Feathered Dreams: Book One
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“Thank you, Lady Mary. I'm aware of that, but Prince Christian doesn’t seem short of ladies to talk to.”
Christian is surrounded by half of the other girls and we giggle. He hears us and glances over and we stop and smile, he continues being mobbed by the ladies and we laugh again. When I’ve had my fill of macaroons, I go to my room to settle in. In the corridor I am stopped by a young maid.
“Good evening. Are you, Lady Ann?”
“Yes, I am.”
The maid beams at me in her starched black and white uniform dark eyes attentive. She was my age without a single hair out of place.
“I'm your maid, Karen. May I show you to your room?”
My room is the size of two of my living rooms at home and has a massive queen bed, shower, bathtub, walk in closet filled with dresses and shoes, and dresser. The most impressive thing is a giant window with French doors leading onto a private balcony. I run my hands over the soft bed cover as Karen unpacks my things and touches up the room. I walk into the crisp, night air on my personal balcony feeling like a princess. And I breathe it in.
The night air smells like home and I can’t help the tears that roll down my face as I look around the yard. It is beautiful with bright, green, sculpted shrubs, towering trees, large, water fountain, small pond, and in the distance a bright red barn. I can almost make out the chicken coop and I feel my heart ache to go and see the chickens.
As luxurious as it was, the Palace was no place for this farm girl, I cry in silence until something hits my arm. I ignore it but it happens again. Somebody is throwing something at me, but my eyesight is blurred from the tears, so I wipe them away and frown down at the person.
Prince Ryan is throwing pebbles at me. He waves me down. I squint at him and try to find out what he is suggesting. He laughs and points a finger at me and at the grass by him.
Karen is standing behind me laughing. “I think the Prince wants you to go down to meet him.”
“Lady Ann, you’ve been crying. Are you alright?”
“I’ve never been away from my father before. I’m just homesick. Thank you, Karen, I’d better go and see what Prince Ryan wants before he breaks the window with those rocks.”
I was looking forward to my alone time and being able to settle into my new environment and by the time I get to the lawn I’m feeling annoyed.
“Yes, my Prince?”
“And are you my Cinderella, Lady Ann?”
I glance down at my bare feet.
“I doubt even Cinderella would wear heels like those.”
He throws his head back and laughs. The sound is calming as it reminds me of my dad’s laugh. We sit on a grey bench by the fountain. I put my toes in the cold water and the tiny colorful fish nibble them. Prince Ryan clears his throat.
“Lady Ann, are you alright? Why were you crying?”
“Have you ever worn heels before?”
“I can’t say that I have. Although, I may be willing to try.”
“How about a deal?”
“A deal? How intriguing. I’m listening, Lady Ann.”
“I will tell you the author of that quote if you wear heels to breakfast.”
“Lady Ann, I think that is against our dress code.”
“Oh, live a little. You are a Prince. You can do what you want.”
“Really? Well, then, I order you to tell me.”
The tone in his voice brings perspiration to my palms. When he cracks a smile, I relax.
“I’ll gladly follow your order, if you’re wearing heels in the morning.”
“Rest well, Lady Ann.”
“Good night, Prince Ryan.”
I see a corner of his lips twitch as he shakes his head. I stand and smile into his dark eyes. I walk back to my room feeling his curiosity on my departing figure. The pressure of a friendship seems far less intimidating than that of a relationship.
Trouble Begins
I was disappointed in the morning when I came down for breakfast and Ryan wasn’t in heels. I take my seat quietly and look around the room. Mary picked up on my frown and follows my stare.
“Ann, need I remind you this isn’t the man you are looking for?”
“Mary, need I remind you, that I know this.”
I pick up my coffee and breathe in the nutty aroma and sigh happily.
She sticks her tongue out at me and I choke on my coffee. I feel the liquid squirt out of my nose. I squeal in protest as it burns. Then she laughs, choking on her eggs. As we clean ourselves, we see Prince Christian assessing us.
