Feathered Dreams: Book One

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Feathered Dreams: Book One Page 9

by Brittany Putzer

  “This place brings back memories.” Ryan says from behind me.

  I jump and turn to see him watching me. “Thank you for dragging this old man out of the house. And out of those pajamas.”

  “That’s what friends are for. Speaking of friends, is it safe to ask about Cherie?”

  He rubs his face. “We talked, and she told me not to expect anything, but she’s going to come and visit soon.”

  After we visit the fragrant gardens, we walk to the chicken house. I take some pictures of the outside and surrounding areas giving Ryan his space and enjoying the new camera and all the stylish features it has.

  “So where is everything going?” He asks interested in the new coop plans.

  I’m happy to share my dream with him. I point out where everything will go and how the nesting boxes will be installed.

  “What is a nesting box?”

  “They are little boxes where the chickens can come and lay their eggs in privacy.”

  “They are smart enough to know where to lay them?”

  “Of course, they are.” I remember Pecker’s hidden nest. “Some of them, anyway. Have you ever had fresh eggs that are still warm from the chicken?”

  “Maybe? I never cook so I’m guessing not.”

  I take a few freshly laid eggs and pull him towards the servant’s break room.

  “Better late than never.”

  “Good because I’m starving.”

  I scramble the eggs while he sets the table. Soon we have a meal made of toast and eggs.

  When we finish, he says, “That was incredibly good. Although I don’t know if I could taste the difference. Thank you. I have never been in here before. I like the set up.”

  “It is my escape from the Palace madness. It is usually quiet, and everyone is nice.”

  Ryan has a sad expression etched on his face. “You do know that Christian cares about you?”

  “Ryan, it’s so complicated, and I don’t know if I can trust him to be honest with me.”

  “Our lives are just as complicated as anyone else’s Ann. Even if you don’t trust him, you can trust me, right? Those other girls don’t stand a chance against you. He’s going through the motions because he has to. It’s his duty. Can you imagine what the press would do to us if they thought the competition was rigged? And because he’s a man of honor, he can’t tell you that. Don’t judge him too harshly, Ann. He is a good man.”

  “I feel happy when I’m with him and I know he feels it too. Then I see him act the same way with Lady Mary and it drives me crazy. It makes me question myself and our relationship. Maybe he is playing with me and keeping me around as a backup and will let me go soon.”

  “So, what if he does Ann? In life we have choices to make and chances to take.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Listen, you are strong, proud and kind. You can meet another guy and move on. Maybe somebody less complicated.”

  “Sounds like you need to take your own advice.”

  “Maybe you’re right. But Cherie is giving me a chance, so I’m taking it. At least until she says otherwise because I’m all in with our relationship.” He looks to me. “Are you doing the same thing?”

  Am I really all in? Can I push my jealousy aside and let understanding and patience take its place?

  “I want to be with him, but I’m afraid of getting hurt.”

  “We all are Ann, but that is part of the dating process and finding our soul mate. For me, Cherie is worth the pain. Which is why me and you can’t do this anymore.”

  I blink. “Ryan, what do you mean? Don’t do this to me, I need you to be my friend and I yours for when life gets us down.”

  “Cherie has made it clear that she doesn’t want me to be friends with you. If we are going to get back together. I can’t even talk to you outside of normal interactions and discussions. I know once she meets you, she’ll love you and understand our relationship and be fine. But for now, this is the way it has to be, and I hope you can understand and can forgive me.”

  “So, you are sacrificing our friendship for Cherie?”

  “Ann, I’ve invested two years into that relationship. Our families are connected, and the King wants her to be my wife. Even as second son, I have a duty too you know.”

  “But what about love, Ryan? Where does that fit into the Palace protocol?”

  I hear laughter from the path, and he doesn’t have a chance to answer me. Vinny and Karen are holding hands and smiling as they walk in.

  Ryan stands. “Well, I should go. Thanks for your help and the meal.”

