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Follow Me Under

Page 8


  Am I allowed to speak now? I’m supposed to be seeing, even though I long to lean over to Braden and press my lips to his forehead.

  I’m bound, though, so I have no use of my arms or hands. My hips are still elevated, and without my arms, I can’t move the little stool.

  So I watch him. I do as instructed. I see him.

  His body shines with a subtle glimmer of perspiration, and his cock is still semi-hard. He keeps his eyes closed, and his breath comes in rapid puffs. Minute by minute, it slows down until he’s breathing normally, his eyes still closed.

  I realize how hard he worked to give me this. To arrange our positioning so that I could see every aspect of our lovemaking.

  And I think I love him even more.

  A soft snore drifts out of his mouth. Braden is asleep, but he didn’t unbind me. He also didn’t tell me I could speak. So now what? I can sleep like this, but eventually I’m going to need to get up to go to the bathroom.

  Luckily, I’m flexible. I stretch my leg over and nudge Braden’s calf with my toes. Nothing. I do it again, this time getting a response.

  His eyes pop open. “Skye?”

  I nod.

  He smiles—that wide smile that is the sweetest reward because I see it so rarely. “You may speak now.”

  “That was amazing, Braden, but I don’t think I can sleep tied up like this.”

  “I’d never expect you to.” He sits up and deftly unhooks me.

  I shake my arms out and rub my wrists.

  “You aren’t chafed, are you?”

  “I don’t think so. Just a little stiff.”

  “You did really well,” he says. “Did you enjoy it?”

  I nod. “I did. I really did.”

  “Does that surprise you?”

  “A little. It was hard to turn off my other senses, especially the feeling part. But when I forced myself to, I was able to see the beauty that exists between us. And it was beautiful, Braden.”

  “Sex isn’t all about orgasms, Skye.”

  How well I know. I never experienced an orgasm until Braden, and he isn’t always generous about doling them out for me. Which, oddly enough, turns me on even more.

  “Where did you learn all this?” I ask.

  “What do you mean?”

  “You know, the bondage. The sensory perception and deprivation. Everything you do. You’ve opened my eyes to so much.”

  “You’re probably thinking I have some elaborate answer to that question,” he says. “But I don’t. I enjoy sex. I enjoy kink. I enjoy being dominant in the bedroom, and I enjoy showing my partner pleasure.”

  “But you’ve shown me things I’ve never imagined.”

  “That’s because I see the big picture. There’s more to sex than cock in pussy. A lot more. And Skye, we’ve only just begun.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  “I’m having dinner with my family Saturday evening,” Braden says at breakfast.

  My fork of scrambled eggs stops midway from my plate to my mouth. He’s not going to invite me to go along, is he? The thought scares me more than a little. But we are dating, and we do love each other. People who are serious about each other usually meet each other’s parents. Which means a trip to Kansas might be in my future.

  “Okay.” I’m not sure what else to say.

  “We have dinner together once a month. I’d like you to come along and bring Tessa.”


  “Yeah. My brother doesn’t have the best taste in women. I think they might hit it off.”

  “Wait. Did you just insult my friend?”

  He shakes his head. “Of course not. I like Tessa. I think Ben might like her. I know my father will.”

  “Wait another minute,” I say. “Are you hoping she’ll hit it off with Ben? Or with your father?”

  Bobby Black is a widower. A billionaire widower thanks to his sons’ holdings. And still a very handsome man.

  “For God’s sake, Skye, she could be his daughter. I’d like her to meet Ben.”

  “It was a valid question,” I say. “Your father’s very good-looking. I mean, you look exactly like him.”

  “Not exactly. My father and Ben both have brown eyes. I got the blue ones from my mom.”

  “All three of you are pretty rockin’,” I say.

  His lips curve slightly upward. “Rockin’?”

  “Trust me, that’s a compliment. And if you want to bring my best friend over to meet your brother, he needs to be fluent in Tessa.”

  “My brother doesn’t have any problem with the ladies,” Braden says. “He just seems to choose the wrong ones.”

  “He’ll have some competition. Tessa’s been seeing Garrett Ramirez since they hooked up at the MADD Gala.”

  Braden’s eyes widen slightly. Only slightly, but I notice. “Are they serious?” he asks.

  I roll my eyes. “Are you kidding? Tessa’s never been serious in her life. But Garrett’s a great catch.”

  Braden’s jawline softens, as if he is relieved. “Not as great of a catch as my brother.”

  “Braden, your brother may be a great catch, but I have the distinct impression that he doesn’t really want to be caught.” Most would also have said that about Braden a few weeks ago.

  But I caught him.

  I can’t help a sly smile.

  “No, he doesn’t. But as you say, Tessa isn’t serious. I’d like to see my brother with a nice professional woman. Not the losers he brings home.”

  “Losers?” I shake my head. “Well, at least you didn’t say gold digger. Or sugar baby.”

  “I was trying to be a little more politically correct,” he says, “but your words are just as apt.”

  “Surely you don’t mean your brother pays for it.”

  Braden chuckles softly. “Sure he does. Maybe not by leaving bills on the bedside table, but he blows all kinds of money on the women he dates.”

