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Daddy’s Best Friend

Page 9

by Crowne, K. C.

  Jeremiah gently removed my hand, and for a second, I thought he might be stopping me. But he dropped to his knees onto the floor. He pushed my thighs apart, burying his head between them. His fingers parted my lips, and his tongue… oh God, his tongue found just the right spot to make my entire body tremble like an earthquake.

  He licked me, slow and languorously, as if he were savoring it. As if he was enjoying it and never wanted it to end.

  The feeling was mutual.

  His nails bit into the flesh of my hips, holding me in place as he licked ferociously. His tongue was buried deep inside of me, tasting me from the inside out. My hands gripped the back of his head, pressing him into me. My legs were now draped over his shoulders, heels digging into his back.

  “Jeremiah, yes,” I whimpered. “Don’t stop, please don’t stop.”

  Not that he was giving me any indication of stopping. He was licking and fucking me with his tongue like it was his job. He knew all the right spots to hit, the rhythm to bring me right to the brink.

  My nails dug into his scalp as I cried out. My orgasm hit me hard and fast, taking me by surprise. I would normally have tried to be quiet for the babies’ sake, but I didn’t have time to prepare.

  I threw my head back and let the pleasure wash over me. I couldn’t believe I was here, orgasming because of my dad’s best friend’s tongue. The man of my dreams.

  As soon as my orgasm subsided, I pulled on his hair.

  “Come up here,” I said, my voice still shaky. “Now.”

  Jeremiah stood up, but he wasn’t standing for long. I pulled him onto the bed, on top of me. Our bodies crashed together. I wrapped my legs around him, everything pressing against him. His lips met mine, and I tasted myself on him.

  You’d think my orgasm would have sated me, but it did nothing but light the flame inside me. I needed more of him.

  His cock rubbed against me, teasing my opening and stroking my clit. I reached down, gripped him with my hand, and guided him to where he needed to go.

  Jeremiah thrust into me with a deep, satisfied groan. He buried himself inside, balls deep, with one thrust. He stayed that way for a second, letting our bodies get used to the sensation.

  I wondered if I’d ever get used to his thickness stretching me, but the feeling of him sheathed inside me was amazing. I clenched my Kegels around me, squeezing and releasing, which brought out another lengthy groan.

  “Jesus, you’re going to be the death of me, Elle” he growled, before slowing rocking back and forth, moving in and out of me.

  Our bodies found our own perfect rhythm. Jeremiah began moving faster, thrusting deeper and deeper and hitting all the right spots. Every thrust, I arched upward to meet him. We were in perfect harmony, and nothing had ever felt so perfect in my life.

  He rested his forehead against mine and stared into my eyes. He took my hands in his, pressing them against the bed as he continued fucking me. It was so intimate. So perfect. It was like my first time all over again. Which was even more perfect, since I’d always wanted my first time to be with him.

  So many emotions bubbled to the surface. I wanted to tell him I loved him, but it was too soon. Too soon? Yes, Elle. But you’ve known him your entire life. Yes, but not like this.

  I’d never had sex like this before, with so much depth. So much emotion. And I saw the care in his eyes he had for me. Maybe it wasn’t love in a romantic sense, yet, but he did love me.

  He would always take care of me.

  My pussy spasmed as another orgasm washed over me. I clung to Jeremiah, my eyes fighting to close, but I wanted to look in his eyes.

  I wanted him to see what he did to me. How he made me feel.

  I writhed underneath him, only held in place by his strong body. I came once, then twice, then a third time. I’d never had multiple orgasms before, but something about him kept pushing me to the edge, over and over again.

  His face contorted into a look of bliss, and I knew he was close too.

  “Cum inside me,” I begged. Maybe I should have been more careful, maybe I should have thought about what I was asking, but in the moment, all I wanted was for him to fill me with his cum. A primal urge I couldn’t explain even if I tried.

  Jeremiah let out a guttural growl and buried his cock deep in my pussy. His jaw clenched tightly. His face twisted into a look that one only gets in the throes of orgasm.

