“Guys please help me. I am desperate for advice.”
Karen starts slowly. “Ann, you are wrapped up in our employer’s lives. It is hard to ask for our advice and expect an honest answer. We could lose our jobs.”
Vinny speaks with caution, “Ann, you aren’t their first choice. Tell them no and move on. You deserve better. Never accept anything less than a man who will put you first, choose you, and accept you for who you are and not for who they want you to be.”
Karen pops a chip in her mouth. “I never realized you were such a romantic, Vinny.”
“I’m full of surprises, Karen.” He gives a devious smile her way.
As we laugh, I let out a breath and lean back. I watch them banter back and forth about who was going to eat the last of the chips.
If things didn’t work out for me at the Palace, at least I would forever have these two in my lives. And for that I’m grateful.
I dress while humming a song my mother taught me when I was only knee high and we would do our early morning chores together. Although the words were lost amongst the dust of my memories the tune still brings peace to my heart. I sip my hot coffee and run a hairbrush through my hair. Karen answers the door expecting our breakfast and backs up to allow Christian to pass. I continue my humming as Karen excuses herself and I wait for Christian to speak.
“I would like to have lunch with you today, Lady Ann.”
I set my hairbrush down with a clang before glaring at his self-confident smile.
“How many women are you dating now Prince Christian? And yet you come to the one woman who is unavailable?”
“What do you mean unavailable?”
“Prince Christian, I’m sorry I can’t. I’m very busy today. Is there anything else you need from me?”
He refocuses.
“Lady Ann, I helped your farm and you gave me your word that you would have lunch or dinner with me. And I took you as a woman of your word. Would you please reconsider my offer?”
“You’re right I did give you my word when you helped me.” I let out a breath. “Fine. I’ll accept your offer, Prince Christian. However, let me make it clear that I accept your offer only as payment due and for no other reason.”
“Thank you, Lady Ann. I’ll see you later today.” And he walks out.
I fall on the bed in exasperation, miss it, and land on my butt on the floor with a loud thud. Vinny pops his head in with a worried look, he sees me on the floor and starts chuckling.
“Ann, are you okay?”
“Mentally or physically?” I grab his hand.
“The Prince was pretty annoyed, is everything okay between you two?”
I’m unsure what to say. The exchange between us was awkward and not easy to explain, not even to myself. Thank goodness Karen comes in with breakfast and Vinny leaves. I eat my eggs, biscuit, and bacon quietly.
Then I get ready to go to work and when I arrive, I jump in and get busy. I’m determined not to let the dread over my lunch date take over my mood.
The Queen comes to see how I’m doing. “Lady Ann the finance report is approved, and we’re ready to build. You have been allocated a budget to order supplies and get a bid war scheduled for a contractor to start work as soon as possible. You can coordinate with our finance manager Kevin at your convenience.”
“Now that the hard stuff is done, and work will be getting done outside. Does this mean I can go back to wearing regular clothes and move into the servant’s quarters?”
She laughs and pulls her reading glasses off.
“Oh Ann, I admire your spirit. I’ll make you a deal. You stay here, but you may wear casual clothes such as nice pants and shirts. Unless you are working outdoors then you may wear your jeans. Deal?”
I nod and take the approved report from her. Kevin is flirting with a blonde, as she laughs and bats her lashes at something he says. I clear my throat as I approach and she sashays away.
“You move on quickly, Kevin.” I tease.
“Prince Christian made it clear that if I wanted to keep my job, I was to stop pursuing you.”
My eyes widen. What? Christian had no right to talk to Kevin about me or make choices on my behalf. It was none of his business.
“Great work today, Lady Ann. After lunch we can start getting busy.”
“Thank you, Kevin. I look forward to getting the ball rolling as quickly as possible.” I turn to leave and see Christian is in the doorway.
“Lady Ann, are you ready for lunch?” He looks at me, but I can tell he is warning Kevin with a glance.
“Yes, all set.”
I turn back to Kevin with a mischievous wink and say, “Thank you Kevin I’ll see you soon.”
He noticeably swallows and walks off.
“Is that why you are unavailable, Lady Ann? You are interested in Kevin?”
“No. Kevin is just working with me for the time being.”
Christian leads the way expecting me to follow behind him like a subservient dog. I pull a face behind his back and one of the servants sees me and turns a laugh into a cough. I make a point of pulling alongside him. He takes me to one of the dining rooms and guides me by my waist even when we pass the remaining girls in the competition. I blush as they glare towards us. But he is unfazed and shuts the dining room doors behind us. The table is laid with candles on a red tablecloth and a carafe of wine sits beside the wine glasses.
“This is beautiful, Prince Christian. You really shouldn’t have gone through all this trouble.” I say as I sit down.
He sits across from me. “Would you like some wine?” He pretends to ask me as the butler is already pouring it.
“It is only lunch time.” I push the glass away. “And I am not a big drinker. I prefer coffee as my poison.”
The butler drops off a salad and we eat in an awkward silence. After a few bites, I bring up just one of many irritations. “Did you ask Kevin to stay away from me?”
