Feathered Dreams: Book One
Page 10
His mistake dawns on him. The King is red faced and more aggravated then I have ever seen him. He’s almost shaking with fury. Christian scrapes his chair back and the sound resounds around the room. He goes after Lady Mary and the doors that have been opened for the occasion and are flanked by two waiters, slam shut behind him. I look around unsure what is going on. Everyone is expecting something to happen and the awkwardness of the situation is drawing out in an interminable silence.
People are staring at me expectantly as though I’m the one in charge and who is going to put it right. I take a deep breath and try and fix this situation. When I stand to correct Christian’s mistake, there’s a round of thunderous applause. I smile and just wave at everybody not sure what else to do.
“Thank you everyone I appreciate your uh, support. I hope that Prince Christian will come back with his fiancé and clear up this embarrassing situation, but for now I think dessert is on its way.”
Thank goodness the waiters get the hint and the desserts pour out. A whisper of excited gossip flows with the double cream and I try to melt into my chair. I inhale feeling sick and regretting the champagne. I poke at my cheesecake and keep my eyes open for Christian.
Ryan leans and whispers to me. “Did he mean to call your name?”
“No, I don’t think he did.”
I get up to find Christian. It might not be the best time to confront him, but I feel I have a vested interest in knowing what’s going on. But as I stand, everyone crowds around me to shake my hand and congratulate me on my engagement. I sway at the attention but hold my own. As people leave, I slip out.
Christian is in a hallway with his dad and the conversation isn’t going well. I take a different route and slip away to my room. This isn’t my argument, it’s certainly not my mistake, and the King wouldn’t appreciate my presence.
I fall onto my bed exhausted and Karen looks up from her reading.
“So how horrible was it?”
“Horrible. So horrible that I don’t know if I’m single or engaged.”
She laughs and brushes my comment off with a wave of her hand.
“You are that drunk huh?”
“Karen. Prince Christian said my name. Not Lady Mary’s when he announced his fiancé. But he was staring right at her. It was so embarrassing.”
Karen throws her book down and jumps up. “What?”
“Help me out of this dress and I’ll tell you everything.”
Christian barges in without knocking and I smirk in his direction.
“Husband where have you been?”
“Please, this is not funny. I have publicly humiliated my family.” He paces the room and I have never seen him so distraught.
“I messed up Ann. I was so mad and was thinking about you.” He sits on the bed.
“Christian I’m sure you can fix this.”
“As much as everyone would like me to be with Lady Mary, my heart belongs to you, Ann.”
“Everyone? But this is your choice, right?”
“I told you this is complicated.”
“Does this mean we are engaged?”
“Let’s sleep on it. We can figure out our future in the morning, okay?”
Karen jumps up when he leaves and squeals. “This is amazing. I can’t wait to tell Vinny.”
But I had already laid my tipsy head down on the pillow and drifted off to sleep.
I groan as Karen shakes me.
“Time to get up sleepy head.”
I toss the pillow over my aching head. “No. Five more minutes.”
“Come on I moved all your stuff. Now I just need you.”
I try to ignore her as I continue to drool into my pillow. I hear a knock and steps of confidence approaching and I know Christian is next to bug me.
“I brought aspirin and coffee.” He hands them to me.
I do as I’m told then he scoops me into his arms. I screech at the sudden affection and hold on to his neck.
“Karen we’ll see you upstairs.” He says over his shoulder and she giggles.
He carries me past servants and guards. I see smiles and hear giggles. Then he puts me down outside the room next to his and opens the doors.
The room is enormous. It has a queen bed, couch, tv, dresser, end tables, mini fridge, desk, and a beautiful open balcony with table and chairs. I see pictures on the wall of me, my family, and chickens.
“Christian this room is wonderful.”
He shrugs. “I did some minor adjustments to make it feel like home. Ann, I know this is not exactly what you wanted.”
I run my hand over the soft bed spread.
“Let me show you the best part of your new room.” He opens a door. “It leads to my room.” And he winks.
I look around the room with many unanswered questions on my mind— like, what happened to Mary? How could he alter his choice so fast? But I push that aside and enjoy the moment.
Christian chose me. Life was finally going my way.
“This looks like the start of a beautiful beginning.” I say as I wrap my arms around his neck.
I stare into his icy eyes. Although we had a bumpy start, I was hopeful our friendship could morph into something wonderful.
Afterwards, we get dressed excited to get our day started. Karen assists me into a tight fitting, lavender dress with gold flecks decorating it. She places a glimmering tiara on the top of my head and makes sure I look great. I meet Christian in the hall, and we hold hands as we go to breakfast.
“Ann, that crown suits you perfectly.” He kisses my hand.
I feel the weight of the tiara weighing heavily on my heart. My palms start to dampen. “Thank you Christian.”
When we sit down, I see that we are the last ones to come in.
As breakfast is served, the King slams his newspaper on the table making us all jump. I look down at the headlines. The newspaper has pictures of us at the celebration last night and it questions who Christian chose.
I cringe as Cherie lets out a loud laugh and Ryan elbows her to stop.
“This is great.”
