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Caress The Dark God [Scions of the Ankh 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 11

by Toni L. Meilleur

  Thoth motioned for everyone to sit at the polished wood table that claimed the room. It was a table that was equal in size on all sides. Thoth and Hathor sat on one side. Ralabos and Rene sat across from them. Tessa and Anubis were left standing, and all eyes were averted, as if the others were trying to pretend not to notice the tension between the two of them. Tessa cleared her throat and shuffled into the nearest seat. Anubis sat across from her. Tessa kept her eyes trained on anything but the dark man across from her. Even as he sat down, the urge to be by his side was suffocating. She dug her nails in the palms of her hands to keep from getting up and walking around the table.

  Why not? she thought to herself. Why not go around the table and show him you did not reject him? Tessa looked up to see him scowling at her and all her newfound confidence melted. To do that would cause a scene because without a doubt he would reject her. She would simply have to get him alone later and try to explain. In the meantime, she tried valiantly to keep her concentration on the matter at hand.

  “Ma’at would like everyone to know she is to be included in this battle. She is otherwise engaged at the moment, but will be here tonight.” Everyone bowed their heads briefly in respect at the mention of the name. Tessa wondered who Ma’at was to command such respect. “I haven’t been able to contact any others as of yet,” Thoth continued. “Meanwhile, I will catch everyone up on what is happening. I believe the killer is the essence of Apep, a form of a son. There is only one reason why he would aid in such a creature existing.” Thoth leaned back in his plush leather chair.

  “He is trying to break through.” Ralabos trained his storm-gray eyes on everyone in the room. “It will take every one of us to stop this. He must not get through.”

  “I agree.” Anubis rested his arms on the table and steepled his fingers under his chin as he spoke. “I have seen this creature and I have witnessed what he can do. He feeds off souls, and uses it as energy. I believe he is gathering enough energy to puncture a small hold through the veils separating Apep from this realm.” Tessa shivered as she thought about how the life had been sucked from her. She felt as if she were suffocating and burning at the same time.

  “We have to figure out where he intends to carry out this plan.” Thoth tapped his fingernail lightly on the table. “That is, if I’m right. I would rather we find him first and dispose of him, but there is no way to know when he’ll strike next. We’ll always be just a step behind him.”

  “His eyes,” Tessa said softly, as she remembered the way they flickered.

  “What about them?” Rene reached out and laid her hand gently on Tessa’s shoulder.

  “Strange, they looked like the eyes of a reptile for just a second.” Tessa could see him in front of her and the memories began to flood her mind. The realization rearing its ugly head stole her breath. She had died. Died. The thing they were discussing was what killed her. “He suffocated me from the inside…” Tessa wasn’t sure if she was speaking out loud or in her head any longer. “It burned.” Tessa’s eyes clouded over. “Oh, my god, he killed me!” Tessa stood, making the chair scrape loudly against the floor. She needed air. She needed to breathe.

  “Tessa, calm down.” Rene tried to soothe her and stood as well.

  “No.” Tessa began to back away as the panic consumed her. Yes, she had known she had died. But deep down somewhere she had been hoping it wasn’t real. It was a dream still. But this was no dream. Reality smacked her hard. She began to back away from the table, her eyes searching frantically for a way out. She knew she was out of control and yet she couldn’t help it. The memories surfaced, washing her away in a storm of terror. She ran for the door, but a dark shape intercepted and her world became blurry.

  She knew the feel of his arms, his scent as it washed over her. He cradled her to him and Tessa closed her eyes as the tears fell. “I’m so sorry, love,” he whispered in her ear. “I should have known.” Tessa clung to him as she tried to get the image of the attack out of her mind. She felt herself being lowered onto something soft, but she didn’t care. Tessa nestled closer to Anubis, feeding off the sense of safety he instilled in her. “It’s over, Tessa. You’re safe with me in my domain.” His voice was hypnotic and calming in her ear.

