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Angels in Turquoise Skies

Page 9

by Debbie R. Cummings

  "She now has the power of the angel's siren."

  "Her powers are advancing fast." Enzo's fist hit the desk, shattering it into a million pieces. The computer went crashing to the floor. "We may have to send the assassins after her."

  "Is that necessary?" He'd been avoiding making a report for this reason and for the punishment Enzo would give him. There was something about Leah and her sister that made him feel sorry for them. It was the first time he felt that way about an assignment. It's not good to get attached.

  "You failed in your mission and you asked if it is necessary?" Enzo snapped his fingers. Flames burned the parchment in his hand. "She is the daughter of Timon. Do you have any idea how much damage she could do to demons?"

  Torr shrugged, trying to remain cool under the heat. He'd seen his boss break desks with fire eyes before. It was never pretty. "I wasn't around for the last battle."

  Enzo lowered his head. "No, you weren't. I almost forgot." He looked up again. A beam of fire shot from his eyes. "Failure wasn't an option."

  Torr jumped out of the way. "I don't like failing either."

  "Report to the torture room. You're getting a hundred lashes for your failure." He pointed his finger at him. "Don't interfere if I send the assassins after her."

  "Give me another shot at trying to convert her."

  "I assume you have a plan."

  "Of course."

  "Don't fail."

  Torr transported himself back to his hotel room. He paced the floor. The truth was, he didn't have a plan. The angels were going to win this round and he knew it. Leah is better off with the angel. She's not my kind of woman anyway. I'll go warn her.


  Tabitha took a cloth and began wiping down the counters. I hope Leah is having fun on her date. Two men appeared in front of her. "Are you Miss Blanco?"


  The men leaned over and grabbed her. "Hey!" The bookstore blurred around her. She closed her eyes. Queasiness filled her stomach. A rough hand shoved her to her knees. She opened her eyes in a strange place. The walls were red. The floor was black and red tile. Her stomach began to settle again. Her head was still spinning.

  "Don't even try to escape, angel."

  Tabitha looked up into his ugly face. He looked like a character in a horror movie. Was I having a nightmare? "Angel? What are you talking about?" Everyone knows I'm no angel, especially my sister.

  The taller man turned around. "You're on your way to becoming an angel."

  "We can't have that," the shorter man replied.

  They left the room and slammed the door behind them.

  "You're crazy!" Tabitha jumped to her feet and ran to the door. "Let me go. You've got the wrong person." She banged on the door. "Let me out of here."

  "They won't listen," a male voice said behind her.

  She whirled around. A handsome, tall, dark-haired man stood behind her. "Who are you?"

  "Anton, one of your guardian angels."

  "What are you talking about? I want to go back to the bookstore or home." She turned back to the door and pounded. "Let me out of here!"

  He gently seized her wrists. "Don't do that. They may come back."

  "If I explain, this is a mistake. They'll let me go."

  "Don't be stupid! They'll kill you on the spot!"

  She gasped.

  He embraced her. "Don't be afraid. I'll look after you."

  Strange, I don't know him. But he's comforting. He's not at all creepy like those other two men or whatever they are. "I've never seen you before."

  "Have you ever felt my presence?"

  "I'm not sure."

  "I suppose you wouldn't notice." He guided her to the middle of the room. "Guardian angels are supposed to be present without being seen. I'm only allowing you to see me now. I've often spoke to you. But you ignore me, even when I give you advice." Anger was absent in his voice.

  Leah always gets upset with me when I ignore her advice. She pulled back and stared at him. An embarrassed feeling overcame her. "Sorry about that. Can you get us out of here?"

  He shook his head. "My powers aren't strong enough to transport us both from the underworld back to Earth."

  She sunk to the floor. All of this seemed crazy to her. "Are you sure this isn't some weird dream?"

  He snorted. "I wish. You get in enough trouble in the mortal realm, let alone getting caught up in the angels and demons wars."

