snickered.

  “Send it to me, Kyra!” Andrew begged. “I need a blackmail photo.”

  “Let me bowl for him, and it'll be on its way.” Kyra stole another glance at Matt again. How could he be comfortable like that? His head was tilted at an awkward angle, for one.

  “Mess up his score! Mess up his score!” Taryn chanted.

  “Oh, so you can show him this video later? Seriously, how can he sleep through us?” Kyra let out a wicked laugh. “Here goes!” She bowled a split as the bus hit a bump and jolted everyone, including Matt, who woke up with wide, unsure eyes. He set his gaze on her, then the game, then back to her again. The expression of utter confusion had her bursting into another fit of laughter again.

  “Did I seriously just fall asleep, and did you purposely bowl that split?” He narrowed his eyes, trying to play off a serious tone.

  “You were out. Five minute nap?” Kyra shrugged, still laughing. “And no, I did not bowl that on purpose. It was the bump we hit.”

  “You're trying to get rid of the competition. I see how it is.” Matt held out his hand. “Give me that Wii-mote so I can pick up your slack.”

  “Ooooh, game on,” Taryn taunted. “I think after this, we should pop Tetris in. I can make Kyra cry with that game.”

  “This I gotta see,” Andrew commented. “She has a thing about wiping out my scores and kicking my butt, so you have to show me you can beat her.”

  “I've gotten better!” Kyra threw her hands up in the air in mock exaggeration.

  Taryn cocked her head to the side. “Then prove it. Strut your stuff.”

  “Do you really want to start a game now, when we're a half hour out from Biloxi?” Kyra handed the Wii-mote over to Matt so he could attempt to pick up the spare. He didn't, and a scowl was aimed her way before she blew a kiss at him.

  “Good point. We'll need a few hours for this match.” Taryn giggled.

  “I'm calling a redo later, young lady.” Matt growled at her playfully as he pulled her down beside him.


  “The view is phenomenal! I love being able to walk out on the balcony and stare at the beach!” Kyra threw open the patio windows after checking into their room. Matt, on the other hand, flopped on the bed and started to close his eyes until the blinding light bothered him. This hotel room was even nicer than the one in New Orleans. It consisted of a kitchenette, a large bathroom with a huge tub, a living room area with leather couches and a large TV, and plush beige carpeting.

  “A half hour. Just give me a half hour to rest. I promise I'll walk the beach with you. I know you're itching to go,” Matt pleaded. Exhaustion weighed his body down, and he had a headache from trying to focus on everything all day.

  “What, that five minute power nap didn't help?” she teased, jumping on the bed beside him. “We could do a morning walk on the beach, before everyone gets up. Watch the sunrise.”

  Matt opened his eyes and stared into hers. That might be the perfect time to propose. Nobody else around and a morning sunrise stroll on the beach? The idea appealed to him immensely. “I love that idea.”

  “That way I don't get sunburned before I get up on stage tonight,” Kyra added. “Win-win.”

  “There you go.” Matt pulled her close for a kiss. “I really could use a nap. Maybe even an hour. I know, I know. I'm an old man.”

  Kyra swatted at him. “Quit saying you're old.”

  “Tell me I wasn't drooling or anything embarrassing. I know Taryn was recording. That's the last thing I need on the Life of Kyra on the Road documentary- her exhausted, drooling boyfriend sleeping.”

  She covered her mouth, but not before a snort escaped her lips. “I'm not sure, but I promise to oversee her snippets before they get posted anywhere.”

  “Yeah, but you didn't say you'd delete them if I were,” he grumbled playfully.

  “You're right, I didn't.” Kyra wagged a finger at him. “Get your nap. You don't want to miss Baby Stetson's interview before they take the stage tonight, and we might even have time for sightseeing before that. Landon is coming down for the interview and joint meet and greets.”

  “What will you do while I sleep?” What would it take to get her to join him?

  “Oversee a few things for the show, and then check with everyone to make sure all is well. I still haven't had a chance to talk to Avery and Jameson about that article. No one's brought it up to me, so maybe they aren't taking it so bad. And, I might have to pull off a prank. I want to sneak in and check their set list, because what I plan should coordinate with one of their songs.”

  Matt chuckled. “You're only asking for retaliation.” But he sure as hell couldn't wait to see what Kyra had up her sleeve.

  “That's okay. It's all in fun and games. Sleep well. I'll close the curtain for you.”

  “Don't let me oversleep. No more than an hour and a half.”

  “Your number keeps going up in half hour increments.” Kyra closed the patio door, then drew the curtains, darkening the room.

