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French Kiss (Silver Cove Series Book 2)

Page 4

by Jill Sanders

  “Do you have any idea why these would be taken and no others?”

  He nodded. “I paid a hundred for each bush since they were larger in size.”

  “You think someone took them and sold them?”

  He shrugged. “What else would they take them for? They’re bushes, not bottles of expensive wine.”

  She cringed inwardly. She’d been torturing herself about not calling or texting Sarah about the break-in, but stopping the news from spreading on the island had been another issue. Everyone knew what had happened Saturday night.

  “Do you have your receipt? I’m heading into town now and will stop by the police station to report them stolen.” She reached into her purse and pulled out her cell phone to snap a few pictures of the empty spots.

  “Receipt and a few pictures I took shortly after we were done planting them.” He pulled out the receipt from his pocket and handed it to her, then took out his phone. “I’m sending the pictures to you now.”

  She waited until the three images were received and then followed him back to the main building. “I’ll keep you posted.”

  She sent a text to Jerry to pick her up at the docks and was surprised that he was already there when she walked down to the dock.

  “What’s it like being the boss?” Jerry teased her. She’d known him for so long, she could tell by just looking at him what sort of mood he was in.

  “What’s wrong?” She walked onto the ferry and followed him up the stairs.

  He glanced back at her with a frown. “My agent called.”


  “They want to make Crescent Creek into a movie.”

  “That’s wonderful!” She almost squealed it.

  “No, it’s not.”

  “Why not?” She stopped her happy little dance and frowned up at him.

  “Because that means I’d have to go to Hollywood.”

  “For how long?”

  “Two months.”


  “You know.” He crossed his arms over his chest. She moved closer to him, laying her hands on his arms.

  “Jerry, you can do this.”

  “No, I can’t. Not after…” He closed his eyes and sighed. “No I can’t,” he repeated.

  “What about…” She was interrupted when someone coughed.

  She was so surprised by the loud sound, she actually jumped.


  Adam stood a few feet away from the pair who were in what could only be described as a tender embrace.

  “Sorry to interrupt,” he said between clenched teeth. His eyes bore into Lilith’s, then Jerry’s.

  He actually liked the ferryman. The man was his age and roughly the same build. The only difference was that Jerry was three generations American and was one of the bestselling horror authors around. If you didn’t count the King.

  “No, no interruption.” Jerry quickly turned away from Lilith and walked into the small captain’s area.

  “Did you forget something on your list?” Lilith asked him.

  “No,” he answered, keeping his eyes glued to hers as pain speared his heart.

  He watched her eyebrows raise up slowly. “Then?”

  He crossed his arms over his chest. “When were you going to tell me about you two?”

  “About…” She blinked and frowned. “Who two?”

  Adam nodded towards Jerry, who was busy steering the ferry out of the dock area.

  Lilith followed his eyes, then smiled, which turned quickly into a laugh. “Us?” She leaned against the railing. “There is no us.” She waved her hand between her and Jerry.

  “That’s not the way it just appeared.”

  She tilted her head, then glanced back up at Jerry, who was trying to look very busy. “I suppose…” She crossed her arms over her chest as she thought about it.

  “Lilly,” he warned as he moved closer to her.

  She glanced back at him with a smile. “I was just comforting a friend who was worried about something. That’s all.”

  He felt his heartbeat return to normal. “That’s all?”

  She smiled and nodded, then crossed her fingers over her purse. Then she frowned. “Now you’re stuck…”

  His chuckle was quick. “I don’t mind.” He moved towards her, itching to reach out and touch her auburn hair.

  “Going to town.” She nodded towards the docks.

  Laughing, he turned towards her. “That’s why I called Jerry to pick me up.”

  “But… I thought you wanted…” He watched realization hit her. “You planned this!” It came out more as an accusation than a question.

  “But of course.” He reached out and tucked a loose strand of her soft hair behind her ear. “How else was I going to get you to talk to me?”

  “By kidnapping me?”

  “This isn’t a kidnapping. You’re free to go wherever you wish. Once we dock.”

  She glared at him for a moment. “What is so important you felt like you had to kidnap me?”

  He tilted his head. “I didn’t kidnap—” She rolled her eyes, stopping him. He took her hand and walked down the narrow stairs with her until they reached the railing below. “I was hoping we would talk about us.”

  “There is no us.” She leaned against the railing. He waited, just watching her. When she shrugged her shoulders, his lips curved up. “Two kisses don’t make an ‘us.’”

  “Three,” he corrected, “and no, I suppose not.” He brushed a finger down her shoulders. She was wearing her standard white attire for work, but instead of the spiky heels she had on earlier, she wore flats, which made her almost an entire foot shorter than him. He loved looking into her hazel eyes. Each time he looked, they appeared to be a different color. This time, they were almost sea green, matching the color of the water behind her. “What would you deem ‘us’ worthy?”

  “Oh no.” She stood up and shook her head. “I’m not going to go down that path.” She walked away, then turned and came back. “This is not happening.” She leaned in close. “I can’t stand you.”

  He smiled. “That is good.”