  I watch him walk away and grieve the loss of another friendship.

  “Was that Prince Ryan leaving just now?” Karen asks.


  “Where’s Prince Christian?” Vinny looks around.

  “Prince Christian is with Lady Mary today, apparently it isn’t my turn to play the girlfriend.”

  Karen hugs me. “I’m sorry I was away all day.”

  “It was your day off too. Don’t worry about me.”

  “Ryan told me he can’t be friends with me anymore because of Cherie. She has forbidden it, what kind of marriage will that make?” I grumble at my hands.

  Karen touches my arm. “We are here for you whenever you need us.”

  “Thanks guys. I’m going upstairs to read and escape for a while. You know what they say, boys are better in books.”

  Christian’s Choice

  Ryan is right I’ll survive. I walk a little taller. Out of the corner of my eye I see the King leafing through documents.

  “Are you and Christian fighting once again? It really is tiresome, you know. And it’s not seemly for a Prince to be fighting with his brother and outsiders.”

  Taken back and a little scared of his tone, I squeak out. “My King?”

  “Christian is in a foul mood and I suspect you have everything to do with it, as usual.”

  “I’m sorry my King.”

  “Don’t be sorry, Lady Ann. Just fix it before I fix it for you.”

  I go to Christian’s door. I hear yelling on the other side, and I say, “Christian?”

  He turns to his butler. “You can leave, Jerry.” And Jerry scurries past.

  “Ryan can’t be my friend anymore. He’s not even allowed to speak to me.” I blurt out on the brink of tears. “I don’t want to lose him as a friend.”

  “I know. It was a part of Cherie’s agreement to come here. I don’t see a problem with it. Whether you meant to or not Ann, you came between their relationship and if they have a chance to fix it, you need to do the right thing and step aside.”

  “How many friends do you need anyway, Lady Ann? First you buddy up with the hired help, now with my brother. Why don’t you ask the man who delivers the fish? When is it going to end?”

  When he glances at my tears, he softens his tone. “You shouldn’t be so upset about the arrangement considering it is what Ryan wants. If friends are so important to you then his happiness is priority, right?”

  “But what about my happiness?”

  “That is why you have me.”

  “But you have other girls you’re trying to make happy, too.”

  “But that’s part of me selecting a future wife. It has been the same process for hundreds of years and has never failed.”

  “It doesn’t mean I have to like it.” I jump up off his bed. “You are jealous of your brother and me, but we’re just friends and have never proved otherwise. Imagine seeing us make out, and having our hands all over each other, and you’re supposed to be okay with that? Channel those emotions and try and put yourself in my shoes Christian. I must suffer and see you with other girls even though you say you want to be with me. It hurts and is confusing for me.”

  He crosses his arms over his chest. “If you can’t handle that, then why are you here?”

  “Christian you begged me to come back, remember? I’m here to try and be your wife and I know it isn’t easy for you. I’ll try
my best to bite my tongue and be more understanding because I’m all in. I just need you to acknowledge my feelings and be patient with me.”

  “You’re all in?” He asks.

  “Yes, I can’t promise perfection, but I can promise I’ll try.”

  “But what if I choose someone else?”

  “I’ll find someone cuter and a heck of a lot nicer.”

  He looks away. “I bet that won’t be too hard for you. I want the absolute best for you, Ann. Even if that means a life without me. I hope you’ll always know that, no matter what happens.”

  I take a step back. “It sounds like you have already made up your mind.”

  “I’m sorry Ann, but weighing everything up for both of us, I think Lady Mary is my best option.”

  After everything we’ve been through, I’m appalled. I feel betrayed and struggle to keep my temper. I want to punch him in his smug face –and then kiss it to make it better.

  “Why Lady Mary?”

  “Lady Mary is what I was expecting in a wife. She is the safe choice for Queen. She’s predictable and controls her emotions. Ann, I’m sorry I wasted your time. You are a wonderful woman. Please say something.” He searches my eyes.

