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Love by Moonlight (A Contemporary Romance)

Page 6

by Debra Elizabeth

  Caroline reached over and touched his arm. “I had no idea, but it sounds like it ended up to be a painful experience for you.”

  “It was and so I got into photographing wildlife instead. I work mostly for National Geographic now. I can be gone for weeks at a time, but I get to pick and choose which assignments I take. I like being my own boss and I don’t think I could work any other way now.”

  Caroline nodded. “Yes, I can understand that part. No one to tell you what to do, where to go, what to wear.”

  Matt’s eyes widened a fraction at her last statement. “Sounds like you’ve had a few differences with a boss yourself.”

  “Not a boss, an ex-husband.”

  “Oh, do you want to talk about it?”

  “No, not at all. I don’t want anything to spoil this wonderful dinner.”

  “Sounds good to me,” Matt said.

  It was several hours later when Matt looked at the clock. “I’ve really got to go check on the dogs. They’ll need to go out for a run before they settle down for the night.”

  “Oh, of course.” Caroline got up and walked Matt to the sliding glass door. “Will I see you again?”

  Matt reached out and tilted her chin upwards. “You can count on it.” He kissed her softly at first, then with an urgency that spelled of passion and too much wine.”

  When they finally broke apart, Caroline stumbled back a step. “Wow,” was all she could utter. The thrill of being close to him coursed through her body and she was sorely tempted to drag him back to her bedroom. If it hadn’t been for the dogs, she would be enjoying his wonderful musky scent up close and personal.

  “Till tomorrow,” Matt said and slipped out the door.

  Caroline went out on the deck and watched him until he melted into the shadows. “Oh my, what a man.” The brisk wind sent a chill through her and she went back inside. She finished cleaning up the kitchen and loaded the dishes into the dishwasher before grabbing a glass of water and heading off to her bedroom.

  Matt had definitely surprised her tonight. He was funny, witty and she had been totally mesmerized by those blue eyes of his. They were intense, and it was hard to look away. She was impressed with his caring nature, but she had caught a glimpse of that with how he handled his dogs the first night they met. She could hardly wait for him to call. She had no doubt that she would be having sweet dreams of the hunky guy she had spent the evening with. “Good night, Matt.”


  For the next two weeks Caroline and Matt were inseparable. The couple was having a grand time together and even Elena came around and approved of him, especially when she saw how happy he made her friend.

  After spending the evening with Elena and Dan, Matt and Caroline pulled up in front of Caroline’s house.

  “I had a wonderful time tonight,” he said, leaning over to kiss her goodnight.

  “Would you like to come in?” Caroline asked.

  “Are you sure, it’s pretty late.”

  “Yes, I’m sure unless you have an assignment in the morning.”

  “No, I’m good.” He pulled the car into her driveway and shut off the ignition. He went to her side and opened her door.

  “Thank you,” she said, pulling her keys out of her purse.

  Matt put his arm around her waist and walked up the stairs to the front porch. The moonlight was reflecting off the floorboards, bathing them in its glow. He pulled her into his arms and kissed her lips light as a feather.

  Caroline breathed in his scent. She was lost in the feel of him, so close to her. The night was perfect. In the moonlight, love blossomed. She took his hand and led him through the house and into her bedroom. She kicked off her sandals and turned to him.

  He traced his finger along her cheek. “You are so beautiful.” He kissed each cheek and left a trail down her neck.

  She trembled under his touch, feeling the stirrings of passion deep in her soul. Here was a man she could fall in love with. He was kind and gentle, but more importantly, he accepted her for who she was. She didn’t have to pretend to be someone she wasn’t, and that sent a thrill through her.

  He turned her around and unzipped her dress, kissing her from her neckline down to the small of her back, raising goose bumps over her flesh. When she turned back to face him, she let the dress fall to the floor, revealing a delectable body clad only in a black bra and panties.

  Matt’s eyes drank her in. He ran his finger over her collarbones and traced the swell of her breast before bending closer and kissing her soft flesh.