  She growled lightly. “No, here in the real world, for there to be some sort of relationship, two people have to be able to at least stand one another.”

  His hand reached out, taking her waist and pulling her close. “I enjoy seeing you worked up.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “Yes, I can see that. You tend to make me that way all the time.”

  “Bien, then it’s settled.” He pulled her closer until her hips met his.

  “No,” she said slowly. “It’s not.” Her hands pushed against his chest.

  Just then the ferry jerked to a halt. “Now, if you don’t mind, I’d like to hurry up and get your groceries so we can get back to work.” She turned and stormed onto the dock.

  “She sure does have strong feelings for you,” Jerry joked behind him.

  “Shut up.” He laughed back. “Wait and see.”

  “What? Your body floating by my ferry in the ocean some day?”

  Adam turned to his new friend and frowned. “What’s wrong?”

  “Hollywood wants to turn my book into a movie.” Adam knew that Jerry didn’t confide in many people and he counted himself lucky that they had become so close so quickly.

  Adam could see the fear in his eyes. “I’ll call you later tonight,” he said. When Jerry nodded, Adam took off after Lilith.

  Chapter Four

  It was half an hour after the last guest from the anniversary party had disappeared back into the main building that Lilith’s phone rang. When she glanced down at the screen, she groaned at Sarah’s face smiling back at her.

  Heather, the Events Coordinator for East Haven, looked over at her phone. “Sarah?” she asked.

  “Yes.” She thought about swiping and sending the call to voicemail but knew better. “Guess I better bite the bullet. You got this?” She nodded towards the rest of the cleanup.

  “Yes, go.” Heather waved her off.
  She answered the call and nodded towards Heather, knowing her job was done for the night.

  “Hey, Mrs. Rothschild. How goes Maui?”

  “Wonderful!” She could hear the excitement in her friend’s voice. “We’re getting ready to head out to our second luau and I just wanted to check in”— she heard Ben’s voice in the background— “and see how things are going.”

  “Tell Ben it’s no bother. We just finished with Mr. and Mrs. Moore’s anniversary party.”

  “I’m so bummed I missed them. Did you—”

  “Yes, I delivered their champagne and flowers first thing.”

  “Good, what about…”

  She heard Ben’s voice again. “Stop mothering her. She knows how to run the place. Now come over here and show me how to hula again.”

  Lilith laughed. “Better go, a wife has to make sure she entertains her husband. Besides, everything is running smoothly.” She bit her bottom lip and willed the stress in her voice to disappear.

  Toeing off her work shoes, she sunk her feet into the soft sand of the beach and sighed.

  “I’ll be there in a moment,” Sarah said to Ben. “What’s the sigh for? Is there anything wrong?”

  “Nope, just soaking my feet at the beach.” She closed her eyes and rolled her shoulders. “Go, enjoy your time and don’t worry about us. I’ve got everything under control.”

  “Was there something out of control?” Sarah asked.

  “Will you stop.” She laughed. “I’m hanging up now…” She waited.

  “Okay,” Sarah said after a moment. “I’m going. But if you need—”

  She clicked off her phone and laughed. “You owe me one, Ben,” she said into the night air.

  Her feet tingled where the cool water rushed around them. She normally didn’t wear heels all day long, since her job usually had her rushing around. But she figured since she was in charge, she had better look the part. Besides, Sarah was always wearing heels and she figured if her friend could do it, so could she.

  Now, however, she was finding it impossible to consider sliding her sore feet back into the heels she’d tossed into the sand a few feet away. Tucking her phone into her pocket, she leaned down and rolled her pant legs up then waded into the water a little further.

  She glanced up at the sky, which was filled with bright stars. It was one of the main reasons the private beach area was one of the most popular spots on the island.

  But since all of the guests had been at the party and were now tucked safely inside the resort, she had the beach all to herself.

  She felt her body sway with the wind as her mind rushed back to the conversation she’d had with Adam as they had shopped. From the sounds of it, he enjoyed pissing her off and acted like it was all part of the normal pre-dating ritual.

  Just the fact that he thought she’d date him made her laugh. Adam Carriveau was one of the most arrogant, annoying, self-centered… She took a deep breath when she felt her entire body tense. The fact that Adam was trying to have any relationship with her was one of the funniest jokes she’d heard all year.

  She didn’t do relationships. Well, romantic one’s,at any rate. The fact that she was quickly approachingher twenty-fourth birthday and hadn’t had any serious boyfriends suited her just fine. Sure, there had been a few guys she’d gone out with, but nothing that had lasted longer than a couple dates and some sweet kisses.

  Nope, she was happy with everything just the way it was.

  She was turning around to head back towards the pool area to see if Heather needed any more help when she saw a movement out of the corner of her eye. Spinning around, she jerked fast enough to stub her toe on a very large rock and started to fall forward. Reaching out, she tried to right herself before doing a face-plant into ankle-deep water, when two large hands reached out and gripped her hips and set her gently down in the soft sand.

  “You okay?” Adam said, laughing down at her.