“What is going on over here, ladies?”
“Prince Christian, I’m sorry. We were just giddy.” Mary blushes.
“We were laughing and got carried away.” I smile up at him.
“And what about last night at dinner?”
“We like to laugh and have fun.” I shrug.
“Even if it’s at an inappropriate time and you cause a disruption? Do you like everyone staring at you? Are you that desperate for attention?” He crosses his arms over his chest and gives every impression of a pompous know it all.
My mouth drops open and closes, as he walks away shaking his head. I turn to Mary and watch tears stream down her beautifully, painted face.
“Oh, no. Lady Mary, don’t cry. We got carried away, but we did nothing wrong. Don’t let Prince Christian get to you.”
I hand her a napkin and she gets up, leaving me behind, with everybody in the room staring at me.
I send a glare towards Prince Christian’s departing back. I grumble my way through the rest of breakfast and afterwards, I find most of the girls in the sitting room gossiping about the morning’s events. I don’t want to make small talk and I pretend not to notice the way the chatter stops when I hover in the doorway.
I decide to check on Mary. When I get to her room her maid says she doesn’t want company.
Christian is on the stairwell leading to the third floor that is out of bounds to us. He catches me staring at him and stops walking. He tilts his head. I try my best to read something, anything, in his eyes, but they are a blank page. I turn to leave but he speaks.
“Wait a moment, Lady Ann.”
“Yes, Prince Christian?”
“I get the feeling you had something more to say to me?”
“I wish that you wouldn’t be so hard on Lady Mary. She was only laughing at me; I was being clumsy. And now she is crying in her room because you hurt her feelings.”
“I shouldn’t have to do the job of her father and scold her for misbehavior.”
“You do realize she has a father and doesn’t need a replacement? Mary came to the Palace looking for a husband, a partner, someone to confide in. And dare I say, laugh with. You may be a prince, but surely that gives you more reason to be kind to others.” I spit back. “Especially when they are guests in your home.”
“All I need in a wife is someone who can compose herself, follow my lead, and bare me children.”
“I wish you luck in finding that woman and may you never need to look to her to brighten your day, Prince Christian.” And I leave, feeling his icy glare on the back of my head as I walk down the stairs.
At a loose end I go to the library and smile at the books. They don’t smile back, but they do bring me comfort. I wanted to read them all, but the sun’s rays were reaching through the window beckoning me to join it. I grin and go upstairs to grab my camera.
I run into Mary coming out of her room.
“Hey Lady Mary, do you want to go for a walk with me outside? It could help brighten up your mood.”
“No thank you, Lady Ann. Prince Christian wants to have lunch with me, isn’t that great?”
“That’s wonderful, Mary. Good luck and have fun.” I give her a hug to try and make her feel better about herself after this morning.
In the warm sunlight I spin around, greeting the cloudless, blue sky like an old friend. I slip my heels off with a groan and let my feet step free in the cool grass. With my camera at the r
eady, I alter the exposure and shutter speed, working on the ideal composition for pictures. The light is perfect, and I sit on a bench to take photos of the pond as the fish swim on the water’s surface. A reflection comes into focus in the water and I jump back.
“It’s not nice to spy.”
I get a chuckle in response as Prince Ryan comes closer.
“I didn’t want to intrude, Lady Ann, you looked as though you were in the zone, but I couldn’t resist coming to see what you are up to.”
“The zone? You sound familiar with this terminology.”
“I consider myself a creative individual. I dabble with photography, painting, and sketches. Most of my time is spent on architecture though. What about you, Lady Ann?”
“Mostly, I farm. My dad and I have a ten acre farm a few hours from here. I love to read, write, and take candid shots. What type of photos do you like to take, Ryan?”
He is taken back. Did I just call him by his first name?