  "Wars? I haven't done anything. Why did they capture me?"

  He knelt beside her. "They think you're Leah."

  "What does she have to do with anything? She is so boring."

  He sighed. "It's a long story."

  She folded her arms over her chest. "It looks like we have time." Her eyes stared into his.

  "Okay, but I'm not really supposed to be telling you this." He took a deep breath. "Leah's father was an angel. He met your mom before she met your father, Norman."

  Her eyes widened. That can't be true. "You mean we don't have the same father?"

  He shook his head. "Leah's father was killed in a battle between angels and demons. Norman was sent to your mother shortly after."

  She bolted to her feet and began to pace the room. "This is all crazy. We grew up together, one big happy family."

  He moved in front of her. "It's true."

  She believed him. There was something in his eyes. She turned away. "Mom never told me," her voice was soft.

  He wrapped his arms around her. "She's not meant to know or remember. Norman has no idea either."

  She melted into his arms. Thought for a moment. A realization came to her. "Leah is only my half-sister. Does she know?"

  He nodded.

  Tears streamed down her face. "Why didn't she tell me?"

  "Perhaps, this is hard for her too. She loves you." He held her tighter. "It'll be okay."

  Tabitha wanted to believe him.


  The bookstore was quiet as Torr entered. He couldn't sense Leah or Tabitha. That worried him. What if he was too late? Why should I care? He asked himself that question on the way over here. He went to the coffee counter. "Is Leah or Tabitha around?"

  A tall, blond man appeared to be confused. "Tabitha was here a minute ago." He spoke with a thick German accent. "She was talking to two men." He held up two fingers. "Then she's gone. I hope my English is okay."

  "It's fine." Torr could understand any language. At least that was one advantage to being a demon. His jaw clinched. I have a feeling who took her. That meeting with Enzo was a distraction. I didn't think messenger demons were that bright. They want to move up on the demon ladder. "Thanks for the information." He went to the men's room and focused on Tabitha. She was in the underworld. In his mind's eye, he saw she was in a room with her guardian angel. She's okay for the moment. Now, how do I contact those angels?

  Torr thought of Saffron. All he got was static. It was worth a shot. He ran out to his motorcycle and drove off. There has to be a way to reach those goody-goodies. He drove past a brick building. That's the guardian angels meeting hall. I can sense it. He pulled into the parking lot.

  A woman with gray hair ran out before he ever got off of the bike. "Demon, be gone."

  He held up his hands. "Lady, I know we're not friends."

  She stared him down. "You're correct about that."

  "I don't want to be here either. Just listen to me. Tabitha Blanco and her guardian angel are prisoners in the underworld. And I know where."

  She cocked her head. "Is this a trick?"

  "No, please summon Saffron, Zach, or Leah to me." He paced. "I don't even know why I'm doing this."

  "Come with me." She walked around to the back of the building to a small garden. Trees surrounded the area. She said a few words, in Latin.

  Saffron appeared in front of him. "Why do you care about what happens to Tabitha?"

  "Those two lowly messenger demons are trying to make me look bad. I can't have that." He kicked the ground. "And Tabitha is c

  "Where are they?"

  "In the underworld."

  "Why didn't you rescue her yourself?"

  He smiled at her. "Precious, I don't do rescues. I'm in enough trouble already. What do you think they'll do to me once they learn I lost Leah?"

  She grinned. "You chose the wrong side."

  "That's beside the point."

  "Since you know where she's at, will you take us there?"

  "Yeah, I'll make it so you and your brother can follow me. The rest is up to you angels. By the way, Leah could be in danger too."

  She nodded. "Wait here, I'll find Zach."

  "It's dangerous for me to wait around here. Someone might stop me. Meet me at the bookstore." He walked back around front and got on his bike. I've still got a rep to protect. And I don't want my punishment to be any worse than it'll already be.


  Zach held Leah's hand as they walked through a park.

  "Flying helps clear the mind. It's a necessity for an angel. Transporting is also. You did well on your lessons today." He moved closer to her.

