Book Read Free

Well Done

Page 34

by Andrew Seiple

  Smarty Pants

  Cost: N/ADuration: Passive Constant

  Teachers are good at recalling information, no matter how strange! Your smarty pants skill increases the odds that you’ll remember trivia and other useful facts. It scales by your Teacher level.

  Level 5 Skills

  Red Ink

  Cost: 10 SanDuration: 1 use

  This skill instantly marks a single held manuscript, underlining errors and flaws. It is not perfect, and uses the Teacher’s intelligence and the rating of the skill to determine how many errors are caught. It can also be used to detect forgeries in written media.



  Archers are experts with ranged weaponry, focused on fighting at a distance. They earn experience from shooting foes or otherwise engaging in missile combat, and by making trick shots at crucial moments.

  Level 1 Skills


  Cost: 10 ForDuration: 1 Turn

  The Archer takes careful aim and adds their aim skill rating to the next shot they take. This is an increase, not a buff. Note that the shot must be taken within the next turn, so the maximum amount of times the archer can effectively use it is twice before they have to shoot.

  Missile Mastery

  Cost: N/ADuration: Passive Constant

  The Archer’s obsession with ranged weaponry makes them an excellent shot, even with weapons that they haven’t practiced to the same level. When attacking with ranged weapons, they may substitute half of their highest ranged weapon skill, instead of the skill they would normally use. The experience for this attack goes off the skill that missile mastery replaces, instead of the one actually used. This makes it an excellent way to train up sub-par skills. The affected skill groups are archery, throwing, guns, and siege engines. This skill has no levels.


  Cost: 5 StaDuration: 1 minute

  The Archer uses supreme skill and reflexes to draw a weapon at the speed of thought. For the next minute after using this skill, the archer may draw any weapon or item on their person at incredible speed. This skill has no levels.

  Rapid Fire

  Cost: 10 StaDuration: Instant

  The Archer may take two shots in the next ranged attack, instead of one. All costs must be paid as per normal. This attack can only be used once per turn. This skill has no levels.

  Ricochet Shot

  Cost: 5 ForDuration: 1 attack

  The Archer can bounce a shot off a hard surface to strike a target behind cover, or around a corner, or otherwise not easily targeted. Activating this skill reduces the penalties required to make the shot.

  Level 5 Skills

  Demoralizing Shot

  Cost: 10 StaDuration: 1 attack

  The Archer fires a warning shot, designed to break the target’s will, rather than cause physical damage. This skill has no levels.

  Far Shot

  Cost: 15 StaDuration: 1 Attack

  The Archer strains his muscles to throw or shoot an attack as far as possible. Activating this skill reduces the penalties required to make the shot.

  Razor Arrow

  Cost: 10 ForDuration: 1 Attack

  The Archer fires a supernaturally-sharp shot that bores through the target’s armor. Activating this skill lets the attack ignore a portion of the target’s armor.

  Level 10 Skills

  Crippling Shot

  Cost: 20 StaDuration: 1 Attack

  The Archer’s attack strikes the target in an important muscle group or joint, hindering their mobility.

  Flame Arrow

  Cost: 20 ForDuration: 1 Attack

  The Archer briefly imbues their weapon with fire. This converts all of the attack’s damage to fire


  Gamblers use their skills to beat the odds, both at gambling and at killing things at a distance via gambling-themed weaponry. Some of their more powerful skills have an element of random chance... good thing they’ve got the luck to back it up!

  Level 1 Skills

  Ace in the Hole

  Cost: 10 ForDuration: 10 seconds per Gambler level

  Produces either a playing card or a razor-edged throwing card. The card can have any appearance the Gambler wants, so long as it is clearly a playing card of a reasonable size. The damage of the card is modified by the Gambler’s Ace in the Hole skill.

  Assess Challenge

  Cost: 5 SanDuration: Instant

  Use this spell right before you or an ally attempt an action, and you will know the odds of success. This skill doesn’t work for sinister long-term plans or anything beyond actions that take longer than a minute to resolve. This skill has no levels. This skill is a spell.


  Cost: 5 ForDuration: Instant

  Increases the odds of scoring a critical hit with your next gambling-implement-based attack.

  Gambler’s Fortune

  Cost: N/ADuration: Passive Constant

  You gain a bonus to your fate equal to your Gambler level.


  Cost: 10 ForDuration: Instant

  Instantly recalls all gambling-based weaponry that you’ve thrown back to your person. You can choose to exclude specific items when activating this skill. This skill has no levels. This skill is a spell.

  Level 5 Skills

  Ante Up

  Cost: Up to five times your level in FortuneDuration: 10 seconds/level

  Test your luck to gain a fortune! Pay an amount of fortune to force everyone nearby to ante up a similar amount. (If this would reduce them to 0 fortune, they are exempt.) Everyone involved tests their luck, the winner gets the sum total of all anted fortune as a fortune buff for a short time.