  His voice calmed her and within a few minutes she stopped her hysterics. The abated hysterics left shame in its path. She’d acted like a crazy person. You acted the way one should who has been through death. His words in her head put her at ease more than they shocked her. Out of all the things that had been happening to her lately, this way of communicating was one of the few things she welcomed.

  I could have handled it better. I deal with death. I am a doctor, after all.

  How many doctors die and come back to life?

  Tessa loved the light teasing in his voice. She owed him an apology and an explanation. “I should have taken into account this would be hard for you to handle so quickly. You owe me neither,” he said out loud.

  “I didn’t reject you.”

  “I know that now. You have had some difficult things to deal with in such a short period of time. It is I who owe you an apology. I should have told you sooner.”

  “Hmm.” Tessa considered it a moment. “True, but you saved me, so you have brownie points.”

  “Brownie points?” Tessa giggled at the way his accent made the phrase seem foreign. “What are brownie points?”

  “It’s a girl thing. Forget it.”

  “I’ve much to tell you, Tessa.”

  “Yes, you do. Let’s start off with, what am I?”

  Anubis pushed her back on the soft bedding so he could look into her eyes. “You are a hybrid. Something wonderful. But you do realize you are no longer completely human?”

  Tessa swallowed as she looked into his dark eyes. “I gathered that. I am a hybrid of what you are and human.” Tessa mulled that over. “How will this change my life?”

  “I don’t know.”

  It took a second for Tessa to realize he’d said exactly what she thought he had said. She bolted up and pointed a finger at him. “What do you mean, you don’t know?”

  Anubis sighed heavily as he encased her finger with his hand. He then brought her hand to his mouth and kissed the back of it. Tessa swallowed as shivers raced from the spot his sensual lips had been. “I have no idea what you are capable of doing. I don’t even know how long your life span will be. One thing for sure, it will be longer than that of an average human. There is another thing.” He paused so dramatically that Tessa knew it was a major development. “You can no longer consume food.”

  “What?” Tessa wrinkled her brow.

  “Think about it, love. When was the last time you had organic food?”

  Tessa squinted as she pondered what he meant by organic food. Her mind raced trying to point out to him that she had eaten regular food. But every time she had tried … “Am I some sort of vampire?”

  Anubis stared at her for a heartbeat before he threw his head back and laughed. Tessa loved the deep rich sound and even giggled from the infection of his laugh. “No, love, you are not a vampire,” he said, composing himself. “Though I must say you are not far off.”

  “Is this the thing you and Hathor were discussing?”


  “All right then. If I don’t eat food, what do I consume?”

  Anubis looked her fully in the face. His dark eyes captured hers and there was something in his expression that captivated her. “Me,” he said at last.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Anubis watched her closely as she processed his words. His fingers glided along her soft, smooth arms as she tried to understand his words. Staying in such close proximity to her during her healing had developed an unforeseen situation. Some of his attributes had bled into her. One of them was the ability to absorb life or energy. While he had the capacity to naturally absorb the energy the earth gave off to sustain his life, she did not have that ability. He would have to ‘feed’ Tessa in order for her to mainta
in this new life. There was no telling what other abilities she might have assimilated.

  “Could you explain that to me in more detail?” Her forehead furrowed as she struggled with understanding.

  “Long ago, when we used the pyramids to heal humans, we did not stay during the healing process. We observed them periodically to make sure all was going well. The pyramid collects energy from earth, amplifies it and uses it to heal. I did not take into consideration that some of my abilities would be absorbed by you as you healed.”

  “So this has never happened before?”

  “Not to my knowledge.”

  “So you stayed by my side without considering any consequences?” The last word was barely a whisper.

  “There are no consequences I would not endure to ensure your life, Tessa.” Anubis enveloped her in his arms, no longer able to resist the temptation of her warm body. As she settled against him, they both sighed in contentment. He had never known such a feeling of completeness as he did when Tessa was with him. “I am truly sorry, Tessa, for not understanding your reaction to me. Though I have been around humans, I find that their reactions are not always predictable nor does it appear to always make sense.”

