“Can I get some food and see Karen? I could really use a friendly face right now.”
I run into Christian and his mom talking on the way to the kitchen. I freeze like a deer in the headlights and Vinny touches the small of my back. Christian’s eyes grow soft as he watches me. He opens his mouth to say something but thinks better of it and walks away. The Queen walks over to me. Her eyes assess the damage on my neck.
“How are you feeling, Lady Ann?”
“I’m feeling better. I just came out to get some air. How are you doing? Is there any word on Ryan yet?”
“I’m holding it together for now. There is no new update on Ryan. I told Christian to keep his distance from you and although he is sorry, he doesn’t want to be apart from his brother under the circumstances.”
“Christian should be the one with Ryan. I’ll get out of the way and stay with Karen for now.”
“That’s considerate of you. Thank you for understanding, Lady Ann.”
She unexpectedly collects me into a hug. I return it gently.
“Try not to worry, dear. Ryan is strong. I’ll contact Vinny when we have more information on Ryan’s condition.”
I make a few sandwiches, grab some chips, and sodas and go to Karen’s room. Karen hugs me tight then Vinny.
“Ann. What a wonderful surprise. What are you doing back so soon?”
“It is a long story.”
“What the heck happened to your neck?”
I hand her a sandwich and we catch up on everything.
“I hope Prince Ryan feels better soon. I’m sure with all the experts working on him, he’ll be on his own two feet shortly. I can’t believe Prince Christian did that to you. I really hope the punishment fits the crime. I would love to wrap my hands around his neck and squeeze the privileged brat.”
“Well, on the bright side I get to hang out with you and Vinny while we wait for the outcomes.”
Karen extends her left hand. On her ring finger is a small diamond ring.
“Oh, my goodness. Congratulations. I’m so happy for you two.” I quirk a brow. “It is Vinny, right?”
“Of course, it is Vinny. Who else would it be?”
“Well it’s so sudden I wasn’t sure.”
I hug them both and try to keep the smile on my face as I sit back on the bed and watch them interact. They talk about how Vinny got on one knee and proposed by a beautiful lake house just outside the city. And how he did it right as the sun was going down.
“What are you thinking about over there, Ann? You look like you are miles away.”
“Do you think Ryan is a good guy?”
“Well of course he is, or you wouldn’t be with him.”
I blush. “The news is all lies, I’m not with him, we are just friends.”
“Really? And that’s it? That looks like an awful lot of worry on your face for just a friend.”
“Yes, we are both just getting out of relationships, though mine never really got going properly, but it is complicated.”
“Every relationship is complicated, Ann. You two need to stop dancing around each other and make a move already.”
I laugh and shake my head. “I guess I’m afraid.”
“What are you afraid of, Ann?”
“I’m afraid he is going to be like Christian.”
“Aww, sweetie. They are two very different people.”
“I’m going to shower and try to cover this up with some makeup.” I touch my bruised neck.
I have a long shower, trying to wash the day down the drain and thinking about what Karen said. When I am done, I dress and see Karen and Vinny hugging and enjoying each other’s company. She turns to me and gets up to grab my makeup.
“Sit.” She commands as she dabs my sore neck.
“Did everybody believe that news report about Ryan and me?”
“I think so. I mean you two always seemed close and comfortable with each other while you were here.”
“So, everyone thinks we are a couple?”
She nods and finishes the touch up on my bruise. “Well, that’s as good as it is going to get.”
“Thank you for your help. I have never been great with make up or covering things up, I hate lying.”
To keep my hands busy, I pull out a deck of cards in my bag.
“Do you want to play a card game to pass the time?”
We go to the servant’s breakroom and play Rummy at a table.
Karen smiles at Vinny. “So, what time do you get off babysitting duty?”
She sticks her tongue out at my pout.
“Until I’m instructed otherwise. Trust me it’s more like bodyguard duty, Karen. You should have seen Prince Christian. I will gladly keep watch, so it doesn’t happen again.”
“I am sorry that happened to you, Ann. It’s awful. Hopefully, he learns his lesson.”
“I hope so too.” Vinny sips his coffee then responds to a call in his earpiece.
“Copy that. On our way.”
He straightens his uniform looking at me. “Ryan is out of surgery and is asking for you.”
My heart skips a beat and I stand quickly. I stumble over my feet as I start to clean the table.
Karen places a comforting hand on my trembling one. “I can clear up, Ann. You two go and see your prince.”
When we get to Ryan’s room Vinny knocks. The Queen answers and ushers us in the small room. Ryan is pale and out of it but he’s better than when I last saw him. I wring my hands as I stand at the edge of the bed. He opens his arms wide for me.
“There she is.” And he holds me in a tight hug. “I was wondering where you went to. I thought you wouldn’t leave my side.” He says playfully.
“Did you expect me to hold the scalpel for the doctor?” I swipe at my eyes.
He runs his hand through my hair. “I miss the spaghetti highlights.”
He brushes my bruised neck and I flinch.
“What on earth is this?”
I turn to the Queen not sure how to respond.
Ryan glares at me. “Ann. What happened?”