  I pick up a piece of bacon. “Is that a bad thing? I seem to remember you having a little black dress professionally replicated for me.”

  “Because I ruined the dress, Skye. Besides that and a pair of earrings, which I saw and imagined on your beautiful ears, have I tried to buy you in any way?” He takes a sip of coffee.

  “No, I’ve never felt that way, so I doubt that’s what your brother’s doing.”

  “My brother is extravagant,” Braden says. “He likes lavishing the women in his life with expensive gifts.”

  I let out a giggle. “I can’t see Tessa turning her nose up at expensive gifts.”

  “Does Tessa only date rich men?”

  I swallow my bite of bacon. “Of course not.”

  “Then she’s perfect for Ben. He attracts money grabbers because he throws his money around.”

  I pick up my coffee mug. “I suppose it all depends on whether Tessa is available. She may have plans with Garrett this weekend.”

  “Would it be better if I called her and invited her?”

  “No, I’m happy to invite her.” In fact, having Tessa there when I meet Braden’s father and brother for the first time will help me be a lot less nervous. I don’t say that to Braden, though. “How will Ben feel about all of this?”

  “I don’t care. I don’t plan to tell him.”

  I drop my forkful of eggs onto my plate with a clatter. “Wait a minute. You’re bringing your new girlfriend home to meet your family for the first time, and you’re bringing along a friend for your brother, without telling them first? As much as I’d love having Tessa with me, I’m not sure that’s cool.”

  He pauses a moment, rubbing the stubble on his chin. “You may have a point.”

  “If you want to get them together and see if they hit it off, why don’t the four of us go out sometime?”

  “All right. You’ve convinced me.
It’ll just be the two of us at the family dinner.”

  A wide grin splits my face. Braden is not easily convinced by anyone. But plenty of men know nothing about matchmaking. Perhaps he’s aware of his limitations.

  “Do you still want me to come?” I ask, not sure which answer I’m hoping for.

  “I do. I suppose if I’m going to have a girlfriend, my father should meet her.”

  I smile again. Good answer. Meeting the family is a good thing, right?

  “What about your parents?” he asks.

  “They live in Kansas.”

  “So we go to Kansas. Or we fly them here. Your choice.”

  “Hold your fire.” I lift my hands in mock surrender. “Let’s get your father and brother out of the way first, okay?”

  “I can live with that.” He bites a piece off a slice of bacon. “Wear something…refined.”

  Refined? Meaning…not sexy? My confusion must be apparent, because he laughs and says, “Not jeans. Dress slacks or a skirt and blouse. Either is fine.”

  “Okay. What will you be wearing?”

  “Probably slacks and a jacket, no tie.”

  “All right. Then of course, don’t forget I leave for New York Sunday evening.”

  He swallows a drink of coffee. “We leave for New York Sunday evening.”

  “Are you on the same flight?”

  “I am, but you aren’t. We’re taking my jet.”

  “But Eugenie sent me a tick—”

  “I took the liberty of canceling the ticket and refunding Eugenie.”

  Anger scrapes up my neck. Braden had no right to do that.

  But it’s classic Braden.

  “You’ll find the private jet much more comfortable,” he says nonchalantly, as if it’s the most normal thing in the world.

  “It’s a one-hour flight, and she sent me a first-class ticket.”

  “Trust me, the jet is still much more comfortable.”

  I twist my lips. “Braden, I never gave up my control outside the bedroom.”

  “I’m not interfering with your control.”

  I stand, the spark of anger flowing through me hotly. “You commandeered my meeting last night, and now you canceled my flight for my meeting next week. That is definitely interfering with my control.”

  “Do you want this new career move to be a success?” he asks.

  “Of course I do.”

  “I’m about as savvy a businessman as you’ll find. Most people would kill for my advice.”

  “I want your advice. I truly do. I appreciate how successful you are, and I admit you know a hell of a lot more about business than I ever will. But horning in on my business meeting is not offering advice. Neither is canceling a plane ticket.”

  He stands as well, towering over me. He seems taller for some reason, and his eyes have darkened to that smoky blue I’m so familiar with. It’s how he looks right before he kisses me.

  And I want that kiss. He didn’t kiss me last night.

  I take a step backward.

  He takes a step forward.

  “What would it take, Skye, for you to give me control over everything in your life?”

  A proposal of marriage and a big-ass engagement ring, for starters.

  I don’t say this, of course, because I don’t actually mean it. I’ll never give control to Braden over my whole life. I gave him control in the bedroom, and I don’t regret it. He showed me some amazing and intense experiences. But my career is my own.

  Which you wouldn’t have if not for him.

  I force the subconscious words out of my head, but they do make me wonder. Not whether they’re true. I already know they are. But they make me wonder if Braden has been orchestrating this new career of mine from the very beginning.

  He requested to follow me on Instagram, and I honored his request. He tagged me in a photo the first night we went out. Everything mushroomed from there.

  Did he foresee all of it? His past with Addie probably gave him reason to know how she would react.

  Of course, he also gave me some good advice when I was ambivalent about influencing. He told me I could use my platform to show people my photographs. To take pictures that moved them.