He pauses mid bite and shakes his head. “That is absurd Ann. I merely asked him to not pester you or be a nuisance in any way.”
I grit my teeth. “Why would you do that?”
He blots his mouth with his napkin. “Because I can.”
I wait for more, but he doesn’t say anything as he sips his wine with complete arrogance, so I press on. “I asked you why? And your childish response is hardly a proper answer.”
He sighs and puts his glass down. “Ann, Kevin has a reputation around here. He likes to date women, then he gets what he wants, and dumps them. I couldn’t forgive myself, or him, if that happened to you.”
I narrow my eyes. “I’m a big girl. I can take care of myself.”
“Ann, you broke your ankle and can’t walk past a pond without falling in.”
“I hurt my ankle. I never broke it—and it was your brother that fell in the pond.”
Our fresh Atlantic salmon arrives and I stab at it imagining his face on my plate. When the dessert comes, he forgets that he’s punishing me by sulking and talks to me again.
“I don’t like that you are unavailable to me, Ann.”
I let my fork glide into the chocolate cake and don’t let him ruin the sweetness with his sour attitude.
When I ignore him, he stops eating and slams a hand on the table. “Who is it?”
“Why does it matter to you? We are just friends after all.” My brow lifts.
“Because you are part of this process and you should not be dating, it’s not permitted while you are working at the palace.”
I poke my fork in his direction. “You asked me to leave, which means I’m free from the competition madness. I’m an employee of the estate, employed on merit and therefore free to do as I please.”
I’ve lost my appetite and push my cake away. “Well, this has been enlightening. Thank you for lunch.”
“So, we agree then?”
“I think we agree that my private life is seriously none of your business. I have no interest in you, or these g
ames that you are playing. If you wish to remain my friend you will be wise to remember that.”
As I storm out, Christian is behind me in two quick strides. He pushes me against the wall with his body. My heart pounds and my body heats. My breathing comes fast as I stare into his icy eyes.
“Why are you always so difficult?” He dips down to kiss me, but I squeal and slip past him.
“You told me you wanted to be friends, but you have made it obvious you only want a physical relationship with me. I’m not a toy you can play with then cast aside. I’m a living, breathing, person with feelings and needs too. Can you give me what I need? If not, then I suggest you leave me alone or I’ll have no choice but to file a formal complaint against you and your conduct.”
I wish he would let me in and talk to me about what is holding him back. But he stays silent and shakes his head in defeat.
“Of course not, I didn’t think so. Please, leave me alone and stop trying to protect me.”
I’m working in the office when Ryan comes around the corner.
“Ann, I’m sorry about last night I was tied up.”
I raise my hand. “Please Prince Ryan. I can’t handle this right now. I accept your apology if you accept mine for being emotional. It has been a long week and it isn’t over yet.”
“I know what you mean. Even talking things over with Cherie went pear shaped. She ended our relationship. Apparently, I’m in love with you. After all this time together, she doesn’t trust me.”
“But I hardly know you.”
“I told her that and I tried to prove her wrong, but it didn’t work.”
“What are we going to do with ourselves Ryan? Maybe I could call her and explain everything?”
“I appreciate that, but I don’t think she will listen to you.” He stands up and gives me a hug just as Christian comes in.
“What is going on? Every time I turn the corner, I see you two embracing.”
He glares at us.
“You’re just paranoid, Christian. Nothing is going on, please calm down.”
Ryan looks at Christian. “Does it really matter? Ann is working for mom now that you dismissed her.”
A few people, including the Queen have come back from lunch and are watching the brewing argument between the two Princes unfold.
Christian ignores them, “Maybe I’ll change that and add her back in.”
“You would do that to her and the other girls?”
Christian lifts his shoulders.
I go to walk out and leave him with a parting shot.
“Don’t do this Christian. You don’t love me or want me as your wife. Just let me go.”
Everybody is watching us and waiting for him to confirm or deny his love for me. Emotions pass through his eyes. And he whispers softly so only I can hear.
“You don’t know that I don’t love you.”
He is angry and yells at the onlookers, “Get back to work.” They scurry away, whispering and grumbling amongst themselves. I slip back to my work, but he stops me.
“Not you Lady Ann. We need to talk.”
“But all we do is talk; we go around in circles and nothing comes of it.”
“I have been trying to speak to you, but you keep walking away.”
“You have tried talking? No, you keep bottling things up and avoiding the situation by kissing your problems away.”
When he leaves, I say to Ryan. “My life was far less confusing before I met you two.”
He laughs, “But your life was also less exciting. Face it Ann, you love us.”
I smack him on the arm fighting back a laugh. “Shut it you. Please Ryan, let me call Cherie and explain.”
“No, it’s over. Two years of my life are gone because of a stupid rumor and her lack of trust. But thanks for trying. You know what Ann, even though you feel like your life is a mess I’m glad you came. You are kind, caring, and one day you’ll make someone a wonderful wife.” He smiles a sad smile and walks out of the office.
The rest of the workday moves slowly. I work on researching contractors for the up and coming bid. Growing up on a farm, we mostly did our own work when restoring or building an add on, but every now and then we had to hire contracted help and some of the names on the list are familiar to me.
