“What have I done? I have made a mess of everything. I can’t be a King when I can’t even run my own life. Look at me.” He leans against the wall and slides down to the floor putting his head in his hands.
“Thank you for standing up for me. It was nice hearing pleasant things about me for once.”
“You’re thanking me after all this? If you do want to go home, I understand and wouldn’t try to stop you.”
I laugh. “You work so hard to get me to stay and now you want me to leave.” I tap my shoulder against his.
“I just want you to be safe and happy, Ann. I know I go about things the wrong way, but that’s all I’ve ever wanted. And that thing with Lady Mary, well, I suppose I wanted to make you jealous. I was angry and wanted to hurt you like I was hurting.”
Since he is being so open, I ask, “Christian, may I ask you a question?”
“Yes, anything if it makes you stay.”
“Why did you send me home if you wanted me to remain in the competition?”
“It is complicated. I didn’t have a say in it. I knew you didn’t want to be here. I could tell you were not happy, so I sent you home.”
“And what about our kiss?”
“We had a connection Ann, but if you didn’t want this life, I couldn’t get serious with you. Then I saw how you took charge. How you took a job here and you looked comfortable and happy. I was confused because if you hated being here no salary or job opportunity would have made you want to come back. It made me think that I was wrong, and you do fit in here and would make the perfect Queen.”
He sighs. “Then when I kissed you, you told me to stop. You said you were unavailable, and I feared I was too late, and it scared me.”
I take in what he has said. “Your mom is remarkable and has some big shoes to fill for whoever you choose.”
He laughs at my honesty. “My mom is great, isn’t she? But, Ann, you are too. You want to change and improve lives, right?”
My heart warms as I see the pride behind his eyes.
“I’ll give it another try.”
“And I’ll try and fix this predicament I have created with Ryan and Cherie.” He squeezes my hand.
We share a rare moment of vulnerability and understanding. He moves close to me and my breath catches expecting a passionate kiss, but instead he puts a soft kiss on my cheek and pulls me up.
“I would like to give you more, if only you would allow me.”
“I would love nothing more than to kiss you Christian. But I need time. I still can’t get you and Lady Mary out of my head.”
I touch his face and feel new stubble growing. He leans into my hand and then kisses my palm. Fire runs up my hand and I pull away.
“Are you hungry?”
It takes him a second to process my question and he blinks looking at his watch. “It is getting late isn’t it?”
“I could make you dinner and show you where I like to hang out? It won’t take long and, in the meantime, I’ll shower and change.”
“That sounds nice. I’ll meet you in your room in half an hour.”
I can’t imagine Christian even owning a pair of jeans. This man needed a lesson on how to relax and enjoy the simple things in life, and that was my goal tonight. I know it won’t be an easy task, but I’m up for the challenge.
Vinny pulls me out of my thoughts. “I overheard the King and Prince Christian arguing, what’s going on?”
“The King doesn’t like me living within the Palace and is blaming me for the fights between the Princes. And Christian explained things to me and apologized. We have stuff to work out, but I won’t give up on him yet. I want to see where this goes. Plus, me agreeing to give us another try may gain Ryan another chance with Cherie. And he ought to have that and more. Considering Christian was basically the one that broke them up.”
Vinny smiles as he opens my door for me. “That is very considerate of you Ann. And you wanted to quit.”
“Go change and meet us in the break room. I don’t think you lurking around the shadows is going to help me right now.” I smirk.
I rush to catch up with Karen as I change.
“Ann, that is great news. I will help you however I can and get you back in the game.”
“Karen, there is no game. I’m not competing with the other women in this competition. I’m either good enough or I’m not.”
I pull on my jeans and t-shirt and she wrinkles her nose.
“You’re wearing that? Shouldn’t you be trying to impress him?”
“I love these.” I sigh. “Karen, he needs to love me for who I am. And this is who I am, jeans and all. Besides, I’m comfortable. Are you ready for dinner?”
“Me? What do you mean?”
“I’m going to the break room to eat with Prince Christian. I’m taking him out of his element and teaching him something new. He doesn’t know where we’re eating yet, but it’ll be good for him to eat with me in my workplace. He’s a Prince, but it doesn’t mean he can’t break bread with his employees. If he’s going to choose me, he needs to know what he’s getting, and it’ll be built on compromise and on new ways of doing things. He’s out of touch with the people and I want to get him to relax and be comfortable. You want to come? Vinny will be there too.”
I apply clear lip gloss.
“That is an interesting tactic to take, Ann. If Vinny will be there, I guess I have to keep him from becoming a third wheel. But I warn you, the Prince is not going to like being around his employees and there may be fireworks.”
I brush my hair and throw on my white sneakers. This is how it should be. No pressure, no worries, just letting your hair down and having dinner with friends.
I smile at Christian’s clothing. He’s wearing nice dress pants, a button up shirt, and dress shoes.
“Is this close enough to jeans for you?”
I undo the first two buttons of his shirt and put my hand flat on his bare chest. His eyes light up at my touch and I feel his heartbeat quicken.
