Bestselling Bastard : A Hero Club Novel

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Bestselling Bastard : A Hero Club Novel Page 4

by Nicole Rodrigues

  I nod, looking to Lorenzo.

  “Or you could come down Thursday night and leave Sunday morning like me. Get to spend a few days together?”

  Yeah, that’s not fucking happening.

  “I’ll play it by ear,” I answer with a smile. “That all? I have a busy day.”

  “That’s all. See you in two weeks,” Marley says, hanging up the call while Stacey waves and hangs up right after.

  “You gonna pick me up at the airport?” Lorenzo smirks.

  “I...I don’t know if I’m gonna come down Thursday. I have stuff I need to take care of here.”

  “How about I fly into Nashville Thursday night, spend the night with you and then we can drive down to Atlanta on Friday morning together?”

  I laugh, almost snorting before I realize Lorenzo is being serious.

  “No way in fuckin’ hell. I’ll meet you there Friday mornin’. Marley will have a car to pick you up.”

  “Spending less time with me isn’t gonna make the desire go away, J.”

  “Oh shut up, you cocky bastard. Not every woman wants you,” I scoff.

  He laughs, his head dropping back with a hoarse laugh.

  “We’ll see about that.”

  He hangs up and I curse him, knowing he’s right. Just one minute face to face with Lorenzo and I’m sure I’ll be drowning in my want for him.


  I shift my weight from one foot to the other nervously as I look through the peephole of my hotel room.

  Open the door, Jenna. You can do this.

  I take a few seconds to shamelessly eye Lorenzo behind the safety of my hotel door and wipe the drool off my chin.

  His black button down shirt has the first two buttons unbuttoned and the sleeves are rolled up his forearm. A large watch sits on his left wrist and I see the muscles of his arm flex as he cups his chin, then runs a hand through his thick brown hair.

  Holy mother of God he is so much hotter in real life. He smiles, as if he knows I’m right on the other side of the door watching him and knocks again.

  “Don’t make us late for our first signing, Watson. Get your ass out here.”

  I take another deep breath, sniff myself for good measure and run toward my bathroom, spraying two more sprays of my perfume. Walking back to the door, I finally open it and the breath is swept from my lungs as I take him in without the door as a barrier.

  His black slacks are tighter around his thighs, and he’s a lot taller than I thought he was going to be. His big smile takes up his face as he walks to me and I'm unsure of what to do as I awkwardly put my hand out as he goes in for a hug.

  "Sorry," we both mumble with a laugh.

  I go to hug him now as he puts out his hand and we do this weird half hug with his hand trapped in between our bodies.

  "Why is this awkward?" he laughs, taking the reins as he wraps his arms around me in a tight embrace.

  I laugh, hugging him back like a normal person now as he steps back.

  "I don't know, I guess it's weird seein' you in person and not on a screen."

  “Well hi,” he says with a smile. “Nice to finally meet you.”

  “Nice to finally meet you too,” I giggle, my cheeks heating now as I remember not too many nights ago what Lorenzo’s writing did to me and now having to face that in real life. Why did my brain have to go to that right at this instant? Dammit.

  God, he’s so hot. His voice is deeper and now I can smell him and see the clean shaven face, the angles of his jaw, that breathtaking smile. Shit, I’m in so much trouble.

  “Ready to go? Stacey and Marley set up our table, it looks fucking awesome.”

  “Yeah, I’m ready.”

  I turn back into my room and grab my bag, closing my hotel door behind me as we walk down the hall to the elevator.

  When we step inside I see him watching me out of the corner of my eye and bump his shoulder.

  “What? Why are you starin’ at me?”

  "Nothing.'re just...really here. Feels weird," he laughs. "I mean over six months video chatting and talking and texting and now you're in the flesh."

  "Here I am," I say with a cheesy smile.

  "You're a lot hotter than I thought you'd be."

  Right back at you buddy.

  I scoff, rolling my eyes, feeling my nerves start to wane a little, getting back to the comfort I feel around Lorenzo every day. He's still my best friend, just now he's in front of my face.

  "I'd say the same to you but you never have a shirt on so it's hard to tell."

