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Office Hours

Page 3

by Sam Crescent

  “She wouldn’t have come to my room.”

  “Next time I’ll leave you to the calculating mind of women, but this weekend is about team-building not about sex,” she answered, before moving into her own room and shutting him out. After all, she was a woman. She knew the calculating minds of her own sex, which was why she worked damned hard to carve out her own respect.

  Some serious private time was needed. She slammed her case onto the bed, unlocked the clasps and unzipped the case lid, flipping it open.

  Oh, no.

  Anya rummaged through the clothes, the underwear.

  It was like some sick joke out of a sit-com.

  She shook her head and clicked the locks back into place, then went back to the door connecting her room and Boss Man’s. Building up her courage, she opened the door. At the end of the bed Nathan stood with a bright purple, seven-inch Heartthrob vibrating dildo in his hand and her various styles of crotchless panties and peep-hole bras in a range of colours spread across the bed along with her other clothes and very special toys.

  Smiling, Anya brought in his case and placed it gently on the bed. “You found Tim.” She saw him gulp, looking from the fake cock to her, and back again.

  “You brought a dildo with you?”

  “Shh.” Anya placed a finger against his dry lips. “You’ll hurt his feelings.”

  She picked up her clothes and shoved them into the suitcase.

  “Why do you need this?” His question stopped her for a second. Turning, she gave him her full attention. She contemplated telling him the truth, weighing up the consequences. Fuck it, he’d brought her on this trip, he could deal with the truth. He was a big grown man.

  “Since my very bossy boss told me I had to go on this team-building crap, my weekend of getting fucked went out of the window. So I brought reinforcements. I love cock, Mr Banks, and you have stopped me getting my dose.”

  She took the purple pleasure device from his motionless fingers and left with her head held high.

  She closed the door once again, laughing.

  Oh, did she need some quiet girl time.

  Nathan couldn’t move. His feet felt glued to the floor. Licking dry lips, he stared from where she’d stood a few moments ago to the door she’d shut firmly behind her. His body tense, his mind ran riot with thoughts of her, right now, at this very second, lying naked, spread across the frilly bed, penetrating her pussy with that poor excuse for a cock.

  What could he do? He fisted his hands at his sides to keep himself from rushing into the next room to show her what a real cock felt like. Sweat beaded on his forehead even though the room had a chill. He couldn’t walk in. Over and over, he ran those instructions through his head. The other part of him, the dominant one, thought, She wants you. Take her. She’s yours. Brand her so no other man will touch her. Shaking his head, he paced, trying to use up the adrenaline that was speeding through his veins, making his cock as hard as rock. His skin was itchy with the need for release—her tempting smell in the confines of the car and now this, it was too much.

  Looking into the mirror he could see the crazed animal banging against his sides trying to get out, the primal instinct to go and mark her. Jesus, he was a human being.

  He kicked off his clothes and walked around his room, proud and naked, his shaft hard, forcing him to take himself in hand. Standing in front of the vanity mirror, he began to fuck his hand. Pointing the mirror down, he watched his hand working himself, but pictured Anya on her knees in front of him, pleasuring herself as she took him in her generous mouth.

  In the next room, Anya lay naked on her bed, her fingers gleaming with her pussy juice, the purple cock fucking its way into her to the tempo of her wrist. Her fantasy was of Nathan kneeling before her, his dark head between her naked thighs, his tongue working her aching pussy, tonguing her sensitive clit. Moaning aloud, Anya climaxed intensely, but was filled with a sudden disappointment that it was not by the man to whom she was feeling an overwhelming attraction.

  Nathan knocked on her door several hours later, waiting impatiently for a response, on edge, wondering if she was masturbating. What was she doing? He tapped on the door again, listening.

  “I’m coming, I’m coming,” she repeated, then opened the door. “Good evening, Mr Banks.” Her cheeky smile tempted him with its secrets.

  “We’re needed downstairs.” He turned, heading down the hall. Nathan heard the door close, and the sound of feet rushing towards him.