  Deadly Dice

  Cost: 10 ForDuration: 1 Attack

  Conjures and hurls a set of magical dice at a foe. The damage inflicted on a successful hit is random and based on the roll. If they come up snakeeyes, then the Gambler takes damage instead.

  Double Down

  Cost: Double the invoked skillDuration: Instant

  Used after activating another skill. If the skill usage is successful, then any numerical benefit gained is doubled. If the skill is failed, then any negative effect is doubled. May only be used on skills which have a chance of failure.

  Level 10 Skills

  Slot Machine

  Cost: 100 ForDuration: 1 Use

  Pull the lever, and watch the numbers fly! Summons a slot machine that unleashes random damage upon your foes. Occasionally it backfires against you and your friends. Powerful but risky, do you dare test your luck?

  Suit Sorcery

  Cost: 10 ForDuration: 1 Attack

  The next card you draw for an attack will gain an additional effect based on the card’s suit. Clubs equal Earth, Hearts equals water, Diamonds equal fire, and Spades equal air. Kings, queens, jacks, and jokers may have additional effects; experiment to find out!


  Grifters are conmen (and women) who specialize in tricking and fooling their targets. They gain experience from lying and bluffing; the bigger the stakes the better.

  Level 1 Skills

  Fools Gold

  Cost: 10 ForDuration: 10 minutes/Skill level

  The Grifter always seems to have some fake coins on hand! This spell creates one gold coin per Grifter level. However, the gold is only temporary, and it soon dissipates. This does not tend to engender feelings of goodwill in those so fooled. The gold coins register as magical to various detection spells. This skill is a spell.

  Master of Disguise

  Cost: 10 MoxDuration: 10 minutes/Skill level

  The Grifter puts on a masterful disguise! The difficulty of seeing through it is modified by the Grifter’s charisma and skill level. The difficulty may be negatively modified if the disguise is extraordinarily different from the Grifter’s regular appearance... such as a raccant disguising themselves as a giant, or a human attempting to costume themselves as a dragon. This skill can mimic faction inclusion.
  Silent Activation

  Cost: 10 MoxDuration: 1 Skill activation

  Grifters are the masters of subtlety! As such they can silently activate any skill they have, by taking an action and spending ten moxie before activating the skill in question. They still have to move their lips, though... Anyone looking at the Grifter’s face has a chance to spot this lip movement, influenced by the Grifter’s charisma and their silent activation skill.

  Silver Tongue

  Cost: 10 MoxDuration: 10 minutes/Skill level

  The Grifter buffs their charisma by an amount equal to their skill level... but this bonus only applies to lies.

  Size Up

  Cost: 5 ForDuration: 1 Turn

  With a good hard look, the Grifter sizes up their target. If the Grifter succeeds, they learn the target’s charisma, perception, willpower, wisdom, and any detection or observation skills that might interfere with the Grifter’s lies or deceptions.

  Level 5 Skills


  Cost: 10 ForDuration: Permanent

  With some carefully-aged parchment and a few pen strokes, a Grifter can quickly craft a suitable license, authorization, or document that appears to be the real deal! Anyone scrutinizing the document may detect that it is indeed false. Fair warning: appraise and other item-reading skills will see right through this deception.


  Cost: 10 StaDuration: 1 Attempt

  What’s mine is mine. What’s yours is negotiable. The Grifter gains a buff to his dexterity rolls... but only for the purpose of performing sleight-of-hand or pickpocketing a target. This is usually paired with silent activation, as it otherwise attracts undue attention.


  Cost: N/ADuration: Passive Constant

  When you trick people for a living, you become fairly resistant to things like shame and guilt. You gain a bonus to your cool equal to your Grifter level. This skill has no levels.

  Level 10 Skills

  Feign Death

  Cost: 20 MoxDuration: 5 minutes/Grifter level

  Sometimes death IS the best option. Though a rather permanent one, mind you. This gives you the best of both worlds! While this skill is active, you appear to be dead. Anyone failing to pierce your bluff, which is modified by your charisma and skill level, is convinced that you are dead. Needless to say, while this skill is active, you cannot move or speak or do anything to draw attention to yourself or the skill abruptly ceases.

  Old Buddy

  Cost: 25 MoxDuration: 1 minute/Grifter level

  With the appropriate act and attitude, you can fool anyone into recognizing you! Even if they’ve never met you before in their life. If you succeed, then they believe that you’re an old friend, even if they can’t place you exactly, or remember when they met you. This confusion renders them moderately friendly in most non-combat situations. It isn’t much use in combat, or other tense situations. When the skill expires, they’ll realize that they never met you before in their life, and react accordingly.

  Level 15 Skills


  Cost: 30 MoxDuration: Until ceased

  Sometimes the best defense is to ramble loudly in a distracting fashion. While this skill is active, all members of your party (except for you) gain a buff to their mental fortitude, cool, perception, and willpower equal to your grifter level. Unfortunately, while this skill is active you can’t use any skills that require speech. Your mouth is busy flapping! This skill has no levels.