  Leah was beaming in his praise. I'll get used to those powers after all.

  Saffron appeared in front of them. "Sorry to interrupt. I wouldn't have come if it wasn't important."

  The popping in and out, I might not ever get used to that.

  "What's wrong?" Zach asked.

  "Messenger demons have kidnapped Tabitha and her guardian angel."

  Zach rubbed his chin. "Messenger demons? Isn't that out of their league?"

  "What are messenger demons?" Leah asked.

  Zach squeezed her hand. "I'll explain later." His gaze was focused on his sister.

  "How can we trust him? It could be a trick."

  Saffron shook her head. "I felt he was sincere."

  "Demons are never sincere."

  "That one was. He'll take us to her. He's waiting for us at the bookstore."

  Zach had determination in his eyes. "It's a trap."

  "No, he went to the guardian angel center. Why would he go to all of the trouble?"

  "I have to find Tabitha," Leah cried out.

  He embraced Leah. "Don't worry. We'll get her back." He kissed the top of her head. "Looks like you get your first lesson in transporting."

  "I'll meet you there." Saffron disappeared.

  Zach looked at Leah. "Ready?"

  She nodded.

  Zach closed his eyes. One minute they were surrounded by trees, the next minute they were standing in the back room of the bookstore.

  Chapter Fourteen

  The door flew opened. Tabitha debated on whether to make a break for it. Anton jumped in front of her, pulling her behind him. How heroic! No one has ever done that for me before. Her gaze shifted to the two ugly demons. She had been wondering if and when they'd come back.

  "Have you thought about what we said?" His gaze shifted from her to Anton. "I didn't know we had a hitchhiker." The tall demon had an evil grin on his face as he nudged the shorter one.

  Anton held his ground. "I'm surprised you were too dumb to notice me here."

  "Your powers are weak," the shorter one said. "We can kill the guardian angel. We'll get extra points for that."

  The tall demon shrugged. "How? I thought they were already dead."

  "Let's try," the short one replied.

  Tabitha didn't like the sound of that. She wished she had something to protect herself with. What were demons afraid of?

  The guardian angel projected a shield around himself and Tabitha. Both demons raised their hands and flames shot from them.

  "How?" the guardian angel asked with shock in his voice.

  My thoughts exactly. This is scary. I could die down here and no one would know.

  "We killed a terminator demon and took his powers." They blasted him again.

  Tabitha could see the bubble like shield weakening around her. "What do we do now?"

  Anton fell backwards into her arms. She lightly tapped his face. "Wake up." His eyes remained closed. "Please don't be dead or whatever happens to you."

  The two demons loomed over her and laughed. "Are you ready to renounce your angel powers and take the oath of a demon?"

  She looked up. "I didn't know demons had oaths." I didn't know demons existed until a little while ago.

  The tall demon smirked at her. "There is some honor among demons down here."

  "Like, I really believe that. I want to go home."

  "You can never go home again," the short demon replied. He nudged his demon friend. "Let's give her some time to think it over."

  They left the room with a slamming of the door.

  She ran her fingers through Anton's hair. "Please be all right." She glanced up at the ceiling. "Zach, help me!"


  Zach and Leah ran around the bookstore. "Where is he?" Leah asked. Desperation filled her. The sooner she found her sister the better. She couldn't stand the thought of Tabitha being in danger. Why couldn't Torr have stayed away from her? She probably knows the truth about what's going on by now. I wish I could've told her.

  "Over here, angels." Torr was leaning against a wall, next to the café. "It's about time you got here."

  Leah charged at him. Her hands grabbed his black T-shirt. "Where is my sister?" she demanded.

  "Easy." The demon held up his hands. "I didn't have anything to do with this."

  Leah stepped back. For some strange reason, she believed him. Threatening him wasn't going get Tabitha back any sooner.

  Zach moved past her. "Where is she?" he growled.

