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New Bloods Boxset

Page 54

by Michelle Bryan

  This I do understand.

  "Lily called it bio-energy," I say. "She said some people were born with an abundance of it while others weren't. The ones with the stripes, the ones of the light, were the most powerful."

  He leans forward in his chair, clasping his wrinkled hands loosely between his knees.

  "A very basic explanation but essentially correct. Some test subjects showed just slight advancement from the modified blood while others excelled. It was amazing what their capabilities were. We knew there was something astonishingly different about these few select subjects. Whatever was strong inside of them, call it bio-energy or Chi, it was reacting to the altered blood, mutating them. Making them almost, well, super human."

  "The first New Bloods," I say.

  "We studied them intensely. When we realized that over time their abilities seemed to wear off, we thought we had failed. The blood transfusions only seemed to last four or five months before their auras would wane. But then some of them produced offspring. The children of these few … they were absolutely incredible. It was as if they inherited every modified red blood cell trait and naturally enhanced them. We had no need to inject them with the modified blood. They were born already altered, making them stronger than we could have even predicted. That was when we realized we had our first batch of super soldiers."

  I was hanging onto his every word, concentrating hard to understand, but that one word makes me jerk upright.

  "Super soldiers? You were creating soldiers outta the young'uns?" I say, stunned, and he shakes his head, dropping his gaze from me.

  "That was our goal at first, yes. We were losing this war; we had to take drastic measures. But in the end, it didn't matter. The world as we knew it ceased to exist. Governments fell, society collapsed, anarchy ruled. But through it all, we didn't stop. At first, I guess we believed that if we continued with our testing, we could … fix it all maybe? I mean, somebody had to try and do something."

  Jax’s angry “Shizen,” coupled with the vein throbbing in his temple, tells me this is the first he’s hearing of this as well.

  "So these children were not willing subjects, were they? He was doing the same just like he does now. They were prisoners, experimented on and tossed down a chute if they should, gods forbid, slow down your testing by inconsiderately dying," Jax accuses.

  Ernst at least has the decency to look ashamed at Jax's words.

  "At first, no. The world was dying around us. These were volunteers, soldiers who wanted to stay alive and keep their families alive. But then we needed more than just soldiers. And once we realized that some of these people—these children—were special, we just couldn't let them go. Not if we were to save the world."

  "So the young'uns that were born, the New Bloods, they were given life just to be fodder for your experiments?" I say slowly, the ugliness of the truth starting to dawn on me.

  "They were born in captivity, yes. But you have to understand; they were the key to our survival! And I was a scientist. Finding a solution was all I was consumed with."

  I don't understand. How does he expect me to understand that reasoning? What this old man is telling us is horrifying. But I still need to hear more. I need to know the truth, all of it.

  "Then, I fell ill. Just like the rest of the world, I was dying. We tried infusing the genetically altered blood at first, but I was too far gone. It didn't work. I can't remember which one of us had the idea to transfuse the test subject’s blood into my body; it was so long ago. And I had nothing to lose." He breaks off as if deep in thought or lost in remorse, I cain't tell. Finally, he looks deep into my eyes, and I get the uneasy feeling I ain't gonna like much else of what he is about to say

  "It seemed to work. I was healed from my affliction. Not just healed but better than before, stronger. My body enhanced, and my mind empowered. A New Blood myself it seemed. But then, just a few months later, I fell ill again. Not terminally like before, but there was a malaise about me I could not explain away. The only way to feel normal again was to do another transfusion. And then another and another. Each time I transcended and became more than I was before. Before long, I needed the blood; I craved it even. Max soon noticed the benefits of the blood and joined in my obsession. I am ashamed to say what first began as a way to save humanity soon became our own personal agenda. The world was crumbling apart, no one left to rule what was left. Why shouldn't we? We were smart enough, and with the help of New Bloods, strong enough. We could bring about this new, better world we always talked of."

  Wait. Is he actually telling me that he was in league with the Prezedant? That he was just as evil and immoral and callous? As if he can sense my growing anger, he hurries on.

