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Bestselling Bastard : A Hero Club Novel

Page 18

by Nicole Rodrigues

  But fuck if I don't at least try to put up a fight, try to back her into a corner and see if she fights back.

  "And what if I don't wanna stay there? What if I can't have you the way I want, I don't want you at all?"

  Her mouth opens a few times and I see the hurt flash across her face. Fuck.

  “Jenna, I didn't—”

  “Maybe it’s time for you to go. I’m feelin’ much better and I’ll eat the soup when it comes.”

  She lifts her chin up and I know I’m not winning any kind of argument when she has her determined face on. I let my pride open its big fat fucking mouth and hurt her and now I need to retreat with my tail between my legs before I make it worse.

  “Fine. I’ll give you your space Jenna but that doesn’t mean I’m done with you. You can bet your ass on it.”

  I stomp toward her, wanting to give her a bruising kiss but then she steps back and all my anger subsides. I exhale, gripping the back of her head and kissing her forehead before grabbing my bag of clothes and walk down the hall to the guest bathroom. I change quickly, grab my phone and head out, dialing Danny’s number. I look up at her building one more time before I reluctantly leave, knowing it’s going to be an uphill battle to win over Jenna Watson’s heart.

  Chapter 16


  “It’s goin’ great. We had the blogger breakfast this mornin’ and I got to meet a few readers.”

  “That’s amazin’, Jenna. Diane is jealous. Maybe if y’all do it again next year, we can make the drive down,” my father suggests.

  I smile, nodding my head as I take in a breath.

  “I think that would be really cool. I should go. Thanks for checkin’ in on me.”

  “Of course. Talk to you soon and have fun. And Jenna…”


  “I’m proud of you and I love you.”

  “Thanks. I’ll talk to you soon.”

  I hang up, letting out a breath. It’s soon. Too soon to say all that I’m feeling out loud but it’s a step. He’s called almost every day since I left North Carolina a few weeks back, even though we didn’t leave on the happiest of terms. It’ll take some getting used to, my father being in another state, with a whole different family, but he’s trying and I can’t hate him for trying.

  “You ready to go?”

  Stacey’s voice from behind me causes me to jump as I nod, walking into the ballroom and to our signing table. Lorenzo is already there in a tight baby blue t-shirt, jeans and sneakers, his hair gelled to the side and that big smile on his face.

  “Well if it isn’t sleeping beauty. Missed you at the breakfast today.”

  “I was there, just a little late.”

  I press my lips together, not wanting to get into too much detail, but knowing we need to have a talk makes my stomach flip.

  “Late night?”

  There’s an edge to his tone and I furrow my brows at him. I know he’s angry with me, having shut him out the past few weeks, ignoring his calls and finally answering a video chat only to tell him I still just want to be friends. That is until the past few days when everything changed.

  “No it wasn’t. I was asleep by eight, actually.”


  “God, you are super annoyin’ when you’re jealous, you know that?”

  “Okay everyone! Readers are going to start piling in! Have fun!”

  I stare daggers at Lorenzo and he holds my gaze until a few readers start to form a line at our table.

  Everything goes so fast for the first hour. Tons and tons of readers line up at our table, some bringing their own books for us to sign, some picking up their pre-orders, wanting pictures and swag and to talk about how much they loved our newest book.

  “The scene on the fur rug in front of the fireplace! My God, I wore my husband out after reading that!"

  My cheeks heat with embarrassment, hating that we published real moments from our intimate weekend. We sold ourselves out and I can’t help but wonder if maybe Lorenzo just wants to keep this facade going because of how successful we are. Is that the catch in all this? We write amazing books together when we give into our desires, is that why he wants to keep this going? God, my brain is all sorts of fucked up today.

  "I'm glad you liked it. That was one of my favorite scenes in the book," Enzo gushes, as he presses the sharpie to the paperback.

  I catch his wink out of the corner of my eye and have to fight the urge to roll my eyes.

  Arrogant bastard.

  I remember too well how hard I came on that stupid fur rug in front of the fireplace. So hard that I lost my voice the rest of the night and sounded like a ninety year old smoker. He would never let me live it down.