  “Just what are you saying about humans?”

  Anubis was glad to hear the teasing in her voice. “They are fickle, impulsive, puzzling creatures that I cannot seem to figure out.” He received a pinch in his side that he could barely feel. “That is no way to treat the source of your sustenance. The power to siphon energy is something you must learn to control. With one touch you could absorb the energy of another without intending to. But I will teach you. Until then, I will feed you.”

  “So are you saying that without you I would die?”

  Anubis thought for a moment. “I am saying that right now, as far as we know, I am a source of food. Only the Dark Ones hold the ability to absorb energy or life into themselves. So at the moment that is the only truth we know.”

  “And this Apep and his son, they can do it as well.” Anubis felt her shiver when she said son. He hoped to one day wipe that memory from her. The thought of her being haunted by something so traumatic burned his heart. “Why are you called the Dark Ones? Are you evil?”

  Anubis groaned and rolled away from Tessa. He didn’t want to have this conversation and yet it had to be done. He got up from the bed and walked to the window, staring out at the gloomy horizon. Here was the home he had made for himself, not too far from Thoth’s. He rarely used it, preferring his home in the land of the dead. The Dark Ones always stayed close to their roots.

  “There are those of us who are born with the sole purpose of spreading joy, light and wisdom. They are meant to create, to save, and to teach. But there is more to life than that, Tessa. There is a dark side that must be tended to as well; death, destruction and chaos. It is the only way life as a whole can be in balance.” Anubis watched the clouds turn dark gray as his mood changed. “I am death and destruction, Tessa. Sometimes I am even chaos. I am the thing that people fear. I kill without mercy because that is what I am. I am the one that is called into action when the task is … unpleasant.” Anubis waited to hear her gasp of horror, her demand to be taken home away from him. When Tessa’s warm arms wrapped around his torso, he was the one who let out a gasp of surprise.

  “It seems humans are not the only thing you do not understand.” Tessa laid her head against his back. “You are not without mercy, because you saved me. You have saved many by doing what is needed. There could be no light without darkness, and most certainly without death there cannot be life. Anubis, your tasks are dark, not you. You are the strongest man I have ever known, rising to the occasion time and time again, knowing that others fear you and don’t appreciate what you do.” Tessa pulled back and urged him to face her. The look on her face brought an emotion he had never known. Pure joy. “Your purpose is just as important as the others. I do not fear you, Anubis.”

  Anubis met her lips as she reached up to kiss him. He kissed her deeply trying to convey the emotions she stirred inside him. She knew what he was and she still wanted him. He tangled his hands in her long curly hair, deepening the kiss even more. She moaned and began to rub against him, her supple limbs wrapping around him. Anubis instantly made their clothing vanish and he spun her around so that she now faced the storm that was about to rage.

  “Look what you do to me, woman,” he growled in her ear. “You cause chaos in me, and you destroy every ounce of control I thought I had.” His hands slid between her thighs and he quickly followed a path up to the junction of her thighs. “Right here,” he said between breaths “is my home. It’s where I want to be the most.” Tessa groaned as he began to stimulate the bud. She was already slick for him as she pushed against his hands.


  It was a simple word. It drove him mad with lust. He pushed her down roughly so that her elbows were propped on the window seat, her hands pressed against the window. He entered her in one stroke and she bucked back against him, driving him deeper. Never had he taken a woman so roughly and yet it seemed to excite her. He pulled out and slammed into her again, his fingers digging into her hips as he demanded more leverage to pump into her. The sky darkened even more and rain splattered in heavy sheets against the glass.

  Anubis grabbed a handful of the curled locks and pulled, testing to see how far she would let him go. Her chasm clenched in response and he pulled her hair again, rougher this time. One hand was at her hip, the other in her hair as he rode her from behind. His eyes practically rolled from the pleasure as he slammed into her. He took the hand from her hip and smacked her bottom hard and she yelped — but pushed back, taking him as deep as he could go. He squeezed the delicious bottom, his eyes taking in every detail as he mated with her. He loved every inch of her, the finely toned muscles in her back, the way her waist nipped and her hips flared slightly. Even her scent drove him wild.

