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The Trouble With Two Alpha's

Page 20

by Brenda Westfall

  By the time morning came Gabi knew she was his mate. She had to be the way it felt for him to make love to her. It was the best damn sex she had ever had.

  Jack woke to Gabi staring at him. He smiled. She was lost in thought. “My mate, how are you feeling this morning?”

  “Very relaxed. Oh Jack, you were right, I have to be your mate. No way could you have made me feel that way if I wasn’t. I don’t know what to think now. What will Miles think?”

  “Who cares what Miles thinks?” He leaned down and started kissing her.

  Gabi heard her phone ringing and turned over to reach for it. Jack was up behind her before she could say hello.

  “Jack stop.”



  “I am going to kill him.”


  “I will kill him for what he has done. We agreed to give you time to be with both of us before you jumped in bed with either of us. Yet he forced himself on you last night. I see he is again. He is a dead wolf!”

  “You’re watching?” Gabi hung up, then jumped out of bed. She held the sheet around her. Jack just laughed.

  “You knew he was watching, didn’t you? You did this on purpose. Get out!” Gabi started throwing things at Jack’s head. Lamps, books, you name it. If she could reach it, she threw it.

  Jack had to get up and try to calm her down. She wasn’t having it. She ran into the bathroom, locking the door. She was so pissed off he might not ever get near her again.

  Jack got dressed and went to the kitchen. He would give her some time to calm down.

  As Gabi sat in the bathroom crying, she thought about what Jack had done. She knew he had to have known Miles was watching. Well, two could play that game. She would pack and go back with Miles. It was only fair that Miles got to sleep with her now. Hell, who knew she might find she liked Miles better than Jack.

  Miles might treat her better than Jack. He might be a better lover. Oh hell, who knew anything. She took a shower, then started packing.

  Jack had cooked breakfast hoping when she came out of the bedroom she would have calmed down. He would tell her he was sorry and that would be that.

  Boy was he wrong.

  Gabi packed then called Miles. “Hello, Miles, I am ready to go. Pick me up and I will go home with you now. I swear I didn’t know you were watching. I didn’t realize Jack was pulling some crap. I have had it. I am done with him. Pick me up now!”

  “I will be there in five minutes.” Miles was ready. He would show Jack, who had the upper hand.

  Jack heard Gabi coming out of the bedroom. He heard something bang against the wall and went to see what she was doing. When he saw the suitcase, he came unglued.

  “What do you think you’re doing?”

  “I am going home with Miles.” She told him.

  “No, you’re not. You told me I could stay with you for a month. It has only been three weeks. I still have a week.”

  “You should have thought of that before you acted like a horse’s ass. I am going with him now. I don’t know if I will ever come back. I will not be treated the way you did me.”

  Jack heard the truck pull up, then his pack howling. He ran outside to try and stop Miles from picking her up.

  Gabi rushed out the door, locking it behind her. She picked up the wolf pups as she walked calmly to the truck. Miles held the door open for her. Irwin took her bag and put it in the back. Brett held on to the pups for her in the back seat. Jack tried to stop her, but she wouldn’t give him the time of day.

  “Ready love?” Miles asks her.

  “Past ready. Get me out of here.”

  “It will be my pleasure.” Miles was all smiles as Jack growled at him.

  “I forgot the pup’s food.” Gabi was so upset she couldn’t think straight. Not telling what else she was forgetting.

  “I will buy them more when we get home. Don’t worry, they will be taken care of. I won’t let you down.”

  Jack told his pack to load up they were going to. They would follow Miles pack home and watch over Gabi. Jack ran to the house to make sure he had turned off the stove only to find it locked. He had to hurry. He broke in the door, then rushed to the kitchen. He turned everything off, then threw the food in the fridge. He shoved the door closed and ran for his truck. He wouldn’t let Miles be alone with Gabi. No, sir, he would be there to keep an eye on her.