“We need to buy you some jeans.”
“Ann, I’m famished.” He announces staring into my eyes.
I blush and turn to Karen. “We’ll meet you there.”
“I thought we were eating alone?”
“I wanted you to meet my friends.”
“Friends? I thought they were your servants?”
I laugh. “Can’t they be both?”
He wrinkles his nose. We make it to the break room as Vinny is unloading the lunchmeat, cheese, and condiments from the fridge. He nearly drops everything when he sees me with Christian. But he recovers and smiles.
“Good evening Prince Christian, Lady Ann.”
I laugh at his reaction and go over to help him.
“Can I be of any assistance?” Christian offers awkwardly. He’s never mingled with the servants before and is uncomfortable with it. Karen and Vinny are my friends and they’ll always be my friends first and palace employees second. Christian needs to accept that now and we have to find a way for us both to be easy with it.
“Thank you.”
I pass him the condiments and we set up for everyone to make their own sandwiches.
Karen arrives in tight jeans and a red tank top. She has brushed her hair out and put on some makeup. I see she is on a mission of her own.
“What took you so long?” Vinny teases her.
Vinny sits next to Christian and I’m next to Karen.
Karen takes a sip of her soda. “So, Lady Ann what are your weekend plans?”
“I would like to visit the barn and flower gardens with a good book. I heard the roses are in full bloom and they have almost every color imaginable.”
“That sounds incredibly relaxing.”
The silence is awkward, and I feel the tension and uneasiness building.
“Christian, how is your sandwich?”
“Good thank you. And how is yours?”
“Good, maybe too much mayonnaise but good.”
/> Vinny pats his mouth with a napkin and leans back.
“Prince Christian, I’m putting my neck out here, but as we’re eating together all friendly like I was just wondering, what are the odds of Ann being the one you marry?”
We nearly choke on our food. But Christian recovers fast.
“I’m not sure that is any of your business.”
Christian sees my silent warning to play nice and alters his tone. He’s trying hard, bless him.
“This is a new experience for me. And to be courting so many women at once is overwhelming. They each have their own unique qualities. I’m exhausted. And everyone has an opinion on who I should and shouldn’t choose. And no matter which of them I pick I’m going to inevitably hurt someone’s feelings. Marriage is challenging as it is and trying to combine two completely different lifestyles is hard. Hence the reason I’m here, with you, doing—this.” He lets out a breath.
“Amen brother.”
We all laugh and relax at his honesty. Vinny turns to me and Karen.
“Women are the worst, Prince Christian, at least with a man you know where you are.”
“Hey.” I throw a chip at him.
“See what I mean? And I didn’t even mention how wasteful they are.”
We laugh and join him with clearing the mess. Once we are done, I move to the television and turn it on to see what movies are on. Christian sits on the couch next to me and Vinny and Karen sit on the opposite sofa. I flip through the channels and perk up when I find a movie favorite.
“Really? Charlotte’s Web?” Vinny groans.
“Hey. My date my choice. Suck it up buttercup.”
I sit closer to Christian. He wraps his arm around my neck.
As we watch the movie, other servants move in and out not noticing their Prince on the couch. I smile up at Christian as he watches the movie. It felt nice to be doing something normal together. By midway I doze off and I hear him calling my name.
“Ann?” He whispers shaking me.
“The movie is over.”
Vinny and Karen are gone. I yawn and stretch out.
“Sorry about that. Did you like the movie?”
“I did. But I think I would have enjoyed it more as a child.”
“Hey, it’s a classic. Do you want to walk me to my room?”
He smiles and pulls me close. “Do I get a good night kiss?”
“I’ll take your request into consideration.”
He grabs my hand.
“Where is Karen?”
He closes the door behind us and laughs. “Well, she and Vinny got close during the movie.”
“What do you mean? They were always close.”
“They were making out.”
“No. Are you sure?”
“Well, the lights were out, and it was dark but there was definitely some kissing. I can sit here with you until she gets back if you want?”
“No way, you have some apologies and a phone call to make first thing in the morning.”
“So, no good night kiss?”
“Fine just a little one.”
He rubs his thumbs over my lips and I wrap my arms around his neck. We lean into the kiss and when our lips touch it’s hard to remember the little part. All the passion and heat come back. I’m not sure how much time passes because the world feels as it needs to be.
No worries. No protocol. No second guessing. We are one.
“Ann, I missed your passion.”
“You got a lot more from Lady Mary.”
“You two are two vastly different characters. Mary tries too hard to get my attention. It’s a chore keeping each other interested. Whereas you don’t need to try. You always have my attention. And keep me on my toes.”
“I wish you would choose already.”
“I know Ann. But this is a monumental decision and shouldn’t be taken lightly.” He kisses my forehead. “Good night, Ann.”
“Good night my Prince.”
Karen comes in ten minutes later. My hands go to my hips in mock mom mode.
“I fall asleep for thirty minutes and you and Vinny make out?”
“I blame you. All that talk about love and romance. And he really is an amazing guy.”