  "The underworld," Torr replied coolly. "I told your sweet sister, Saffron, that."

  Zach's hand twitched at his side. "Live mortals aren't allowed down there."

  Torr smirked. "Tell that to stooge one and stooge two. Of course, they seem to think Tabitha is somebody she isn't."

  Leah glared at the demon. "Take me there, now."

  Zach grabbed her hand. "No, it's too dangerous."

  "That's my sister."

  Zach looked into her eyes. "No, Saffron and I can handle this."

  "I'll come back and look after her," Torr said.

  "Don't think so." Saffron stared him down. "I'll transport her someplace safe before we go. Be back in a flash." She took Leah's hand.

  Leah pulled her hand away. "I'm coming with you."

  Torr snapped his fingers. "Three angels can't go waltzing down there."

  Zach's brows furrowed. "Three?"

  Torr shook his head and laughed. "You dumb angels, you'll be happy to know. Leah has made her choice."

  Zach looked at her with a questioning look in his eyes. "Not formally."

  Leah leaned toward him. "I have in my heart." She straightened up. "Time is wasting. Let's go get my sister."

  "I'm glad someone here is practical," Torr said.

  Zach glared at the demon before pulling her close. "I just got you. I don't want to lose you."

  She smiled. "I have the angel's siren, remember?"

  Zach held her hands. "You did pretty good in practice. You might be ready." He leaned forward and gave her a quick kiss.

  "That might come in handy," Saffron said.

  "You two are making me ill. Are you coming or not?" Torr tapped his foot. "I'm not going to stand around all day and wait."

  Zach held Leah's hand in his. "We're going."

  Torr moved forward. "Everyone take each others' hands."

  One minute they were in the bookstore, the next minute they were in a strange room. A chill went up her spine. And it wasn't because she was cold. The room was warmer than normal.

  Tabitha was sitting on the floor next to a dark-haired man. His eyes were closed. Leah ran to her side. "Are you okay?"

  "So far. I don't know about him." She stroked his hair.

  "I'm out of here." With a blink of an eye, Torr disappeared.

  Leah looked up at Zach. "How do we get out here?"

  "Don't worry, Saffron and I have enough power to
get us home."

  The man on the floor slowly opened his eyes.

  "Leah, this is Anton my guardian angel," Tabitha said.

  Saffron grabbed Tabitha's and Anton's hand. "Enough chitchat. Let's get out of here." She closed her eyes. They disappeared.

  Zach took Leah's hand. "We shouldn't hang around here."

  She nodded.

  Two ugly men came charging through the door. "I can't believe the angel woman is gone," the tall one said.

  "Demons," Zach whispered.

  The short one turned to the tall one. "I told you I felt angel powers here."

  "I'm the angel, not the blonde." Leah stepped forward without fear. She was ready to kick some demon butt. "In the future, don't mess with my sister."

  The tall demon raised his hand. Zach waved his hand and blocked the fire blast. "Why don't you two go back to being messengers?"

  "Messengers don't last long down here," the short demon replied.

  "Too bad." Zach held up his hand and a lightning bolt struck him. The demon fell to the floor.

  The tall one moved closer to Leah while she was in awe of Zach's power. "Come over to our side. I will soon have more power than you can imagine. Denounce your angel heritage and you'll have that power too."

  "I like my current powers." Leah took a deep breath and let out a window shattering cry. Her angel's siren rattled through the room. It seemed the whole building shook. The two demons slammed against the wall.

  Leah moved to stand over them. "I have chosen. I am an angel. I don't want to ever see you or your demon buddies near my sister or family again."

  Zach stepped forward to her and grabbed her hand. "Let's get out of here."

  They transported back to his kitchen.

  "Do you think they'll follow us?" Leah asked.

  "No, I sensed other demons were on their way there. Those two will probably be brought before a higher ranking demon and severely punished, if not terminated."

  Leah was quiet for a moment.

  He caressed her cheek. "You did well for your first fight."


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