  “Yes, yes, yes,” I screamed, cumming because he was. Knowing that I could do this for him was so hot, and knowing that he was filling me with his seed, even more so.

  We came together, and it was the most intense orgasm I’d ever had.

  From the way Jeremiah collapsed on top of me, barely holding himself up and breathing like he’d run a marathon, I had to imagine it was pretty intense for him too.

  “Jesus,” he said after a moment, lifting his head to look me in the eye. He kissed the tip of my nose before sliding out of me and rolling over to lay beside me.

  He pulled me close, wrapping his arms firmly around my body. My head pressed against his chest, and his heart thundered loudly in my ear.

  I had so many questions. Not just about Lauren and the case, but about Jeremiah’s change of heart toward me.

  So many questions, but I wasn’t sure if I wanted to know the answers. I didn’t want to ruin the moment. So instead, I rested against him in silence, listening to his breathing until it slowed and became rhythmic.

  Eventually, I joined him in sleep.


  I awoke to the sun streaming in the windows, and to an empty bed, and it wasn’t mine.

  I was in Jeremiah’s bed, in his house.

  I’d never seen his bedroom before and hadn’t really looked at it the night before. I ran a hand over the down comforter wrapped around me. I fell asleep uncovered, but somehow ended wrapped up, safe and warm. A smile formed on my face as I pictured Jeremiah making sure I was taken care of before he headed into the other room to care for the twins.

  Everything about his room was comfortable. Probably because everything in his room felt like Jeremiah. The headboard was carved from wood, likely by his own hand. There was a dresser made from the same wood in the corner, with the same intricate details as the headboard. An ottoman was at the end of the bed with his work boots sitting upon it. A desk against the window with photos caught my eye.

  There was one with him and my dad fishing. I was only about eight at the time and standing with them, smiling with a tiny, pathetic fish at the end of my reel. I remembered that day; I’d been so proud of my fish. Jeremiah had helped me clean it, but I quickly learned I didn’t have the stomach for that sort of thing. We ate my fish that night, and it sealed it for me - I didn’t have the heart or the stomach for it.

  But I remembered how Jeremiah had been so patient, even though my fish was nothing compared to the ones he and my father had caught. He made such a big deal about it.

  A smile crossed my lips as I thought back to those days. We were all so young, even Jeremiah. My father had been a young father, having me at the age of twenty. Which meant that in that photo, Jeremiah and my father were the same age as I was now.

  I heard footsteps in the hallway and turned my attention to the doorway. Jeremiah entered, fully dressed for the day, minus his work boots.

  I nibbled my lip, unsure how the morning would go. Would Jeremiah have regrets again? Would he kick me out?

  But he smiled at me as he entered. “Well hello there, Sleeping Beauty.”

  I sat up in his bed and let out a yawn. “What time is it?”

  “Just after ten.”

  “What?” I screeched, pulling the blankets off me. “Why didn’t you wake me? I have to be at work—”

  He chuckled. “It’s Saturday, Elle.”

  There was some relief, but not much. I usually still went in to work on the weekends, but there was a less strict schedule. I could go in at noon if I wanted to. Though I usually didn’t. I preferred getting in early so I still had some sem
blance of a Saturday left.

  I leaned back against the bed and joined Jeremiah in the chuckling. I didn’t bother to cover myself.

  Jeremiah noticed that right away, his laughter stopping. His eyes were as hungry as they had been the night before, taking in my naked body in full daylight. I took care of myself, and I took great pride in my appearance, so yes, maybe I was intentionally showing it off.

  I wanted to wash away any doubts he might have. I wanted to remind him that I was a grown woman, not the child in the photograph on his desk.

  “Elle, we need to talk about—”

  I held up a hand to stop him. “I know, but before you say it was a mistake, please listen to me.” I waited, expecting him to stop me and continue telling me it was a mistake. I continued. “Jeremiah, it’s clear that we have something. We can’t resist each other, no matter how hard we try. And I know you try. Maybe it’s time to admit there’s chemistry here, and there’s nothing wrong with that. I’m a grown woman, you’re a grown man, and we have something special, clearly.”

