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New Bloods Boxset

Page 59

by Michelle Bryan

  “Y’all ready?” I yell out to Busher and the raiders just before a slight ting on the metal door causes me to swerve my head as a sharp pain tears through my shoulder.

  “Ow,” I cry in surprise as I look down at the rip in my coat and the blood already welling up through the fabric. “What the—”

  My words fall short as I’m grabbed by two strong hands and yanked around the side of the truck and pulled down into a crouch until I’m nose to nose with Jax. “Somebody’s shooting at us,” he whispers in answer to my crazy-eyed look.

  Shootin’ at us? Shizen. Finn. I struggle to look over Jax’s shoulder for the boy, but he’s already hunched down behind Jax’s back and hiding behind the huge wheel of the truck with Ben and Belle. My other companions ain’t stupid either. I watch as Tater and Mack, along with the raiders, scatter for cover as another round of slugs come whizzing our way. Did the Army find us?

  “Mistress?” Talbert yells from the back of the truck, but I yell back right away, “Stay in the truck. I’m okay. And keep Cat inside with you.” I don’t need any of ‘em getting shot up trying to protect me.

  “Jax,” Busher whispers to us from behind a high boulder a couple of arms spans away. “My shooter is in the back of the truck. Throw me yours. The shots are coming from the top of that ridge to the right. Mack and I have the best advantage from here.”

  Jax nods and tosses his shooter Busher’s way, but his aim is a bit off. The big man leaps out farther than he should to catch it, and another round of slugs bite into the ground missing Busher by a hair. He pulls back behind the boulder, checking himself over with frantic hands.

  “I should do somethin’,” I say to Jax. “Let me use my Chi. I can take care of them.”

  “No,” Jax’s answer is quick and firm. “Whoever that is shot at you. That means they don’t know you’re the New Blood. If you use your power, they’ll know and attack with even more force. We don’t know how many of them there are or how much firepower they’re carrying.”

  Busher, realizing he’s okay, kneels up and motions to his men crouching behind a sand dune, waving two fingers to the right and two to the left. I get the gist. Try to circle around and get behind whoever’s shootin’ at us. As soon as the men start moving out, Busher and Mack fire back at our attacker, trying to distract whoever it is. The men don’t get far. Another round of shots stirs up the ground at their feet, and they dive back to the cover of the sand dune. I guess there’s more than one attacker hiding up in those hills.

  In retaliation, Busher sends off an angry volley of slugs at our unseen enemies.

  “Dammit, Jax, I gotta do something.”

  “Throw down your weapons, you Army shites, and maybe we’ll let ya live.” The voice echoes down into our valley and is filled with arrogance. Like whoever they are, they’re well aware they have us pinned. But if they are Army, then why are they calling us Army shites?

  “We’re not Army, you yellow-bellied, mud-crawling, sandbiters.” Busher is losing patience. “So why don’t you all come out of hiding and come down here? Face us like real men. Then we’ll see who gets to live.”

  I thought for sure Busher’s name calling would only piss our attackers off, and I tense for another round of shots. But the moment of silence that follows his tirade is soon broken by an astonished question.

  “Busher? Is that you?”

  What the…? I stare over at Busher, but he looks just as confused.

  “Who’s asking?” he finally bellows, and his question is met with a loud whoopin’ and hollerin’ that is quintessentially raider. Busher’s face lights up before he answers back with the same ear bustin’ racket.

  Before I can even say, “What the shizen,” a gaggle of bodies come out of hiding and scurry down the sand dunes, the hollerin’ still happening and making ‘em sound like an invading horde. There’s no mistaken ‘em, however. They are raiders down to their painted faces and beaded hair.

  Looks to be a dozen of ‘em in all, and they greet Busher and his men with noisy excitement. Busher seems to know ‘em all, too, as he greets every single one with a bear hug.

  “Tara, Jax, Little Man, come meet my friends.”

