A Diamond For Christmas [Diamonds Are Forever Book 3]
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Julie glared at him but knew she wouldn't call the police. She hated that her body ached with need at the sight of him. He'd betrayed her. He'd lied to her to get her into his bed. The fact the sex was amazing didn't matter. She hated herself for wanting him again.
But she was weak. It had been two months since she'd been in his arms and everything inside her wanted his touch again.
"I can't do this, Max. It's over. I'm going to marry Rob."
"So I hear. And that's okay with me. But we have to settle things between us first."
"There's nothing to settle!” Julie cried. “Please go."
He could never know just how hard it was for her to move on even though she knew he wanted nothing more than sex. Max had become an addiction in the short time they were together. So much so that she'd come to hope they'd have a future.
"Lock the door,” he said softly.
"I will not."
Max got off the settee. His fingers curled around the hem of the golf shirt he was wearing and pulled it off.
Julie swallowed hard. “What the hell are you doing?” she asked frantically.
He tossed his shirt aside then his fingers went to the fly of his jeans. He pulled them down and pushed both his jeans and his briefs down his legs. He left them pooled at his feet. “I wonder what your mother will think when she sees me naked?"
Julie's eyes fell to his massive cock. It lay dormant for only a moment but came to life under the caress of her gaze. She tore her gaze away, focusing on his face again. “Are you insane?"
Max smiled and shrugged. “Some experts say yes, others no. It's debatable really."
A soft tap on the door caught Julie's attention. She frantically threw herself against the door, preventing her mother from opening it.
"Honey?” her mother called through the door.
"Yes?” she replied nervously.
"I think I've got the perfect dress. Let me in."
"I need a few minutes alone,” Julie said, hoping her mother wouldn't ask her to explain.
"Oh,” Sandra said. And then she whispered, “Is it a female thing?"
"Yes!” Julie said, so damn glad her mother had come up with a good explanation on her own even though she wasn't sure what the woman meant. “Just give me a few minutes."
"Take your time, dear. Louise and I are going to have tea.” Her mother's voice lowered again. “Sounds like her husband's up to his old tricks again, the poor thing."
Julie had no idea what old tricks Louise's husband was up to and, just now, she wasn't too concerned. The fact Max Diamond was standing naked in front of her was just about all she could handle at the moment.
Julie wasn't sure what she should do but she knew in her heart that she should not want Max. After she'd limped home, she quickly accepted Rob's proposal and resigned herself to the fact she was about to become the wife of the small-town doctor. It wasn't a bad thing. Rob was a good man, a trustworthy man. Steadfast and true, he'd make the perfect father for her children. The fact he was boring as all get out shouldn't matter. He was the man she'd learn to love and, her mother assured her, she'd one day look back and be glad she'd married him.
And then there was Max. The man had no scruples. He was all about having a good time...and at this moment, Julie was the good time he wanted.
It seemed she had few scruples too. Her hand reached for the door and locked it. Who could blame her for wanting Max one more time? It was just for old time's sake...one last tryst before she made a lifelong commitment to a man who made watching paint dry exciting.
Max's smile deepened as he walked toward her. Julie could not manage to push off the door she'd just locked. Her mind and body focused on Max, on how much she'd missed him and, most of all, how much she wanted him.
"I missed you,” he said as his arms wrapped around her. “You have no idea just how much."
When his ripe cock slid against her belly, hot and throbbing, Julie knew how much he'd missed her firsthand. She knew she should push him away, deny him what he'd come for. But his touch made her lose all her resolve. Her nipples peaked beneath the confines of her bra; her core moistened in anticipation of his touch.
And his kiss. Oh, those incredible lips. Soft but insistent, gentle but persuasive, the moment his mouth closed over hers, she knew she'd willingly give him anything he wanted.
Max didn't waste any time. Once she was under his erotic spell, he lifted her legs and wrapped them around his waist. She moaned when his fingers pressed between them to pry the crotch of her panties aside.
