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Office Hours

Page 7

by Sam Crescent

  “Are you two just work colleagues?” Linda asked, coming to stand next to her, knowing Anya had been watching him.

  She must think I’m some sort of horrid stalker—be careful of your bunny rabbits, kiddies.

  “Yes, I’m his personal assistant.”

  “Nothing more…personal?”

  Anya smiled. “No. I don’t believe in mixing business and pleasure. I’m sure you can understand, as a woman yourself.”

  “Yes, times may have changed so that women can work in competitive fields, but there are some who are willing to use woman-ness to their advantage.”

  Chuckling, Anya queried, “‘Woman-ness’?”

  “You may not mix business with pleasure, and I’ve only known Nathan for a short time, but I can already see a change in him, and if you ask me it’s the change of a man in love. This weekend has changed you both. I can see it. Nathan is in love with you and, unless I’m very much mistaken, you’re in love with him too.”

  Her first instinct was to deny it but then, needing another woman to understand her pain, she nodded, tears springing to her eyes as her heart danced a riot in her chest. “How can anybody live with this kind of pain?” she croaked out.

  “At least talk to him. My dear, he loves you.”

  “And if you’re wrong? What do I do then?”

  Linda took her in her arms, holding her to her chest, comforting her as a mother would a child.

  “You’re a beautiful, bright, intelligent woman. If he doesn’t see that, then he’s not worth it.”

  Linda comforted her for some time, until Nathan knocked on the door and escorted her down to her car that would take her home.

  Chapter Five

  Monday Morning

  Anya couldn’t keep her eyes off the numbers of the lift as they lit up, each one taking her closer to her floor.

  When she’d got home last night, she had immediately called to terminate her pleasure weekend membership, tearing up the tickets she kept locked in her safe at home. But questions, anxieties rioted around her brain, scaring her. What if this weekend had just been a fling? A one-time only affair? Could she bear to go through it all again, through the pain, the heartache if it turned out to be a one-time only deal?

  She couldn’t think like that. She was Anya King. Anya King didn’t feel those emotions. She knew better.

  Her bravado lasted several seconds, until the ping of the lift alerted her to the fact she was finally at her floor.

  Head held high, she smiled at everyone, greeting the people who acknowledged her but heading straight for her desk.

  Calm, think calm.

  Nothing seemed out of place and, with the shaking at a minimum, she started up her computer to check through her emails.

  Nathan could see her through the glass, her glorious red hair tied back in that horrid bun. His heart raced—he felt like a kid in a sweet shop when she’d walked into the office. The simple white blouse and knee-length black skirt did nothing for his raging cock. He shifted in his seat, trying to get comfortable without destroying his view of the delectable Miss King. Remembering the way her legs had fitted snugly around his waist as he ploughed into her, he wanted her again—forever. He didn’t want to think about life without her. She completed him. Everything had happened so fast, from being rescued from the abandoned house to leaving the hotel—well, the pub—to taking her home. No chance to talk, no opportunity to find out what was going to happen with their relationship.

  He stood up and sat down, stood up and sat down, indecision warring in his mind.

  The knock at the door had his heart careening out of his chest.

  “Come in,” he called.

  “Hello, sir, I’m here to collect your Secret Santa?” Disappointment spilled through him.

  He pulled out the parcel he’d purchased the night before and placed it inside the bag of goodies while Rachel kept her eyes averted.

  Anya stood behind her, waiting, her smiled excited. Rachel greeted Anya and then left, closing the door behind her.

  For several minutes, Anya and Nathan stood gazing at each other, assessing, deciding who should be the first to speak.


  “I…” They both spoke at the same time. Nathan smiled, but Anya moved forwards handing him his mail and coffee. As she went to retreat, he took hold of her wrist in a firm grip. He heard her gasp, but she still refused to look at him.

  “What’s going on, Anya?” Serious, he caressed her.

  “Nothing, Mr Banks.” She tried to pull away.

  “No,” he ordered. Still holding on to her wrist, he got up from his seat and walked around the desk until he stood before her, towering over while she stood between the hard desk and his hard body. He wouldn’t let her go easily.

  “What do you want?” she begged.

  “I want to know where the woman is whom I had an incredible weekend with?” He stroked her cheek, shocked when she pulled away from his touch. “What the hell, Anya?”

  “Don’t speak to me like that, Mr Banks. I’m still your employee, and you’ll treat me with the respect I deserve,” she scolded him.

  Confused, Nathan let her go, her tight arse mocking him as she walked away. Fuming, he slammed his fists onto the desk. With nothing else to be done, he tried to work, tried to get her out of his mind.

  By the end of the afternoon, Nathan was shaking with anger and anticipation. He wouldn’t allow her to leave. Anya was the woman who called to him. She fitted him, just as he fitted her.

  “Mr Banks, they’re doing the Secret Santa,” her voice came over the intercom. Intrigued despite himself, Nathan left his office and followed her into the main section of the building where a fully decorated tree awaited them. Bob from finance was dressed as Santa, handing out gifts from a sack. Christmas carols filled the air, getting people into the Christmas spirit.