  “I was hoping you wouldn't notice.” His voice came out sheepish. “I can't keep up with you, woman.”

  Kyra kissed him once more before taking off. Matt didn't take long to doze off, and he didn't know how much time had passed when the ringing of his phone jolted him out of a hard sleep. He rushed to
pick it up, at first uncertain of his surroundings until he clicked on a light. Blaine's number registered on the caller ID “Hey. What's up?”

  “I take it you haven't asked.”


  “Oh my god, are you sleeping? In the middle of the day? I thought only kids, pregnant women, or old fogies slept in the afternoon. Why are you not out enjoying the touring life?”

  “Well, consider this man an old fogie...” He shook his head at the shock in her voice. “Why aren't you bugging your husband instead of me?”

  “Already did. Now you can answer my question,” she shot back.

  Matt focused on the alarm clock as he responded. An hour had passed. “I needed a nap. Last night, I went out with Kyra to a dive bar. This place is all decked out for Christmas year round. As we were leaving, a woman passing by had car problems, so we helped out. I almost proposed to Kyra right before that happened. She was in disguise, too. I was to call her Kay. Quite amusing, actually.”

  “Good, so you're seeing the city. How's Andrew?”

  “Loving every minute. I have to double check with Kyra on what night it's happening, but Tucker McGinnis is supposed to be a special guest, and Andrew gets to play guitar on stage with him and Kyra.”

  “How fun.” Wistfulness filled her tone. “I loved the meet and greet photos you two took with the band and Kyra last night. I hate that I'm missing all this. At least I get to see the Dallas show with Lucas. He's missing Avery, so the two of us have been keeping each other company when we can. So what's the story on Marty? Is he wigging out?”

  “Something like that. He's seriously stressing over this situation.” Matt suppressed a yawn. “How are you? How's things at home?”

  “I'm sicker than a dog and nervous about this pregnancy. I hear so many stories about babies being born with all sorts of problems to women my age. Lucas has been a great help, getting me stuff when I'm too sick to move. Mom is trying to help get our old house on the market so that Jameson and Melody have some good money for the Nashville move. Oh, and Alice is back to work at the inn.”

  “Wow. I bet that's interesting.” After finding out about Alice's split personality when she went after Chris and Taryn a few months ago, the last thing Matt expected was to hear she'd returned to the inn, let alone this soon.

  “Tell me about it. I dropped by to see Avery's mom for something, and there's Alice behind the desk. She asked about Chris. I told her he's on tour with his girlfriend and walked away before I did any more damage. I have no idea what to say to her.”

  “Wow.” He was at a loss for words. “Awkward.” Bet it would get even more interesting when the tour ended and everyone went home.

  “Totally. So, back to my original question. Did you pop the question?”

  He patted his pocket containing the engagement ring. “No,” Matt admitted, waiting for her comments. They would come, he had no doubts.

  “Are you having a hard time with this? With her tour, I mean?” Blaine knew his feelings about it well.

  “A little, but it's not what's keeping me from asking. I feel like this overbearing father figure, worrying about if she's sleeping and eating. Last night, some guy got really upset and wasn't happy about her return to music. There's rumors about Avery and Jameson, because they were in a serious relationship. There's Kendra being signed to a label-” Matt clapped a hand to his mouth as the words easily slipped from his lips. He told Blaine things all the time, but because of Andrew's request, hadn't said anything to her yet. Damn!

  “What? She got signed? When?” Blaine's voice was shrill.

  “I don't know the specifics. She's signed to Kyra's label.” Well, no more holding back now. Might as well tell her the rest of it.

  “Okay, that's crazy. I'm assuming Andrew knows?”

  “He does, and he's surprisingly calm about it.” Which continued to baffle and worry him.

  “Maybe he's accepted the fact that she never truly wanted him in her life,” Blaine said softly.

  “I know. I'm glad he's not going backwards or anything, but I expected more of a reaction from him. I'm concerned it's going to come out in the worst way.”

  “He's a strong kid. Hey, I gotta go. Serena's calling, and I have to make sure everything's squared away. Eventually, once we're settled in Nashville, I may open up a studio out there. That may change with a baby now...” Blaine choked back tears. “Have a good time, Matt.”

  “I am. I promise I'm not acting old and stuffy. You take it easy.” Poor thing. While Blaine had her emotional moments, this wasn't a typical thing for her, always bursting into tears.

  She giggled. “Good. Be young again. Talk to you soon.”

  Matt set his phone down, debating whether to call Kyra and find out where she was, but the sound of a guitar and a male and female singing caught his attention. The female voice belonged to Kyra. The male voice, Matt was unsure, but they were both coming from the next room over.

