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Summer's End (Wildflowers Book 5)

Page 19

by Jill Sanders

  “So your friends tell me.” Rhodes smiled. “Before I talked to your father’s lawyer, I called and spoke with your friends, all four of them at the same time.” She shook her head with a chuckle. “I’ve looked into your camp and had a nice chat yesterday with some lawyers who represent you and your friends. I’m very thorough,” she said with a smile. “I’m secure in the fact that your business is solid.”

  “Bridgett just told the world otherwise,” Aiden pointed out.

  Rhodes chuckled. “Yeah, but even the news anchor contradicted her on that point.” Rhodes leaned slightly. “Did Cora Jolett really go to your camp?”

  Aubrey smiled for the first time since arriving at the station. “Yes. Her hair was darker, so I didn’t recognize her right away. She attended my early morning tai chi classes every day when they were on their honeymoon. Ralph even joked with me during dinner one night that he was going to have to sign her up for classes when they returned to the city.”

  “I may just have to find an excuse for a vacation soon,” the woman said with a shrug. “I’ve never been one to just sit on my butt in the sand.”

  Aubrey laughed and he felt her hand relax in his. “That’s the exact reason we opened River Camps. We, my friends and I, took a vacation before Joe died and were bored out of our minds.”

  “That’s Elle’s grandfather? The man that left you five the camp?” Rhodes asked.

  “Yes.” Aubrey’s smile grew. “He was more of a father figure than… well, than my own father has ever been.”

  “Well…” Rhodes suddenly stood up. “I won’t keep the two of you any longer.”

  He stood and took Aubrey’s arm as they walked towards the door.

  “One last question, this one for you, Mr. Stark.”

  He turned, his eyebrows shooting upward. “Yes?”

  “I’ve heard that you work on the grounds as well?”

  “Yes, I’m head of construction and maintenance.”

  Her eyes ran over him as she turned to Aubrey. “And your reason for tagging along with Miss Smith?”

  “I’m her support,” he said as his hand moved around Aubrey’s waist, causing Rhodes to smile.

  “I thought so. Just had to make sure. How long will the two of you be in town?” she asked as she opened the door. He stepped aside, dropping his hold on Aubrey so she could pass by him.

  Before either of them could answer the detective’s question, he glanced up to see a young officer escorting Bridgett down the hallway. Aubrey’s body was turned towards the detective, and he knew there was no way she could see what was coming.

  He didn’t have time to respond when, after spotting Aubrey, Bridgett screamed loudly as she yanked her arms free from the officer’s hold and threw herself at them.

  He held his breath as Aubrey and Bridgett landed in a heap on the floor.

  Bridgett was screaming profanities at Aubrey, accusing her of ruining her life as she kicked and tried to fight Aubrey.

  It took Aubrey all of three seconds to reverse their positions as she held Bridgett’s face to the ground while her legs were twisted around her body, holding her arms tight. Bridgett couldn’t have moved a muscle in the hold Aubrey had on her.

  “Wow,” the young officer said as he moved into the room. “I’m sorry, detective, she just sort of slipped out of my hold.”

  “Carson, would you be so kind as to put this woman in chains? I think she’s proven that she can no longer be trusted,” Rhodes said as she nudged Aubrey aside and pulled Bridgett up to her feet.

  Bridgett was still kicking and jerking her body around as if trying to break free from the detective’s hold. Two more officers, having heard all the commotion, rushed into the room and cuffed Bridgett and started pulling her out of the room.

  “I’ll get you, bitch. You think this is over?” Bridgett screamed. “Everything you have will be mine. Wait and see.” She laughed as she was being hauled away.

  “Nice moves.” Rhodes turned back Aubrey.

  His eyes were still locked on Aubrey. He rushed towards her when he spotted a drip of blood slip down her nose.

  “You’re bleeding,” he said softly.

  Aubrey lifted her hand and wiped the blood away on her coat sleeve. “I’m fine.” She shrugged. “Can you add that little stunt to her list of infractions?” Aubrey asked.