She gasped when she felt the tip of his cock against her moist slit. She needed him like never before and yet, with her back pressed against the door and her legs wrapped around his waist, she couldn't seem to maneuver her hips.
His mouth moved from her lips to her throat as one of his hands pushed her bra off her breasts. His fingers circled and then gently pinched one nipple before he moved to the other.
Julie felt powerless as she tried to move against him. “Max,” she cried, “I can't wait!"
His voice was muffled as he continued kissing her neck. “Can't wait for what?” he asked.
"Take me now,” she said urgently.
Max's mouth lifted and pressed a kiss on her lips. “You want me to fuck you?"
"Take me!” she cried urgently.
Suddenly her feet hit the floor and Max backed away from her. She blinked as he retreated and watched as he sank down on the settee. She felt like she'd been doused in ice-cold water as he calmly smiled at her. “Say it,” he said.
How had she let it come to this? He'd messed with her head for weeks and she'd thought she'd escaped him. But she hadn't, not really. Her body would always belong to him. Still, he wanted her to say a word she flat out hated. “No,” she said.
Max shrugged. “Okay.” He got up and retrieved his clothes. Turning his back to her, he started to step into his pants.
Julie could take no more. She said what he wanted to hear softly. “Fuck me."
Max turned to her. “Huh?"
Julie flew across the room at Max. He toppled on the settee on his back as she splayed her legs on either side of him. She didn't wait for him to settle before she impaled herself on his engorged cock. Her hands gripped his face as his girth filled her. She struggled to find her voice. “I said fuck me, damn you!"
"With pleasure,” he said through clenched teeth. And he did just that. He held her hips as he rammed his cock into her again and again. His fingers dug into her buttocks as he held her tight against him.
With each thrust, Julie felt her body convulse with sheer pleasure. Each move took her closer to sweet climax. When his hand delved between them and touched her swollen clit, her body let loose, shattering into a million pieces. She cried out when she felt his release, his molten-hot semen shooting into her. Her core contracted, milking his cock for every drop he had before she finally collapsed over him.
Max held her close as the tremors of their lovemaking slowly subsided. “You don't belong here,” he whispered in her ear. “Come back to Toronto with me."
Julie's heart clenched. She loved him with every fiber of her being. If only he loved her too. He betrayed her. He'd lied to her. As much as she wanted to be with him, she knew her place was here in Pencil.
"I can't.” Tears trickled down her cheeks as she held him close for the last time.
She pressed her fingers over his mouth. She shook her head sadly. “I just can't.” After today, she would never see him again. After today, she'd make a firm commitment to Rob.
Chapter 10
"Stop blaming yourself,” Alex said as he clapped his hand on Max's shoulder. “The coroner said Dad's heart was a ticking time bomb."
Unable to say a word, Max nodded, acknowledging his oldest brother's support as the pallbearers carried the casket to the gravesite.
When the shiny oak casket was finally in its place, the minister's solemn voice echoed over the crowd gathered to bid
farewell to Edward Diamond.
"Let us pray,” the minister said as he raised his hands in a silent command that everyone should bow their heads. “Beloved Lord, we humbly ask you to accept our brother, Edward Diamond, into your Heavenly arms..."
Would his father find Heaven? If he did, would he be accepted or turned away? Max's mind whirled. The memory of his father's death still fresh in his mind.
Edward had burst into Max's office, angry that Zack had accepted each and every one of the changes Max wanted to implement in the mail room. Edward's face was bright red; he yelled at Max, insisted he would single-handedly topple Diamond Industries with foolish spending.
He'd had enough of his father's antics. Even Zack knew Max was making an effort to make his mark with the company. But, when Max hotly defended himself, his father suddenly clutched his chest and fell to the floor. Max called 911 and began CPR. His father rallied for just a moment before the paramedics arrived. His eyes opened wide and he feebly beckoned Max to him. Max leaned over his father, knowing the old man was barely clinging to life. His voice was raspy, barely audible.
