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French Kiss (Silver Cove Series Book 2)

Page 12

by Jill Sanders

  Her eyes slid open as warm, soft hands wrapped around her, holding her tight. More tears slid down her face as Adam’s soft words comforted her.

  “Lilly, my Lilly,” he said over and over again as he held her tight.

  “Adam?” Her mind snapped back to the present, her past leaving its bitter sting in the back of her mind. Her arms wrapped around him, holding him tighter than she’d ever held anything or anyone in her life.

  She felt herself being lifted, carried out of the attic, down the bright hallway. She shut her eyes to the lights and enjoyed the feeling of being safe, far away from her past.

  When he laid her down on a soft bed, she sighed and reached for him, but instead she found empty air.

  “Shh, I have to make a few calls. Then I’ll take you to my room.”

  Her eyes flew open and she realized she was laying on the sofa in Sarah’s office. She shivered again and watched Adam pull out his cell phone.

  “I’ve found her.” His eyes met hers. “The attic. I’ll talk to you later. I’m going to get her back to my room and take care of her.” He paused. “Yes, okay. Thanks. Tell everyone else…” He smiled slightly. “Yes, thanks,” he said again before hanging up.

  “I’m sorry if I made you worry.” Her eyes burned again. “The door must have shut behind me.” She tried to remember what had actually happened, but all she could remember was the sheer panic of meeting a locked door and looking around to realize how small the room was. After that, everything else was a blur.

  “It’s okay.” He moved back to her, then ran his hand down her face. “Why don’t I take you back to my room. You can take a hot bath and tell me what happened.”

  It sounded so wonderful, she started to get up, but her legs were still shaking. He must have noticed, because he reached down and picked her back up.

  “I like this.” She wrapped her arms around his neck.

  “What?” he asked, smiling down at her. “Me carrying you? Or the attention?”

  She frowned slightly. “You carrying me.”

  He nodded. “Then I’ll make a point to do it often.” He pulled the office door shut behind him, then shifted her weight and headed towards the back staircase.

  “You can hold the umbrella,” he said, standing just inside the back door. When he leaned down, she reached out and took the umbrella and opened it.

  The rain and wind were stronger now than before. “When is this supposed to end?” he asked, avoiding a large puddle of water.

  “Wednesday. Then we can get back to our summer.”

  He smiled down at her. “I’ll take you out on my boat.”

  “Really?” She already felt herself settling.

  “Maybe Nana will come along. I know she’s going to love you.” He shifted and opened the door to the employees’ building.

  As he walked them up the stairs and down their hall, several people greeted them.

  “You okay?” Heather brushed a strand of her hair aside.

  “I’m fine, really.” She felt foolish and suddenly wished she was walking instead of being carried by Adam.

  “You’re covered in dust and cobwebs.” Heather brushed at her hair again.

  “She’s going to clean up in my room,” Adam said loudly. A little too loud for her liking, but then she remembered their plan to catch whoever had broken into her room. Her skin chilled as she remembered the creak of a floorboard before the door shut behind her.

  “Adam.” Her voice sounded far away. “I’d like…”

  He looked down at her and moved quickly into his room. He laid her down gently on the bed, then covered her with a blanket. “I’ll start a bath.”

  “Hot,” she whispered. “Boiling.” She shivered and hugged the blanket tighter.

  Adam nodded, then disappeared into his bathroom. She stared up at the ceiling and ran over everything from dinner on. What she’d done up in the attic to just before moving the wardrobe aside.

  Then Adam walked back into the room. “Would you like some help?” He glanced down at her.

  “No, I think I can manage.” She took the blanket with her, shutting the bathroom door behind her. She quickly stripped off her dirty sundress and thought about throwing it in the wastebin. Instead, she folded it and hung it over his towel rack.

  His bathroom was almost identical to hers, but slightly smaller. She was happily surprised when she found a towel, exactly where she had hers. She even found some bubbles and poured them into the water, then slowly climbed in. The heat seeped through her cold skin, deeper into her bones. She had just relaxed into the water when she heard her cell phone ring.