  “I have here Nathan Banks and Anya King.” Bob extended his hands. They weaved their way through the crowd together, thanking him for their presents. They didn’t open them, but stayed to watch the others, accepting a glass of punch apiece. After an hour, they both left to get back and complete their work.

  Nathan couldn’t look at her. He closed his door, wanting privacy.

  Once behind his desk he took the small package out, rolling it around his grip. He pulled the Christmas paper off a small round box. He opened the box. A bright red jelly cock-ring greeted him, along with a small note. He picked up the note.

  Imagine me when you wear it. A xxx

  Nathan got up again and went to his door.

  Anya watched Nathan go to his office, not looking at her, with a heavy heart. A tiny box sat on her desk, staring at her. Moodily, she pulled the pretty red ribbon from the box. Opening the little catch, she pulled the little note out of the way and gasped.

  A perfect diamond ring, simple but elegant, glinted at her.

  She opened the paper.

  You mean everything, to me. Marry me? Tarzan

  Without thinking, she picked the box up and stormed to his office door. She slammed the door open, stumbling into his sexy chest.

  “Anya—” He caught her, holding her steady.

  “What the hell is this?” She thrust the ring in front of his face, her hands shaking, heart pounding. She watched him ever so slowly look down at the ring and then back at her.

  He went down on his knees. Her eyes widened.

  “Anya Lucia King, will you do me the honour of becoming my wife? You’re my soul mate. I love everything about you. I love your mind, your body, the way you tell me what to do without me even realising it. I love your contradictions. Anya, I love you with all my heart, everything that I am is yours. Please Anya, tell me that I didn’t imagine this weekend and that you love me with the same ferocity as I love you,” he begged her earnestly, holding her hand as if it were a life raft. Tears ran down her face, butterflies danced within her belly. Her heart lifted as she gazed into his eyes.

  Nodding, choking on the words, she
said, “I love you so much it scares me.”

  In one quick movement he scooped her up in his arms, crushing his lips against hers.

  “Mine,” he muttered, causing Anya to chuckle.

  They collapsed onto his tanned leather sofa, cuddling watching a fresh wave of snowfall begin outside his office window.

  “What if we don’t work, Nathan?”

  He held her close, “I’m not Antonio. You’re my other half. I don’t want to live my life without you. I want you to have my children and to grow old with me.”

  “I love you,” Anya whispered, scared that this was all a dream.

  “Never leave me, Anya.”

  “Never leave me, Nathan.”

  Together they sat, planning dates, as outside a dusting of snow settled over the city. A night for lovers began.


  One Year Later

  “Mr Banks, I’m here to collect your Secret Santa.” Rachel showed him the sack.

  Smiling, his wedding ring glinting in the light, he gave her time to turn away before placing his parcel in the red-golden sack.

  “Thank you, Rachel.” He kissed her cheek, turning, expecting as she had been the previous year… Yep, there she stood, placing a parcel into the sack, his beautiful, sexy wife, Anya.

  “Thank you, Rachel.”

  “Thank you, Mrs Banks.”

  Rachel left, leaving Anya blinking.

  “You know, every time I hear my new name, it still causes my heart to skip a beat.” Anya shook her head, amazed.

  “Yes. Hearing my wife being called my wife… Well, let’s just say it leaves me hard.”

  Anya gave him a pointed look.

  They may be married, but she still regularly threatened to report him for sexual harassment. The workplace had gone mad with gossip when a sexual harassment suit from his wife had landed on his desk in the middle of the year. Chuckling to himself, he recalled the outraged and confused response from his lawyer.

  He loved her, no doubt about that. She didn’t use her position as his wife to get special treatment. She expected to be treated as a colleague and employee inside the office—he even paid her a wage, which she refused to have increased unless everyone else was due an increase as well. Independent and determined to make sure her position in life wasn’t under threat, his little spitfire didn’t joke around. In the office she kept him on his toes, accepting his criticism and his praise, but at home she didn’t mix the two. If they had disagreements in the office, she didn’t bring it to the bedroom or their personal life.


  Business and pleasure. Never the same.

  “Finance needs your reports immediately.” She raised an eyebrow at his continued humour.

  Shaking her head, she walked out, her arse wiggling. He repressed the urge to whistle in appreciation.

  They both joined the party when Bob gave out the presents.

  “Nathan Banks and Anya Banks.”

  Once they had retrieved their gifts, Nathan accepted a glass of punch and Anya accepted a glass of water.

  After mingling for an hour or so, they went back to their respective offices.

  Looking at the box, Nathan wondered who his Secret Santa was this year. Shrugging, he pulled the fabric ribbon off the box and gasped.

  A picture frame with their wedding photo and…

  “Daddy, I cannot wait to join the family.”

  I’m pregnant. A xxx

  About the Author

  Sam Crescent has always had a love of fiction, through her teen years she would find friendship between the pages rather than in an actual person. By the time she turned sixteen she discovered Mills and Boon and never looked back. She loved the quick happily-ever-after read. A guarantee that no matter what happened the heroes and heroines would always find their soul mate. After college and starting a degree, one lonely bored night she searched the internet looking for a new author to read. On that night and for the years to come she discovered romantica and erotic writing.


  Sam loves to hear from readers. You can find her contact information, website and author biography at

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