  Andrew's room.

  Unsure a hundred percent about his next move, Matt stood next to the door and listened. The singing and guitar stopped.

  “This is turning out even better than I thought,”Andrew said.

  “You hit some good points with these lyrics. I'm just taking what you wrote and making a run with this,” Kyra replied.

  Andrew wrote lyrics? That was his son's voice singing just now? Matt widened his eyes and stayed silent, hoping he'd be able to hear Andrew sing once again. What was the song about?

  When did all of this happen?

  Chapter Eight

  “Thanks, Kyra. I really appreciate you helping me with this.” Andrew stuffed his lyrics in his guitar case before setting the guitar in it. “I'm not ready to share these with anyone else, but I knew you'd understand.”

  “I'm touched that you shared something so deep and personal with me. I'm sorry to have to cut it short, but the acoustic set will be starting soon and I want to make sure everyone is ready.” She didn't say it out loud, but Kyra's thoughts were on Marty, especially after this morning's shakeup. Maybe, if she got a chance, he'd talk to her if there was time and she got him alone.

  “That's okay. I guess we should wake Dad up so he doesn't miss the interview and beach front music.” Andrew closed up his guitar case. “I think that when I get really good at playing this song, I'll show it to him. I wonder what he'll think.”

  “I bet he'll be proud of you for expressing your feelings in a much better way than how I've heard you used to,” Kyra said softly.

  He grimaced. “Those weren't my best days. I was pretty angry.”

  “You know ... you had, and still have, every right to be angry. It's just a matter of finding the best ways to deal with it.”

  “I know, and I know he's waiting me to flip out on him over this thing with my mother. I won't lie, it really hurts that she did this, but it's obvious I was never going to win her over. Even when I lived with her after she left Dad, I was ignored. She had no problem pretending to be the best mom when she wanted to get further ahead in her music, but it was all for show. There were too many times I was left to fend for myself.” He moved his guitar case and sat on the bed. “I was mad at Dad, too, but for the wrong reasons. Mom told me so many lies, and I never gave him the chance to tell me his side of the story. He never called, or so I thought, so I stopped trying. What really was the case was Mom never told me he called. And then, when she dropped me back off with him before she went on tour with that dude she's dating, Dad and I went at it. A lot.”

  Kyra's eyes welled with tears. The nerve of that woman, toying with her child's feelings that way and mistreating one of the greatest men she ever had the pleasure of meeting.

  “Aw, I didn't mean to make you cry again!” Andrew jumped to his feet.

  “I know.” Kyra sniffled, swiping at a tear. “I'm crying because it hurts to hear this, to know what your own mother did. I know it was several years ago, but I will never understand her.”

  “Can I ask you something?”

sp; “Always,” she promised.

  “If my dad ever asked you to marry him, would you?”

  Kyra searched his face. Was it a curious question because of what he'd gone through, or did Andrew know something? “I'd say yes without any question. You and your dad are my world.”

  “You changed his ... and mine.” Andrew hugged her, catching Kyra off guard. “Sorry I took you from some beach time.”

  Kyra pointed at her pale complexion. “I would have burned. You probably saved me.” She pushed at his shoulder lightly. “Get ready, guitar player. Two more nights, and you'll be up on stage with me and Tucker.”

  “Are you freakin' serious?” Andrew's jaw dropped. “It's happening that soon?”

  “I'm very serious. He's making a surprise guest appearance with Quinn. I figured that would be the best time to get you on the stage to play. Your dad already knows about it. So you know, when we're on the tour bus, get to jamming. I want to see what you'll be showing off to the world before anyone else.” Kyra winked.

  “This is awesome!” His entire face lit up. “And I never would have been able to pull any of this off without you. You're the best, Kyra!”

  She beamed, loving his enthusiasm. “I'm going to wake your dad, then get a bite to eat before the show. We'll work on your tune more. Don't hesitate to add to it yourself. You've got the hang of this better than you think. Oh, and I never knew you could sing like that! You've got a great voice, and with time, it'll only strengthen as you get comfortable singing.”

  “Maybe I'll hit the gift shop and find something for Daisy before you and Baby Stetson take the stage. It's so cool that they have all these exclusive fan events! I never knew how much was put into these tours, but it's neat!”

  “Yeah, it's fun. I love meeting fans and giving back after all the support they give me.”

  Andrew grabbed his wallet and darted out of the room, leaving Kyra alone. She glanced back at his guitar for a split second longer before pulling open the door that led to their part of the suite … and bumped right into Matt. Guilt flashed in his eyes as he steadied her.


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