  She moved to get out, but Adam called into her.

  “I’ll get it. It’s Sarah,” he said, and she could hear him talking to her friend. “Yes, the attic. No, she’s okay, just shaken.” There was a pause. “In the closet up there.” He chuckled. “Yes, there’s a closet. Behind a wardrobe.” Another pause. “I don’t know. I’ll keep you posted.” A longer pause. “I’ll have her call you in the morning.” She heard him hang up and walk towards the door.

  “Mind if I come in?” he called out.

  Instantly, she felt shy, but then remembered what he had done to her last night. “Sure,” she said weakly.

  “Sure you mind?” He smiled as he opened the door, his eyes instantly finding any exposed skin that wasn’t covered by bubbles. She felt her face heat and desire shoot instantly through her.


  All of Adam’s anger, fear, and worry for Lilly disappeared the second he stepped into the bathroom and saw her relaxing in his bathtub. Her long hair was soaked, flowing over her shoulders, and her face was cleared of the dust and makeup that had run down her face before.

  Her eyes looked heavy and when his eyes roamed lower, his body reacted to the sight of her soft skin hiding under the white bubbles and water.

  “Are you alright?” he asked, afraid to move closer to her. She’d just been locked in the attic for several hours. He knew she needed some time to recover.

  She nodded, then held out a hand. “There’s enough room in here for two.” She waved him towards her.

  Instead, he walked over and sat on the edge. “How about I wash your back?” He smiled, believing that he would be able to keep himself in check if he kept his clothes on.

  “I’d prefer you in here.” She sat up and his eyes couldn’t move away from the sight of the water and bubbles sliding down her perfect breasts.

  “Lilly.” His voice sounded odd, so he cleared his throat. “I… you need to…”

  “Take your clothes off and get you in here with me,” she finished, tugging on his shirt until he helped her pull it over his head. Then she threw it into the corner of the bathroom and started to tug on his pants.

  His eyes were glued to her skin and he was sure he wasn’t going to make it much longer without feeling her skin next to his. Standing up, he toed off his shoes, then yanked down his pants and pulled off his socks.

  “Impressive.” She smiled up at him. “I didn’t really get a good look at you before.” Her eyes moved up and down his body, causing him to grow even harder.

  “Look all you want.” His eyes moved slowly over her, then she leaned back and wiggled her finger towards him.

  “Come, wash my back.” She smiled.

  He took a step towards her, then cursed under his breath. Quickly moving over, he pulled a condom from his pocket and set it on the edge of the tub. “See,” he smiled. “I come prepared.”

  “So you do.” Her eyes were glued on his hardness and he watched as her tongue darted out and licked her lips.

  He moved quickly, tucking his hands under her arms and pulling her up until he could slide into the water behind her. She rested back against his chest, his hardness pressed against her softness as his hands roamed over every inch of her. His mouth trailed down her neck until he felt her shiver.

  Slowly his fingers traveled over her soft skin, below the warm water, and disappeared into her silky folds, ca
using her hips to move with his rhythm.

  “You’re so soft,” he said between kisses. “So perfect, here.” He touched his fingertips to the spot he wanted. “And here.” He moved his fingers to a new spot and heard her moan. “There?” he asked, watching her eyes flutter closed as she nodded. “How about here?” He moved again and heard her gasp and jerk under the water.

  “Yes,” she groaned. “More,” she begged.

  He dipped his finger deeper and this time it was his turn to close his eyes and moan. “You’re so tight, so ready for me.” He knew he wanted to show her slowness, like before, but the thought of losing her was still so fresh on his mind.

  Reaching back, he slid on the condom and lifted her hips until she fit him like a glove. “Move with me,” he said against her shoulder.

  Then she did. Her hips rotated, jerked with desire, and he wrapped his arms around her, his hands cupping her softness as she enjoyed herself.