  "But then Max slowly changed over time. And time we had plenty of. Infusing the New Bloods' power into our bloodstream not only increased our strength, but our lifespan. We seemed to age differently than others, even the New Bloods themselves. Maybe it was the combination of the various blood traits and proteins, but we appeared to slow down the ravages of time. At first, it was an exhilarating breakthrough. I will admit I was seduced by this unexplainable ability. But while I looked at each new day as a gift, Max became colder, more jaded. It was as if the longer he lived, the less human he became. He no longer cared if the people in his experiments lived or died, only the blood mattered. It was all about the blood, draining them of every last drop. I saw things—" he pauses and drops his head in his hands, too overcome for anymore words.

  I find it hard to feel sorry for him with what I have heard so far. I mean, he experimented on my kind. Drained 'em of their blood and used it for his own purposes, so I'm real surprised when Mack clasps his shoulder in comfort. Ernst seems to give himself a mental shake, then goes on.

  "I should have stopped it. I should have stopped him. But I was weak. I let him gain more and more control while I hid myself in my lab, content to let him do all the dirty work. But one fateful day, it all changed. One day, his men brought in a fresh batch of prisoners. Kin to the original test subjects, I assume. Living relatives born of the mutated soldiers. All powerful New Bloods in their own rights. She was one of them, and that's how I met her. Rease, your mother."

  The room falls dead quiet as if they’re all holding their breath as one, waiting for my reaction.

  "You-you knew my ma?" I whisper.

  He nods as silent tears start to drip down his sunken cheeks, and all of a sudden I don't wanna hear any more of what he’s about to say.

  "Knew her … loved her … and miss her more with each passing day."

  Loved her? Like a daughter or granddaughter? He reaches over and takes my hand in his papery one, and I'm too stunned to pull away.

  "She changed me, Tara. With her good heart and kindness, she made me human again. I loved her as I have never loved anyone before. And when we found out about you—"

  "No," I pull my hand outta his. "You're lyin'. There ain't no way you and my ma … knew each other. Not in that way. You're an old man. It's impossible," I snarl, not wanting to accept what I know he’s trying to say.

  "Old now, yes, but twenty years ago, I still had my illusion of youthfulness because of the blood. Twenty years ago, we fell in love and she saved my soul. You were the product of that love, Tara. You are my daughter."

  "Lies!" I scream at him as I push at his chest, and the chair topples over, nearly spilling him to the floor. Mack and Jax save him from hitting the floor while Ben tries to calm me.

  "Tara, please. Listen to what he has to say," he pleads as he grabs my arms, but I yank them outta his grasp.

  "I don't know what bullshite story he's told you people, but there ain't no way my father," I spit the word outta my mouth, "is this killer sittin' right here. Y'all just heard him same as I did. He just admitted to experimentin' on and killin' New Bloods just so he could live longer and rule the lands. He ain't no better than the Prezedant himself, and I cain't understand why y'all ain't already put a blade through his heart."

"Tara, calm yourself. Think about what you are saying. If it weren't for him, Finn would be dead," Mack throws at me, but I'm way past caring.

  "If it weren't for him, hundreds, possibly thousands of New Bloods would be alive right now. How many did they kill over the years? How many? He is a monster, and I for one ain't gonna listen to any more of that poison spewin' outta his mouth."

  I head for the door, nearly barreling over Ben in the process, but Jax's voice stops me in my tracks.

  "Tara, please listen to what he has to say. It's important for all of us. For our survival. Please."

  The pleading is what gets me. I ain't ever heard that come from Jax before. Staring up at the rock ceiling, I let loose a huge sigh as the stubbornness raging in me gives in to Jax. Turning ‘round slowly, I stare at Ernst with all the contempt I can muster.

  "Say your piece, old man," I grumble.

  He spreads his hands to me, pleading.