  Tater don’t appear to be happy with Busher’s invitation. He tried to keep his distance from the giant who tended to pick him up and hug him for no reason other than he thought it funny. But he joins with me and Jax and the rest of us. Finn is the first up front since he’s more curious than a wolfing sticking his nose in a dirt dog den.

  I, on the other hand, ain’t as happy to meet these so-called friends. In fact, the pain in my arm where the slug had torn open my flesh is making me crankier by the moment. I know it’ll heal soon enough, but that ain’t the point. I pull my wrapper tighter over my head, hiding my hair. Busher may call ‘em friends, but the last set of raiders I met out in the sand lands tried to turn me in for the reward.

  “Y’all tried to kill us.” I glare at ‘em as I approach. Numerous sets of eyes turn my way.

  “No, if we had tried, you would be dead.” The others start laughing as one of ‘em speaks. “We were just having a little fun. We thought you were Army. We wanted to run you off is all and steal your things. But you can see our confusion on the matter. What are you doing with an Army machine?”

  “Now that, my friends, is a story meant to be shared over a campfire with a jug of whiskey. Ha!” Busher’s laugh echoes through the valley. “Do you so happen to have any in your possession? It has been quite a while since I’ve had the pleasure to indulge.”

  The one who seems to be the leader joins in with Busher’s laughter and clasps him on the shoulder. “Does a bird have feathers? Of course we do. I heard you were captured, old friend. And managed to escape with the help of a New Blood. Is it all true?”

  “It is. Another story to be told over a campfire, to be sure.”

  I’ve had enough of this raider reunion. I need answers. “Why did you and your men attack us if you thought we were Army? From my understandin’, raiders avoid stealin’ from the Army at all costs. You lot only steal from easier targets.”

  “That is usually the case, yes. But it’s slim pickings out here in the sand lands nowadays. No one is traveling other than the Army. And they are stripping everybody and everything bare, even us. They’ve taken out so many of our people lately…” He glances around at his men before continuing. “Word has it the Prezedant is gearing up for some huge battle… preparing his soldiers. There’s no one else we can take from other than the Army. You lot are the first travelers we’ve seen in weeks. Only thing moving out here in the sand lands is his machines.”

  Preparing for a battle. With us? I look Mack’s way and he nods, answering my silent question.

  The raider leader continues on, “Which leads me to the question, what are you all doing out here? And where are you headed?”

  Like we’re gonna tell him that. But I groan out loud as Busher don’t seem to have any qualms in spilling our plans. “The girl and her crew are on a mission to the outer lands. Me and my boys are out here looking for you lot. How many people do you have under your command right now, Dingo?”

  Dingo? Man, these raiders and their crazy names.

  “We have about eight hundred in camp as of now, some of them your men who came to us after you disappeared. Probably another four hundred or so spread out in hunting sites over the sand lands. Why do you ask?”

  “Perfect.” Busher laughs again and rubs his hands together. “The kind of numbers I want to hear.”

  At the moment, Cat who has been cooped up in the back of the truck, decides she’s tired of waiting and leaps outta the truck to land between Finn and myself. The look on the raiders’ faces woulda been comical if it weren’t for the fact that ten shooters all catch her in their cross hairs.

  “Don’t shoot,” Finn yells, jumping in fronta Cat with his young stupidity.

  “A devil cat? What the hell is a…” Dingo’s eyes narrow, and he studies our faces more carefully. “Another s
tory circling out here in the sand lands is that the New Blood who helped save your ass is traveling with a tame devil cat. Are you telling me right now, Busher, that I’m standing in the presence of a New Blood?”

  The mood switches just like that. The air crackles with unspoken tension, and the coil of heat starts igniting in my belly, getting ready to spark. Mack takes a couple of instinctive steps my way, his hand resting on his shooter.

  “And if I were to say it is so?” Busher asks, but his soft words are underlined with a threat.

  Dingo don’t answer. He just studies us one at a time, dismissing everyone until he comes back to me. “Pull your wrapper off your head, girl.”

  “Tara, don’t,” Jax says, but I dismiss his warning. I want to see the raider’s reaction.

