Book Read Free


Page 4

by Marie Rochelle

  “Hmmm...that’s okay. I can get them done myself while the cupcakes are baking in the oven. I’m very good at multitasking.”

  Smiling, the guy stared at her for a few minutes. “I’m not a serial killer if that’s what you’re thinking. My brother would kill me if I embarrassed him anymore than I usually do. I swear I only want to help you out for messing up your gorgeous boxes. I’m really good with my hands. I’d have them done in no time. By the way, my name is Casper Lowe.”

  Maymi paused and did a double take. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. There was no way this guy and Jensen were brothers. They were like day and night even in the looks department.

  “Is your brother the same Jensen Lowe, the man who owns the gym next door?” she asked.

  “Yes, he is,” Casper answered. “I can tell you’ve already met him.”

  “I wish I could say that I hadn’t but it would be a lie.” Maymi’d rather put the memory in the back of her mind and never revisit it again.”

  “Let me guess what Jensen did to you. He came over here to see you and he demanded that you pack up and move away because your bakery was going to ruin the weight loss of his clients.” He laughed.

  She didn’t find her unpleasant conversation with Casper’s brother funny at all. He was insulting and very belittling. She wished she had tossed his ass out sooner than she had done.

  “I don’t think anything that happened with your brother yesterday was funny,” she said, walking around Casper. She guessed rudeness ran in their family.

  Today wasn’t the time Casper needed to be getting on her bad side. Not with everything she had on her schedule that she needed to get done before leaving work.

  “Thank you, Mr. Lowe for your offer but I think I’ll pass on it. I don’t need your help because this isn’t a joke to me. It’s my livelihood and I want Sinful to be as successful as it can.”

  Maymi continued walking to her front door, but stopped when Casper suddenly stepped in her path. “Look, I’m sorry,” he apologized. “I wasn’t trying to be insensitive about what my brother did to you, but Jensen is always so worried about the big picture that he doesn’t take the time to take pleasure in the journey of getting there.”

  She glared at Casper. “Okay, thanks for telling me but I really don’t care about your brother’s problems. I’ve enough of my own to deal with.”

  “Well, you would have one less if you let me do the boxes. I swear I won’t mess the new ones up at all,” he promised, holding up two fingers.

  A tiny grin pulled at the corners of Maymi’s mouth. “I find it hard to believe you were a boy scout,” she said, trying not to laugh.

  “Oh, I wasn’t,” Casper admitted, dropping his hand. “But I got you to smile which is even better. I swear to you that I’m not as bad as my big brother. So will you let me help you out or not?”

  She might be making a mistake but Casper was just so cute that she couldn’t turn him down. Besides, what would it hurt if all he wanted to do was put some boxes together for her and he was the reason most of the ones she worked on last night got ruined.

  “Okay, I’ll let you help me,” she finally agreed. “But I better not hear a word about it from your brother. He’ll probably die if he knew you were helping the enemy.”

  “Jensen’s problems are his not mine,” Casper said, taking the destroyed boxes from her arms. “Come on; let’s get this show on the road.”

  Moving to the side, he got out of the way while she opened the door for him. Maymi watched as Casper carried the boxes through the door. She wondered just how upset Jensen would get over this. He wanted her gone. Yet his brother was over here helping her out.

  God, she would love to be a fly on the wall when Casper told Jensen what he spent his morning doing. Without a doubt, the loud screams of Jensen’s voice would be echoing through the streets when he found out about this.

  “Ms. Monroe, I want to say thank you again for allowing me to do this for you,” Casper said, placing the boxes down on the table right in front of them.

  “Not a problem. You offered your help and I took it after a little persuasion on your part. I think I was just being stubborn. I knew I needed the help, but I just didn’t want to admit to it.”

  “I can’t blame you for turning me down, especially after the way Jensen treated you.”

  Feeling bad about her earlier attitude, Maymi touched Casper on the arm, giving it a slight squeeze. “You aren’t your brother. I shouldn’t have judged you like you were. Let me get the other boxes and you can get started putting them together.”

  Letting go of Casper’s arm, she moved away going over to the boxes and wondered where the extra money would come from to replace the other boxes. Money was still very tight. She didn’t have a pile of it hidden; however, she wasn’t going to allow this small setback to stop her from moving forward.

  Chapter Seven

  “What smell so good?” a male voice asked behind her. “I could smell it all the way out there while I was working on those boxes.”

  Spinning around, Maymi found Casper standing behind her with a stack of bakery boxes lined up on the table.

  “Where did you get those extra boxes?” she questioned, coming up to him. “I know that I didn’t give you that many to put together before I came into the kitchen.”

  “Some of the ones that fell on the ground after our run-in weren’t that damaged as we first thought,” he told her. “I was able to fix them and they look brand new again. So now are you going to answer my question?”

  “I’ve a couple of pies cooling on the rack. I sold out of them yesterday so I made some more for today. A few customers told me that they would be back today for some more,” Maymi answered.

  “They look amazing, Casper told her. “You better get ready to sell out again because they will all be gone in a matter of minutes.”