  "I'm so sorry, Tara. I know how you must feel, and I'm not asking you to accept me as your kin. I will die soon, and I know my eternal soul will not join with your mother's in the afterlife as much as I would wish it to. I will be judged and punished for my sins, and I’m ready to face that punishment. But that is not for you to decide. That is between me and my gods. What I do have for you, right now, is information of great importance. Information that I have risked my life and the lives of my people to bring you here to hear, for he will not let you live now. I know that to be a fact. He will hunt you down and anyone associated with you, and he will kill us all. To stop that from happening, you must carry out what I have been afraid to do all these years. I know how you can do it. To avenge your mother and the others you loved that he has taken from you. And with the gods as my witness, I will help you get your retribution. I will help you with your ascension into your power. I will help you kill the Prezedant."

  Read the conclusion to Tara’s journey in Annihilation. Out summer 2017

  Book 3 Annihilation


  A New Day

  "Don't move."

  The voice growls deep in my ear as a light touch against my cheek jolts me awake. A dark shadow hovers above me, blocking my vision. Ignoring the command, I grab the iron shooter strapped at my hip. I ain't sure who it is, but if it's Army I ain't going down without a fight.

  As soon as my hand confirms contact with the shooter, I swipe out with my right leg, knocking the shadow's feet out from under it. I roll outta the way as the body hits the ground with an audible grunt of pain. I don't give the person a chance to recover. In a flash I'm on top of them, my shooter pushed under their chin in retaliation.

  "Shizen, Tara. It's just me. Get offa me."

  The voice strikes a familiar chord, and I squint in the early morning light. Brown eyes stare back at me in alarm. Ben? What the hell is he doing scaring the shite outta me like that?

  His hands worm their way between us with his palms up, gesturing surrender and pushing the shooter offa his jaw.

  "I swear; I come in peace."

  Rolling offa him, I leap nimbly to my feet.

  "Are you crazy, boy? Wakin' me up like that? I coulda blown your head off." My voice grows in pitch along with my irritation, and I can hear the others stirring from their blankets around the remains of last evening’s fire.

  "What's going on?" Jax’s voice is heavy with sleep. He sits up, scratching at his chin stubble and looking around in puzzlement. His black, spiky hair, unruly at the best of times, seems to stick up in indignant protest at the rude awakening.

  "Moron here thought he would wake me up by growlin' in my ear like some fool with a death wish." I glare at Ben lying on his back in the dirt. "What were you thinkin'?"

  He sits up, wincing in pain and holding his elbow. "I was thinkin' I would save you from the painful bite of the sandbiter that was crawlin' all over your face like it was stakin' its territory. But now I wish I had just let you be. I shoulda let you get bit."

  Seriously? He scared the shite outta me over a sandbiter? I wanna yell at him some more, but just the look of him sitting there so forlorn and rubbing his bruised elbow… well, it tickles my funny bone. He looks so much like the petulant little boy I remember from our childhood that I cain't stay mad anymore. Grinning at him, I hold out a hand and help him to his feet.

  "Well, thanks for riskin' your life and savin' me from the sandbiter. My hero."

  He tries to scowl at me, all fierce like, but he cain't stay serious. Never could. The impish grin I remember so well replaces the grimace.

  "Aye, well, don't say I ain't ever done nuthin' for ya."

  I laugh, and he joins in with a loud snort, so I know I’m forgiven.

  "Stop making so much noise. What's wrong with you people? It's still barely morning yet." A brown-haired head sticks out from underneath the threadbare blanket. "Honestly, what's a girl gotta do to get some beauty sleep around here?" Belle rolls over onto her side, turning her back to us and snuggles in for another nap.

  Still grinning, I make my way to her blanket. Giving it a quick yank, I rip it offa her, and she flips onto her back in protest, glowering up at me.

  "What the… give me back my blanket. What the hell is wrong with you, woman?"

  "You've had enough beauty sleep. It's mornin'. Besides, if I'm up, so is everybody. You can thank Ben for that." I throw the blanket at him, and it settles squarely over his head.