  "What about you, Jenna? What was your favorite scene to write?" the woman asks, snapping me out of my thoughts.

  "I um...I like the endin’," I say with a smile, turning to her. "Somethin’ 'bout Parker's confession, the grand gesture that it's been her all along. That was my favorite."

  Enzo passes the book to me, our fingers touching and I hold back my body's reaction, the electric spark that shoots down my arm.

  "That's your favorite, huh?" he whispers, holding the sharpie out to me.

  I take it, locking eyes with him and his expression isn't cocky anymore, it's serious. It's the look he had in my apartment on that last day a few weeks back when I told him to leave. The look of wanting to say something but he didn't. He opens his mouth to speak, but again, nothing comes out.

  "Yeah. You know me, sucker for that happily ever after."

  I give him a sad smile, pulling the sharpie out of his hand and sign the book, handing it back to the reader with a knowing smirk now on her face.

  "Thank you both. Mind if we get a picture?"

  "No problem."

  I stand, Enzo following suit as we walk around the other side of the table. We both wrap our arms around the back of the woman, touching again and this time, I flinch. The woman laughs as someone in line takes the picture and she turns toward us with a wink.

  "Parker and Maisey's chemistry have nothing on the two of you. Thanks again."

  I stand there, shaking my head as I walk back around to our chairs.

  "God, is it that obvious?" I groan.

  "That I spent a whole weekend inside you and we wrote about it?" Enzo whispers in my ear. I gasp, looking up at our line of readers, making sure no one overheard. "Considering you haven't stopped eye fucking me the last hour, I'd say yes."

  I scoff, pushing him away from me.

  "I have not been…" I lower my voice, speaking through the side of my mouth. "Eye fuckin' you."

  He laughs, shaking his head as he greets our next reader.

  "How are you, Tiffany? Enjoying yourself?" Enzo asks, eyeing the next reader's name tag.

  "So much. I absolutely love you Lorenzo. I may or may not have a picture of you as my bookmark for all my books," she gushes.

  She bends forward on the table, taking some swag as she hands the paperback to Lorenzo, lingering a little too long for my liking.

  She doesn't even glance my way as I reach over, taking the paperback from Lorenzo when he's done.

  "So, what do you typically do after these things? I'm staying at the hotel and wonder if anyone hangs out at the bar after?"

  I laugh, not realizing I did it outloud and Lorenzo eyes me.

  "Well, this is our first signing so I'm not too sure. I imagine we'll go to dinner to celebrate," he responds, looking to me for a reaction.

  I finish signing the book, looking up at the reader and smile, handing it back to her.

  "I imagine we would. Nice to meet you."

  She blinks a few times, taken back by my dismissal and I feel sick. She's just a fan, I shouldn't be such a nasty, jealous bitch.

  "But," I continue as she starts to turn away. "We probably will stop by the bar and mingle."

  Her eyes light up, looking to Lorenzo and she nods, waving as she walks away.

  "Smooth save, wh
at the fuck was that?" Lorenzo whispers.

  "Nothin'," I mumble.

  "Jealousy? You're jealous aren't you," he laughs. “I’m not the only one then, I guess.”

  I turn and glare at him, poking his chest.

  "Like you so eloquently put it, considerin' you were 'inside me all weekend', yes, maybe I'm a little jealous. I can't just shut shit off like you, Enzo."

  I realize I'm talking way too loud, glancing around at the crowd forming at our table. People stare with curious eyes as I turn back, pressing my lips together.

  "Shut shit off? Are you kidding me?"

  "Forget it. Let's just get the rest of this over with."

  "No way. You say shit like that and you think I'm just gonna let it ride? Fuck that, J."

  Enzo stands on the chair next to me and I feel my stomach drop to my feet. What the fuck is he doing?

  "Excuse me, fellow bookworms. Jenna and myself have to have a little chat, so please feel free to take any swag your heart desires and we will be back in ten minutes."

  He hops down off the chair, grabbing my hand and dragging me through the conference room to the exit door. He slams it open, the back of the door hitting the wall as we walk down a deserted hallway.