  I arch my eyebrow, challenging him and when the elevator stops at the lobby, he pulls me down a hallway, pushing me up against a wall.

  “W-what are you doin’?” I squeak, nervously.

  "Seeing if I measure up in the flesh?" He smirks, unbuttoning his shirt as I grab his wrist, stopping him.

  "Don't," I say with panic. "Just...don't."

  "Ohh Watson, you getting shy on me?" He leans forward, putting a hand above my shoulder on the wall behind my back and I close my eyes, shaking my head.

  “We got a signin’ to get to, Balboa. Don’t get us all hot and bothered.”

  I slowly open my eyes, pushing against his chest as I run my other hand down the front of his unbuttoned shirt. When my fingers connect with his hot skin, I hear him suck in a breath and look up at him through my lashes.

  I smile, buttoning his shirt back up torturously slow, leaving the top one unbuttoned.

  “There you two are. What are you doing?”

  Stacey’s voice from down the hall breaks our moment and I step back, my eyes still on Lorenzo.

  “Just gettin’ acquainted before we head to the table.”

  Lorenzo smiles, nodding as he walks past me toward Stacey, turning back around as he opens his arm for me to slide mine through.

  “Shall we, Watson?”

  “What about the girl that passed out when you put your arm ‘round her?” I laugh, slapping Lorenzo’s arm as we share drinks in the hotel bar at a booth in the back.

  “I felt like a dick. Although I won’t lie, I think she expected me to do mouth to mouth. Pulled a Squints from Sandlot, trying to get a kiss from Wendy Peffercorn.”

  I laugh harder now, throwing my head back and then lean forward, dropping a hand to the table.

  Lorenzo’s deep laugh rattles me and he takes another sip of his drink, motioning for the bartender to bring us another round.

  “We should call it a night. We got an early day tomorrow,” I say cautiously, knowing my inhibitions are slowly flying out the window with each drink.

  “One more,” Lorenzo whispers, putting my unruly hair behind my ear.

  I suck in a breath, looking down as his fingers trace a line across my chin now, along my bottom lip and down the front of my neck.

  I close my eyes, my nostrils flaring as I feel the heat of his body come closer to me.


  “Fuck the drinks.”

  He pulls me to my feet, dragging us down the hallway and to the elevators. I stumble on my heels behind him in my little black dress as the doors open and he pushes me inside, stalking toward me like a tiger cornering his prey.

  He doesn’t touch me, he stands a foot away, his arms above my shoulders on the elevator wall as we stare at each other.

  “We can’t…” I plead.

  “We can, you just think we shouldn’t. The things I’ve dreamt of doing to you, Jenna. The filthy fucking things I’ve wanted to do with you. Mmmm,” he growls, closing his eyes as his teeth grind together and his nostrils flair.

  “L-like what?” I whisper, knowing I’m baiting the lion, dangling a piece of steak in front of his face and expecting him not to eat it.

  “Like nibbling my way up the inside of your thighs and then robbing your lungs of oxygen as I suck every ounce of pleasure from your clit.”

  I whimper, dropping my head to the elevator wall as I grip the hand rails behind me like my life depends on it. I feel the blood drain
ing from my fingers as I grip it harder, all the blood rushing down to the clit Lorenzo wants to devour.

  “W-what else?”

  “I want to kneel down before your gorgeous fucking body and eat your pussy until you quench my thirst. Until my face is soaked with your cum.”

  “O-okay, stop,” I pant, squeezing my eyes shut and shaking my head.

  My body is painfully shuddering, my hips are involuntarily moving at his words and he hasn’t even fucking touched me yet.

  “I can’t stop,” he growls, inching forward now as I open my eyes. “I fucking want you, Jenna.”

  “Enzo, we can’t…” I whine, keeping my hand firmly against his chest as his body presses so hard into me, I swear we’re like one body.

  The cool wall of the elevator behind my back soothes the fire stirring inside my body and Lorenzo presses his forehead to mine, inhaling with a groan.

  “Fucking hell what you look like in this dress, Jenna. What you’d look like with it off, riding my fucking face.”