  The detective chuckled and slapped Aubrey on the shoulders lightly. “You betcha. You would’ve made an amazing cop.”

  Aiden had never been prouder of Aubrey before. He’d witnessed her moves firsthand personally and in class before, but he’d never seen her take someone down who deserved it.

  If he had ever questioned if she’d needed him, he had his answer now.

  Chapter 23

  It was decided that they would spend one more day in the city before heading home. Mainly because it took a little time to submit the flight plans out of New York.

  She learned there was an actual queue for planes leaving the city. Everything private had to be scheduled ahead of time, around all the public airlines.

  After they headed back to Isaac’s place, they decided to treat themselves to a nice dinner and picked one of the restaurants Hannah had pointed out for them. After showering and pulling on the soft green dress she’d packed for such an occasion, she took her time curling her long locks into ringlets that fell over her bare shoulders. She was just pulling on the cream heels she’d worn the other day with her black dress when Aiden walked in.

  His black pants and light grey button-up shirt had her smiling.

  “Wow,” she said, motioning for him to spin for her inspection. He laughed and slowly moved in a circle for her.

  She gave him a soft growl of appreciation. “Are you sure we can’t just order in?” she asked, slipping on her shoes and standing up.

  His eyebrows traveled over her, and he mimicked her request to show him everything. She did a slow circle and laughed when she heard his matching growl of appreciation.

  “No way. We look too good to stay in. Besides, Hannah made me promise I’d take you to Mario’s tonight.” He sighed. “Italian.” His smile grew. “I’m so in the mood for pasta.”

  She felt her own stomach growl and nodded in agreement.

  “I worked up an appetite.” She frowned slightly remembering she’d had to pile on some extra makeup over her left eye. Her nose hadn’t bled that long after Bridgett had jumped her, but Aiden had worried over her like she’d been shot. She’d gotten worse in class and didn’t think anything of it, other than she’d been upset at herself for letting Bridgett get the upper hand on her.

  Aiden moved closer and softly touched her eye. “Doing okay?” he asked.

  “It’s a little swollen. The ice pack helped.” She shrugged. “That and the wonders of makeup.”

  He chuckled as his arms snaked around her. “May I say, seeing you in action firsthand was…” He sighed. “Impressive. But let’s try to avoid that from now on. Okay?”

  She nodded and leaned up to brush her lips across his. “I’m going to miss having you around all the time.”

  “Oh?” He frowned down at her.

  “I mean.” She shook her head. “You have your place, I have mine.” She shrugged, feeling stupid for bringing it up now.

  “We could always…”

  She stopped him by placing her fingers over his lips. “Later. I’m starving.” She stepped easily out of his arms and gathered her jacket. He helped her slip it on and they headed out.

  Why had she brought that up? she asked herself over and over again on the short taxi ride to the restaurant.

  Stepping into Mario’s was like stepping into a restaurant in Italy again. The smells and sounds reminded her so much of her time in Venice that she found herself stiffening as they were seated near a large gas fireplace. The brick wall in back was covered in white flowers and ivy and as she slid into the leather booth, she took several deep breaths to steady herself.

  “Hey.” Aiden frowned over at her after the
hostess had left them. “Is everything okay?”

  She nodded as she swallowed. “Yes, I’m fine,” she said automatically.

  “Hey.” He reached across the small table and took her hand. “It’s me. Remember? I can tell that you’re about to jump out of your skin. What’s going on?”

  She closed her eyes and glanced around. “I spent a month in Venice.” She supplied. “Shortly after my mother…” She swallowed again. “Harold thought it was best if we escaped the reporters in New York.”

  “That must have been rough.”

  “It was. I was eight. I’d never been anywhere and had just lost my mother.” She stilled as their waiter came over and introduced himself and asked for their drink selections.

  Instead of answering him, Aiden leaned closer. “We could go somewhere else?” he asked her quietly.

  “No.” She mustered up a smile and asked for a glass of red wine.