Vinny pops his head in. “Lady Ann, I was asked to escort you to the throne room by Queen Elizabeth.”
I put my head on the table and bang it with a thud. “Why does she want me? What if I refuse?”
He speaks less formally in a lowered tone. “Adulting is hard work, Ann. The way I see it is, you have two options. Either you can run from it—or deal with it. But if you run, you need to know, I was a great track and field runner, so you don’t stand a chance of getting away. Come on, let’s do this.”
“And those are my only two options? Can’t I just make it all go away?”
He laughs and shakes his head. “You aren’t a quitter Ann.”
“But I’d really like to be one today.”
Uncertainty closes around my throat and makes it hard to breathe. I take in a deep breath and hold my head high. At the throne room door, I just want to clear up one small point.
“Are you positive I am not a quitter, Vinny?”
“Never.” He says with a wink.
The King, Queen, and Prince Christian are waiting for me.
“Lady Ann, thank you for joining us.” The King addresses me, and I squirm. “It has come to my attention that you don’t want to be a part of the selection anymore. A process, I remind you, that you signed for willingly. Is this true?”
“My King you’re right. I did willingly sign-up and participated, but Prince Christian eliminated me from the competition. With respect, your majesty, my employment and position here have nothing to do with Prince Christian as I was hired by Queen Elizabeth and just wish to do a good job for you and my country.”
The King takes this in and the Queen smiles reassuringly. He rubs his temple and looks back at me.
“Lady Ann, are you willing to rejoin the selected girls?”
I see Christian watching me out of the corner of my eye. Even with his rough exterior he has shared moments of compassion with me. He assisted me when the power was out at the house and when I couldn’t walk up the stairs. Plus those gorgeous eyes were completely swoon worthy.
But could he ever open his heart to me? Would he ever choose me? I think back to our first kiss. He had been caring and patient.
But did I imagine that man?
And then there’s Ryan and everything he has lost because of me. And the jealousy that Christian shows to keep Ryan and I apart is a problem.
Before I can answer the King, I need to know the answer to a question pricking at my conscience.
“Prince Christian, did you tell Cherie a lie about me being involved with your brother?”
His eyes dart to his dad and then me and stammers out. “I may have spoken to her and your name may have come up in conversation, though I don’t remember the exact nature of our discussion.”
His mom is displeased. “Christian? Why would you do that to Ryan and Cherie?”
He doesn’t answer his mother and shuffles his feet. He is jealous and willing to play dirty to get what he wants. That includes hurting his flesh and blood.
“I’m not sure why I did it. I’m sorry.”
He looks at me with something that resembles humility and honesty.
“Ann, please tell me what I can do to give us another chance.”
He is tortured, I care about him and hate seeing him so broken, but I don’t think I am the healer that he needs. But maybe I can fix one relationship out of this mess. “I would like an apology. Not only to me but to your family. You hurt us and you ruined a two-year relationship. Please call Cherie and explain everything to her. Ask her to forgive you for your actions and take your brother back.”
“I think Lady Ann is right.” Queen Elizabeth says.
The King is a
man of few words and hasn’t said much. For the most part he leaves the Queen to bring the Prince in line. However, he is annoyed with the fighting between his sons and is ready to apportion blame.
“I don’t want Lady Ann here. She’s a bad influence on the palace and has turned our sons against each other. I would like her to leave. Christian has never behaved like this before. This competition opened with ten contestants and the only name I hear repeatedly is Lady Ann.”
Why is he blaming me for everything?
The King hasn’t finished. “I think it would be best if you went home.” He turns to the Queen. “We don’t need her for the project, and we have two lovely girls left for Christian to pick from. And neither of the remaining girls are causing a scene.”
The Queen tries to pacify him. “But dear, the other girls are only interested in dresses and crowns—Lady Ann has proven herself willing and able to work. Please reconsider and give her a chance. She is a challenge for our son, and I think having a spirited girl rather than just the empty-headed ones are admirable. The reason that you have heard Lady Ann’s name is that she stands out from the other contestants.”
“Seriously Elizabeth? Lady Ann is more trouble than she is worth. Why can’t you see that?”
I wish I was invisible. How had I become enemy number one in all of this? I stand up with my chin raised at the King.
“My King I’m sorry for the trouble I have caused you and your family.”
Christian slumps in his seat. I feel for him, but I’m not going to argue with the King.
Christian speaks to his mom, “Mom this is all my fault, but I can fix it. This isn’t Lady Ann’s fault. She’s doing some amazing work with you, right mom?”
The Queen nods in agreement. “You’re right Christian. Lady Ann has been extremely helpful. She is smart, motivated, and a hard worker. It will be challenging to complete this project without her.”
The King groans and kneads his temples. Then glares at me like an annoying bug on the window. “Fine. Lady Ann may stay.”
The King addresses Christian. “But no more fighting or scheming to get your way young man, or so help me, you won’t need a chauffeur, I’ll drive her home myself.”
The Queen smiles and follows the King out. Leaving Christian and I alone. I hear him kick a chair across the room.
Feathered Dreams: Book One Page 7