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Last Chance

Page 7

by Lauren Runow

  With her back to me, I walk up, placing my hands on her hips and leaning in to kiss her neck.

  "Last night was fun. Did we ever pick a winner?"

  She turns, surprised I’m so close, but doesn't pull away.

  "I think it was a tie. Maybe rock music isn't so bad."

  "Well, country music is still sappy as hell but the Church one was cool." She playfully hits my shoulder, and I grin at her.

  After I finish getting ready, we leave my place and head to the coffee shop two blocks up. It's a locally owned place, without the hustle and bustle Starbucks always has at this time of day.

  Mackenzie snags us a seat while I order two cups of coffee, along with a few pastries and some fruit. I'm not one to share food, but when she said she was torn between an apple fritter, a bagel with cream cheese, and a ham and cheese croissant, they all sounded good to me.

  I've never had such a relaxing time at a coffee shop. It's normal for people to get coffee with friends, but I've never understood the attraction. It's coffee. You grab a cup, drink it, and leave. What else is there to do?

  Now I get it. Our conversation is unlike any I've ever had. It flows from one subject to the next, and there are multiple times I laugh so hard, I have to wipe tears from my eyes.

  I glance at my watch. We've been sitting her for about two hours, yet it felt like thirty minutes.

  I sigh. "I'm sorry. I have to get to work." I stand, gathering our trash to discard it.

  She nods and we head toward the exit. I open the door for her and without thinking twice, reach for her hand, holding it softly as we walk back to our building.

  It's so comfortable I don't even bother to talk. Just being with her is filling my soul with a light I haven't seen in a long time.

  I accompany her to her floor and at the door, I ask, "Can I see you tonight?"

  "Really?" she responds, and I try to hide my laugh at her fast response. "I mean, yeah, sure. But, um, aren't you going to the club? Is that where you want to take me?" Her voice rises slightly.

  "I don't feel like going. I'd rather hang with you. I thought we’d have dinner or something."

  I’ve been toying with the idea of going back to the club, but the more I think about it, the more I realize I don’t want to. The excitement, the draw, the fantasy isn’t there anymore. Especially after spending this time with Mackenzie.

  "Soooo...." I drawl out when she doesn’t respond.

  She lets out the cutest laugh. "Yeah, sorry. Sounds good. How about I make you dinner?"

  "You cook?" I ask, way more excited than I should be. "Because I'm a total sucker for a home-cooked meal. Don't tease me now?"

  "Yes. I'll cook you dinner. My place or yours?"

  "Mine, if you're cooking I want it all for myself and don’t want to share with your roommates."

  "Do you even own the pots and pans I'll need?" she asks, making me laugh.

  "Probably not. Here"—I hand her my key—"let yourself in, see what you need, and then bring it from your place. I'll be home at six-thirty or seven. I'll text you."

  "Okay. Thanks for breakfast," she says, looking for her keys like she’s trying to avoid an awkward goodbye.

  I kiss her on the cheek, surprising her, before walking away and saying over my shoulder, "I can smell the food now. I'll be dreaming of it all day."

  I'm going to dream about the small laugh she releases for the rest of the day as well.


  I watch as Connor struts down the hallway as calm as can be with his hand in his pocket. I'm surprised he's not whistling he looks so content.

  I enter my apartment and am shocked to see all three of my roommates sitting on the couch, staring at the door, waiting for me to come in.

  "So?" Chantel springs up, too excited to wait for me to say anything.

  "What?" I ask innocently.

  "Stop the shit," Katy squeals. "You stayed at his place last night. Spill it, girl. We've been dying to hear about him for years. Years!"

  I laugh, heading to the kitchen to put my purse down. "It was amazing but not how you would expect. We stayed up all night talking, and I fell asleep, lying on his lap in the living room."

  "But you've slept with him before, right?" Robin asks.

