Bestselling Bastard : A Hero Club Novel

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Bestselling Bastard : A Hero Club Novel Page 5

by Nicole Rodrigues

  "Why do you always say that? It's romance and yes, there's sex but—"

  "But it's lady porn. Just embrace it, Jenna."

  "Okay, whatever! That's not the point I'm tryna make here. I'm tryna tell you that I can't be alone all weekend with him, Paisley! He's...he's…"

  "Your sexy lover boy that you've had a crush on the past year?"

  "Shut up," I groan, laying back on my yoga mat.

  "Tell me I'm wrong."

  "You're wrong," I say quickly. "I don't crush. Crushes lead to relationships, relationships lead to serious and serious leads to love. You know what love leads to?"


  "Leavin’. I refuse to watch someone else walk out of my life again, especially not him."

  "Hey, I'm still here. I love you!"

  "Oh stop, you don't count,” I laugh.

  Paisley frowns, crossing her arms over her chest.

  "And why in the hell not?"

  "Because friend love is different."

  "And parent love isn't?"

  My gaze snaps to her quickly and she knows she overstepped. She closes her eyes, shaking her head and reaches for me.

  "I'm sorry, Jen. I didn't mean it like that."

  I sigh, laying down to start my breathing before our class begins.

  "Forget it, okay? I know you didn't. Just...keep my ass in check when I get back from this weekend. If I start talkin’ crazy...keep my head on straight."

  "Findin’ someone to love ain't crazy, Jenna. Keepin’ yourself isolated is crazy."

  “Pais, you know what happened to…”

  I can’t even say it out loud. It’s been five years and I still can’t talk about it.


  "If you're my friend, you'll do as I say, okay?"

  She exhales, squeezing my shoulder as she gives me a sad smile.

  "Fine. Fine."

  Our yoga instructor walks into the studio and I spend the next hour playing every scenario of how this weekend will go in my mind. The relaxation I should feel turns to a built up tension as I picture spending an entire weekend with the most important man in my life. My best friend this past year, my rock on days I needed to feel grounded. People always leave though, especially people I love. I can't love Lorenzo Morgan because then I'll lose him. There's no coming back from that if I do.

  Chapter 3


  I stand on the sidewalk, the smell of gasoline and filth seeping into my nostrils. Switching my weight from one foot to the other, I tap my fingers on my luggage handle, biting my lower lip.

  This was a mistake. This was such a big mistake. I know our careers are at stake but is spending a weekend alone together really going to help? I can't write while Lorenzo stares at me. I can't sleep in the same house with him, shower down the hall from him and not...feel anything.

  He's been there every single day, all day since we met a year ago. He's the first person I text when I wake up, the last person I talk to before I fall asleep. When something goes right or wrong in my life, he's the first phone call.

  He's the person I send funny memes to, the one I can have a full on GIF war with, the one who reads my mind and knows what I want before I even do. A whole weekend, alone. Why did I agree to this? I throw my head back and groan, taking my phone out of my pocket and check the time.

  A text message pops up from Lorenzo and I slide to open it.

  Lorenzo: Tracker said you landed. Welcome to NY, Watson. Take a deep breath in and smell the lovely city air.

  I laugh, shaking my head as I type out my reply.

  Jenna: Thank you. Now get your ass here to pick me up before someone mugs me.

  Lorenzo: Hey now, not all New Yorkers are criminals! I take offense to that.

  I laugh again and roll my eyes, ready to type out a reply when he answers.

  Lorenzo: Look up.

  My smile fades as I brace myself for the sight of him again. Taking a deep breath, I look up and a few cars down, leaning against the passenger door of a black two door car, with his hands folded, a navy blue hoodie and jeans is Lorenzo.

  His smile takes up his whole face, his eyes squinting as he waves, giving me a wink.

  "Welcome to NY!" he yells, opening his arms wide.

  I smile, grabbing my luggage as I walk over to him, pushing a strand of my unruly hair behind my ear. I thought I imagined how handsome he was, not seeing him in the flesh for the past six months built him up in my mind but nope. Still hot as fuck.