We laugh and sit on the bed talking about boys well into the early morning hours. And my heart swells at the turn of events for us both.
Learning to Share
After that kiss, my dreams are filled with images of our future. One filled with chickens and children running in open fields laughing wildly.
There’s a tray of breakfast pastries and a coffee thermos on the side table with a note from Karen saying she and Vinny went on their first official date and she would see me later with details. I run my finger over her heart drawing on the back of the paper with a large V and K in its center.
That would be nice. To go on a real date, away from the Palace. I snack, drink my coffee, and have a bath. Just as I step into the hot bubbles, I hear a knock at my bedroom door. I curse.
“Ann, are you in your room?” Christian calls to me.
“I’m in the bath, I’ll be out in a minute.” I playfully add, “You know if you choose me you could be in here too.” And I splash around so he can hear what he’s missing.
I hear him laugh. “I wish I could.”
“Would you like me to wrap up my bath and put my clothes back on?”
“Yes, please do that. I’ll wait out here for you.” I hear my bed creak. “Can I look through your belongings?”
“Sure.” I have nothing to hide from him, except for some cute bra and panty sets. I drain the water and put on my comfortable jeans and t-shirt. I come out towel drying my hair as he’s shuffling through my pictures.
“Ann, who’s this woman?”
I gently take the picture from him. I look down and run my finger over her face. “It’s my mother.”
“She looks like you. Do you have any more pictures of her?”
“No. She got sick shortly after that picture was taken. And she never recovered from it.”
“Ann, I am so sorry I didn’t realize.”
He grabs another picture of me and Ryan. “I’m glad I can make you smile like this too.”
“There are other things you do to me that he doesn’t.”
“Any other guys make you feel that way?”
I think about it for a second. “I have little experience with men. I’ve always prioritized my dad and the farm. So, you’re the only one. So far anyway.”
He laughs and is learning to lighten up with me. “That is good to hear, Ann. And I hope I will be the only one. I apologized to everyone and called Cherie to explain the situation.”
“How did that go?” I grab my camera hoping to add some pictures to my collection.
“Cherie gave me a hard time but she calmed down when I told her I did it because you drive me crazy. She thanked me and said she would think about what I said.”
“Maybe we could visit her and explain in person? Or we could invite her here and have a meal with her and Ryan. A little bit of matchmaking never hurt anybody.”
“Ann, I can’t leave the Palace. Even if I could, she still may not take Ryan back or even listen to what we have to say.”
There is a knock on the door.
“Come in.”
Lady Mary is dressed in a light blue dress, sapphire jewels, and high heels. Her golden hair and makeup are perfect.
I glance down at my jeans.
“Good afternoon, Lady Ann. How are you?” She walks into my bedroom gracefully with a smile as though she has every right to be in here.
“I’m good, Lady Mary.” I stutter. “May I ask to what I owe the pleasure?”
“I was told Prince Christian was in here, Lady Ann, it’s him I’ve come to see.”
“Prince Christian, have you forgotten our lunch date?” She bats her eyelashes and sways her chest.
“My apologies, Lady Mary. I must’ve lost track of time.”
He extends his arm for her to grab. My stomach tightens as I see how perfect they look together. He turns to me. “Lady Ann, will you be available for dinner tonight?”
“I might be. Although I am expecting a call from my father and I may meet up with Karen and Vinny later. I was going to ask you to join us, but I see you’re otherwise busy.”
Lady Mary is smug with victory knowing she could get two dates in one day.
I need a friend to vent to and not knowing where Karen is, I go to find Ryan. I’m surprised to see him in his pajamas when he answers his door.
“Ann, what are you doing here?”
“I came to see if you want to break in my new camera.” I look down at his pajamas again. “Are you okay?”
“I just don’t see the point.” And he flops on his bed.
“The point? The point of what? It’s just some pictures.”
He tosses a pillow at my face. “Not that. Just life. It never seems to go my way.”
I toss the pillow back at him. “Oh, we’re having a pity party and I didn’t put on my pity dress. Let me check, you have a family who loves you, a mom and a dad, food on the table, clothes on your back, and best of all a friend who is going to give you crap for the rest of your life for those awful pajamas.” I wrinkle my nose at him.
“They are comfortable.”
“Ryan, get changed and stop being depressed over a girl who cannot see how strong and old you really are.” I tease.
“Is Christian okay with us taking pictures together? I couldn’t face another argument with him. Especially after his heartfelt apology.”
“What is that supposed to mean? Christian knows we are friends. And he is busy with Lady Mary.”
“I don’t know Ann. Christian is rather jealous, and he apologized only last night. I doubt he miraculously feels better about us hanging out together.”
“Okay I understand. You probably couldn’t handle all that sunshine anyways, old timer.”
The fresh air reminds me of home, and I feel my tears welling up. I have given up so much. My family, my home, my chickens, and now my friend. It didn’t seem fair. What has Christian had to sacrifice in his pampered palace life? I sit by the pond with the fish and wipe my tears away as the fish dance under the water.
Feathered Dreams: Book One Page 8