  “Go to hell.”

  “Ann, please.”

  I raise my chin forcing back tears. “I hope you and Lady Mary have a wonderful life together.”

  I try to walk past him.

  “Is that all you have to say, Ann?” He stands in my way.

  “No. Prince Christian, please kindly get out of my way so I can leave.”

  I poke my finger into his chest. “You keep me here and beg me to stay, then demand I stay away from other men, and then you announce your engagement to Lady Mary? And that is after I tell you I’m all in for you. Give me a break. Something is wrong here. You can’t want this. You can’t want me to leave after everything.”

  He wipes my tears away.

  “Ann, you’re one of the most intelligent and strong-willed women I’ve ever met.” Then he bends his face and kisses me gently before pulling away to let me pass with a soft whisper of, “Goodbye.”

  “Prince Christian asked me to check on you and bring you something to eat.” Karen says softly.

  “I’m not hungry.” I mumble from under my pillow.

  “Do you want to talk about it?”

  “Not yet, Karen. I just want to be left alone. Please.”

  “I’m here for you if you need me Ann. You’re not alone.”

  The next morning, I throw my pillow at the open curtains and nearly jump out of my skin when I hear somebody.

  Christian is sitting quietly in my room reading as though it’s a library.

  “Karen said you’re not talking to anybody or eating.”

  I roll out of bed and go to the bathroom. I take my time. When I get out, I turn the corner. I nearly collide with Christian. He stands there in front of me. I feel heat radiating off his chest. I look up into his blue eyes.

  “Christian I appreciate you taking the time to check on me. But we said our peace last night. It is over. You chose Mary. And once my project is done, I will be out of your life forever. You two can live happily ever after.”

  “This is hard on me too Ann. You know that, right?” He grabs my chin and lifts it up.

  “You have women at your mercy waiting for you to choose one. And now that you have chosen you get to live out your happily ever after. What’s so hard about that?” I pull my chin away from him.

  “Ann, please. You know it’s not that effortless.”

  “Please Christian. If you’re happy with Lady Mary, then I’m happy for you. But I’m sick of this hamster wheel and really do demand that you leave me alone this time. I’m not your plaything to be picked up and put down at will.”

  “I’ll be announcing my engagement tonight. I wanted to tell you in person so that it wouldn’t come as a shock. There’s no point in delaying it and I wanted you to hear it from me, first.”

  My lip trembles. I wrap my arms around his neck and push my body against his. Our bodies burn as we hold each other tight. I am not sure how but we fall to the bed kissing. I try and pull away, but he pulls me to him and smothers my mouth with his urgency, his hands run up and down my body and mine on his.

  I shiver as heat flows between us. Both of us want more but we know we can’t. I pull away and roll from his grasp.

  “I’m sorry.” I say breathing heavily.

  “Ann, that was just as much my fault as yours.” He fixes his clothes.

  I blush and straighten my own disarray.

  “Mom wants a crowd for the announcement. Everyone is to assemble in the ballroom.”

  I resolve not to sit around so I go to the office to work. I write some reports and make to do lists for tomorrow.

  Vinny comes to me and is all dressed up in his uniform.

  “Aren’t you off today, Vinny?”

  “Special event, I’ve been called into work. I’m sorry, Ann, I’d refuse if I could. I don’t want to be there any more than you.”

  I can think of nothing worse than attending the man I love’s engagement announcement. I speak to the Queen and request that I be excused. She’s sympathetic but explains that, as one of the original contestants, I’ll be expected to attend for the official photographs.

  Karen clears her throat as she brushes my hair. “The King has requested that I move your stuff back to the servant’s quarters while you are at the party.”

  I force a smile and nod.

  “Good luck, Ann I’ll see you tonight.” She hugs me tight.

  I stare at my pink dress. It has a low back and V-neck and it fits like a glove. It’s the prettiest dress in the wardrobe and if I have to attend this farce, then I’m going to show that Prince exactly what he’s lost.