  Water splashed over the edge of the tub, and the rhythm and sound of it was exciting in itself. Her nails dug into his thighs as she held herself over him, moving slowly to her own internal beat.

  “Adam?” She rolled her head back. He pushed her wet hair aside, then laid his lips softly underneath her ear and nibbled lightly.

  Then she was pulling away, turning until her legs went around his hips and she was once more wrapped around him. Her soft breasts pushed tight against his chest, her mouth fused with his as her hips continued to move.

  She was driving him mad. He was under her complete control, pinned to the bottom of the tub, held still by the soft curves of her body.

  There was no other place he’d rather be than right there, with her. He felt his body tense as he felt hers soften around him. Moments before she cried out his name, he felt himself lose his heart. He lost the battle of trying to hide his feelings for her and whispered next to her ear the three words he’d never said before in his life.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Lilly relaxed against Adam’s chest and couldn’t stop smiling. Even though her heartbeat had returned to normal, her mind was still whirling.

  “You know; I think I needed that.” She giggled.

  “Hmm?” He groaned, his hands still rubbing her back in slow circles.

  “Hearing you say that.” She leaned up and looked down at him. When her hair fell forward, she pushed it aside. His hand came up and helped her, holding the long tresses back.

  “I wouldn’t mind hearing them back.” His eyes held hers.

  “When I was locked in”—she took a breath— “I sort of lost my mind.” He waited, his hand gently rubbing her hair and back. “I flashed back to all the times Dave would lock me in the laundry room until he came for me again.” She shivered, causing him to lean forward and wrap his arms around her. “Then, I heard you calling me Lilly.” She closed her eyes and smiled. “I love you, Adam. You gave me something no one else ever has.”

  “What’s that?” he said after placing a soft kiss on her shoulder.

  “Something more beautiful than I’ve ever seen. A name that matches my heart.” She felt a tear slide down her face, then leaned back and took his face into her hands. “I love you, Adam.” She repeated. “I love who I am to you. Your Lilly.”

  He smiled and leaned up to place a kiss on her lips. Then in one swift move, he pulled her up and carried her from the bath, almost slipping along the way.

  She laughed and held onto him. “That’s how I imagine most bathroom accidents happen,” she said once he’d laid her on the bed.

  “I suppose I need a few more rugs on the tile floor.” He grinned down at her and then wrapped a hand around her thigh and slid slowly into her again. “Later,” he said, coming down to cover her lips with his once more.

  She allowed her mind and body to completely lose track once more, only this time, he was her anchor to the present.

  She woke with a jolt to the clash of thunder, her entire body tense from the nightmare she’d been having. Strong arms wrapped around her gently and she instantly relaxed back against Adam’s chest.

  “Qu’est-ce qui ne va pas, mon amour?” Adam’s voice was slurred and she noticed his accent had grown thicker.

  “Hmm?” She turned slightly towards him, enjoying the feel of his warm chest against hers. Somehow, she was once more freezing.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked in English.

  “Nightmare,” she said against his chest. “It’s over now.”

  His hand brushed down her hair and tilted her head back so he could look into her eyes even in the darkness.

  “Is it because you’re claustrophobic?”

  “No, I don’t really mind small spaces, as long as there’s a way out.” She sighed, then could feel her entire body tense. “My stepdad would lock me in the laundry room until…”

  He touched his lips with hers. “Don’t. I understand.” He brushed his lips against hers. “Let’s leave it for the daylight. Now, this is our time.” His lips warmed her body slowly as his hands found every spot that sent shivers of excitement rushing through her.

  “Let go,” he said next to her skin. “I want to feel you take what you want.” He settled between her legs. She wrapped them around his hips, holding him closer to her. Her back arched off of the mattress as he slid into her.

  They made love slowly as the lightning lit up the room around them and the sound of the thunder went unnoticed.

  The next time she woke up, it was to the sound of soft rain outside. Adam’s arms were wrapped around her and his alarm was going off.