  I took a breath and waited for him to argue with me. But he didn’t say anything. He walked toward me and sat down on the bed. He opened his mouth to say something when the baby monitor on the end table next to the bed sounded the alarm in the guise of a baby’s cries.

  “Naptime is over,” he said with a chuckle. He was grinning, not arguing with me. There was no defensiveness. Nothing like I expected.

  He hadn’t responded, but he also hadn't disagreed.

  Which considering it was Jeremiah, that was a damned good sign.

  “Need my help?” I asked.

  “Nah, I’ve got it.”

  “Alright,” I said with a nod. “I think I need to head into the office for a bit.”

  Jeremiah nodded and left the room. I proceeded to get dressed, thinking over the last part of our conversation. As I stepped out of the room and into the living room, Jeremiah had his hands full, but both girls were content and no longer crying.

  I wanted to stay and spend the entire day with them, but I had to look over the articles for the next week’s paper. I had work to do.

  And I didn’t want to push my luck with Jeremiah either.


  “Brody Pearson was called in today,” Sam announced, sitting across from me at my dining room table. “Is there anything he might tell the Feds that could be a problem for you?”

  Brody Pearson was a young, spoiled, entitled brat. The son of a developer, he’d been born with a golden spoon in his mouth. Not even thirty yet and already worth millions, thanks to daddy giving him a job that he otherwise wouldn’t have landed on his own because he was a doofus.

  He had no work ethic. Hell, he had no ethics, period.

  I shrugged. “Nope. Never dealt with the kid. Can’t stand him. His father isn’t much better, though.”

  “Did you meet with either of them?”

  I sighed. “I met with them early on, when they first came to town. They asked to meet with me to discuss new development they had planned for Liberty. Once I heard their plans and realized that, like the other developers who caused problems in this town, they wanted the lithium in the ground - well, I told them they could take their pretentious asses right out of Liberty.”

  “You didn’t take any bribes to work with them, maybe give them priority over development deals?”

  “Hell no. I don’t want that garbage ruining Liberty. Do you really think I’m like that?”

  Sam shook his head. “I know, Jeremiah. I know you’re not like that. I just have to ask the questions I’d ask any client.”

  One of the babies cried out, giving me a reason to step away. I knew Sam was telling the truth - he had to ask. He couldn’t assume anything. But I hated having my ethics questioned, especially by someone I considered a friend.

  I hated that anyone would think I would work with trash like that.

  I left the dining room and walked into the nursery. Amelia was sleeping peacefully, in spite of her sister’s cries. I picked up Grace and double-checked Amelia, just to be sure she was fine. Being a new parent was scary, especially when I had no idea what I was doing. She was still breathing, just sleeping deeply. Maybe she was learning to sleep through the noise. If so, that might make things easier for me.

  I rocked Grace in my arms, talking to her in soft tones, when Sam’s voice piped up from the doorway.

  “Have you thought about who might care for the girls if you do see jail time?”

  I cringed. “No, because I’m not going to see jail time.”

  As I spoke the words, I knew I needed a plan. Just in case. I had to take care of these girls, no matter what. I had to plan for the worst and hope for the best.

  “Do you know—”

  “Can we talk about this out there?” I pointed to the hallway.

  Amelia was sleeping, Grace was slowly going back to sleep. But it wasn’t just that. I couldn’t bring myself to talk about this in front of my girls. They were still too young to fully understand what was happening, but I still couldn’t do it.

  Sam nodded and stepped out into the hallway.

  Grace fell back to sleep in my arms, and as much as it pained me to put her down, I knew I had to finish my meeting with Sam.

  I had to clear my name. Not just for me, but for them too.

  I exited the room and closed the door behind me, meeting Sam back in the dining room.