  Chapter 23

  Miles took his time getting home with Gabi. She rode right beside him. It was a pleasant drive with her touching him. With Elliot in the passenger seat Gabi had to scoot over close to him. Their legs touched as he drove. It was a nice sensation, feeling her body next to his.

  Before they went to the house, he let her stop and pick up supplies for the wolf pups. He took her out to eat before heading on to the house.

  When they got home the pack was waiting to greet their Alpha. He then explained to them that Gabi would be staying with them. That she was his mate and would be living there.

  Gabi told him she wasn’t sure how long she was staying. He told her he knew she would be choosing him. She left it at that.

  Back at the house Gabi immediately started up to her old apartment. Miles stopped her. “Love I thought perhaps we could get to know one another better if you stayed with me in my part of the house. I will have your things taken up for you. Come, let me show you to your new room.”

  Gabi wasn’t sure if she wanted to stay with him in his room. He didn’t give her a choice. He took her hand and pulled her upstairs to his apartment. It was even nicer than the apartment she had stayed in before.

  There was a large living room with a balcony. She liked the private balcony off the back of the house. She walked out and stood with her hands on the rails. She looked out at the view. She could see snowcapped mountains for miles. It was beautiful.

  Miles gave her a minute, then walked up behind her placing his hands on both sides of her, caging her in. “Do you like it?”

  “It’s beautiful.” As she stood there in his arms, she could feel his hard cock pushing into her butt. She knew what he had on his mind. Where she had planned to let him make love to her to get even with Jack when she left her place, now she wasn’t feeling so brave. She knew Jack longer and trusted him more. She had barely even spoken to Miles.

  “Why so nervous love? Are you afraid of me? Afraid of the big bad wolf? Don’t be. I will never hurt you. I want to make love to you. I want to do it right here in the open air.”

  “You want him to watch the way you did.” She was no fool she knew what he was up to. She tried to turn around and go inside, but he wouldn’t let her.

  “Not necessarily. I like making love outdoors. I am a wolf love, we like making love anywhere, but especially outside. It is natural to us.” He pulled her pants down before she knew what he was going to do. She gasps.

  “We can’t do this now. I don’t even know you.” He kissed up and down her neck. She was already out of breath. Just a little touch from her mate and she was having problems concentrating.

  Miles slid his hands up under her shirt and around to the front of her body. He took her nipples in between his fingers and pinched them. Then he let his fingers slide around them and over them. Anything he could think of to get a rise out of her. It wasn’t long till he had her full attention.

  Miles took her shirt off over her head. Now he had her clothes off. Next he wanted her out of her bra and panties. He wanted her naked for Jack to see. He knew Jack would be watching.

  Once he had her completely naked, he pulled her legs back and spread them apart. What a beautiful ass she had. He let his hand slide between her cheeks down to feel her wetness. “So wet. So ready. So needy.” She had raised her butt when he touched her wetness.

  “If you’re going to do something do it before I change my mind.” She told him. Not that she could change her mind at this point.

  Miles laughed at her. He knew he wasn’t about to let her go now. He dipped his finger
s into her pussy and got them wet, then brought them to his mouth and sucked on them. “You taste so sweet. Later I will taste more of you, but right now I am in a hurry to have my way with you. After watching the show, you and Jack put on I am too horny to wait. You my love are going to take care of my needs now.”

  He shoved in before she could refuse him. He pushed in deeper and deeper till she thought she was going to die. Gabi pushed back to help him go even deeper. He was big. Thick. And she loved feeling him inside of her.

  Miles started pounding her hard. Long fast hard strokes, raising her feet up off the floor. He reached around her and grabbed her breast holding them in his hands as he pounded her. He let his fingers circle her nipples, teasing her.

  Gabi thought he was never going to get her off. She was up for so long it was hard to focus on anything. And it felt damn good. Just as she was about to come, she felt him lean in and rake his teeth along the spot Jack had said a mate bites to leave his mark. She jumped away from his teeth.

  “You promised no biting!” She yelled at him.