  I smirk, remembering our time at the club and knowing I need to stay far away from that topic. "We have twice, but this was totally different. I really enjoyed hanging out with him. Then we went to that coffee shop down the street for a couple hours. On our way back, he held my hand then kissed my cheek."

  "Dayumn, girl. Look at you. Do I see a relationship blossoming?" Katy asks.

  "You think?" I bite my lip, not quite sure yet.

  "Hell yes," they say in unison.

  "Did you make plans to see each other again?" Robin asks.

  I hold up the key with a cheesy grin on my face. "I'm cooking him dinner tonight. He gave me this so I can get what I need prepared before he gets off work."

  “That’s it, girls. He’s taken,” Katy states, walking away with her hands in the air.

  I look at both Chantel and Robin, waiting for what normally comes next. “What, no bet?” I tease when they don’t respond.

  Chantel huffs. “I’ve already lost enough money on you guys. I saw the way he looks at you. It was only a matter of time. I didn’t need to put money on it.” She winks as she leaves the room.

  This is the one thing I didn't even consider putting on my list because never in my wildest dreams did I think it would actually happen. Tears start to well, and I quickly blink them away. I'm too happy to go down that road right now.


  Dear Diary,

  I spent the most amazing night with Connor. Seriously amazing! I’ve always had a crush on him, but if I was being honest with myself, it was purely physical. I barely knew the real him. Now that I’m getting to know who he is, it’s so much more than that. I’m falling for him harder than I ever thought possible. Please hold my hand, Diary, so I don’t fall in a way I can’t come back from.



  I called my mom to get the recipe for my favorite meal, chicken piccata. I didn't tell her why I needed it. I lied and said I was making dinner for my roommates.

  Between things I already had and stuff I borrowed from my roommates, I was able to gather everything I needed to cook the meal. After a quick trip to the store, I entered his place at six-thirty to get started on the meal after he texted, saying he's leaving work soon.

  Being in his place without him is a trip. A few personal pictures are scattered around, but really it's a typical bachelor pad; simple decor and void of color. I can tell it's home to him by the skiing picture and a poster of Tahoe on the back wall.

  I lay out everything I'll need for the meal and prepare the chicken. Just when the grill starts to sizzle and aromas fill the room, Connor arrives.

  "Honey, I'm home," he announces and I can tell he's been dying to say just that.

  I smile when he walks around the corner to see me standing at the stove. "How was your day, dear?" I play off his silly mood.

  He chuckles, and I love the sound. "It was good. Long but damn, I'm so excited about this meal. Whatcha cooking?"

  "Chicken piccata. It's my favorite recipe my mom makes."

  "It smells so good. I'm going to change real quick." He walks away, and yes, I totally check out his ass.

  I'm stirring the wine sauce when he comes back a few minutes later. "Want me to put on some music?"

  "My music or yours?" I tease.

  "Maybe we can compromise. You like classic rock, right?"

  "Yeah, that works. So how did you get into this new age rock? From what I remember, you listened to slow R&B songs growing up."

  "Why did you think that?" He looks at me, puzzled.

  "I just remember you sitting in your room at night, listening to those old songs."

  He slaps the table and drops his head to his chest, he's laughing so hard. "You mean those days when
all I wanted was to get laid? Oh shit, hold that thought."

  I can't believe he just said that.

  A slow beat starts to play a minute later that's obviously from the early nineties R&B days, and Connor comes into the kitchen, attempting to dance provocatively.

  "What is this?" I say, trying to be serious as he struts around me.

  "Pretty brown eyes," he sings, turning my face toward him as he exaggerates each word of the song.

  I'm not sure if I should give in to his movements or fall down laughing. "Who is this?" I ask.

  "What do you know about Mint Condition, Breakin' My Heart?" he asks, so sure of himself.

  "Nothing. How do you? Aren't these songs from when we were like five?"