  “Bring a bottle,” Aiden suggested. “Thanks.” He turned back to her. “Go on.”

  She took a deep breath and continued her story. “Up until then, I’d only had fast food. My mother had spent every last dime she had fighting for custody of me. We ate McDonald’s more often than not. Harold didn’t eat fast food and, as his heir, he demanded I learn all about culture. I was fed escargot, and fish with their heads still on them.” She shivered remembering seeing the dead thing looking up at her and knowing that she would be forced to eat it all. “I was eight,” she reiterated.

  He took her hand again. “I’m sorry you had to go through that.”

  “It wasn’t just that. It was the belief that I would never come back. I think he enjoyed seeing me suffer. He would hint that we weren’t ever going to return to the States. Not that I had anything left here, but…” She shrugged. “The feeling of not being in control of anything, it was incapacitating. I guess, walking in here, I just had a little déjà vu.” She motioned around the busy restaurant and realized that, after talking it out with Aiden, she no longer felt debilitated. She relaxed almost immediately.

  He lifted her hand to his lips and kissed her knuckles just as their wine arrived.

  For the rest of the dinner, she thought about why she’d felt so trapped walking into the restaurant and now, after talking with Aiden, she no longer did. Was it the simple act of talking her feelings through or was it because of her feelings for Aiden?

  Finally, after enjoying their pasta dinners, Aiden pushed his empty bowl aside. “I know we said we wouldn’t talk about it, but I think we need to have that chat.” He poured her the rest of the wine.

  She had known he was thinking about their arrangement.

  She’d told him the truth. She didn’t want things to end with them. However, the moment they were back home, she knew he’d return to his demands that she should give him more.

  Even after meeting her father and seeing everything she’d gone through, he still wanted to be with her. Didn’t that count for something?

  “Aiden, I don’t know if I can give you what you want. What you deserve.” She set her drink down and played with the glass stem.

  “You’re what I want. What I deserve,” he said, his eyes searching hers. “Since the moment I saw you, you’re all I’ve dreamed of.” He took her free hand again.

  She swallowed hard and closed her eyes for a moment. “I don’t think… I’m not sure I can…”

  “Aub, why not give it a try?” he asked softly. “It’s not like either of us are going anywhere. We have the camp and our friends. Why don’t you let me move in with you into the apartment? We can see where it takes us.”

  She felt like laughing or screaming. She didn’t know which one. But the fact was, the thought of not sleeping in Aiden’s arms made her chest hurt.

  Instead of answering him, she nodded slightly, since she didn’t trust her voice.

  His smile was instant. “Great.” He held up his wine glass. “To new beginnings.” She hesitated for a split second before tapping his glass with her own.

  “You’ll let me know if you get tired of me?” she asked after taking a drink.

  He laughed and nodded. “Right back at you.”

  After finishing their wine, they stepped out onto the sidewalk and waited for a taxi. Aiden wrapped his arms around her and kissed her in the darkness of the building’s overhang.

  When they climbed into the taxi, he returned to kissing her. She was so hot and ready for him when they finally arrived back at Isaac’s place, she doubted she could make it up the stairs.

  “Now.” She shoved him back against the closed door. “I can’t wait.” She pushed his coat off his shoulders.

  Her own coat hit the floor as his hands shoved the skirt of her dress higher until he found her wet, ready for him.

  “My god,” he groaned against her lips.

  When he slid his fingers into her, she almost exploded right then. Biting her bottom lip, she tried to focus on him. On his pleasure. Moments later, he circled her wrists with his hands and pinned them above her head as he pushed her against the door.

  “I’m in charge,” he warned. He slowly ran his mouth lower over her neck. She arched back to give him access and sighed when he nudged the off-the-shoulder dress down until she was exposed fully.

  His mouth covered her nipple, sucking and licking her while his fingers worked inside her. She didn’t think she’d ever felt anything as wonderful as him pleasing her like this. Him wanting her as much as he did now.

  “I can’t… Aiden, I can’t wait,” she said with a slight gasp.