I shake my head unable to answer him. The Queen puts a reassuring hand on my arm and walks to Ryan.
“Now, Ryan, you need to calm down sweetie.”
“Does this have something to do with my brother? You are covering for him, aren’t you mother?”
“It was a misunderstanding, an accident. He was worried about you and under a lot of pressure.”
Ryan slams his balled-up fist on his side table. “Stop it. Just get out.”
She backs up towards the door watching him. “Ryan?”
We both turn to leave.
“Ann, stay.” He commands.
Cautiously I walk over and sit down beside him. I’ve never been afraid of a man in my life. I’ve never had reason to be, but after the attack I’m terrified and Ryan is so angry. I’ve never seen him like this before. He reaches over and I flinch before his hand can reach mine. He holds me gently and pulls me over to him. I squeeze next to him in the small hospital bed. I rest my head on his chest listening to his heartbeat.
“I would never hurt you—never. Please say that you believe that. You have nothing to be afraid of when you’re with me. I know you’re upset about what happened, but you are safe now, please tell me what happened. I need to know.”
I retell the horrible story of what happened.
I feel him stiffen. “I’m sorry this happened to you Ann. He has an anger problem, but it has never turned into a physical confrontation. He needs help. Or a good old-fashioned butt kicking, and you’d better believe I’m first in line to give it to him. He’ll never lay a finger on you again, you have my word.”
“You mustn’t go after him, Ryan. You’re so much better than that. He’s your brother and our future King.”
“You always have more faith in me than anyone else.” And he whispers very faintly before he drifts off to sleep with me in his arm
s. “And that is why I love you.”
I try to pull back, but he is sleeping, and his arm is trapping me.
“Did you say you loved me?”
“Mmm hmmm.”
I groan at the lack of a coherent response. I turn to Vinny who is quiet in the corner and he gives me a thumbs up. I shake my head and snuggle into Ryan’s body being careful not to touch the oversized bandage on his stomach.
I wake up to the sound of voices and bright lights. There’s a doctor and nurse in the room with us. I jump off the bed and Ryan laughs behind me.
“Good morning sleepy head.”
I blush and move out of their way as they check his stitches and vitals. Vinny has been replaced by another guard and must be off duty at last. I smile thinking how tired he was and I’m glad he got off to get some rest.
“What are you thinking about over there?” Ryan brings me back to the present.
“How happy Karen must be with her new fiancé. And how nice it must be to have a normal relationship.”
The doctor finishes looking him over and reports, “Everything looks good you can be moved to your own room whenever you are ready. We’ll have a wheelchair for you and your room is set up for your recovery.”
I watch them leave and turn back to Ryan who is avoiding eye contact.
“Aren’t you happy to be going back to your room, Ryan?”
“I wish I could give you the normal relationship you want.”
“It’s not in my cards to have a normal life. But when you had to have your operation, you scared the life out of me. It made me realize that I would like a relationship with you, normal or not.”
He smiles brightly and pulls me into a hug as his door opens and the Queen pops her head in. He waves her in.
“Did the doctors update you mom?”
“Yes dear, they did. How are you feeling?”
“Good.” He looks to me. “Better.”
I give them some privacy to talk and leave with the guard in tow. As I walk to the small waiting area, I see Mary and Christian holding hands and waiting together. I freeze as my eyes meet Christian’s and he jumps up. His hair is a mess, his clothes are wrinkled, and he looks like he has not slept in days.
“Ann, please wait, I want to apologize.”
“Don’t come near me.” I can barely stand to speak to him, and I’m terrified to have him anywhere near me. “You can see Ryan if you want, I’m going to get some coffee.”
“I know it is no excuse, but I was scared, and I blamed you for what happened when I shouldn’t have. I didn’t want to lose him. I know you of all people, can empathize with that. Can you ever forgive me?”
“I’ll try.” I push out slowly.
The early morning sun is shining in the stained-glass windows, creating light prisms on the floor. I feel optimistic. Ryan is healing and soon I’ll be back working and staying busy. I make two cups of coffee and take one to Karen to surprise her. I knock lightly and open the door.
“Karen? I know it is your day off and you hate waking up early. But I brought you something hot and black.”
I tell the guard to wait outside and see two bodies in the bed. I stop and blink. Did I have the right room? I glance behind me at the door to confirm I am in the right place.
“Vinny is that you?”
He waves at me. My face turns red and I turn to Karen.
“Karen? What’s going on?”
“We eloped! Now where is my coffee?”
“Why would you elope?” I stammer.
She shrugs and drinks some of her coffee. “After Ryan’s health scare, we realized life is too short to wait any longer.”
She retells the story of their adventure at a small chapel in the city. Vinny stretches, sits up, and steals Karen’s coffee.
He kisses her and says, “Time for my guard duty.” Then with a wink towards me he walks out of Karen’s room to change for work.
Karen tilts her head at my silence.
“A penny for your thoughts?”
“I was wondering about my own future.”
We change our clothes as we talk about boys and I congratulate her. I update her about Ryan and Christian and she tells me how wonderful her first night was as Vinny’s wife.