  “Maybe I lied. Oh, all right no biting.” Miles never stopped pounding her. Even when he felt her come, he kept going. He knew she had gotten off, but he was still going strong. He had her crying out over and over before he finally let go. He liked feeling his mate milk him dry.

  After he came, he stood still holding her tight. Gabi didn’t know what he was doing, but she liked it. After about thirty minutes he still hadn’t let go of her. She started moving around trying to get him to let go. She realized then she couldn’t get away from him.

  “What is wrong.”

  “Nothing, love. Nothing at all. We are still connected. Didn’t Jack stay swelled inside of you? Oh, wait, he got interrupted. I guess my phone called put a stop to that didn’t it. Miles laughed.

  “What do you mean connected?”

  “Love when a wolf gets off, he swells inside his mate to keep her from losing his seeds. It might take a while for him to go down before she can get away from him. It is nature’s way of getting her pregnant.”

  “What! Shit, no one asks me if I wanted to get pregnant. You never said I might get pregnant. Anyway, I’m on birth control.”

  “I hate to tell you, but birth control doesn’t usually work with our kind. I don’t know if it will since you are human. I doubt it will since I’m werewolf.”

  “You better hope I don’t get pregnant.”

  “Don’t you want to have my pups?”

  “Not at this time I don’t. Hell, I don’t even know you. I can’t believe I let you do this to me. I never let men have their way with me before I get to know them. Really get to know them. Something is wrong with me.”

  He leaned over her and kissed her neck. He was about ready to go again. She would just have to put up with it, he was her mate and he had waited long enough for her.

  Jack had seen the whole ugly thing. He was fit to be tied. How dare Miles take advantage of her. How dare he try to get her pregnant first. He was forcing himself on her on purpose.

  Once again, both packs were holding one of the alpha’s back to keep the peace. Both packs had watched as Alpha Miles fucked Gabi right there on the balcony. If Gabi only knew she would murder him. Sure, Gabi suspected Jack was watching but not both packs.

  Gabi was wondering if he was ever going to let go of her. It had been nearly an hour and he was still inside of her. Didn’t men usually fall out long before now? Wolf, remember, she told herself.

  The minute, Miles felt like he was starting to go down, he started pumping himself to get hard again. He wasn’t going to let her off the hook that fast. He was hard before he pulled out. He took her over to one of the lounge chairs and laid her down. He climbed on top of her.

  “Now my love I am going to slow things down a bit. I want to make sure you feel good all night long.” And that is just what he did. When he was done with her in one position, he showed her how he could make her come in another position all on the balcony for Jack to watch.

  He had her on her back. He had her on all fours. Then he took her from the back. He laid her on her side. He took her in so many ways Gabi lost count. When he finally let her go to the shower she felt like jelly. She was well sedated.

  While Gabi was in the shower Miles stood naked on the balcony and smiled to make Jack mad. He even talked to Jack.

  “See who is the better lover. See which one of us she let make love to her for hours. See who she trusts to have their way with her over and over. What’s that Jack you didn’t get off when you had her under you? Poor boy. I guess you just weren’t worthy of her.

  It wasn’t long till Jack had shifted and was in the yard challenging Miles.

  Gabi stepped out of the shower to hear the fight. She ran to the rail and saw them in the yard fighting. She didn’t have to ask who it was she knew without a doubt it was Jack and Miles.

  Gabi hadn’t unpacked thank goodness. She got dressed, grabbed her things and headed downstairs. She forgot she didn’t have her truck. When she went out the front door, she realized she had ridden with Miles. She went back inside to search for keys. Anyone’s keys. She was getting the hell out of wolf country.

  Irwin saw Gabi searching through the study. He raced to see what she was doing, figuring she had seen the fight.

  “Gabi what are you looking for?”


  “Keys for what?” Like he didn’t know.”

  “Any vehicle that runs. I am leaving.”

  “Gabi you know I can’t let you go. If I let you leave, they will kill me.”