  Caroline reached out and unbuttoned his shirt. She kissed each patch of newly exposed skin and breathed in his scent. She unzipped his pants and he stepped out of them. The two of them stood admiring each other, and smiled.

  Matt pulled her into his arms, their bodies skin to skin, and buried his hands in her long dark hair. He swayed side-to-side with her pressed tightly against him. There was no need for music tonight. They were going to make their own magical melody.

  In one fluid motion, he lifted her into his arms, carried her to the bed and gently set her down, never taking his eyes off her. She scooted back and sank down in the pillows, waiting for her lover’s touch.

  Matt looked at the bedside table and spotted a candle. “May I?”

  Caroline nodded and watched him light it. The glow fell over her toned body.

  Matt sat down next to her, trailing his hand up her leg, over her taut belly, up to her breast and finally coming to rest along the side of her face.

  “I’ve been waiting for this night since the first moment I laid eyes on you. You are absolutely exquisite.” He bent down and kissed her like he’s never kissed her before. It was long and deep and full of desire. His hand brushed against the swell of her breast and his finger slipped inside her bra to tease her nipple to hardness.

  Caroline arched her back. Her body tingled all over under his touch. She reached up to pull him down on top of her.

  “Not yet, just relax and enjoy,” he whispered. He undid the clasp of her bra, releasing her breasts. He kissed every inch of them before pushing them together to nibble on her rosy pink nipples.

  Caroline stretched her arms up over and head, enjoying the feel of Matt’s lips on her skin.

  He straddled her and began a trail of kisses down her body. The candlelight threw shadows across them and their dance of love. By the time Matt got to her panties, Caroline was wet with desire. She arched her hips toward him. He slowly slipped her panties down her lean legs and threw them on the floor. He peeled off his boxers and parted her legs.

  “Make love to me,” Caroline whispered.

  “It will be my absolute pleasure,” he said sliding into her. The two lovers fit together perfectly and their lovemaking began in earnest. Matt kissed and caressed until Caroline was flaming with desire.

  She had never felt like this before even during her first year of marriage when she had thought she had married the perfect man. Matt filled her up and she felt such a yearning like she never wanted to let him go. He was perfect for her.

  She wrapped her legs around his waist tight and arched her hips grinding them into him. They both were rolling with passion and need until that exquisite sweet release of orgasm consumed them both and they cried out with delight.

  Matt collapsed on top of her and lay still for several minutes before he got up on his elbows.

  “That was so wonderful. I can’t believe I’ve found love again. If Jake hadn’t…”

  Caroline perked up. “Wait, what did you say?”

  Matt chuckled. “I knew I couldn’t slip that one past you. I never believed it could happen, but I think I fell in love with you that first night we met. I’ve never felt like this before.”

  Caroline stared at his handsome face. She had no words to express her happiness. Could it be that the most wonderful man she’s met in years loves her?

  “You love me? I don’t know what to say?”

  “Say that you will give me a chance. I want to show
er you with kisses. I want to give you everything you’ve ever desired and more.”

  A smile as wide as the ocean broke across Caroline’s face. “Oh Matt, I can’t believe all of this is happening.”

  “You’re an amazing woman and besides, anyone who likes my dogs has an immediate head start in my book.”

  Caroline looked into his beautiful blue eyes and knew she could drown in them. “Yes, I will give you a chance. Yes, please shower me with kisses and yes, I love your dogs and by the way, I’m falling in love with you, too.”

  Now it was Matt’s turn to smile. “I was afraid that you…”

  Caroline placed her finger on his lips and pulled him down to her again. She kissed him long and deep; a kiss that said everything and the two lovers began another dance of love.


  Dear Reader, thank you for reading Love By Moonlight. I hope you enjoyed the story. If you have, please consider leaving a review.

  Here’s a sneak peek at another romance title, Love by Secrets.