  “Yes. Fine.” She jerked her hands away from him. “Didn’t anyone ever tell you it was rude to sneak up on someone?” She crossed her arms over her chest and glared at him.

  It was a little too dark to see his face, but she could just imagine him smiling back at her. Which only made her angrier.

  His chuckle made it worse. “I didn’t sneak up. Actually, I… never mind.” He leaned down to pick up a few rocks, then slowly tossed them into the water.

  Her heart had just returned to its normal pace and she was beginning to realize that she’d been so lost in her thoughts that she wouldn’t have heard a tow truck backing up behind her.

  Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath. “Sorry, I guess I’m just a little jumpy.”

  “A little?” He glanced over at her.

  “Trying to piss me off again?” she warned, only to have him laugh at her.

  “I did establish that I enjoy it, oui.” He tossed another stone.

  “Why are you out here?” she said through clenched teeth.

  “Heather said you had come this way.” He shrugged his shoulders. “I figured I could use a walk myself.” He turned towards her. “How did your call with Sarah go?”

  “Great.” She walked over and sat down in the soft sand.

  “Did you tell her about the break-in?” He sat next to her, his knee brushing up against her own.

  “No.” She bit her bottom lip and looked out at the dark water. “It didn’t come up.”

  “She’ll find out sooner or later.”

  “I suppose, but for now she’s enjoying her honeymoon.”

  “Bien. As she should.” He leaned back and rested on his elbows. “How did the party go?”

  She glanced at him sideways. “Why?”

  He smiled. “Because I am interested in how your day went. Isn’t this normal ‘us’ things?”

  She rolled her eyes. “You don’t have to…” She stopped when he sat up.


  Shaking her head, she rested back and told him how the party went. If he really wanted to sit and listen to her go on about her boring day, she would give him every little detail.


  Adam had never been so entertained in all his life.

  Sure, for the most part, he was ignoring every word she said, but he was totally mesmerized by her mouth. The small dimple on the left side of her lips was intoxicating. When she worried about something, her bottom lip would push out in an almost-pout and a small crease would appear between her eyebrows.

  Not to mention how she waved her hands around when she spoke. It was all very entertaining.

  He could sit in the cool sand all night and listen to her talk until the sun came up. But when he noticed her shiver for the second time, he decided they needed to head back inside.

  Standing up, he reached for her and helped her to her feet. “I’m sorry if I startled you,” he said as his hands wrapped around her tiny waist.

  “It wasn’t really your fault. I was deep in thought.” Her body relaxed next to his and he felt his body react instantly.

  “I wish to kiss you again,” he said softly. He waited until he saw a slight smile on her lips before leaning down to cover those sexy lips with his own.

  She tasted like berries. Her plump bottom lip pushed up against his, causing his mind to flood with a million different desires. His fingers bunched the hem of her top up as his tongue darted in to explore her sweet mouth.

  He heard a light moan escape her lips when he shifted her. When her fingers dug into his shoulders, he wished more than anything that he could put all caution away and take her here and now.

  “You’ve been driving me crazy,” he whispered next to her ear. He nibbled on the lobe and tasted the skin on her neck. “Je te veux,” he whispered over her skin.

  “Don’t.” Her voice was weak, but her hands pushed him away. “I… I don’t think. I’m not…” She took a deep breath. “I’m not looking for relationships.” Her chin went up slightly.

  “Pourquoi?” His hands reached o
ut to steady her, but she pushed them away.

  “I just… I’m not.” She took a step back. “Sorry.” She turned and walked over to where her shoes were and then disappeared down the pathway.

  It took him a moment to gather his thoughts, but then he took a few cleansing breaths and followed her back to the dorms, making sure she arrived safely to her own room before storming into his own, just down the hallway.

  He had shut the door and tossed his shirt on the bed, when he heard the scream.

  He was down the hallway and gathering Lilith up in his arms before the scream had finished leaving her lips.

  “What?” he asked, but looking over her head, he noticed what the problem was.

  Her room looked like a tornado had gone through it. Each of her drawers were pulled out and thrown on the floor. Clothes were tossed everywhere and her desk was turned upside down. He could see what appeared to be her laptop, smashed into pieces.

  “I…” She cried against his shoulder.

  “What’s going on?” Heather asked behind him.

  “Call the police. Someone’s broken into Lilly’s room,” he told her.

  “Wow! Sure,” she said. More and more people came out into the hallway to see what was going on. Without questioning it, he lifted Lilly into his arms and carried her past the growing crowd towards his room.

  “You okay?” he asked, after setting her down on the bed.

  “I…” She closed her eyes and took several deep breaths. “I didn’t turn on the light right away. I should have… there could have been someone in there.” She sat up a little and he watched her eyes go huge. “There still could be.”

  “No, it was empty.” He sat next to her and took her hand in his and watched her eyes slide shut again.

  “Who would want to go through my stuff?” she asked under her breath. “It’s not like I have anything. Just my laptop, which they probably took.” She groaned.

  “It’s still there, but I’m afraid it was broken,” he said, causing her to groan again.

  “Who would do this?”

  “I’m not sure, but we caught one thief, maybe we can put our heads together and do it again.”


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