  He laughs and gets us each a beer. "Funny story actually. We had a very inappropriate babysitter when I was around ten. She used to tell me what I needed to do to get the girls." He raises his eyebrows suggestively. "When I was thirteen, and only thinking about getting laid, I would listen to the CDs she made me over and over again. This is one of them, actually. I put it on every once in awhile to reminisce."

  He opens the beers and hands me one. We clink the necks and take a drink, him keeping one eye on me the entire time.

  The song changes, and he puts his beer down in dramatic fashion, like the song demands, moves around behind me, and sings, "Freak me, baby."

  He rubs up and down my body as he grinds his lower half into mine, whispering the lyrics in my ear about wanting to lick me and playing with me till I scream.

  My knees go weak at both his words and his touch. My head falls back against his chest, and I let him move me exactly how he wants.

  After singing a good amount he steps back, cracking up. "I loved this song. I think Silk sang it. Please tell me you’ve heard Freak Me."

  I'm still trying to get my legs back and I lean against the counter just so I can respond without looking too affected. "Yes, I've heard that one. I had no clue who sang it though."

  He backs away, giving me space. "Well, stick around. I'll teach you some good old school songs. Can I help in any way?" He nods to the food.

  "Can you prepare the salad?"

  "Um, lettuce and what else?" he questions and I smother a snicker.

  We work together on dinner together, like we've done it a hundred times before.

  The songs continue to play, with him singing each one under his breath, getting animated for certain lyrics, changing CDs as they end.

  After dinner I get up to bring my plate to the sink. A song plays that begins with a slow piano. The warmth of him approaching behind me sends my heart racing. He turns me to face him when the singer starts. The lyrics are about a man and his girlfriend, and asking if he could, “Love You Down.” He looks me dead in the eye when he pulls me close.

  "This was my favorite. I never got the chance to seduce a female to these songs." His lips lightly brush with mine. "I guess I should thank that babysitter for being right and giving me this moment."

  He picks me up, locking my lips with his, and I wrap my arms around his neck.

  "I'm not sure what's happening here." He leans back after a minute of heavy kissing. Lowering me to the floor, he whispers, "But I really like it and don't want it to stop."

  "Me neither," I admit.

  He tugs me away from the kitchen, toward his bedroom. Butterflies fly through my stomach. I've already been with him but this is so different. This isn't a club. This isn't me trying to hide who I am, or him giving me my fantasy. This is us. Together.

  He pulls me to his bed, turning me so the backs of my knees are against it. "Is this okay?"

  I nod.

  He grips my hair on each side of my face, bringing me up to him and kissing my lips like he can't get enough. The feeling is mutual.

  I melt in his hands, suddenly breathless. He reaches for the hem of my shirt and lifts it up over my head, breaking our kiss.

  My eyes meet with his and I see the green flecks that are vivid and beautiful.

  I wrap my arms around his neck, bringing him back to me with the biggest smile on my face that I'm not trying to hide. I hear his slight laugh at my attack before he feverishly runs his tongue through mine, laying me back on the bed.

  His lips touch every centimeter as he makes his way down to my jeans, pulling them down my legs. Chills send shivers up my body, and his warm hands calm my nerves while lighting my insides on fire.

  I sit up to unbutton his pants, pushing them and his boxers off before wrapping my hand around his hard cock. The need to have him inside me again grows uncontrollably, and breathing is suddenly something I have to focus on so I don't pass out.

  Our eyes meet as I stroke him gently. I work my fingers around the tip of his cock, loving the dip between it and the shaft. His head falls back and he moans. An ache I can't deny deep inside has me lying back down, inviting him toward me.

  His hands slide into mine as he positions himself over me before slipping inside my warmth.

  We groan into each other's mouths, capturing the rush through our bodies. His movements are slow, like he wants it to last.

  This isn't like the last times. This is so much more and I know he feels it too.

  He worships me, and I moan with every touch, every kiss, every thrust.