  “Wait up, grumpy.”

  He stopped suddenly, causing her to careen into his back.

  “I’m not grumpy.” He didn’t like the idea of her thinking he was grumpy.

  “If the cap fits…” He lost it. Turning and taking hold of her arms, he pushed her up against the nearest wall, crowding her. His entire body blocked her in. Her eyes widened, but he could see clearly in her eyes that she was not afraid. Instead, intrigue swarmed in their depths. Desire, maybe?

  “I’m not grumpy,” he reinforced. He moved his hands up to either side of her head. No flinching, no darting eyes, no fear whatsoever.

  “If you say so,” she teased. She brought her hands up to grab his chest and a quiver of excitement from her touch worked through his body. She purred at his reaction.

  “You’re testing dangerous ground, Miss King,” he told her, holding her hands steady against his rapidly beating heart.

  “I love dangerous. Dangerous is fun.”

  Oh God. He was losing himself. He could feel it. This passion smoking inside her, teasing him, calling to him, begging him to see her, to release her to him and him alone.

  “You have no idea what I could do to you,” he whispered, a breath away from touching her lips.

  “According to rumour, Mr Banks, there is nothing you could do to satisfy me.” She chuckled, loving his frown, the darkness in his features making him all the more tempting.

  “We’re wanted, sir.” She raised an eyebrow and stood back, leaving him bewildered.

  Nathan followed, keeping a safe distance that gave him an excellent view of her tight arse as she sashayed up to the bar.

  He joined her, making sure his body made contact at all times. Her essence was driving him crazy with lust. So she’d heard the rumours he’d made sure had spread like wildfire around the office. They had worked well. No more bored nobodies tried to get into his bed. Objective complete, now he had the element of surprise on his side.

  “What can I get you?” the barman asked them, his eyes eating Anya.

  Putting a possessive arm around her shoulders, the statement, She’s mine, back off, running through his mind, Nathan said, “I’ll have a glass of your finest whisky. What will it be, baby, white wine?” Using her tactics from earlier. He saw her scowl but he continued stroking her shoulder.

  “I don’t drink, honey-plum. Just water for me, thanks.”

  “Come on, sugar lips, just one drink,” he coaxed.

  “No, just water, thank you.” She dazzled the barman with a sultry smile. He nodded, getting the order.

  Nathan kept his arm around her refusing to let her go.

  “Elaborate display, Mr Banks.”

  “Payback, Miss King.”

  He rather enjoyed this little game.

  “Oh, right.” Anya smirked, not moving or trying to untangle herself from his grip. He kept stroking her arm.

  “Whisky for you, sir. Plain, bottled water for the lady.” The barman gently placed their order in front of them.

  Anya reached out, holding the barman’s hand in place. “Sorry to be such a bother, but how do we get food here? Having been travelling for some time and my boss here being pretty demanding—he wants my full attention in the bedroom—I’m famished. Not allowed to eat food when other stuff is on the menu.” Anya swallowed her smile, hearing Nathan choking on his whisky. Two can play at that game.

  The barman blushed, looking between them, unsure what to do.

  “Um…u…um,” he stammered. “I’ll get you a me

nu.” He moved away at speed.

  Unscrewing the lid on her water bottle, she smiled innocently at Nathan.

  “Nathan…” They both turned at the greeting. A couple rushed over to them. Discreetly, he removed his arm, hoping against hope Anya behaved herself.

  “Linda, Andrew.”

  “And who is this delightful creature?” They turned their attention towards Anya.

  Anya stood, greeting them, “I’m Anya King, his ever-so-efficient personal assistant.”

  “Well, he spoke well of you, my dear, but he didn’t tell us how gorgeous you were,” Linda charmed.

  “Anyway, how are your rooms?” she asked.


  “Too frilly.”

  Nathan scowled at her again, but she refused to back down.

  “Too frilly—I agree, dear. I keep trying to get that room changed, but never get round to it.” Anya smiled, liking the couple immensely.