  Book blurb:

  Eighteen-year-old Emily Stanton is excited to attend this season's society balls and begin her search for a husband. She is thrilled when the dashing and handsome Connor Preston begins to show her more attention. After each ball, Emily finds a love note in her drawstring reticule, and she expects a marriage proposal from Connor any day.

  When her father objects and forces Emily to accept the proposal from Lady Tisbury's shy nephew, Ethan Richardson instead, her heart is broken. How can she love her new husband when her heart belongs to the man who wrote her such beautiful love letters?

  Love by Secrets is a novella of ~21,000 words (82 pages)


  Love by Secrets

  By Debra Elizabeth

  2011 Copyright © by Debra Elizabeth

  Image by Forgiss/

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer's imagination or have been used fictitiously, and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  Chapter 1

  “Papa, where are you?” Emily Stanton asked, a little too loudly for a proper young lady.

  “Hush, Emily. He’ll be here when he’s ready, and not a moment sooner,” Catherine Stanton scolded her impatient daughter.

  “But Mama, we’ll be late for the ball.” Emily smoothed down her ice blue, satin dress for the hundredth time, and adjusted the choker of pearls around her neck. The swell of her breasts peeked out of the dress’s bodice that was adorned with lace and ribbons. Matching gloves and a small, drawstring reticule rounded out her outfit for the evening.

  The April ball was being thrown by Lord and Lady Tisbury, and was the first ball of the social season in London. Everyone who was anyone would be there. Emily had counted down the days waiting for the big night to arrive. She longed to be part of the sea of shimmering silk swirling around the dance floor.

  She had even more reason to be excited; this had been the best week of her life. Two days ago, she had turned eighteen--the age when the hunt for a husband begins in earnest for every young lady. Lady Tisbury had promised to introduce her to a number of young men from well-regarded families. Emily shivered in anticipation. She hoped her dance card would quickly fill with the names of every eligible bachelor in the county. She had attended balls in the past; however, tonight she would not be regarded as a child, but as an eligible young lady.

  Emily reached up and pushed the flower back into her light-brown hair. Nesmith, her long-time Lady’s Maid, had outdone herself creating a crown of curls, adorned with little white flowers and pearls, for this evening’s festivities. Emily had watched in amazement while Nesmith worked her magic with the pins. Sitting still for more than an hour had certainly been worth the results.

  “Mama, do I look pretty?”

  “Emily, you look radiant tonight. I’ve always loved that color on you. It compliments your eyes wonderfully well.”

  “Thank you, Mama.”

  “Now stop fidgeting, dear. You must learn patience. It is a woman’s place to wait quietly. You’ll have to do these things someday with your own husband, so let us practice it now.”

  Before a pout could form on Emily’s rosebud lips, her father, Mr. Riley Stanton, came into the parlor. “Oh, Papa, thank heavens you’re here,” she squealed with delight.

  “Emily, dear, must you shout?”

  She stood on her tiptoes, and kissed her father’s cheek. “Sorry, Papa, but you know I’ve been waiting to attend Lord Tisbury’s ball all week. You must have heard us come down the stairs nearly 30 minutes ago.”

  Mr. Stanton let a sly smile touch his lips. “I must have lost track of time. No matter, I’m here now. Are my ladies ready?”

  “Yes indeed!” Emily replied.

  Nesmith entered the parlor, and helped Emily and Mrs. Stanton into their evening coats.

  “Thank you, Nesmith,” Emily said. With a flounce of her skirt, she led the way out to the family coach.

  Mr. Stanton held out his arm for his wife. “Are you ready for this, Mrs. Stanton?”

  Catherine nodded. “Do we really have a choice, Mr. Stanton? We cannot treat Emily like a little girl anymore. The real question is, are you ready for the hordes of young men coming to court her?”

  Mr. Stanton chuckled. “I guess I will have to be. Time stands still for no man.”

  The housekeeper held the door open, and the Stanton family departed into the cool, night air. Mr. Stanton sat in the rear-facing seat of the carriage and Mrs. Stanton sat next to her daughter.