  She scowls at me a bit more before her eyes move to my childhood friend. He don't notice, too busy trying to remove himself from Belle's blanket and cussin' at me. He don't see the heated blush that colors her cheeks, or the way her hand moves to her hair as she sits up, trying to smooth it into place. He's totally oblivious to the look of longing that follows him as he finally untangles himself and moves to our crudely erected firepit. He don't see none of that. The boy is as dense as they come. That, plus the fact he is so besotted by Meela, the Raider leader's daughter, that I'm surprised he even remembers to walk one foot in fronta the other these days.

  My heart aches for Belle. I’ve truly gotten to know the girl over these past few weeks, ever since her and her brother, Jonas, helped us escape from Skytown. I ain't the least bit surprised by her confiding in me. She's hankering for Ben something fierce, and he don't have the slightest clue. I wanna shake Ben for his denseness. But I promised her I wouldn't say anything. I'm just gonna have to let it run its course and hope he opens his dull eyes sometime soon.

  Jax, muttering something about idiots, joins Ben at the firepit and starts piling on some kindlin'. He ignores Ben's sideways glare at his intrusion. There's still no love lost between the two of 'em, but at least they've settled on an uneasy truce. Ben still ain't forgiven Jax for punching him out after our escape from the Prezedant's estate. And Jax, well, I ain't quite sure. I don't truly know where his dislike for Ben stems from. All I know is they won’t ever be the best of friends.

  Why I agreed to 'em both coming with me on this hunting trip, I ain't even sure. I sure as hell don't need or want any of 'em with me. These past four weeks since escaping Skytown have been a hectic whirlwind of events. Ernst and Mack didn't give me much time to get used to the fact of finally meeting my ‘pa’ before they had me working on controlling my Chi. It ain't been easy. And as much as I don’t like Ernst, he knows a lot. So, I listen and learn, because I know that as long as the Prezedant is alive, I’m never gonna know another moment of peace.

  But the four weeks of training have left me real cranky, so Mack agreed to let me go hunting. Well, technically he didn’t agree. I just hadn't given him much of a choice. We had finally decided on Tater and Jonas being the best bets to go check out the tavern in Littlepass, to see if Thomas and Jane were still there like Ben said they were. And as much as I wanted to go with ‘em, he denied me my request. I think he gave in to the hunting demand just to save his own sanity.

  I understand his reasoning for refusing to let me tag along with them. Me, him, and Jax are too well known now, due to those etchings of us having
circulated the Prezedant’s lands like wildfire. We’d be spotted in an instant in an outpost like Littlepass. That don’t mean I still don’t want to get away. So, I’d given him an ultimatum: Let me go to Littlepass, or let me go out into the sand lands to hunt. He agreed to the hunting as long as I took my bodyguards, Talbert and Beanie.

  The other three had invited themselves. I didn't put up too much of a fight, I reckon. As long as I got away from the mountain village, I didn't really care. As safe as I felt there, it was real nice not to be watched and scrutinized every moment by the villagers. I couldn't wait to get out into the barrenness and quiet of the sand lands. Plus, with all the extra bodies and hungry mouths we brought into the village, they really do need the meat.

  The sunlight creeping its way through the wide mouth of the cave highlights the empty, scuffed spots on the ground where Beanie and Talbert had bedded down last evenin', and I glance over at Ben.

  "Where are those two?"

  Ben looks up from his task at hand, waving away the smoke clouding his face.

  "They left before sun up. They didn't say where they were goin’, and I didn't ask."

  Jax squints at him over the smoke.

  "Two of our party left while you were on watch, and you didn't ask where they were going? You do know the definition of 'on watch,' right?" His voice drips with sarcasm, and Ben bristles like an angry wolfling.

  "Sorry if I didn't question those two weirdos, but I doubt they woulda told me anyway. They're grown-ass men; I don't think they woulda felt obliged to tell me anything." Ben glances back my way. "Plus, I ain't ashamed to say those two freak me out some."


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