  He pushes me to the alcove of another hall and presses me against the wall as I feel my heart beating out of my damn chest with desire.

  "What do you want, Jenna? I tried to convince you to be with me but you shut me out these past few weeks. I thought you told me you wanted to keep that weekend where it was? I reluctantly agreed for you, why are you so pissed?"

  "I-I did, I know, I did. We agreed, I just…"

  I close my eyes, the cool surface of the wall soothing against the hot flesh of my back. Enzo moves closer, his body against mine as he presses a hand to the wall behind me.

  "You just what?"

  Our noses are touching, our eyes are locked and my body takes over, not wanting to have this conversation right now so I cup his cheeks and slam our lips together instead. It takes him less than a second to react as he pushes me harder against the wall, grinding his hips against my body. The steel rod in his jeans rubs against my sensitive center so deliciously, he can probably make me come from just doing that.

  His lips unlatch from mine as he brings them down against my jaw, my neck, my collarbone.

  "For the life of me I cannot unfeel your pussy wrapped around my goddamn cock, Jenna," he groans.

  I whimper, fisting the back of his t-shirt with one hand, digging my nails into the back of his neck with the other.

  He's dry humping me against a fucking wall like a teenager and I'm loving every goddamn minute of it.

  "I...c-can't unfeel your cock inside me," I moan, closing my eyes and dropping my head back against the wall.

  "Then let's not. Stay with me tonight and let's fucking do it again. You know you want it, don't be scared."

  His hands roam up the side of my body, grazing my ribs and landing on my breast. He squeezes, his lips and tongue still abusing the sensitive flesh on my neck. I know I'll look like I have a wild rash when I got back into that signing, the stubble on Enzo's face marking my alabaster skin, but I don't have one fuck to give right now.

  "You've got to be kidding me. Get the fuck back in there right now!"

  A stern voice makes us both jump, separating ourselves so fast, I almost think it never even happened.

  Marley shakes her head at us and Lorenzo and I just stand there, panting, like two teenagers who got caught fooling around by their parents.

  "Marley, we just needed to—"

  "I dont give a shit what you needed to do, Enzo, you're here for a signing, need I remind you. Don't fuck it up by being horny voyeurs that can't even keep their shit in check at a professional event."

  She's right and I look down at the rug, embarrassed by our escapades.

  "She's right," I whisper. "We're very sorry, Marley. This won't happen again."

  I walk out of the hallway and back through the conference room to our table. Our line is much longer now, no doubt due to that reader overhearing a conversation and wondering if Enzo and I actually are a thing. Eyes glue to me and I'm sure Enzo has left evidence all over my neck that everyone's hunch is true.

  "This isn't over,” Enzo whispers as he takes his seat next to me.

  "Yes it is."

  I look at the next reader and give them my best smile as she gushes over our first book together and how great our drunken live video was. A few more hours of this and then I can clear my head and figure out a plan, just a few more hours.

  I open my hotel door, ready to just crash in bed but before I can shut it, a strong hand stops it. I whip around and Lorenzo is there cupping my cheeks and kissing me before he kicks the door closed behind him.

  I gasp into his mouth as he walks us backwards and the back of my knees hit the bed as we tumble on top of it.


  "Jenna, I can't stop this. It's driving me insane you're all I think about. Your smile, your laugh, these fucking lips…"

  He pulls down my bottom lip with his thumb and then bites it, causing me to whimper.

  "I'm exhausted, Lorenzo. I was just thinkin' about how much I wanna sleep. I...we can't…"

  "Then let's sleep."

  He stands quickly, taking off his clothes until he's only in his skin tight boxer briefs, showcasing his massive bulge. He adjusts himself, the tip of his cock peeking out from the waistband.

  I swallow, shaking my head as I watch him pull back the covers and slide under them. He pats the bed next to him and I laugh.

  "Who said I wanted to sleep with you?" I sass, crossing my arms over my shoulders.

  "Those did."

  He nods at my body and I look down, seeing my hard nipples through the thin material of my tank top and bra.