  His fingers trail up the outside of my thigh, inch by inch, so painfully slow until he gets to the top of my stockings. He curses, his teeth gritted as he runs his nose down my cheek and then my neck, stopping between my cleavage. His tongue juts out, licking my hot skin and I arch my body, moaning.

  “Oh fuck, Enzo, we’re drunk. You have to stop. You have to be stronger than me, you have to s-stop…”

  When his fingers start to move between my thighs, my phone rings in my purse from the floor and something in me snaps. A sign that we should not be doing this. I push his chest harder, shaking my head as I drop down, picking up my purse and searching for my phone. The elevator doors open and Lorenzo and I get out, walking down the hall as I see it’s a text message from my best friend, Paisley.

  Paisley: This is your check in. Are you in your own room with your vibrator or a real life dick? If it’s the latter, I approve but I know you told me not to so abort. Go back to your own room.

  I try and hide my smirk, putting my phone back into my bag and exhaling.

  “I’ll see you in the mornin’, okay?” I whisper, putting a hand on Lorenzo’s chest as I turn to open my hotel door.

  “That’s it, huh? You have some self control, Jenna Watson.”

  I turn to look at him over my shoulder and wink.

  “One of us has to.”

  “So today we have with us bestsellin’ authors, Jenna Watson and Lorenzo Morgan. Welcome you two! How are y’all enjoyin’ Atlanta?” Carly Johnson, radio host of Atlanta’s hottest morning show asks.

  “We’re loving it. Right, Watson?’ Lorenzo asks with a smirk.

  I’ve ignored his attempt at sexting me all night last night and even this morning. I pretended I didn’t hear his groan as I ate my banana at breakfast this morning and really, really avoided his touch when he opened his arm to slip mine inside, walking into the studio today.

  “Definitely enjoyin’ it. Thank y’all for havin’ us,” I say back with my own smirk.

  “So tell us about your journey! It’s been two months since y’all blew up the romance world. What’s life been like, and what does the future hold?” Carly asks.

  “Wanna take it?” Lorenzo asks, nudging my shoulder.

  “Sure. We’re just ridin’ the wave and it’s been super fun. Had our first signin’ last night and have an interview later on Live with Kim and Jim. We’re workin’ on our next book now too, that’s been goin’ pretty well.”

  “So how do y’all write together? Do you spend a few days together writin’ or y’all talk over video or over the phone? It’s gotta be hard meshin’ too different brains together, huh?”

  “That’s you, Balboa,” I respond, nudging Lorenzo.

  “We actually haven’t met before yesterday. We usually talk on the phone or video chat. We type together in real time here and there too. I think meshin’ two brains is fun as Hell. She brings the feminine touches and I always bring the alpha male vibe.”

  “Oh, please,” I laugh, “I sometimes go alpha on your a—butt. We all know Carrie was a sassy, fierce heroine and Gregor didn’t stand a chance!”

  Lorenzo laughs, pinching my nose.

  “Yeah, yeah. That locker bang made that book, baby and you know it.”

  I scoff, rolling my eyes and Carly laughs.

  “Well, y’all sound like an old married couple. Can we get a little personal up in here? Y’all seein’ anyone? Boyfriend? Girlfriend? Husband? Wife? Fiance’s?”

  “None of that for me,” I say with a smile. “Just...focusin’ on writin’.”

  “Same for me,” Lorenzo nods.

  “Hmmm,” Carly sighs. “Famous last words.”

  I blush, glancing at Lorenzo as he eyes me too.

  “Well, thank y’all for stoppin’ by today to hangout with us. Visit to keep up with these two and everything they have planned! Their book is available in Kindle Unlimited on Amazon and they’re both obviously on Instagram! We’ll be back after a short break.”

  I take off my headphones and stand, hugging Carly and thank her for letting us come on today. Lorenzo does the same as we walk out of the studio and out toward the car Stacey and Marley has driving us around.

  “You driving back after the show today?” Lorenzo asks, as he opens the back door for me and lets me slide inside.

  I nod as he comes in behind me and he shuts the door.

  “Running away, huh?”


  “I get it. I don’t like it but I get it. You just can’t honestly tell me that you didn’t feel that energy last night though, can you?”