  I do as he says, and my white and black hair tumbles to my shoulders as I stare at him in defiance. “Happy?”

  “Well, I’ll be.” Dingo stares at me a moment longer before his painted face cracks with a wide smile. “Busher, is she really of the light? Does she have the power?”

  “She does. I’ve seen it with my own eyes,” the giant says.

  “I’d never thought I’d see the day.” Dingo’s smile grows wider in amazement. I think it’s a good sign. “Raiders, are you seeing this? There is a real, living, breathing New Blood in front of us.” He glances over at Busher. “How… what…?”

  Busher laughs then, breaking the tension, and my shoulders sag in relief as I turn my Chi down. I ain’t gonna need it.

  “It is a glorious story indeed, but one I will only share over spirits. And as you have just pointed out, the Raiders are being attacked by Army along with the sand landers. We can no longer stick our heads in the sand and pretend it doesn’t affect us. So, my brothers, are you willing to hear me out and help put a plan in motion to overthrow he who rules with a mad hand?”

  “If you mean we’re gonna take out that crazy Prezedant and his spineless Army, then, yeah, I’m in.” This from a raider who has small bones threaded through his ears. I don’t think he should be as liberal with the “crazy” word. But I’m glad to see him on board.

  Dingo and the rest nod, confirming their agreement. “You’re right, Busher. We can stay out of this fight no longer. We will stand with you and the New Blood.”

  “Excellent.” Busher slides his glance my way. “This is where we must part ways, New Blood. I have to consort with my brethren. We will do as requested and take out as many of his machines as we are able and add to our cause. We will also spread the word to let you pass through the sand lands unimpeded. Use the ash from the fire and paint a five-point star on the machine. It will be a sign to my people to avoid any more confusion and deter from attack. Hopefully, your meeting in the outer lands will acquire us many more soldiers for our battle ahead. I have the upmost faith that you will succeed.”

  Then Busher does something I ain’t expecting. He bows his head and touches his fingers to his forehead and loops them down to his chest; the sign of respect that Belle and her brother Jonas and his people had shown me on our first meeting. And even more unexpected, the rest of the raiders follow suit. I nod back, even though the display is making me uneasy.

  “Until we meet again.” And he lopes off with the rest of the raiders, his, “Now about that whiskey,” floating back to us on the breeze.

  We watch until they disappear over the sand dunes, Tater’s mumbled, “Good riddance,” letting me know where he stands on the issue. But I cain’t help the little pleased knot in my belly at Busher’s words. “Our battle,” he’d said. Our, as in not just mine alone. It somehow makes me feel a whole lot better.



  The children of Gray Valley are the first to notice our arrival. We do the same as we did in the mountain village, leaving the truck outside and walking in so as not to incite fear in the villagers. Not that I expect anyone to attack the Army, but you never know. Stares of curiosity and fear soon turn to shouts and whoops of joy as recognition sets in.

  “Talbert! Beanie!” Young’uns of all sizes rush the two, jumping over ‘em like sandbiters. I reckon ‘em to be the last remaining survivors of the iron bones city. My heart hurts for them, but I take consolation in the fact they look healthy and happy. Jax’s ma must be taking real good care of ‘em.

  Others come barreling our way, yelling for Jax, or Finn, or Cat. They remember us well. At all the hollerin’ and hootin’, the old folk start piling out of the village, the worry etched in their faces turning into smiles. Among the folk I spot Vi right away, and she grins as she sees us. She pushes through the well-wishers and makes a beeline straight to her boy. She pulls him into a hug, and her grip is strong and sure. She finally holds him at arms length, looking him over like she expects to find something not right. I reckon she’s satisfied with what she sees since she touches his cheek once more before turning my way.

  “Tara. It is so good to see you again, child. But your arm?” She runs her fingers over my ripped, blood-stained sleeve. The concern in her soft voice makes me tear up, and I fall into her open arms.