  “Then don’t tell them you saw me. I can’t stay here Irwin. I can’t be around them if this is how it’s going to be. Either they will kill one another or me. I can’t handle them fighting all the time. I won’t.”

  Irwin told one of his pack members in his head to go out back and let the Alpha’s know she was trying to leave. Then he turned back to Gabi. “Where will you go?”

  “I don’t know. I don’t care. Anywhere that doesn’t have werewolves.” She kept rummaging through drawers looking for keys.

  “Gabi there isn’t anywhere you could go that they won’t find you. You’re their mate and they will always come after you. They will always find you. I’m sorry you don’t like the way things are. I’m sorry I wasn’t your mate. It would have been so much simpler had it just been me who was your mate.”

  When the Alpha’s heard a wolf howl, they knew it was about Gabi. The fight broke apart. They shifted and waited to hear what was going on. Had she left?

  “Speak.” Miles ordered the wolf from his pack who had howled.

  “Irwin sent me to inform you that Gabi is trying to leave. She is very upset and wanting to run away.”

  Both Alpha ran for the front door.

  When they ran in the house, they heard Irwin arguing with her about her leaving.

  “I don’t care what they do as long as they leave me the hell alone. I have had all the male testosterone I can handle for one lifetime.”

  Miles and Jack walked into the study naked and covered in blood and mud after their fight. Both held their hands out in front of them to tell her they weren’t going to hurt her.

  “Stop!” She told them. She didn’t want them near her. “I don’t want to hear it. I am leaving. I have had it up to here. I don’t want to ever see or hear from either of you ever again. If I ever see another werewolf, I am going to shoot him. I don’t care who they are. I will shoot to kill. I can’t stand werewolves. Damn stupid fool animals.”

  “Gabi honey, you don’t mean that. My mate your just mad at us right now. I’m sorry I let him get to me. He knew I was watching. He knew he had pushed my buttons. He had purposely made love to you on the balcony for the packs to watch. For me to watch. That wasn’t bad enough, he had to stand out there and say things about it. He caused the fight.”

  “Say things? Never mind, I don’t want to know. You are both to blame. You both knew the other one was watching. Wait, you said bot
h packs were watching? Shit doesn’t anyone believe in privacy. I do. I take it I am the only one who cares about intimacy being between two adults. I think that is the problem I am the only adult here. It doesn’t matter, I’m out of here. I can’t do this. I won’t do this. My heart can’t take it.”

  She picks her bag up off the floor and heads for the door. Miles and Jack both stand in front of the door so she can’t get out.

  Gabi turns, walks over to the open window and pushes the screen out then throws her bags out and jumps out. They can’t stop her. So she thinks. Both alphas look at each other then run out the front door. Both packs have her surrounded. They know not to let her leave.

  “Get the hell out of my way.” Her wolf pups are at her feet, growling like they are going to protect her. It makes her smile. If only they were grown and could protect her.

  “Gabi I’m sorry I shouldn’t have done what I did. Yes, I knew they were all watching. I was proud to show off my mate. Proud to let them see you were willing to have me. Love, it is a wolf thing to be proud of our mates. We don’t hide when we are happy. You have made me very happy. The only thing that would make me happier is if you would let me mark you. Let me claim you. That would calm my wolf down.”

  “If you think after what the two of you did, that I am going to let either one of you mark me your crazy. I don’t want you to touch me. I don’t want either one of you near me.” She glared at them.

  Miles started walking closer to her from one side and Jack from another side. The pack watched as Gabi decided which way she would run. They thought they had her surrounded enough to stop her. They were wrong. Gabi noticed a picnic table off to her left. If she timed it just right, she could run up on top of it jump off and over the pack beside it. She would be free to run before they knew what happened. That is exactly what she did.

  Gabi hit the picnic table full out running. She jumped in the air and off the other side. When she hit the ground, she was moving. She raced into the woods and kept going. She hated that the wolf pups couldn’t keep up. But she couldn’t worry about them, she had to save her life.


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