  He pulls me in for a hug and immediately, my body reacts even harder than it did at that hotel six months ago. He smiles, as if he knows exactly what I’m thinking and then grabs my luggage, wheeling it to his trunk.

  I thank him, sliding into the front seat, the manly cologne scent smacking me in the face as he gets into the driver’s seat.

  "How was the flight?"

  The rumble of the car causes me to jump as I feel the vibrations, tingling my already on edge body.

  "It um...was fine. Good. Went fast."

  My voice is embarrassingly high and I clear my throat, trying to reel in my reaction to all of this. I still remember what his hard shaft felt like pressed against my thigh, how much I wanted to just unzip his pants and put it in my mouth. How my whole body shook with such desire, I almost passed out.

  "I hope you don't mind stopping to meet my parents for the keys and to drop off the little guy before we head up. I was rushing to get you and didn't think I'd make it to their place without being late for you."

  I wordlessly nod, and then something cold and wet touches my elbow.

  "What the fuck!"

  I turn quickly and am faced with the tiny little face of a white dog.

  "Little guy. Right. That didn't register as fast as it should have. Hi, Cannoli."

  Cannoli jumps into my lap and I squeal, holding my breath as he settles into my lap.

  "Don't tell me you've been faking the whole year. You don't like dogs?" he gasps.

  "I wasn't fakin'. He's adorable. I'm just terrified of them. A dog bit through my hand when I was little," I groan, lifting my right hand to show Lorenzo the scar I have in between my thumb and pointer finger.

  He winces, looking back at the road before taking Cannoli off my lap.

  "Shit, that looks like it hurt. I'm sorry, I didn't know. You should have told me."

  He leans back, putting Cannoli on the floor in the backseat and I let out a breath.

  "It's okay, I'm fine. It was a huge dog, Cannoli is little. I...I don't mind."

  Cannoli jumps in between us to the middle console and tries to lick my face.

  "Easy boy. I know she's pretty but you gotta work on your approach. Don't go for the kill right out of the gate."

  I laugh, rolling my eyes at Lorenzo's comment and shake my head. Flirtatious banter is good, this is our common ground. I slowly pat Cannoli's head and his tongue juts out as he turns on his back, giving me his belly.

  "He's such a manwhore," Lorenzo mumbles.

  I laugh again, scratching his belly as his tail starts to wag.

  "You're a cutie, huh? You wouldn't hurt a fly."

  He sits up quickly, hopping into my lap as he walks a circle then settles in, dropping his head and lays down.

  "He's a good puppy."

  Lorenzo puts his hand on Cannoli's head to pet him, colliding with my own. I pull my hand back fast, feeling the jolt all the way down to my elbow.


  I look sideways at Lorenzo to see if he felt it too, but he seems unaffected, continuing to pet Cannoli like we didn't even touch.

  "So, where are we meetin' your parents?"

  I reach over to turn on the radio and catch Lorenzo's gaze now out of the corner of my eyes. Maybe he was affected.

  "What?" I ask defensively.

  “Just can’t believe I get you all to myself this weekend.”

  I shake my head, turning to look out the window and take a deep breath before I answer him.

  “Workin’, Lo
renzo. We’re doin’ this for work.”

  “Oh, I know. I plan on workin’ a lot. Morning, afternoon, night. All day everyday, as much as my body will let me.”

  I scoff, shaking my head, taking all my brainpower and change the subject.

  "So you never answered my question. Where are we meetin' your parents?"

  Lorenzo laughs before he answers. "Alright, I’ll bite. They're at the Palisades Mall. It's about an hour up but it's on the way."

  "An hour? How far is the cabin?" I ask, trying not to let the anxiety creep up on me.

  "Only two from there. I know you hate long rides but I promise it'll be worth it when we get there. I have an awesome surprise for you."

  I take a deep breath and nod, practicing my exercises and ignore the car doors closing in on me.

  Nope. Not here. Not now. I got this.

  After a few more seconds of breathing and clearing my mind, I open my eyes and lean my head back.

  "You good?"

  I nod, looking over to Lorenzo, focusing on him and nothing else.