  “Just ignore it,” he said into her hair.

  “What kind of boss would I be if I let you show up to work late?” she joked as she started to get up.

  His arms held her into place and she felt her stomach growl. “Besides, I’m starving.” His arms dropped and she rolled out of the bed. She grabbed up the loose sheet and wrapped it around her as she made her way to the restroom.

  She took her time in the shower, then tried to clean off her dress enough that she could head back to her room to change for the day. It was pretty much a lost cause, but still, she tried.

  When there was a knock on the door, she opened it up and smiled when Adam was there, holding a new outfit for her.

  “I figured you could use a few things from your room.” He handed her a pair of black slacks, a teal blouse, and a matching pair of shoes. “I… uh”—he handed her the overnight bag she had— “grabbed a few other things.” He nodded. “I’m not really good…” He actually blushed.

  She leaned against the door, her eyebrows rose. “What is it about packing my…”—she glanced in the bag and saw her makeup bag, some bras and panties, and a brush— “makeup that makes you blush?”

  He eyes darkened. “I never blush.” His accent was thicker, causing her to laugh.

  Then she remembered what was hiding in her underwear drawer and it was her turn to blush. Shutting the door in his face as he laughed at her realization, she leaned her forehead against the door.

  “I won it at Sarah’s bachelorette party.”

  “Sure you did,” he joked behind the door.

  “Really.” She closed her eyes and took several deep breaths.

  She heard him chuckle as he walked away.

  When she walked out, he was sitting at his computer. He turned to her and smiled. “You look fresher today.”

  “I feel much better.” She walked over and kissed him squarely on his lips just as her phone rang. “Ugh, it starts,” she said, seeing Sarah’s face on her screen.

  “She was worried sick about you.” He shut down his computer and opened his door. “I’ll give you some privacy.”

  She waved him away as she answered the phone.

  “Talk,” Sarah said.

  “Good morning,” she said cheerfully.

  “Well, someone got some last night, but that’s not why I called. I want to hear what happened to you.”

  “I got locked in a closet in the attic. No big deal.” />
  “Why were you in the attic?”

  Lilith paused. “We’ve had to extend the Robinson’s stay, due to weather, and I needed a few extra chairs.” She hated lying to her friend. “Anyway, I walked into the closet up there. I guess the door needs some work because it shut behind me.”

  “Why was it locked?”

  “I don’t know, but I’m planning to have someone take a look at it today.” That much was true. Glancing down at her watch, she realized she had less than an hour before the crew was supposed to arrive to start working up there. Heading out Adam’s door, she flipped the lock and made sure to shut the door firmly behind her, tugging on it to make sure it was secure.

  Then she headed down the hall as she listened to Sarah.

  “Sounds good. Whatever they need to do. Are you okay?” She heard the worry in her friend’s voice.

  “I am now.” She sighed as she reached the bottom of the stairs and opened the umbrella. “It’s still raining here. What about there?” She knew she was changing the subject, but didn’t feel like going too deep into how freaked out she’d been.

  “It’s beautiful here. We’re went paragliding yesterday. It was amazing. I thought we’d be jumping off a cliff, but really, we just walked off the side of a mountain and the paraglider just lifted us up gently. It was like we were floating on a cloud. There was a rainbow and we actually went right through it!” Sarah’s voice turned excited, then dreamy. “Ben’s a little afraid of heights, but he absolutely loved going. We’re going to try to schedule another trip before we leave. Today, we’re going snorkeling at Black Rock Beach. I’ve never been snorkeling before. Ben says I’ll love it. He’s going to try to convince me to jump off the cliff’s there, into the water. It’s a fifteen-foot drop. I’m not sure if I will.”

  Lilith giggled as she stepped onto the back porch of the main house and shook her umbrella clear of water. “Do it. If you can walk off of the side of a mountain and paraglide, then you should be able to jump off a rock into the water.”


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