  I knew I always wanted this man, but the reality is so much more than my dreams. When my world is overcome with an intense orgasm that he slows down for, enjoying it as much as I do, I'm totally gone.

  Two more thrusts, and I feel his release. Instead of getting up or moving off me, he stays inside, kissing me senseless until he goes limp and his juices slide down my leg.

  I never want this to stop, and it's obvious he doesn't either.

  He looks into my eyes and whispers, "Yes, there is definitely something special happening here."

  I can't stop the tear that falls, and he wipes it from my cheek before kissing me again.

  Add the box, check it off, it’s official. I'm in love.


  Dear Diary,

  Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!! He likes me! That’s all. Just had to get that off my chest. ;-)



  Waking up wrapped in Connor's arms is more than a dream come true, it's my entire list and then some. I turn and find him already gazing at me.

  "I think this may become a pattern for us," he says with the cutest grin on his face.

  I lie on his chest, propping my arms under my chin. "What's that?" I ask, returning his smile.

  "Waking up together. I like it."

  I'm speechless and thankfully he leans in, kissing me sweetly before turning me over and making our morning even better.

  Afterward he walks me to the living room so he can get ready for work.

  "You don't have to leave yet, you know?" he states before opening the front door.

  "Tracy's going to be here within the hour. We're spending the day together," I say after kissing him one more time.

  "Can I meet you guys for drinks?"

  I'm surprised he asks, and he laughs at my facial expression.

  He holds my hand timidly. "You are going to tell her about us, right?"

  "I wasn't sure if there truly was an us to tell her about."

  He pulls me close. "I like this, so yeah, I hope you'll claim me to her."

  I laugh out loud. "Claim you?"

  He chuckles under his breath. "You know what I mean. She'll give you shit. Wait"—he leans back slightly—"does she know you came to the club to find me?"

  "Hell no."

  "Does she know you wanted to find me?" he asks seductively.

  I shake my head. "I've never told her anything about my crush on you."

  "So I'm your crush." He pulls me in tighter, and I can feel the semi that's growing in his lounge pants.

  I flush with embarrassment, and he kisses my lips.

  "How long have I been your crush?" he asks, and I'm officially mortified.

  I bite the inside of my lip,
praying I don't have to answer his question.

  His eyes widen in shock. "That long?"

  "Stop." I place my hand on his chest. "It wasn't that long."

  "Then tell me. Since you were sixteen, seventeen?"

  I glance down, and he places his finger under my chin, tilting it to meet his eyes.

  "Thirteen," I answer with trepidation, embarrassed to admit it was since the first day I saw him, at ten years old.

  He holds my face, forcing me to look at him.

  "I've seriously never been so humbled and honored. You're my crush now."

  His lips meet mine, and it takes all my power not to pull him back to his room for round three. Instead, he opens the door.

  "I'll see you tonight. Text me where to meet you, and I'll be prepared for Tracy to be totally grossed out," he mimics his sister's words.

  I laugh slightly, kissing him quickly before walking out of his apartment.

  "Hey, girl!" Tracy says when I open the door to my apartment.

  She gives me a big hug, and then I show her around my new place.

  In my room, she sits on my bed and smiles lovingly at me. "I'm really proud of you, you know."

  "Thank you. Everything's happening so fast, but things have been good."

  "How is it going?" she asks, beating around the bush, not wanting to say it out loud.

  I shrug. "Good so far. I haven't really noticed anything yet. Since it's new, they don't really know what to expect."

  Tracy is the only person who knows the truth of where I go everyday. Tears form in her eyes that she quickly blinks away, so I change the subject to something way more exciting, for me anyway.

  "Something's happened I want to tell you about," I state with a grin.

  "Yeah?" She sits up, tucking her legs underneath her like she's bracing for the big news.

  "Something I never put on my list, because I didn't think it would ever happen in my wildest dreams."

  Her eyes widen. "You're killing me. What are you talking about?"


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