  She was beginning to like him more and more. He might be a little bit more on the laid back side, but there wasn’t anything wrong with that. At least they weren’t at each other’s throats every time their paths crossed.

  “Thank you. I need all of the encouragement I can get,” she admitted. Maymi suddenly remembered Casper’s deadline and took a glance at the clock on the wall behind him.

  “You should be heading to your job. It’s almost been an hour. I don’t want you to get into any trouble with your brother because of me.”

  “If Jensen didn’t have it in his radar to complain about what I did to ruin his day then he would find something else to lecture me about. It’s what makes our relationship run so smoothly.

  “However, you’re right. I need to go since I need to get set up for my kickboxing class. Good luck with your sales today, but I don’t think you will need it,” Casper said then smiled at her before walking out the swinging kitchen door.

  Hurrying out the door behind Casper, Maymi called out his name and he spun back around. “Thank you again for helping me. I couldn’t have made the pies without it,” she told him.

  “Not a problem. I loved doing it,” Casper told her. He waved goodbye before going out her front door and then walking past her bay window.

  She wouldn’t have made a bet on Jensen’s brother running into her this morning and then spending the next hour at her bakery putting boxes together. Her day already started off with a surprise, so she couldn’t wait to see where it would go after this. Things only had to be on the up and up; no negative thoughts were even going to enter her mind. They wouldn’t do her any good if they did anyway.

  Turning away from the window, Maymi headed back to the back to finish boxing up the cupcake order. She had about another forty-five minutes before the customer showed up for them and she wanted to make each second count.


  “I’m surprised to see you here early. I thought you loved coming in the last minute and making a mad dash to get everything together. What has gotten into you? Did you not stay out last night and party?”

  Casper stopped w
orking on one of the boxing gloves and looked up at his brother who was standing next to him.

  “Jensen, why are you constantly in such a bad mood? I mean can’t you ever say good morning or ask how I’m doing?” he questioned. “I do have feelings and I don’t like the way you just seem to forget that sometimes.”

  Groaning, Jensen ran his fingers through his hair and then sat down on the bench next to him. “Sorry Casper. I’ve had a hard night and I woke up in a bad mood. I shouldn’t have jumped down your throat like I just did. You haven’t done anything to me.”

  “You have too much on your shoulders. I told you that you need to relax more. Get away from the gym and have a little fun. I promise you, it will still be standing when you get back.”

  Jensen wondered where his brother came up with some of his crazy ideas. Who was going to run the business if he took a break? He had worked too hard getting here to let it all go to hell now.

  “Like I’ve told you before, I want to expand the gym, so I need to get that accomplished before I can even think about taking a break. I might have had it done by now, if Ms. Monroe hadn’t stolen the building next door from me. I almost had it until she came out of nowhere and snatched it out of my hands.”

  “Are you seriously still complaining about her,” Casper said, tossing the boxing glove down on the floor. “You’re giving Maymi too much credit. Besides, I don’t think she that’s bad. She seems like a very nice person to me.”

  He turned his head slowly staring at his brother. “How do you know anything about her?” Jensen questioned. “Have you been talking to her or something?”

  Casper glanced away from him then a few minutes later made eye contact again. He got a sneaky suspicion that he already knew the answer before his brother said one word.

  “Answer me,” he demanded.

  “Yeah, I literally ran into her this morning and I had a nice conversation with her before I came into work. Man, she’s even more gorgeous up close than she is from a distance. In addition, Sinful isn’t too bad looking on the inside either. Some of those homemade pies smelled amazing. It reminded me of the ones we used to eat at grandmother’s house every Sunday after church.”

  “Tell me why you went inside of her bakery?” Jensen asked. “I thought you knew to stay away from the competition.”

  Jumping up from the bench, Casper shook his head at him. “Jensen, Maymi isn’t your competition. Her bakery has nothing to do with Fitness 24 and you know that she isn’t the reason you didn’t get the building either. Two different businesses can be right next door and work together without any issues. She told me that you came to see her and from her tone I can tell that things didn’t end well between the two of you.”

  Jensen took a quick sharp breath so he wouldn’t yell at Casper. He didn’t want to put anymore tension between them. “I think it would be for the best if we both stayed away from Ms. Monroe. I don’t want any more animosity than there already is between us.”

  Picking up the gloves off the floor, Casper stood up and looked down at him. “She only has a problem with you. We got along pretty good this morning at her bakery. So, maybe you’re the one who needs to stay away from her,” his brother said before stalking away.

  He jumped up from the bench and started to follow after his brother but stopped when he spotted some members coming into class. Now wasn’t the time to continue this conversation, he would get into it later on after work. They weren’t done and he hoped that Casper didn’t think they were.

  Walking to the door, he took one last look over his shoulder, pleased to see Casper at least interacting with everyone inside the room instead of only the pretty women. Casper might actually be listening to his advice more than he thought; however, only time would tell with his younger sibling.

  Jensen took one final glance before going out the door and he was on his way back upstairs to his office when he caught a figure from the corner of his eye standing at the front desk.

  What in the world was she doing inside his gym? Had she lost her mind or was she trying to push his buttons?