Christian glares at Ryan who shrugs apologetically and turns to Cherie.
“I wouldn’t say it’s great, Cherie.”
“At least the attention is off us for a while.” And she sinks her teeth into her pastry.
Thank goodness the Queen steps in gracefully and puts a hand on the King’s arm.
“Dear, I’m sure Christian can take care of the publicity concerning his engagement. Now please eat before your eggs become cold.”
Then she turns to me. “I got word this morning that the contractors are coming today to bid on the chicken coop and fencing.”
“That’s great timing. We just put the paperwork through.”
“I told them you can meet with them this morning.”
Christian frowns. “Can we give the outside work to someone else? Ann and I have things to discuss.”
“Christian, it is very important to me to see this project through.” I steady my voice.
“Well it is for the best Ann. You can’t be parading around in jeans and dragging filth all over the place. You have obligations and an image to maintain now.”
I put my fork down. He has never publicly degraded my clothes or work before. And I’ll not stand to be humiliated.
“Christian, you knew who I was and what I did before you chose me.”
As politely as I can I excuse myself.
When I enter the office, I jump because everybody yells, “Congratulations.” I smile and take hugs and handshakes from the people around me. Then I grab the papers I need for the contractors.
When I walk into my room to get changed, Karen blinks at me as she changes my bedding.
“Back already?”
I update her on my breakfast debacle.
“I’m just here to change. I have the contractors coming to bid on the chicken coop work. I’m meeting them outside to check out the
area before they bid.”
She helps me out of the dress.
“I’m sure Prince Christian was just stressed out. There is a lot riding on his shoulders.”
“You’re probably right, but he hurt my feelings, Karen. It was so degrading hearing him say that about what I love to do.”
I slip on my jeans, boots, and pink t-shirt and hope I’m not late. When I get outside, Kevin is talking to the contractors.
“Good morning, gentlemen.” I say politely as I greet the four men with clipboards. Then I turn to Kevin. “Hey Kevin, aren’t you a little out of your jurisdiction?”
“Prince Christian asked me to get the bids going, but if you would rather, that’s fine. Just remember to tell him it was all your idea, so I don’t lose my head.”
My eyes narrow. “Thank you, Kevin, I’ll take it from here.”
He nods and steps aside. “As you wish, Lady Ann.”
I show the contractors around and discuss our projected costs. I see them scribble notes and after we are done, they hand in their bids with smiles. I shake their hands and tell them I would discuss them with the Queen and get back to them as soon as possible. Doing any contracting work for the Palace is a great marketing tool for a company and they’re all eager to get the job. I expect some good prices. I leaf through the contractor’s bids. Some were under budget and deadline.
I change out of my muddy clothes and into a soft, blue dress with silver flats. I walk past Kevin’s desk and see Christian glaring at him. He’s clearly in trouble, but since he still has his head, I brush past them.
The Queen looks up at my approach and I wave the papers at her.
“The bids look very promising. I told them I would call them soon with your choice.”
“That sounds wonderful. Thank you, Lady Ann.”
Christian steps next to me. “May we have lunch together?”
“I’m sure I can squeeze you in after I wash myself of the filth from outside.”
Christian purses his lips and leads me to his room. He asks his butler to get us lunch. When Jerry closes the door behind him Christian turns to me.
“I thought when you said you were all in that meant stepping up and acting like a Lady.”
“You assumed a lot from those few words Christian.” I throw my hands up. “You knew I was a farmer from the beginning. That is who I am. I can’t change that. Nor can I keep repeating myself constantly until you get it through your thick skull. Why does it bother you?” My eyes get watery. “Why did you try to have Kevin take those bids for me when you knew how important it was to me?”
“Because I would rather you stay inside. I told you this at breakfast. Your role is inside the Palace. If you want to mess around in the office wing, that’s fine, but I’ll not have you up to your eyes in grime—it’s not what a Queen does.”
“Christian a marriage is based on compromises. It is not a dictatorship. I want to be with you, but I need you to accept me for who I am. Not who you want me to be. We’ve discussed this so many times and we keep coming back to this place.”
Jerry, comes back in with food and for the moment our conversation ceases, and we go onto the balcony to eat. I pick at my salad not hungry anymore. “Why can’t you be proud of who I am?”
“I am proud of you, Ann. That’s why I want to marry you. But farming isn’t a duty a Queen performs. She’s a leader and a partner to her husband as he runs the country.”
“This can’t change or be modified, at all?”
He shakes his head, but I can’t accept this.
“Do you realize all that I have given up being here Christian? And the one thing I am asking of you is to give me a little compromise and allow me to work on this project. And, I want to keep the friends that you insist on calling, the help.”
He raises his chin. “You knew what you were giving up when you came here, Ann.”
“So, if I can’t change who I am then I can never be your wife?”
“That is the case, yes.”
I thought he had come to terms with wanting to be with me because I made him happy. But he just wants me to change.
“I’m sorry to intrude Prince Christian, but your father called Lady Ann, and he requests you call him back.” Jerry bows slightly.
“Thank you for lunch Christian, and the discussion. It was eye opening as always.”