"You're nothing...” Unable to continue, Edward closed his eyes as what little life force he had left drained from his body.
When the minister finished his prayers, several people stepped forward to lay a rose on top of Edward's casket. A cold March wind chilled everyone as they turned to leave the graveyard. Yet Max stood in place.
"It's time to go,” Zack said as he laid a hand on Max's shoulder. “There's a lunch in the church basement."
"Go,” Max said. “I'll be there shortly. I just need a minute alone with Dad."
Zack said nothing as he turned to follow the crowd out of the cemetery to the church across the street.
Once Max was certain he was alone, he sat down on the chilly ground and curled his arms around his knees as he stared at his father's casket. “You were never much of a father to me,” he said. “I want to hate you but I just can't. You're my father and no matter how rotten you were as a dad, I will always love you. I'm just sorry your dying words were so hateful."
"What did your father say?"
Max wasn't sure if he'd heard the soft voice or if he was imagining things. He twisted to see Julie standing just a few feet away. She looked even more beautiful than he remembered.
"What are you doing here?” he asked.
"When I heard Edward passed away, I wanted to make sure you were okay,” she replied as she walked to his side and then sank down beside him. “You didn't answer my question. What did your father say to you before he died?"
Max tried to ignore how close Julie was. She was a married woman now and even though he'd dallied with married women in his past, he'd since turned over a new leaf. “He said I was nothing."
Julie took a deep breath in and let it out slowly. “That's what he told me too,” she said.
Max frowned. “What the hell are you talking about?"
Tears trickled down Julie's cheeks as she looked at the casket. “A week ago, your father called me. It was the night before my wedding and he told me that I was about to make a huge mistake. He said I was nothing without you."
"So you think his last words to me..."
"Yes,” Julie replied. “Your father died before he could tell you how he felt. If I'm nothing without you, then you're nothing without me."
Was it possible? Was his father really trying to tell him to find Julie and make a life with her?
Odds were his old man had no good intentions. But the fact Julie had come to him, was now sitting at his side as he struggled to say goodbye to his father, spoke volumes.
Max took Julie's hand and rose, drawing her up with him. As he led her away from the gravesite, his fingers tightened around her hand.
"So you didn't get married?"
"No,” she replied.
Max stopped and drew her into his arms. “I'm sorry for what I did,” he said. “I did want you in my bed and I made promises I knew I couldn't keep to get you there. I deceived you and you have every right to hate me."
"But I don't hate you,” Julie said. “I know you don't want to hear this but I love you with every fiber of my being."
Max swallowed hard, unsure how to reply. “Julie,” he said, his voice low. “I can't promise you anything. I'm not sure I have what it takes to truly love someone."
"I understand,” she said as she rested her head on his chest. “All I ask is that you give me today and maybe tomorrow. If you tire of me, I'll accept it."
Max wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. As his lips settled on hers, he knew one thing for sure...he would never tire of her. Not today, not tomorrow...not ever. He may never be able to find the words to assure her but he hoped his touch, his body and, giving his soul to her, would eventually convince Julie that she would never live a day without him again.
"I have to get to the hall,” he said. “I told my brothers I'd be there soon."
Sea blue eyes gazed up at him. “I saw Geoffrey with the limo. Do you want me to wait there for you?"
"No,” Max said as he took her hand and led her to the church hall. “Our future begins today. We'll take it on together."
Peggy Hunter lives in midwestern Ontario with her husband and son. An animal lover, you can bet you'll find lots of critters roaming the farm...and, much to her husband's chagrin, some can be found in the house too.
Peggy is thrilled to see the release of the third Diamonds Are Forever book. She especially loved writing Max's story and came to the end with just a bit of sorrow. Having fallen in love with the Diamond men and their stories, Peggy thinks there's a chance we may see them again one day. Let's hope so!
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