  “Well, enjoy your meal, and we’ll see you both at five tomorrow morning.”

  Anya waved goodbye, her face falling.

  “Five, like five in the morning?”

  “Yep, we’ll see how clever you feel then.”

  Anya pulled faces behind his back, feeling childish and silly.

  They ate, discussing work topics, keeping their personal life—such as it was—separate. Anya had to acknowledge they worked well together.

  By nine o’clock they were ascending the stairs.

  “Do you want a wake-up call?” he asked, not wanting the moment they were sharing to end.

  “No, I should be able to handle waking up. See you at five, Mr Banks.”

  Chapter Three

  The following morning, about six couples assembled outside in the freezing cold, Anya and Nathan included. Anya kept moving around, jumping up and down, even without her caffeine hit, shaking her hands, oblivious to the funny looks being shot her way, trying her damnedest to stay warm.

  Nathan, aware of the looks, harshly told her, “Will you stop fidgeting?”

  Giving him a glare but continuing her pattern of jump, jump, jump, skip and shake, she said, “I’m bloody cold. I’m trying to warm up. Grumpy,” she added for good measure.

  He scowled, opening his arms wide. “Come here. We’ll warm up together.” Anya raised an eyebrow. Nathan countered her eyebrow raise with one of his own. She thought about it for a split second. She refused to look a gift horse in the mouth, not being childish, so she went into his arms willingly. Anya would do anything to stay warm, even smooch up to her grumpy boss. His arms enfolded her, his heat hitting her cold limbs instantly.

  His smell teased her, invading her senses just like he’d invaded her dreams the previous night. Hot, scorching passion. She nuzzled in closer to his wide chest, his presence calming her.

  “Well done! Our first couple working as a team,” Linda cheered them. “Part of working together is helping your partner to stay warm, even using each other as heat sources. Well done.”

  Anya could feel the death stares all the way through her back. She snuggled closer, Nathan’s protection surrounding her. He rubbed her back.

  “Right! Thank you all for coming. You’re all aware this course is based on struggling couples. We want to show you how working together can make your relationship stronger.”

  Anya turned, keeping in close contact with Nathan, her own personal heat source, but giving her full attention to Linda.

  Well, almost her full attention.

  “You’ll be given a sack which contains a tent for both of you as well as a map and a compass, and another holding food and water. One sack each. You’ll be driven no further than ten miles from this location, and you’ll be expected to walk back. Phones have one call available for when you wish to terminate the experiment and come straight back here, or if you get lost and need collection. They’re also equipped to make calls to the emergency services, but we’ve never had any injuries or accidents on this course. Good luck—the cars are waiting for you round the front.”

  Anya smiled at the man handing out the sacks.

  “Which sack do you want?” Nathan offered.

  “What choice do I have?” She mourned the loss of his touch.

  “Food or tent.”

  “I’ll have the food.”

  They took their chosen sacks and made their way over to one of the cars.

  Nathan helped her into the car and followed behind her, locking the cold away.

  “Okay, who should navigate?” Nathan asked, getting out the map and compass.

  “I’ll pass and let you navigate us, Boss Man.” Nathan thought they needed a better working relationship? Well he could be responsible for finding their way home.

  The ride in the car lasted thirty minutes. Anya had no idea where they were—tall trees and miles upon miles of fields dominated the view. Sighing, Anya heaved her tired body out of the warm, comfortable interior of the luxurious car.

  “You have your sacks and call phone?” asked the driver. They nodded. “Okay, head that way.” The driver departed, leaving Anya envious of the warmth of the car.

  “Right, Mr Banks,” Anya heaved the sack onto her back. “Where do we start?”

  Bloody good question. Nathan turned full circle, trying to decipher which would be the best route to take. Everything looked the bloody same.

  He blocked out all the noise—the sounds of the wind howling, the light, wet drizzle of rain. Still in the pitch black, Anya shone the torch on the map.