  "So why are we meetin' them at the mall?"

  "Well, going into their condo in the city would have been a shit show. You aren't in Tennessee anymore, Watson."

  "Please," I scoff. "I know it ain't New York City but you should see downtown durin' bachelorette season!"

  Lorenzo laughs and I glance over. Loving the sound and the sight of his smile. I didn’t realize how much I missed it until just now.

  Friends. He's your friend, Jenna.

  We make small talk in the car and the hour goes by quickly. I gasp when Lorenzo pulls into the parking lot of the biggest mall I've ever seen.

  "Holy shit, how many floors is this thing?"

  "Only four."

  "Only four? God, this thing is huge! It's gotta be the biggest mall in America!"

  "Eleventh actually. Fourth largest in the NYC area though."

  "Wow. I can't imagine what the biggest looks like. I'm not much of a mall girl. I stick to Target."

  "Well the biggest is gonna be finished this spring. Meadowlands in New Jersey. I can take you when it's done."

  We're making plans now? Well yeah, friends make plans.

  Friends. Friends. Friends.

  "Well damn, everything is bigger in New York, huh?"

  He glances over at me and wiggles his eyebrows.

  "That it is, country girl, that it is. But you already knew that."

  I laugh, rolling my eyes as we get out of his car and walk side by side to the mall entrance, Cannoli waddling between us. My mouth drops open as I take in the expansive space, the insanely high ceilings, the amount of people milling around.

  "How are we gonna find your parents?"

  "They're where they always are on Friday mornings."

  He nods for me to follow and I do, my head snapping from left to right as we walk, passing stores I've never even heard of before. Different smells permeate my nostrils as we pass perfume stores and clothing stores, hat stores, baby stores, even a hair and nail salon.

  "There they are."

  I look to where Lorenzo is pointing and gasp. A man with dark hair, salt and pepper sideburns and the same perfect smile as Lorenzo is hooked up to a harness and gliding across the open space of the mall.

  "Oh my God, what the hell is he doin'?"

  "World’s largest rope course. They do some weird shit together. Keep the spark alive or whatever."

  I look back to his father as he opens his arms, catching a gliding brunette with blue tipped hair in his arms. She collides with his body, letting go of her rope as she wraps her legs around his waist and they furiously start making out.

  I laugh as Lorenzo groans, turning away and rolling his eyes.

  "Tell me when they're done."

  I laugh again, glancing back at his parents and his dad's hands are on his moms ass, with no sign of stopping.

  "Lord, is it the adrenaline?"

  "Nope. They're like this all the time."

  I cross my arms over my chest and look back to Lorenzo.

  "You have the epitome of a perfect marriage example all these years and you're still a slut?"

  His eyes snap to mine and he grins, opening his mouth in shock.

  "I'm not a slut, I just haven't found my one yet. God, you're so judgy. What about you? Endless amounts of dates and they never go to the second."

  He crosses his own arms over his chest and arches an eyebrow. I try not to let my real thoughts show as I shake my head and shrug.

  "Haven't found my one yet either."

  We're at a standoff, neither one of us breaking until I crack, giving him a side smile.

  "Fair enough, Watson. Fair enough."

  "There's my boy! How long were you guys waiting here?"

  I look up, seeing Lorenzo's parents making their way over to us and seeing them in person is a lot different too. I only met them briefly over Skype for a few minutes but Soraya pulls me in for a hug as if she's known me for years.

  "How are you, Jenna?"

  "I'm great, it's nice to meet you. Y'all did awesome, it was really cool to watch."

  I break the hug, reaching to shake Graham's hand and he smiles, slapping Lorenzo on the back.

  "You guys should give it a try."

  "Maybe after the weekend. We have to get going," Lorenzo answers his father.

  "Well, you kids have fun. Don't do anything your dad and I wouldn't do," Soraya smirks.

  "Disgusting," Lorenzo mumbles. "Cannoli's stuff is in here. Please make sure he doesn't knock up any dogs on your watch."

  "These Morgan men and their super sperm," Soraya jokes, bumping her husband with her hip.