Karen peeks up from her sewing as I stomp inside my room with Christian following me.
“Is everything okay Lady Ann?”
I go to the phone on my bedside table.
“I think something is wrong at home. My dad called the palace and asked that I call him.”
The phone rings and goes to voicemail.
“That is odd.”
Christian frowns. “What do you think is wrong?”
I redial. It rings a few times.
“Suzie? It is Ann, dad called me. Is everything alright?”
“Ann, let me get your father.”
I wipe the sweat off my forehead.
“Dad, what’s going on?”
“Ann, honey, I’m afraid I have bad news.”
I have a thousand scenarios running through my head.
“Just tell me what happened.”
“It’s Pecker, honey, she isn’t doing well. I have tried every trick in the book but, I’m sorry. I know how much she means to you and I wanted you to hear the news from me.”
I can’t ignore the ache to go home and try and save her. I look at Christian. I know without saying anything, that to him Pecker is just a hen. He’ll say they have a hundred right here and to make one of them my pet, if I must have one.
“Dad I’ll see you and Pecker soon.” I end the phone call before my dad can protest.
Christian looks mortified. “Ann, please, you can’t go right now. We need to work this out. You can’t go home for a sick chicken. It’s ridiculous.”
“I’m sorry, Christian. I’ll return as quickly as I can, but I need to go.”
“Ann, please reconsider your decision.”
I walk past him choking on my emotions. Pecker can’t die without knowing how much I love her, not like mom.
As I round the corner I run into Ryan.
“Woah, Ann, where is the fire? Ann? What happened? Why are you crying?”
I run past him down the stairs.
Ryan catches up to me breathless. “Dang you are quick. Now tell me what’s going on?”
“How can I get a car?”
“Do you need to go somewhere outside the Palace? I guess we could use my car. Or I’m sure Christian can buy you one.”
“I need one now: my dad needs me.”
“Ann, you’re not in any state of mind to drive yourself. Can I get you a driver?”
“I don’t know how long I’ll be, and I need a way to get back.”
“Okay, calm down. I can take you to see your dad.”
“Ann. Please wait up.” Karen shouts. “Prince Christian is terribly upset with the situation. He wants me to tell you to come back immediately.” She takes a breath. “I’m sorry honey, but he said to tell you that it’s just a bird and to grow up.”
“Tell him to go hang himself. He is insensitive to my needs and I am already driving away.”
Karen hugs me. “Tell everyone at home I say Hi. So sorry about Pecker, Ann. I hope she’s going to be okay. We’ll talk soon.”
“Karen. Could you please inform Prince Christian that I’m escorting her, and he can call my cell phone? Also…maybe you could give me a head start before telling him?”
She laughs. “I’ll walk really slow.”
I turn to Ryan. “I don’t want any more trouble. Ryan. You should stay here. I can go home by myself.”
Ryan ignores me and takes his keys off a hook and walks to a black Sedan with tinted windows. On the drive, I worry about my hen. I remember her as a fluffy chick, her first egg, and how big of a pain she is.
“Just go ahead and ask me already.” I snap as Ryan keeps giving me nervous
“It really isn’t any of my business. But I’m worried about you with your sick hen and the fight with Christian at breakfast.”
“I’m grateful for your sympathy, Ryan. Christian and I are always fighting because I’m always doing something wrong.” I swipe my wet cheek. “What about you? Weren’t you and Cherie on edge this morning, too? Maybe it’s just something in the air today.”
He grips the steering wheel until his knuckles are white. “Actually, she left me after breakfast this morning. We are over for good this time.”
“Ryan, I’m sorry. Do you want to talk about it?”
We drown in our self-pity for an hour before his phone rings. The caller ID says Christian is calling and I cringe. Ryan answers it with his steering wheel button.
“Hey Christian, you are on speaker.”
“Ryan you bring her back home immediately. Do you hear me? This is not funny. I am giving you a direct order.”
I narrow my eyes at the phone. “Christian, I’m driving now, and I don’t intend on turning around anytime soon I’m sorry.”
“Ann what are you thinking. I told you no. You have obligations and responsibilities here. You can’t just decline them and run off. And on top of all that, you are taking Prince Ryan away from his duties without protection.”
“First off, Ryan volunteered to drive me. I didn’t force him. And you’re right this isn’t funny. My beloved pet is dying, and I need to be with her. If you had even a speck of compassion you’d understand. I know you are having a hard time, but please try to be kind, for me. My chicken that I have hand raised is in trouble.”
“Ann. Listen to me. It is an animal. They come and go all the time, especially chickens.”
I stay quiet and Ryan stares straight ahead. When the silence becomes too much, he continues in a determined voice. “Ann, I can’t do this. I have a press release in a few hours to announce my engagement and fix the media mess I made. And you aren’t here.”
A tear rolls down my cheek. “Christian. Do you even want me there?”
He pauses. “No, I don’t believe I do.” He sighs. “I’m going to implore Lady Mary to come to the press release to announce our engagement.”
I squeeze my eyes shut. I knew his answer before he spoke it, but it didn’t hurt any less to hear him say it so casually.