  He pulled out of her and whipped her around. Without words she knew what he wanted. Anubis lifted her and she wrapped her long, beautiful legs around him tightly as he entered her again. The sight of her golden breasts bobbing every time he stroked into her mesmerized him. She leaned against the glass, trusting its strength as her nails dug into his forearms. Her head whipped side to side as she moaned out loud. The storm raged outside and he knew he had to get it under control, but not yet. Right now he had no control.

  She was so wet and hot for him. Him. Anubis. A Dark One. He could feel the orgasm building and knew hers was imminent as well. “Tessa, open your eyes, love. Let me see you come for me.” Her chest heaved erratically, her breathing almost an exact copy of his. “Open your eyes,” he demanded again, his orgasm about to capture him in its clutches. Lightning pierced the sky as he felt his seed jet forth. Tessa screamed and opened her eyes as her walls clenched and released rapidly from the peak of her pleasure. He stared at her in shock. For her eyes held two dark funnels.

  * * * *

  As they both slowly spiraled downward from their climax, Anubis was deep in thought. He carried her to the bed and laid her down, and he soon followed. Idly he stroked her hair.

  “You’re quiet. What is it?” Tessa’s voice broke through his thoughts.

  “As of now I have not quite figured it out, but when I do I will tell you.”

  “Is it about me?” Tessa propped herself up on one arm and stared down at him.

  “Yes and no.” Anubis gave her a light tap on the nose. “How are you feeling?”

  “A little tired.” Tessa yawned. “Hungry, I guess.” She looked down at him with a clouded expression.

  “It’s okay, love. You have to get used to this.”

  “It’s weird.”

  “It’s the way things are for now.”

  “So how do we do this?”

  “I can funnel it right into you.”

  “Right now. Just like that?”

  “I do believe it’s less complicated than the way normal humans replenish their energy.”
  “Will it hurt?”

  “Do you recall me hurting you?” Anubis waited while Tessa pretended to think about it. “Let’s try this. Close your eyes and concentrate. Perhaps you can learn to do this on your own.”

  The room was quiet while Tessa appeared to be concentrating. Anubis felt no energy being taken from his body. “Try picturing the energy as something tangible.” Anubis suggested. Tessa took a deep breath and concentrated so hard, she began to squint.

  “I think you might hurt yourself, love.”

  Tessa opened her eyes, revealing the fresh anger underneath. “I’m only saying that you should try to relax, you are making it look like it hurts.” Tessa’s eyebrow went up and her lips pursed together. Anubis watched, fascinated, as small funnels began to swirl in her now-dark eyes. “Tessa,” he began, trying to warn her. The funnels grew bigger and her breathing became a hoarse, ragged sound. “Channel it, Tessa.”

  Perhaps that was it. She needed help channeling her power. Anubis sat up and laid a hand gently on her thigh. Immediately he could feel the energy being pulled from his body.

  As she fed from him, he felt himself becoming aroused. Her touch was light, sensual. If it were not for the fact that he was helping her get control of her new power, he would have never known he was being stripped of his energy. It was of no consequence; he could immediately replenish whatever she took. The earth was bountiful. Tessa fell back on the bed, her eyes wide as she looked up at the ceiling. “That was … invigorating,” she breathed.

  Anubis looked down at her slightly flushed cheeks. She was beautiful. He ran a finger along her jaw line as he stared down at her. His finger brushed softly across her eyes, and the feel of her eyelashes lightly tickled his skin. When he got to her mouth she kissed his fingers as she looked at him with her now-clear brown eyes. “You did well, Tessa,” he murmured, tracing the elegant line of her neck. “You will have to use your emotions to trigger your feeding.”


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