  Was all of this in his plan the whole time?

  I open my mouth to ask—

  But he silences me with a kiss.

  Chapter Fourteen

  My lips are already parted, and he darts his tongue in. I respond. All thoughts of Braden exercising control over my budding new career fly away on a warm breeze.

  Because this kiss… This is the kiss I yearned for last night but didn’t get.

  Already I’m getting wet for him, my nipples are hardening, and my body is awake with heat.

  I clasp my arms around his neck, relishing his muscles. I let my fingers drift up to his face, scraping the tips of his stubble. He grabs my ass and pulls me to him so his hard bulge pushes against my lower belly.

  He breaks the kiss with a loud smack. He speaks only with his eyes, gazing hard into mine. Then he turns me around, forcing me against the kitchen island, quickly pushes my sweats and underwear over my hips, and, in what seems like no time at all, shoves his cock into me.

  I moan against the invasion, so tight with my legs together.

  “I like control, Skye,” he whispers in my ear as he pumps into me harder and harder. “Haven’t I given you pleasure in the bedroom?”

  “Yes,” I moan, my voice almost a sob.

  “Would it be so bad to yield to me in other areas?” His breath is hot against my neck and ear.

  He pumps into me, fucking me hard and fast. My clit is banging against the countertop, and I’m on my way to orgasm. Yes, on my way, climbing the mountain. I see the peak in the distance getting closer, closer, closer…

  “Answer me, Skye,” he says against my neck.

  Answer me.

  How easy to say yes, to let this amazing man control everything. He knows business, and he can easily take me to the top.

  Yes. Yes. Yes.

  But the words don’t make it to my lips. Instead, I force my hips backward, letting out a wistful whimper as I lose the friction on my clit.

  I give up an orgasm.

  But it’s a statement. An answer to his question.

  I will not yield control of the rest of my life to anyone.

  Not even Braden Black.

  I’m not even sure if that’s what he truly wants.


  Later, at home, I sit down at my laptop to check on my posts. Braden didn’t say much after I didn’t answer his question vocally. He gave me a swift kiss on the cheek and told me he needed to get to a conference call in his home office, so Christopher drove me home. I know Braden, though. He will continue to push, so I need to be strong.

  Will being strong cause me to lose him?

  I’m hopelessly in love with him. No doubt about that.

  I still don’t know his deepest secrets. I don’t know the full story of what went on between him and Addison. But I made a decision to trust him. Difficult as it may be, I have to give up this quest for knowledge about his past. First step is to see Betsy and thank her for what she tried to do and reassure her of my friendship. Plus, I can buy a treat for Penny. I head to the Bark Boutique.

  Betsy’s busy, probably because it’s lunchtime. At least ten customers are browsing, which of course means I won’t get a chance to talk to her anytime soon. I smile and wave to her and then browse the aisles, picking up a few things for Penny.

  Customers leave as customers come in. By the time I have a chance to talk to Betsy, my shopping bag is full of treats for Penny and Sasha. Too many, in fact. I’ll give some of them to Tessa’s dog, Rita. Which reminds me that Tessa has called me three times and I haven’t called her back. I file that in the back of my

  I finally make it up to the cash register.

  “Nice to see you, Skye.” Betsy doesn’t meet my gaze.

  “You too. Looks like a good business day.”

  “It never rains but it pours. I’m pretty close to getting my online ordering store up and running as well. After Tessa ran the numbers and they looked good, I hired a website-and-marketing consultant.”

  “That’s great!”

  And it gives me an idea. I never thought about hiring a marketing consultant for my own fledgling business. I don’t actually have enough business yet to justify the expense, but I’ll definitely keep it in the back of my mind.

  “This is a pretty big purchase,” she says, ringing me up.

  “Nothing’s too good for my new pup.”

  Finally she meets my gaze. “I can’t tell you anything else.”

  “I’m not asking you to.”

  She looks down. “I just don’t know anything else, Skye.”

  Classic tell. I’m not sure I believe her, but I didn’t come here to pump her for more information. I trust Braden.

  I smile. “It’s okay, Bets. I understand. Are you free for dinner? My treat.”

  “Actually, I’m meeting Tessa for dinner. We’re going to go over some more numbers and then hit a club she likes.”

  I resist an eye roll. Clubbing. Not my favorite thing.

  “I’m sure you could join us,” she says.

  “Dinner sounds great. I’ll probably pass on the clubbing.”

  Betsy smiles. “She told me how you feel about clubbing. We’re actually meeting some guys there. Garrett, that guy she’s been seeing off and on, and he’s bringing a friend.”

  “Peter Reardon?”

  “I think she said his name is Peter.”

  I nod. “I’ll give Tessa a call and see if she minds if I crash your dinner date.”

  “She won’t mind.”

  “Probably not, but I should check anyway.”

  Betsy hands me my receipt. “Okay, see you tonight, then. Tessa can tell you where.”

  “Thanks. See you.”

  I text Tessa quickly, asking if it’s okay for me to join and apologizing for not calling her back before now.

  No biggie on the calls. I was just checking in. Of course on dinner! I would’ve asked you myself but it’s Friday night and I figured you’d be with Braden.


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