  "Again, disgusting."

  “Jenna, do you have any plans for the holiday? We’d love to have you stay the extra days for Christmas if you’d like?” Soraya asks.

  My heart stops in my chest and I slowly pull my gaze to Lorenzo, wondering how much he’s told them about me and my past, my family. I hope they're not doing it out of pity. I would seriously fucking hate that.

  “I...I um…”

  “I was going to ask her on the way up. She’ll say yes. See you guys on Monday.”

  All I can manage is a smile as we say our goodbyes and Lorenzo pulls me away as we walk back out to the parking lot. Lorenzo twirls the keys around his fingers, rubbing the back of his neck as he opens the passenger door for me.

  “I’m sorry if my ma was forward about Christmas. I was going to throw out the idea later on in the day.”

  I know he’s just looking out for me, being a great friend and I nod in response.

  “That was really kind of her to ask but I’m not sure. I wouldn’t wanna impose on a family holiday.”

  Lorenzo shakes his head violently and grips the top of my shoulder, electricity shooting down my arm at his touch.

  “That’s exactly the answer I knew you were going to give but please don’t think that way. You’ve been an amazing friend this past year and we’re the dream team. I consider you family. Please, just think about it?”

  He rubs a thumb along my chin and gives me a smile as I have no choice but to silently nod at his request. Words escape me and I inhale, knowing the second I get into this car, I need to fight whatever this is as hard as I possibly can.

  "You ready for a whole weekend alone with me, Watson?"

  No. Fuck no but I have no choice.

  He gives me that delicious side smirk and I pretend it doesn't stop my heart and combust my undies.

  "I'll survive," I mumble.

  "We'll see."

  Chapter 4


  I look over at Jenna as I pull up to my parents Lake George house and her fingers are white against the seat.

  Her eyes are squeezed shut and I know she doesn't like long car rides because of an accident she was in but I don't know much more than that. I only know as much as she's told me and I don't push, she's tough.

  "We're here, you okay?"

  "Yep," she answer
s quickly.

  I nod, giving her a minute as I look at the cabin in front of me, wondering when was the last time I was here. The expansive 4,200 square foot house never ceases to amaze me and when I hear the gasp from next to me, I smile.

  "What. The. Fuck."

  "Like it?"

  "Like it? Enzo, this is unbelievable! How are we supposed to write in a place like this? It's way too beautiful to just sit and type all day!"

  I cut the engine, opening my door but Jenna is already out of the car, running around the side of the house and down the rock stairs toward the deck.

  "You have a hot tub? This was...the surprise?"

  I nod, following her.

  "I knew you would need this after the car ride to relax. I didn't realize how bad it was. You could have flown into an airport up here."

  "It's okay. This is gonna help a lot."

  She pulls her hoodie off her body and my smile fades as I see the toned belly and her generous sized tits suffocating in her purple laced bra. Shit. I’ve fantasized about those tits every single fucking night the past six months after that torturous night in the hotel bar. She isn’t stopping me this time. I’m taking what I want, for the both of us.

  "You comin'?"

  I snap my gaze up to Jenna's smile and give her a nod.

  "I hope to God I will be," I mumble.

  I take the rest of the stairs down, watching her make herself at home as she slips off her pants and lifts the cover of the hot tub.

  She turns to me, giving me a full glance of her skimpy underwear showcasing almost her entire ass and I groan. I see the hot tub thankfully filled, cleaned and ready to go as she presses a few buttons and slips inside with a sigh. The jets turn on a few seconds later and I mentally will every single fiber in my body to keep my dick where it is as I watch her eyes close and her head drop back against the side.

  I groan as I see her neck bob as she swallows, running my hand down my face and fight with myself. I made sure this was open for her to be a nice guy but all I want to do right now is slip in there and fuck her senseless like a selfish bastard. It feels like this past year was just a dragged out torturous form of foreplay.

  "Just get in, pretty boy."

  I snap my head toward her and she gives me that devilish smile and I laugh, shaking my head and finger at her.

  "You know your ass is gonna be freezing when you get out of there, right? Let me grab some towels."


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