  "I left the AC super cold in here, shut up," I grumble, stripping down to my bra and undies with an audible exhale.

  I slowly slip into bed next to Lorenzo, squealing when the coolness of the sheet hits my naked skin.

  "Come here, let me warm you up."

  Large, warm arms envelop me as I'm pulled into a solid wall of a chest that immediately relaxes me. His hot body quickly soothes mine as his warmth seeps into my skin. Fingers thread through my hair and I can't even fight it if I wanted to, I'm asleep within minutes. It's the best sleep I've had since that weekend together and I know it's just another sign I'm having a hard time ignoring.

  Opening my eyes slowly, I'm still covered by a warm body and I smile, scooching myself even further into him. He groans, tightening his arms around me and I press my lips together to keep from laughing as I feel the rod against my ass come to life.

  "Keep wiggling that ass against me and I'll fuck it," Lorenzo mumbles sleepily.

  I gasp, trying to pull away but he laughs into my hair, keeping me against him.

  "Did you enjoy your power nap?"

  "Power nap?"

  "It's not morning yet. I think only midnight."


  I look over my shoulder at him as he leans up on an elbow and kisses me.

  "Got your energy back?" he asks between kisses.

  I nod, gripping the back of his head to deepen the kiss as he slips my underwear down my legs.

  "God, I missed this," I admit.

  "Me too, J. Fuck, me too."

  His fingers make quick work as he glides them through my already wet folds. Before I know what’s happening, he turns me to the side, pressing his chest and cock to my back and ass.

  “Lorenzo, I do not wanna spoon right now. What in the hell are you—”

  He lifts my thigh as he slides into my pussy from behind and I let out the most contented sigh.

  “Ohhh God, yessss.”

  His movements are slow and lazy, rocking into me from behind as he lifts my thigh again, gripping my ass to open myself up to him more.

  “Fuck,” he growls.

  “Not. Enough,” I gasp, turning onto my back as I lift my l
eft leg straight up to his shoulder, my other leg getting trapped between both of his.

  I’m spread open like a meal as he reaches forward, torturing my clit, pushing harder into me and I cry out at the deep angle.

  “Fucking shit. Lorenzo. God, fuck, I...I can’t…”

  I try to turn back on my side but his big palm cups my breast keeping me on my back. I twitch, my ass rubbing against his lower stomach as I slowly grind into him. My right leg is useless between his tree trunk thighs but he slams hard into me now, causing his thick thigh to grind into my clit.

  “Oh fuck!” I gasp, slapping my hand against his chest as I dig my nails into his skin.

  “I’m gonna come, Jenna. You gotta let go. Let me see that gorgeous fucking face when you come for me.”

  I bite my lip, almost drawing blood as I crazily nod, arching my back and take him as deep as I possibly can. I whimper, squeezing my eyes shut, the delicious sting of how deep he is, causing my toes to curl into the bottom of my feet.

  “Fuck, I’m comin’,” I cry out. “Lorenzo, I...yesssss.”

  He growls, jerking his hips into me with no rhythm as I feel him empty inside me and my walls squeeze around him. His big hand plops down onto my breast, lightly squeezing as he turns his head to the side and kisses my ankle up next to his face.

  My body is heavy as I try to pull my leg down but he wraps an arm around my calf, keeping my legs spread open. The movements of his fingers up and down my skin cause my walls to crumble and I succumb to sleep, his cock still twitching inside me. The weight of the world is shelved for now. I don't feel a thing except peace.

  Chapter 17


  For once, I wake up without a fright. I had no nightmares last night, I actually dreamt about...nothing. My eyelids are heavy as I pry them open, one at a time and look around. I cover my mouth when I realize Lorenzo and I fell asleep last night still...tangled. I take a few deep breaths as I wince, slowly scooching back as he slips out of me and I mentally smack myself for falling asleep like this.

  Getting off the bed, I rush to the bathroom, empty my bladder and rummage around for a tank top and shorts. I poke my head out of the bathroom, seeing Lorenzo still asleep on the bed and grab my phone, slipping out the balcony door and make my way down to the beach.


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