  Cost: N/ADuration: Passive Constant

  At this point your personality is off the charts! You gain a bonus to your moxie pool equal to your Grifter level, converted into a percentage. (Thus a level 16 Grifter gains 16% to their total moxie pool.) This skill has no levels.


  You are a master diviner, and your bond with the fortuna has developed to the point that you are no longer an observer of fate, but an active participant in bringing it to pass. You can animate the creatures, concepts, and sentiments behind the symbols of the cards, and bring them into being.

  Level 1 Skills


  Cost: 50 ForDuration: 1 minute per Hand of Fate level

  Draw a fortuna card, and choose who to apply it to. The results are as varied as the cards, and the position of the card has relevance as well.


  Mediums take prophecy and visions a bit farther, interpreting them for clients and allies. They specialize in divination and getting the most useful advantages out of fate... even if they’re not above skewing the interpretation a bit here and there to accomplish their own goals.

  Level 1 Skills

  Bad Fortune

  Cost: 10 ForDuration: 1 Action

  Curses the target, inflicting damage upon their fortune. This skill is a spell.

  Crystal Ball

  Cost: 50 SanDuration: 1 minute per skill level

  Through manipulation of the winds of fate, you can use a crystal ball to scry people, places, or things of interest. Time is mutable in such visions and be forewarned that the winds of fate are fickle and the scenes shown may vary... skill and wisdom are required to reduce interference. This skill is draining and may only be used once per day.

  Good Fortune

  Cost: 10 ForDuration: 1 Action

  Soothes a target’s fate, healing fortune damage. This skill is a spell.


  Cost: 25 ForDuration: ???

  Allows the Medium to perform a short ritual, involving darkness, candles, and a loved one or relation to the deceased. It calls up a spirit-like memory of the deceased, which is not undead and cannot be manipulated by necromancy. The deceased sticks around for a short time influenced by the Medium’s charisma and the strength of the bond to the loved one or relation, and may or may not be helpful as they see fit. Also, the longer the subject has been dead, the shorter the séance will last. This skill is a spell.

  Stack Deck

  Cost: 5 MoxDuration: Instant

  Allows the Medium to pull any card they choose from a deck of cards. This skill has no levels.

  Level 5 Skills

  Focus Vision

  Cost: 20 ForDuration: Instant

  Activate this skill during any sort of vision to grant clarity to a specific area, or uncover a new wrinkle on the fate being shown. This skill is a spell.


  Cost: 10 ForDuration: 1 Action

  Pull a card from any fortuna deck. The card will act as a minor omen, shedding some enlightenment on the situation at hand or question asked. Of course, it’s up to you to interpret it. This skill has no levels.


  Cost: 10 ForDuration: 1 Reading

  By inspecting a creature’s hand, you gain a limited portent related to a random facet of their life or fate. This skill has no levels.

  Level 10 Skills

  Draw Fortune

  Cost: 10 ForDuration: 1 Minute

  Allows you to draw a card to empower an ally with a related buff. Effects vary by card, experiment to find out!

  Object Reading

  Cost: 25 ForDuration: 1 Vision

  This skill allows you to handle an object and gain a short insight into its relevance or its past.


  Chosen by a god or affected by proximity to a divine influence, Oracles serve to embody the concepts and will of their patron. They can heal, remove and transfer conditions, and eventually overcome time itself with foresight and wisdom. Oracles gain experience by predicting the future and aiding those around them to cope with twists of fate.

  Level 1 Skills

  Absorb Condition

  Cost: 10 ForDuration: 1 Action

  This skill transfers a condition or debuff from a target that you’re physically touching to yourself. Note that it doesn’t restore drained pools, so if a target’s dying, and you take the condition, then the target will instantly start dying again because their hit points are still zero. This skill has
no levels. Regardless of the debuff or condition absorbed, the Oracle shakes it off after a day’s worth of time if it isn’t cured before then. This skill is a spell.


  Cost: 5 SanDuration: 1 Action

  This skill reveals all debuffs and conditions on a target. It never fails and has no levels. This skill is a spell.

  Divine Pawn

  Cost: N/ADuration: Passive Constant

  Congratulations! The gods have selected you to be one of their agents on Generica. Good luck with that. You gain a bonus to your fate equal to your Oracle level. This skill has no levels.


  Cost: 10 ForDuration: 1 Turn

  Time is malleable to gods. They’ll share a little bit of that with you, spinning out predictions of the next few seconds. You get a glimpse of the near future, and the results of an action you choose at the time of using foresight. Bear in mind that failing to follow through with an action similar to that chosen has a risk of backfiring, as the feedback and dissonance from the false visions throws off your precognition for the rest of the day. The higher your skill, the less the chance of dissonance.


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