  He never told her that she couldn’t step foot in here, but why would she want to when she knew where they stood with each other? He had drawn a line in the sand and she purposely crossed it to send his blood pressure up another notch.

  Storming towards Maymi, Jensen didn’t stop until he was standing right next to her. He glanced down at the two boxes in her hand hoping she hadn’t brought any of her desserts inside of his business.

  “Krissy, what’s going on here?” he asked his receptionist then looked back at Maymi who was glaring at him. “Is she trying to sell you some of her fattening foods?”

  “Jensen, this lady wanted to leave something for Casper, but I told her you didn’t allow desserts inside the gym,” Krissy answered, glancing away from Maymi over to him.

  “I’m not trying to cause any problems. All I wanted to do was leave a thank you gift for Casper. He helped me out this morning and then had to leave before the pies and cupcakes were done.”

  “Ms. Monroe, my receptionist told you correctly. I think you should take your sweets and leave. I’ll tell my brother about them after he has finished with his classes. If Casper wants them, he can come over to your bakery and pick them up there.”

  Why did she always have to draw his attention with her fresh yet tempting looks?

  He tried not to notice how attractive Maymi looked in her black apron with Sinful written across the top in hot pink. Casper wasn’t lying about her being a good-looking woman; it was just too bad they both were on opposite ends.

  “You can’t be serious about not taking these,” she questioned, shoving the delicious smelling boxes underneath his nose making him get another whiff of cinnamon and apples.

  “Yes, I’m very serious,” Jensen answered, moving the boxes away from his face. “If you’re looking for a taster of your treats, you came to the wrong place. No one here wants any piece of any of your over-iced cupcakes.”

  Chocolate eyes narrowed at him before Maymi laid the boxes on the desk in front of Krissy. She was still standing there watching the argument between them with an amused look on her face.

  Jensen didn’t back down, but took a step closer to her curvy body. If she wanted to fight then a fight is what she would get. He wasn’t about to back down from a five feet something pastry chef.

  “How dare you insult my grandmother’s cupcakes,” she hissed. “I would never over-ice them. My red velvet cupcakes are even better than my pecan pie. Don’t talk about something you know nothing about, Mr. Lowe.”

  “I wasn’t insulting your grandmother. I was talking about you, princess.”

  Maymi stopped talking and just stared at him with a vacant look in her eyes. Now, what was her problem with him? She was looking at him like she couldn’t believe he just called her that.

  “Don’t call me princess,” she said in a low voice.

  “Why not?” he asked. “You’re acting like a spoiled little princess.”

  “I won’t tell you again not to call me that name.”

  He thought he saw her eyes grow a little sadder, but Maymi blinked and then turned away so he couldn’t be sure if he hadn’t imagined the entire thing or not.

  “Don’t forget to give those treats to Casper as soon as his class ends. I’ll know if you tossed them in the trash and I’ll be back over to get you if you do it.”

  Jensen stood next to the desk and watched in utter disbelief as Maymi ignored his comment and continued on out the front door like she hadn’t heard him talking to her. Why did he ever bother dealing with that woman?

  “Can you believe she did that to me?” He spun back around in time to catch Krissy biting into one of the red velvet cupcakes Maymi had left for his brother.

  “What are you doing?” Had everyone just lost their minds since Sinful moved next door or was Krissy trying to make him fire her on the spot.

  “Sorry boss,” she mumbled around the treat in her mouth. “I
love red velvet cupcakes and these are outstanding. I swear you need to try one and you will change your mind about Ms. Monroe. She has a true gift. After tasting one, I’m going to buy some and take them to my son’s class tomorrow for his teacher’s retirement party.”

  “No, thank you.” He closed the cupcake box and grabbed it along with the other one off the counter. “When Casper finishes with his last class tell him that I need to see him in my office.”

  Jensen could already see where this was going and it wouldn’t be good for their bottom dollar. He was going to tell Casper he didn’t need to see or talk to her anymore

  “I sure will,” Krissy said before taking another huge bit out of the fluffy cupcake and moaning softly.

  Swallowing down his criticism, Jensen turned away from the reception desk and made his way towards the staircase leading upstairs to his office. How was he supposed to get Maymi away from next door if Casper was trying to befriend her just to spite him?

  God, it was days like this than he wished he was an only child!

  Chapter Eight

  Pausing in front of the trash can by the side of his desk, Jensen thought about tossing Maymi’s gifts for his brother right on inside, but stopped himself at the very last minute. They weren’t his to toss. He would keep his word and give them to Casper when he came to see him.

  Going across the room, Jensen laid the two boxes down on a table where he usually ate his lunch. Today wasn’t the day he wanted to run into Maymi again. Normally, he tried to avoid confrontations whenever it was possible, but something about her pushed him to do battle with her anytime they were within five feet of each other.

  It is desire...his mind snickered. You want her. Stop denying it. He shook his head getting rid of the nonsense floating around up there.

  Working and running Fitness 24 was more important to him that it seemed to be to his brother and ex-girlfriend. Most of his friends had found ways to avoid him so they wouldn’t get caught up in listening to his ideas for this place, but he couldn’t help it.


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