  He cups my cheek, pressing our noses together as our eyes connect, his brown to my green and it would take nothing to just press our lips together and finally give in to this.

  I’ve never felt this pull, this unexplainable desire to connect with someone so fiercely and it scares the ever living shit out of me.

  He moves his lips closer to mine, inches away, then centimeters and I keep my eyes open, wanting to watch him shatter the glass wall protecting me, but it never comes.

  The car jerks and so do both of us as Lorenzo lets go of my face to brace himself against the door, careful not to crush me.

  “Let’s buckle up.”

  I nod, realizing that the quick jerk of the car didn’t panic me like it probably would have and I can’t help but think it’s because I was in Lorenzo’s arms. I buckle myself up, looking out the window now, knowing no matter how bad I want to just crawl into his lap and let him pleasure me, I can’t. After this show, I need to go back to Nashville and keep the distance between the two of us. We’re both safer that way.

  Six months later…

  "Okay!" Stacey interrupts, clapping her hands. "Let's just put it out there for them, Marley. You guys need a book and you need it now."

  I sigh, nodding my head as I stare at my phone, Stacey, Marley and Lorenzo’s faces looking back at me. I rub at my eyes, taking a sip from my coffee.

  "I know, I know, we're workin’ on it. We got some words in last night. Maybe a month or two we'll have—"

  "Nope," Marley says, cutting me off. "We don't have a month or two, people want one now.”

  “Whenever you two video us, there’s always a bomb bein’ dropped. What is it this time?” I ask.

  “We're giving you this weekend to finish your first draft. It should be ready for a proofreader by Tuesday morning,” Marley says quickly.

  "What?" Lorenzo and I both yell at the same time.

  "That's impossible," he says.

  "Insanity," I agree.

  "Not if you have no choice but to write the entire weekend." Stacey smiles, a sneaky smile and I furrow my brows.

  "What are you talkin’ 'bout?" I ask, crossing my arms over my chest.

  "You and Lorenzo together for the weekend, Friday until Monday night. Nothing to worry about except writing. Kitchen will be stocked and no one will be interrupting you," Marley answers.

ke jail?" I squeak.

  "More like a work trip," Marley shrugs.

  "And where is this happenin’?" I groan, the idea of spending an entire weekend alone with Lorenzo slowly turning my stomach while simultaneously turning me the hell on.

  I remember what happened at that book signing. I remember how much I wanted him to rip my clothes off right in that damn bar.

  "Your choice, just not at either of your houses. Someplace neutral to keep your juices flowing," Stacey answers.

  "Flowing juices, got it," Lorenzo jokes.

  I furrow my brows and can't find a sassy remark to swing back at him.

  Maybe that's because you're salivating for him to get your juices flowing.

  I shake my head and close my eyes, pinching my thigh to keep my mind straight.

  "There's a bunch of places we can rent here," I supply.

  "My parents have a house in Lake George. We can go there. That's if Ms. Watson wants to make the trek up north," Lorenzo challenges.

  I cross my arms over my chest and huff out a breath.

  "I ain't scared to go up North. I'm there. I'll book my flight today."

  "Then it's settled," Stacey gushes.

  "I'll book your flight," Lorenzo interrupts. "You don't know what airport to fly into. New York is a shit show."

  "Well you can just tell me," I sass back.

  "I'm booking it, Jenna. Tell her ladies."

  "Just let him do it, Jenna. You know how he gets when he doesn't get his way," Marley laughs.

  "Fine," I groan. "But tell me how much it is. I'm payin’ you back."

  "I'm looking forward to it."

  There's something about the way he says it, his voice dripping with promises, filthy promises and my mouth drops open to respond.

  "We'll be in touch! Give us updates throughout the weekend! Have fun!" Stacey says hanging up the call.

  Marley waves and ends the call on her side, leaving Lorenzo and me in a stare off. I'm annoyed. I'm annoyed as hell that I have no control over this weekend and my treacherous body. By the look on Lorenzo's face he's going to enjoy infiltrating the crack in my exterior and breaking down the walls to the prize. I would be lying if I said I wasn't going to enjoy it too. Shit.

  "So let me get this straight. Y'all have to live together for the weekend to write one of your porn books?"


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