  The ballroom is decorated with white and blue streamers and balloons. The smell of fresh cut flowers and food hits me as I walk in. Christian makes his rounds and talks to everybody. I turn away as he turns to look in my direction. I avoid him and run into Kevin from work.

  “Hey, Lady Ann.” Taking in my outfit, he whistles. He offers me some champagne from a moving tray, and I accept it to keep my hands busy.

  “They have all of us office staffers sitting up here.” Then he places his hand on the small of my bare back and we walk to our seats.

  I’m not sure where my role lies tonight. Am I wearing my office worker hat—or am I just a simpering contestant tonight? I knock my drink back and grab another from the next tray that passes. It is fruity, bubbly, and it helps my heart not to ache so much.

  At the table I smile my widest smile and greet everybody not realizing that Kevin’s hand is still on my back until he moves it abruptly and I see Christian towering over him.

  I raise my Champagne glass in celebration. “Congratulations, Prince Christian.” And I make a show of downing my champagne in one hit. The bubbles go up my nose and I have to turn away as my eyes water. And this time it has nothing to do with tears.

  “Thank you, Lady Ann. I trust that you’re enjoying our fine champagne and that you’ll savor it this evening. We’re about to begin, and I believe you have been led to the wrong table.”

  Christian puts his hand on my elbow and leads me to a table at the front with the other girls. I drag my feet. “Boo, that was the fun table. Everyone likes me there.” I pout, already feeling tipsy.

  “Kevin is trying to get you to sleep with him, Ann.”

  I glance back playfully towards Kevin. “Really? Oh good. Do you think the party will let out in time for that?”

  “Ann, stop this and act with some decorum.”

  “Prince Christian, I am a free woman after the announcement of your engagement to Lady Mary. The world is my oyster.”

  “You and Kevin aren’t going to do anything of the sort.”

  “You’re not the boss of me.” I aim for another Champagne, but he stops me.

  “I believe you have had a sufficient amount.”

maybe he could boss me around. Mary is watching us. I elbow Christian. “You’d better hurry. Your fiancé doesn’t look happy.”

  The select girls are sitting at the bottom of the long table with, the King, Queen, Princes, Mary, and somebody who may be Cherie sitting at the top and staring at me and Christian as we take our seats. Cherie is very pretty with long black hair and dark eyes. I smile at her and she politely smiles back and inches closer to Ryan taking his hand.

  The Queen smiles. “I’m glad to see everyone has made it to the party.”

  She introduces us all to each other. A waiter pours more champagne at the table. I get a warning stare from Christian, but he can’t say anything about it without causing a scene and I can tell that three glasses in—he’s worried about what my comeback might be. I sip my champagne hoping it will not be a long night. The waiters bring out the food. We are served a fragrant roast duck with gravy, mashed potatoes, carrots, and fresh rolls. As we eat, I feel Christian’s eyes on me, Mary is bristling and I go out of my way to wind her up.

  After the plates are cleared, Christian clears his throat and buttons his suit jacket. He stands up signaling silence around the room.

  He’s a handsome and elegant man. I feel my heart swell and despite the way it ended, I feel lucky that I got to spend time getting to know him. He makes a short speech about how hard this has been for him and how lucky he feels to be able to do this. He looks to each of us and thanks us for being here. He reaches me last and he holds his gaze on mine as he’s talking to the crowd.

  “So, without further ado, I would like to introduce my fiancé...”

  There is a small pause as Mary beams at him happily.

  “…Lady Ann.”

  I think I’m hearing things. Can alcohol do that to you? Mary turns red while Christian stares at her not realizing his mistake until Ryan elbows him. There is silence until a ripple of nervous coughing does a Mexican wave around the room. Our eyes meet. He looks at Mary as she gets up and leaves the room.

  All eyes are on me and I turn red. I stare towards Christian willing him to say something to fix this, but he just stares at me.

  “Christian, you said my name instead of Mary’s.” I whisper to him.


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