  “I’m okay,” I assure her as I hug her tight, not wanting to let go. She just keeps me in her arms until I back away. I kinda wish I hadn’t. Now that she ain’t blocking my view, I can see Jax in the arms of another woman, and this sight draws my heart tight with pain. Sky and Jax’s embrace says it all. They know each other well and are happy to see each other. I bite my lip and turn my head, not wanting to see any more of their reunion. I don’t know why I thought it would be any different. Jax ain’t given me any idea that he still don’t think of Sky as his intended. I thought after all we had been through together that it would change their relationship. I reckon I was wrong.

  Even Tater’s rosy-faced companion comes to meet him with smiles. But after the initial greeting is over and the excitement dies down, the village old folk make their way through the crowd, straight to us. The elder’s leader is a man of undetermined age, his face browned and wrinkled by the sun. I remember meeting him once before, but unlike the others, he don’t seem to be happy to see us at all. His brow is furrowed with worry.

  “I take it, Jax, you and your companions are not here for a neighborly visit. Tell us what has brought you here.”

  Jax nods at the old man. “You’re right, Larius. There is much we need to discuss. But not here.”

  He speaks true. What we need to discuss shouldn’t be in fronta the young’uns.

  “First, we need to do something,” Jax continues. “Just outside the village is one of the Prezedant’s vehicles. Don’t worry; it is empty. We took it from the Army. But we need to hide it. It can’t be found. I was thinking we could stash it in the underground bunker where we keep supplies hidden from the soldiers. It fits a wagon through well enough; it should fit the truck no problem.”

  To the old folk’s credit, none of ‘em question why we have an Army veacal. Larius looks surprised but nods at Jax’s request.

  “Good. Belle and I will hide the machine then meet the rest of you at your home, Larius. There everything will be explained.”

  “What were you thinking coming here, boy?”

  Larius and the other old folk are not pleased with what we have told ‘em. I ain’t quite sure what I was hoping for. Maybe some thanks that I helped save a village? Maybe some of the respect I’m used to getting now at knowing I’m a New Blood? These old folk don’t seem to be happy with any of that. In fact, most of ‘em are staring me down with disapproving glares. Like my New Blood status was gonna rub off on ‘em somehow. I glance over at Mack in surprise, but he just shakes his head at me like he’s saying, “Don’t worry about it.”

  “You need to take that veacal and her and get outta here right now.”

  Out of the six old folk sitting around the hearth in the tiny shanty, only one other and Vi are looking at me like I ain’t a piece of shite on the bottom of their boot. The rest are nodding along with the village leader’s words. Jax ain’t the least bit pertu
rbed by his disapproval.

  “Forgive me, Larius, but did you not hear me correctly? The Prezedant has moved up tax time again, and his soldiers are crawling over the sand lands. According to Mack and his knowledge of their schedule, they will be here within a few weeks.” He glances at Mack, and Mack nods in agreement. “And it isn’t just supplies they’re after this time. They are looking for Tara, and they are not taking no for an answer. They will kill for no cause, and we need to be prepared to fight them back. Gray Valley has to be prepared to protect itself and take the soldiers down. We brought weapons. We will train you to use them. Our plan is to take the trucks and—”

  “Maybe it’s you who didn’t hear me correctly, boy.” Larius glares down his bulbous nose at Jax. “We are farmers and hunters, not fighters. The soldiers will take their taxes and leave us alone like always.”

  “They will take crops and meat more than they need. Things meant to keep our people alive. Why would you stand back and let them steal from you what you have all worked so hard for? Every year our harvest gets smaller and smaller, the game harder to find. From what I remember, we barely made it ourselves through last season with what we had, yet you gladly hand over our food without a fight. Would it be better we starve to death than die fighting for our right? It doesn’t make sense.”

  “It makes complete sense,” Larius roars back, and I can tell Jax has touched a nerve. “If we give them no cause to harm us, then they will leave us in peace.”

  “We’ve never given them cause to harm us, Larius,” Vi chimes in, and all eyes turn her way. “Yet that has never stopped them before. They do what they want. Our lives mean nothing to them. I agree with Jax. We need to put a stop to the reign of terror. Maybe this girl here can help us with that.”


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