As we walk Karen whispers, “Has the King visited Ryan?”
“Not that I know of, but I haven’t been around the whole time. Plus, I’m sure he has other things he has to worry about.”
“I don’t know. He seemed really mad when Ryan left with you. And now this happens.”
As we get to the hospital wing. I hear Karen giggle as Vinny pinches her as he passes to relieve my guard.
Mary and the Queen are sitting in the waiting area staring towards Ryan’s room.
“They are getting Ryan ready to move now. He is excited to be in his own room again.”
Christian comes out pushing Ryan in a wheelchair. They are both laughing, and I’m shocked that they made up so fast but I’m glad to see them happy. They stop in front of us and Ryan locks eyes with me and smiles.
“Ann, would you mind pushing me to the elevator?” Ryan asks.
I remember hobbling around on my crutches and using the stairs. I glare at Christian.
“You have an elevator?”
He laughs, “I’m sorry, I thought it was funny at the time.”
He has the grace to look sheepish for once. Maybe it’s time to let bygones be bygones, but as long as I live, I’ll never trust Christian again and will avoid ever having to be alone with him.
“Of course, I can push you Ryan. Just tell me where to go.”
The Queen smiles at Vinny and says, “Thank you Vinny, Ann doesn’t require a guard at the moment.”
Ryan clears his throat. “Ann, I know what Christian did is unacceptable and nothing will ever excuse his behavior.”
I scuff as I put one foot in front of the other. “That is the understatement of the century.”
“I agree. But Christian did start counseling with anger management. He is working towards improving himself.”
“He has a long road ahead of him, Ryan.”
“Ann I’ll always protect you from him. But please understand Christian is my brother and I’ll always love him and be here when he needs me.”
“It’ll take time, but I’ll try to forgive him.”
He pushes the elevator button and we rise to the third floor.
“Thank you, Ann.” He reaches back and squeezes my hand.
Christian comes in before I can settle Ryan into his room and I instinctively back away.
“Ann, I’m really sorry for my behavior.”
“You keep telling me you’re sorry, but you are always hurting me Christian.”
“Please Ann, you don’t understand.”
“Then tell me. What is it that I don’t understand?”
Ryan clears his throat, “Christian could you please give us a minute?”
Christian walks out looking as though he’s trying to control his temper.
“Ann, I’ll give you my word, Christian will never do that to you again.”
I’m not sure if that is a promise he can keep. I want to trust Ryan, but I’m unsure. I frown thinking about all the special attention he has been giving me since we have been back at the palace. I pull back from him.
“Ryan, are you pretending to be with me to keep up appearances?”
Gently he runs his hand down my face and under my chin. Then he lowers his warm lips to mine. My eyes go wide at first, hesitant. Then I meet his kiss. It is unbelievably soft and tender.
Exactly like him.
Ryan pulls away with a smile. “Ann, you never cease to amaze me.”
“Are you trying to persuade me to stay?”
“Why is it working?”
“I think I may need more persuading.” I grin and lean towards him and we embrace again.
Soon we are talking about photograp
hy and our life experiences.
Christian comes back in and I slide off the bed to the floor.
“I’m going to go. I’ll come back later to check on you, Ryan.”
“Ann, please wait. You don’t have to leave, I will.” Christian frowns.
“Don’t be ridiculous, I’ll go.”
“You are the one being ridiculous.” He says as he closes Ryan’s door.
I stop at his words and he bangs into my back with an, “Oof.”
I face him with my hands on my hips. Something shifts in his gaze, it’s that smokey look I have come to recognize. I step away putting distance between us.
He chuckles.
“I love it when you get fired up.” He moves his hand to my cheek. “Your cheeks get rosy and puffy.”
“Christian, don’t touch me.”
We hear a voice behind us call his name.
We jump out of our thoughts; the King is glaring at us. My face turns red and I take a step back. Christian stands in front of me.
“Yes, father?”
“Correct me if I’m wrong. But you should be in the office.”
Christian leaves with a glance towards me.
“Lady Ann? Or is it just Ann? I am confused.” The King asks staring at me unblinking.
I give a forced laugh. “I’m not entirely sure myself my King. But as your word goes, I’ll accept whatever you think.”
“It is a beautiful day today. Ann, let’s go for a walk outside.”
Christian stops at his father’s words. “Dad I think mom needs your help with the financial report.” I can hear the tension in his voice. Fear crawls up my spine.
“Trust me son, I’ll be back soon enough. This will not take long.”
The King leads me into the garden where we can be alone. My palms are sweating.
“Ann, we have a serious problem.”
“Sorry my King?”
“Both of my sons have feelings for you. I convinced Christian to make the right choice and change his mind.”
“Don’t you think that should have been Christian’s choice?” I squeak out.
“Not when it is the incorrect choice. Christian is this country’s future and he needs a strong and obedient wife.”
“Surely, my King, you trust Christian’s judgment? Christian is intelligent, and completely capable of choosing what he wants for his future wife.”
Feathered Dreams: Book One Page 13