  Emily smiled as she settled her skirts. She glanced out the window. The sky was filled with twinkling stars. It was such a perfect evening and she could hardly wait for the festivities to begin.

  Chapter 2

  Emily placed her hand on her father’s arm. With her mother on his other side, they entered the ballroom together.

  Candles lit up every corner of the room. There was a dazzling, oversized, crystal chandelier in the center of the ballroom, and a dozen wall sconces scattered around the room. Musicians played a lovely tune. Couples danced in the center of the ballroom, and the swirl of silk dresses was like one of Sir David Brewster’s kaleidoscopes; dazzling the eyes with color.

  “Oh, Papa, it’s so beautiful, isn’t it?” Emily whispered.

  Mr. Stanton patted his daughter’s hand. “Indeed it is.”

  Before they had gotten too far into the room, they ran into Miss Mia Gardner standing at the edge of the dance floor.

  “Good evening, Miss Gardner,” Mr. Stanton said.

  Mia curtsied. “Good evening, Mr. Stanton, Mrs. Stanton.” She turned to her best friend. “Emily, I’m so glad you’re finally here.”

  “Did I miss anything?”

  Mia whispered in her ear.

  Emily giggled. She let go of her father’s arm. “Papa, may I take your leave?”

  Mr. Stanton nodded. “Of course, Emily. Miss Gardner, a pleasure to see you this evening.” He bowed to the young woman.

  Mia curtsied. “Thank you, Mr. Stanton.”

  The two young women hurried over to the nearest alcove to confer in private, and away from prying eyes.

  “Let me see it,” Emily demanded.

  Mia held out her dance card for her friend’s inspection. Neatly scribbled were the names of six young men: the handsome Mr. Connor Preston being the first name, and the reserved Mr. Charles Giles rounding out her dance partners. “Can you believe it? Mr. Preston wants to dance with me?”

  “Of course he does. Why wouldn’t he? You look beautiful tonight,” Emily said.

  Mia gave her friend a sad smile. She was not a beauty, but had a sweet disposition. She was from a good family; not wealthy, but comfortable on 2,000 pounds per annum. With four children, however, there wasn’t any extra to go around. Nineteen-year-old Mia had already been through one season without a marriage proposal
. Would she land a husband this season? Or would she wait season after season for that elusive marriage proposal?

  “Thank you, Emily. You are a dear friend to say such sweet things. I must confess that I do have high hopes for this season.”

  Compared to her friend, there was no doubt that Emily would have her pick of suitors. She was the prettiest girl in the room with her high cheekbones and bright blue eyes.

  Emily grasped Mia’s hand. “I just know you’ll find someone this season.”

  The two young women remained huddled together on the bench talking in whispers about who was there and more importantly who wasn’t in attendance. Neither of them noticed Lady Tisbury approaching, with two gentlemen in her wake, until their shadows fell over them.

  “Good evening, Miss Gardner, Miss Stanton,” Lady Tisbury said.

  Both Mia and Emily looked up, and immediately stood.

  “Lady Tisbury, a pleasure to see you again,” Mia said as she curtsied.

  “Good evening, Lady Tisbury,” Emily chimed in with a curtsy of her own. “Thank you for your kind invitation to attend this evening.”

  “It is my pleasure. I would like to present Mr. Connor Preston and Mr. Ethan Richardson.”

  The young women curtsied to the gentlemen.

  Lady Tisbury swept her arm out toward Mia. “Gentlemen, you both are acquainted with Miss Gardner. She has been a frequent guest of mine.”

  Lady Tisbury nodded in Emily’s direction. “And this is Miss Stanton.”

  Both Connor and Ethan bowed to the young ladies. “Miss Gardner; Miss Stanton,” they said in unison.

  Emily watched both young men. Connor had black hair, neatly trimmed at his shirt collar, and intense blue eyes. He looked dashing in his smartly cut jacket. Ethan had blond hair and deep-brown eyes. He wore a serious countenance, and seemed rather dull next to his gregarious friend.


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