“I’m so sorry, Prince Ryan.” My arms are flailing as I try to cover my embarrassment. “You just seem so easy to talk to and you caught me off guard. I promise it won’t happen again.”
He laughs.
“Ryan is fine, Ann. I’m sure it’s hard getting used to calling everybody by titles all the time.”
“You’re right, I tend to blurt out whatever is in my head, and when I’m talking to my hens I don’t have to think about protocol so much—though Henrietta does like a curtsy when I come for her eggs. But yes, being here is a lot to get used to.”
"Think nothing of it, it’s a refreshing change to have a normal person treat me like a normal person.”
I let out a nervous laugh replaying my conversation with Prince Christian in my head.
“Still no heels?”
“No, I’m not brave enough.”
“Oh, I doubt that.”
“Listen Ann, I came to warn you that Prince Christian is considering sending you home if you don’t start acting more lady like.”
“Wow. That must be a new record for the history books. I don’t think any Prince in our history has ever sent a candidate home in the first week. But if he sends me home, then so be it. I want him to be happy, but I want to be happy, too. If I change who I am then I would be trading my happiness for someone else’s and it’s not worth it.”
I don’t know what else to say, or if I should thank him for his warning. There’s an awkward tension between us that wasn’t there before. I lift my camera and fire off some pictures of him. He laughs and closes the gap between us. He steals the camera from my hand and turns the tables, taking shots of me. I groan and try to grab it back. He holds it over my head. I jump for it. He falls backwards, trying to regain his balance. I reach out to catch him, but it is too late, and he falls into the pond with a splash. I gasp and cover my mouth.
He flounders around trying to get out and only succeeds in slipping again and I laugh until tears are falling. Ryan joins in my laughter as he climbs out of the pond. I offer him a helping hand, which he accepts.
“What is going on over here?”
I cringe and turn to Prince Christian. Laughter leaves us and we respond like naughty children caught misbehaving.
“Your brother got too close to the edge of the pond and fell in.”
“Oh, I bet he did. And why is it that every time I turn around you are raising havoc?”
“Honest, Christian, it’s true, I tripped and Ann was helping me up. Please calm down. This is my fault not hers.”
Christian doesn’t like the informality of Ryan using my first name.
“We heard your noises from the sitting room. You are brain washing my brother. Who the hell do you think you are? You’ll pack up and leave immediately.”
“You think you can judge me? I have done nothing wrong. I only expressed kindness and humor. But you can’t have that, can you?” I poke my finger into his chest. “I pity the poor woman who has to marry such a cold hearted and judgmental man.” We stare each other down, both on fire.
We hear a crunch of grass.
“You three need to come inside with me.”
The Queen is beautifully dressed in an elegant blue and white dress with gold shimmering heels. The beauty of her face is distorted as she glares at us. “This is disgraceful behavior.” She walks back towards the Palace.
Christian grabs my arm stopping me from leaving and Ryan intervenes.
“Let’s go inside Christian.”
Christian releases me and walks towards his mom. Ryan puts his hand in the small of my back to guide me towards the Palace.
“Ann, I’m sorry. I should never have grabbed the camera from you. This is my fault.”
He walks into the Palace dripping wet.
“I’ve made the situation worse and pushed him into sending you home.”
“It’s okay Ryan. I was never going to belong here anyway.”
The Queen is furious but speaks as calmly as she can.
“Christian says Lady Ann is a bad influence on you, Ryan. And she’s turned the Palace upside down with her inappropriate behavior.”
“That’s absurd, mother. She’s done no such thing.”
“Lady Ann, what do you have to say about these accusations?”
“My Queen, I apologize for any trouble I have caused and if this is how Prince Christian sees me, I am happy to pack my things and get out of his way.”
“No, Lady Ann. Yes, you heard me correctly, no.”
Christian puffs out his chest. “With respect mother, you have no right. It is my choice, my future.”
“Christian, my son. You have a lot to learn.” She lets out an exasperated sigh. “How terrible would it look if you didn’t give the girls time to settle in before dismissing them?”