  “Don’t. Give me what I want.” He scraped his teeth over her soft skin and had her jolting in his arms. “Now, Aubrey,” he growled, and she felt her entire body respond to him, giving him exactly what he wanted. What he demanded of her.

  Then, as her entire body drifted into bliss, she was lifted up into strong arms and carried up the two flights of stairs.

  Would it always be like this? Would she always give in to his demands? Was it so bad to?

  She was laid on the soft mattress, and he gently removed her dress. When Aiden covered her body with his, she reached up and touched his naked flesh.

  Once again, as he rained kisses over her skin, she felt her body responding. She was no longer in control of herself and, as much as she feared it, she realized it was one of the best feeling she’d ever experienced.

  The following morning, they arrived at the airport after having a quick breakfast of egg, cheese, and bacon croissants at a bakery. They were quiet as they walked through the airport to the private terminal where they would be taken out to the Costa’s private jet, which was waiting to take them home.

  There was a young woman following behind them and, at first, Aubrey didn’t think anything of her. But then the woman bumped into Aiden and started asking questions.

  They both noticed at the same time that the woman didn’t have any luggage. Aiden’s grip tightened on Aubrey’s arm as they stepped into the private terminal area where they were to wait for someone to shuttle them out to the plane.

  The woman proceeded to ask them where they were traveling to and what flight they were on.

  “Are you with security?” Aiden finally asked her.

  “Gosh, no,” the woman said with a laugh. Then her smile fell away. “I’m from the New York Tribune.” She tilted her head slightly and then looked Aubrey in the eyes. “Did you really poison your father?”

  “Enough,” Aiden said loudly enough that he caught the attention of the security personnel. “You can’t follow us in here.” He waved the guard over towards them.

  “Oh, I have every right to be here,” the woman said with a chuckle. “See, I have my press pass.” She held it up for security. “Now, why don’t you answer my question, Miss Smith?”

  “Come on.” Aiden grabbed Aubrey’s arm and started walking towards the security guard. They spent the next ten minutes explaining to the guards what was going on. The entire time, the woman, Barb Luft, countered with her freedom of speech and f
reedom to be in the terminal. They were finally shuttled out to the Costa’s plane alone, while Barb was escorted off the premises.

  “That was…” Aiden said, tossing their bags into the storage closet as she sat down in the leather chairs.

  “Fun?” she offered as he sat next to her.

  “Tiring. Why do some people believe they deserve…”

  “Freedoms?” she said with a chuckle. “Did you hear how many times the woman said that word, as if it was a badge she wore?”

  “Even the cops weren’t buying it.” Aiden took her hand in his. “At least the entire trip wasn’t a loss.” He smiled over at her then leaned in to kiss her.

  “That’s right,” she said with a chuckle. “I saved my father from poison and was attacked by a crazed woman.”

  “Two, if you count the reporter back there,” Aiden added with a grin.

  “Right,” she said sarcastically.

  “That isn’t exactly what I was talking about,” he said after the pilot closed the plane door.

  “No,” she sighed.

  “We have this.” He held up their joined hands.

  “Yes,” she said, trying to hide her fears by focusing her eyes on their hands.

  “Hey.” He lifted his free hand and nudged her face until she was looking at him. “Afraid?” he asked with a slight smile.

  Her chin rose slightly, and she shook her head. “No. You?” She arched her brows and waited for his answer.

  “Of you?” He laughed. “Most definitely. But not as far as this goes.” He leaned in and kissed her. “Never about this,” he said softly.

  “You’re probably going to regret this,” she said with a sigh.

  “Never,” he answered quickly. “I will never regret loving you.”

  She felt her heart flip in her chest and knew that someday, her own heart would break because of this man. After all, she was destined to never have the love of the people she wanted.

  Chapter 24

  There was nothing like coming home after a trip. Okay, so he could do without the laundry and the work piling up, but just knowing that in a few days Aubrey would be moving in with him had him almost walking on air.


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