  “A little light makes reading a lot easier, or so I’ve been told,” Anya mocked.

  “I’m not in the mood, Anya.” He pulled her hand to the right angle so he could see more clearly.

  “I wasn’t the one to suggest this weekend. Remember that when you lose us up a silly hill.”

  “Okay, we need to continue along this road and then cross the field and head through the forest.” Anya pulled her hand away and followed by his side. Silence descended upon them, the darkness beginning to slowly disappear as the morning light increased. The direness of their situation was too much for Anya.

  “So you consider this fun?” she queried.


  “Maybe. Maybe, what kind of answer is that?”

  “What are you doing with a purple dildo?” he countered.

  “I needed to come,” she answered straight away. They were on her time—she would not hide or be ashamed of who she was.

  “Yes, I like the great outdoors,” he said, finally answering her question.

  “You know that normal people enjoy going on hikes or trails in warm, sunny weather as opposed to winter, two weeks before Christmas? Why did you decide we needed this trip anyway? I mean, I thought we got on really well, a good business relationship. Thank you.” He opened the gate for her and she stood waiting for him, shining the torch so he could see where he was walking.

  She looked incredibly cute with her winter walking clothes on and the huge sack crowding her small frame. He thought about her question as they made their way over the wet field, warmth from the exercise fast replacing the cold.

  “I was intrigued by the general idea of helping couples and thought any help would be good help, Anya. Nothing to do with our skills at all, more a way of trying to improve them.”

  Anya took a moment to reflect on his words. “I’m sorry if I’ve been hard on you. What you’ve just said sounds reasonable,” she said.

  Nathan nodded. He could hear how genuine she sounded. “Why have you been acting differently, Anya?”

  Nathan didn’t mind the change in her. In fact he liked the little fire-cracker—hot, passionate and fierce. Everything he loved in a woman. Especially a woman who was not afraid to speak her mind.

  “When I’m in the office, I’m in a working environment. It’s important to my career to be professional. I respect the structure of the working life. Now, though, it’s my time and so I act how I am, but come Monday at nine o’clock the professional Miss King will be back. When I fin
ish work, whether at five or after overtime, I’m in my own time and Anya comes back. Me. This is me, this is who I am, and I’m not ashamed. I refuse to hide behind anything, not even my position at work.” From the force with which she spoke, Nathan had no doubt she was telling the truth.

  They walked in companionable silence until they hit the forest. At the edge they stopped for Nathan to have a quick look at the map. Anya put away her torch as the first rays of sunlight hit the horizon, beginning to light up their day. With each breath, steam erupted from their mouths. Nathan saw her watching the sunrise, peaceful, tranquil.

  “Beautiful, don’t you think?” he enquired, curious about her thoughts.

  She nodded, not moving or turning away, simply enjoying the carefree moment. “Breathtaking.”

  He came to stand beside her, his body close to hers so she would not feel the chill of the morning. Her slight body seemed so vulnerable in the cold, he wanted to enfold her in his arms, protect her from everything.

  “Do you have that feeling, like it’s going to snow?” Her frown betrayed her concern.

  “I don’t think it’s going to snow. In fact I’m one hundred percent certain it’s not.” The moment the words had left his lips, Nathan wished with all of his might he could take them back.

  He saw her shake her head.

  “Right. Where to next, sir?” She saluted him with a smile.

  Laughing at her joke, Nathan took her hand, leading the way through the forest.

  “It’s dark in here,” She mumbled to herself.

  “I’ll keep all the big, bad creatures away from you,” he teased.

  They concentrated on the path in front of them, avoiding the old rabbit holes, puddles and fallen trees on the ground before them, being extra careful to take only small steps so neither of them got hurt.

  When the path cleared for a few feet, Anya began talking. “So, do we win anything?”


  “Just wondered if we’ll win anything for being the first couple back?”

  “I believe, Miss King, that what we’ll win will be the experience.”

  “Call me Anya.”


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