  “You seem distracted today. Is everything okay?”

  Is everything okay? Is he fucking serious? Of course it’s not okay, I thought. I’m being accused of crimes I didn’t commit. My good name is being trashed. I might see jail time and lose my girls. And that didn’t even touch on the fact that I was sleeping with my best friend’s daughter. That was my own doing, my own fault - and I found that I felt less and less guilty about it as time passed. But it still weighed on me.

  “Yeah, just a lot on my mind,” I answered. “I think that’s to be expected, considering the circumstances.”

  Sam didn’t take a seat at the table, so neither did I.

  I wasn’t sure there was much more to discuss until we knew more about Brody’s statement. His father had been brought in earlier in the week but hadn’t said much. It would be nice if one of them managed to clear my name, but I wasn’t holding my breath.

  “Alright then,” Sam said, picking up his suitcase. “If you need to talk, you know where to find me. And if you figure out who you’d like to appoint as a legal guardian for the twins, I can draft something up for you.”

  I nodded. “Thanks, Sam. I’ll give it some thought.”

  There was only one person I could think about that I’d trust with my girls. Someone I knew who would love them the way I did. A lump formed in my throat as I thought about the possibility of leaving them, but it made me feel better to imagine Elle caring for them in my place.

  I saw Sam out and returned to the nursery. Both girls were sleeping peacefully now. They were little angels with delicate, pale skin and downy soft hair. They were still so tiny, as most twins are born premature. They weren’t born too early; we were lucky they didn’t have to stay in the hospital too long. Just a few extra days while Grace put some weight on. She was smaller than her sister, but only by a few ounces now.

  They grew so fast. And even if I went to jail for only a few months, I’d miss so much. I couldn’t bear to think about it, but I knew I had to make the call.

  I stepped out of the nursery and stared at my phone, preparing to dial Elle’s number.

  Was I really doing this? Not just asking Elle to care for my girls, but everything else I was doing with her. After she left that morning, I thought about it long and hard.

  She was right. We did have something.

  I couldn’t resist her; she was everything I wanted in a woman. But she was supposed to be off-limits.

  Didn’t mean I could resist her, though. Seeing her all worked up, so passionate to clear my name and do the right thing, I couldn’t stop mys
elf from kissing her. She was wrong about Lauren being involved, but that didn’t matter.

  She was doing it all for me. Well, for me and my girls. Which is why I knew this was the right thing to do.

  I dialed the number and pressed the phone to my ear.

  She answered on the first ring. “Jeremiah? Is everything okay?”

  “Yeah, everything is fine. But we need to talk.”

  She was quiet for a second. “Okay… is this about last night?”

  “Not really. It’s about my girls. Listen, it’s easier if we talk in person. Do you mind coming over?”

  “Not at all. I’ll be right there. I’m just leaving the office now.”

  “Perfect. Thank you, Elle.”

  We got off the phone, and I went into the living room to wait. I relaxed into the sofa, running a hand across my chin and beard. What are you doing, Jeremiah? Carl would kill you.

  Would he though, I wondered? If I treated his daughter well, made sure she was happy and taken care of, would it really matter?

  Of course I had no answer for that. Kind of hard to ask a dead man for permission to date his daughter.


  Elle was dressed down compared to her usual work attire. A pair of grey dress slacks, a light pink silk top similar to the one from a few days before, but with some lace detail at the collar and sleeves. The same pink and grey scarf was tied around her neck. A light grey wool coat completed the ensemble, along with matching grey hat and gloves since it was pretty cold outside.

  “Brr,” she said, stepping into the house. “The snow is really coming down.”

  “There’s a fire going,” I told her. “Come on. Let’s get you in the living room.

  I helped her out of her jacket, hanging it in the hall closet. She removed her gloves and hat, and even though she’d just been wearing a hat, her blonde hair still looked as flawless as ever. I’m not even sure how she did it, but she never looked not put together.

  Except she had bedhead this morning, I remembered. And God, it was so sexy.


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