“I don’t believe anything will change my opinion of Lady Ann.” He clears his throat. “Fine mother, as you wish.” With a nod towards his mom, he exits.
I let a breath out that I didn’t know I was holding.
“Ryan, please go and change. You are dripping all over the carpet, dear.” He nods and leaves us alone.
“Lady Ann, what is your honest opinion of Prince Christian?”
“Well, I haven’t known him long, my Queen, but from what I have witnessed so far, I think the bar he’s set for finding a wife is unrealistic. He could miss out on something great because of it.”
“I appreciate your honesty, Lady Ann. Do you think you can change his opinion of you?”
“I think it’s doubtful that I can change his mind.”
“Why do you feel that way?”
“Because I’m just a farm girl. I wasn’t raised for red velvet and fancy china. I feel that our worlds are very different places.”
The Queen smiles. “Can I let you in on a secret, Lady Ann?”
“Of course, you can, my Queen.”
“I was just a farm girl when I was presented to King Mark. Don’t think so little of yourself, Lady Ann. You can offer great perspective on what the country needs.”
We talk some about her unique farming experiences and I'm dismissed as she shuffles paperwork around.
Ryan is waiting outside my bedroom door, still soaking wet.
“Ann, I am so sorry about your camera.”
Karen closes the door behind us.
“I must have landed on your camera when I fell in the pond. But I’m going to find somebody to fix it. I promise.”
A tear runs down my face as I think about my lost photos.
“Oh, Ann, please don’t cry. I’ll make this right you’ll see.”
He grabs a nearby tissue box and I take it. Karen’s disapproval is obvious and he’s sheepish when he turns to her.
“Could you please grab Lady Ann something to eat? And maybe some water or tea?”
“Of course, Prince Ryan. I’ll be right back.”
Ryan uses a tissue to wipe away my tears.
“Don’t change who you are for anyone, Ann. You’re perfect just the way you are and my
brother’s an idiot for not seeing it.”
Something between us changes, but as quickly as it came, it is gone, and he takes his hand away.
“How can I make this awful day up to you? What can I do to make you feel better?”
I was still catching up with my emotions when Karen came back in with a piece of dark chocolate cake. While I eat, he looks around my room and picks up the soft-toy chicken.
“How about tomorrow I take you to the chicken house?”
“Chicken house?” I laugh and shake my head. “Sure. That sounds interesting.”
“I’ll come for you first thing tomorrow and we can go.” He squeezes my hand and walks out.
I laugh at his dripping, departing figure and turn to Karen.
“Thank you, Karen. I appreciate your help. It’s nice to have you around. Too bad I can’t take you home with me when I return.”
“You’re welcome, my lady. If you continue to stroke my ego, I may consider making house calls. Anything else I can help you with?” She laughs as she gathers up my empty plate and cup.
I shake my head. “I had a rough start and I’m ready to call it quits for the day. Maybe I’ll do some reading, have my meals up here, and take a bubble bath to try and soak out all of my negativity.”
She sits at the edge of my bed. “I can bring some books up here for you. And if you need someone to talk to, I’m here for you too.”
I put my hand on top of hers, to show my gratitude at her kindness.
“That sounds perfect. Thank you.”
When she comes back, I set the books on my table and we talk. I recap my awful day and she tells me about hers. In between that we share a meal of pea soup and fresh rolls. It’s nice to have an ally in what feels like a hostile place.
At breakfast I find Mary in the dining room sitting in the corner. I wave at her and she turns away to continue her conversation with another girl. The girl whispers in Mary’s ear while her eyes watch me. They both throw their heads back and laugh before returning to their food. Blinking I feel my face get warm. I shake my head and stab at my eggs while the laughter dies down around me.
After breakfast Ryan knocks on my door and Karen lets him in.
“Ready to go see the chickens, Ann?”