Book Read Free


Page 10

by Zenobia Renquist

  “Sew-sew in.”

  Emily blinked several times. She could feel something slipping away but couldn’t hold the thought. Like waking from a dream, it was fading. She needed to remember something. What?

  Lucas said, “I told you the necklace and shoes would make you feel better about the dress.”

  She stared at her reflection. The dress did look amazing with the necklace. She squeezed her thighs together. Something was pinching her, except the sensation wasn’t consistent. It seemed to fade in and out. She ignored it. Probably just fatigue from shopping all day.

  “So we’re getting it, right?”

  She smiled at Lucas in the mirror. “You knew we were getting it the second we stepped into the store. Don’t try to act like I had a choice in the matter.”

  “True but I would like to think you like it too.”

  “I still say it’s too risqué for a wedding but I’ll happily brave pissing off Yolanda.”

  “That’s my girl. Get changed and I’ll get us checked out.” He tugged the tag from the dress, placed a kiss on her cheek and then picked up his basket and went to the front.

  Emily stared at her reflection a little longer. She frowned as something important fluttered at the back of her mind. Again, she couldn’t focus on it. Or rather, every time she tried to focus on it, it eluded her. She shook her head. It was probably nothing.

  She glanced at the bench and debated sitting down to check the dress from that angle again. The chances of flashing someone were slim so long as she didn’t stoop down or sit across from someone without a table between them.

  A giant wet spot made up her mind against the idea. Ew. Had that been there when she’d sat down earlier? She didn’t feel wetness on her ass. She turned her back to the mirror and checked the dress to make sure. No wet spots. Good.

  Maybe she’d missed it. On the off chance that this was the type of fabric that didn’t show when it was wet, she would have it cleaned before wearing it again. There was no telling what that wet spot was. This was an adult toy store and fetish shop.

  Emily returned to the dressing room and her clothes. She changed quickly and joined Lucas up front. Joseph was giving Lucas the credit card slip to sign when she got there.

  Joseph smiled at her as he ran his gaze over her chest and licked his lips. “Looking good.”

  “Uh, thanks.” Why did it feel as if he could see her breasts beneath her shirt and bra?

  Lucas asked, “Where is the necklace?”

  A light blush dusted Emily’s cheeks. “It’s so comfortable I forgot about it and didn’t take it off. I’ll be right back.” She turned toward the dressing room.

  “Hold up, Em. Just take it off here.”

  She wanted to argue but decided against it. “Fine.” She faced away from Lucas and Joseph, reached under her shirt and removed the nipple shields. Behind her, Lucas undid the clasp at the back of her neck.

  She was pulling her shirt down and glancing over her shoulder to make sure Lucas and Joseph weren’t peeking when the security monitor behind the counter caught her eye. The camera was angled at the counter and she could see the front of her body. Though Joseph’s back was to the monitor, Lucas had a perfect view. He’d seen her lift her shirt and expose her breasts to take off the nipple rings. Had he known the camera was there? Was that why he stopped her where he did? She was framed too perfectly for it not to be a setup.

  Something about the image bothered her. A small frown marred her features and she blinked several times, trying to make sense of what she was seeing. The monitor showed her wearing no shirt or bra. She was naked from the waist up, but that wasn’t right. She was wearing her shirt. She could feel it. She’d lifted it up to take off the nipple shields.

  “Em?” Lucas stepped close to her and cupped her breasts. “What’s wrong? Do you miss them already?”

  “No,” she whispered as her confusion grew. Lucas was holding her breasts without a shirt to impede him. She could see him doing it but she didn’t feel it, not completely. It was as if his hands were there but they weren’t. Even more confusing was the fact that she didn’t try to stop him or pull away or figure out how she’d left the dressing room without her shirt on.

  He said to Joseph, “See?”

  Joseph said, “That’s a damn neat trick. Mind if I…” He gestured to her breasts.

  “Go for it. Em doesn’t mind.”

  Doesn’t mind what? As Joseph reached across the counter toward her, she wanted to tell Lucas she minded a lot. She wanted to step away but stayed where she was, allowing Joseph to pinch and roll her right nipple.

  The thing that had been fluttering at the back of her mind came forward, triggered by his touch. Flashes of memory returned to her—Joseph stuffing her pussy with a dildo and then with his dick. When had that happened? She knew it wasn’t her imagination. The memory had too many specific details and the post-sex muscle twitches of her clit said she’d been doing something not too long ago.

  None of this made sense. Emily felt like she might start panicking.

  “Next time you two come out, I’ll have to get in some time with her tits. They look perfect for sucking. They look perfect period.” He grinned at Emily. “You’re one beautifully sensual woman, Emily. Don’t ever change.”

  His compliment heated her skin. Despite the weirdness of everything, she wanted to thank him for his words. Joseph was a sexy man. For him to say what he had meant a lot.

  Joseph winked at her as he pulled away. Emily missed his touch and found she wanted more. Lucas gave her breasts a quick squeeze and then stepped back. He reached for something on the counter and held it open.

  “Here, Em, let me help you fix your shirt.”

  She marveled at how docilely she stood by while Lucas slipped her shirt onto her arms and then buttoned it shut. This was all wrong. Where was her bra? Why didn’t she react to his actions with embarrassment or something?

  He put his hands on her shoulders and turned her so she faced the counter. At the same time, Joseph took a step back and blocked Emily’s view of the monitor. She blinked quickly. The sensation of waking from a dream hit her and the feeling of forgetting something returned.

  “Lucas, what…” She trailed off as she forgot what she was going to ask.

  Lucas stared at her with a questioning expression. “What’s up?”

  She frowned in confusion and frustration. The thought had been right there. “Nothing. I lost my train of thought.”

  “Let me know if you find it.” He turned to Joseph and retrieved his credit card. “Joseph is a stand-up guy. He gave us a store discount and threw in some freebies too. It pays to be in good with the owner.”

  “If you say so.” Emily still couldn’t quite focus on the thought in the back of her mind. It felt urgent, important. It couldn’t be too important if she’d forgotten it.

  Joseph held out a business card to Lucas. “This is my card. It’s got my cell and shift schedule on the back. Come while I’m here and I’ll give you another discount.” He winked at Emily.

  She wasn’t sure what that gesture was for and decided to just smile and nod. Maybe he was the flirty type.

  Lucas said, “You’ll see us again. If we don’t come here, I’ll invite you to our place for a barbecue.”

  Emily pressed her lips together to keep her mouth shut. She didn’t like Lucas inviting a near stranger to their house. They didn’t know anything about Joseph. Maybe it was a guy thing. He and Lucas must have bonded over a shared interest while she was changing. Lucas did tend to make friends fast.

  Joseph said, “Sounds like a plan. Thanks again. Have a good one.”

  “You too.”

  Lucas grabbed the shopping bags, which were too many for a dress, shoes and a nipple-ring necklace. Had he gotten something else when she wasn’t looking? Considering the shop they were in, that was a strong possibility.

  Emily didn’t want to ask and didn’t think Lucas would tell her. She’d noticed him getting more and more
secretive lately. It was getting annoying. What was also annoying was the off-and-on sensation of something pinching her lower lips. It would start and then stop the second she wondered what was causing it.

  As soon as she got home she was taking a nice hot bath to soothe away this confusing day. She sighed after she got in the car and let her head fall back against the headrest.

  “What’s wrong, Em?”

  “Just tired and I don’t know why. That’s been happening a lot lately.”

  Lucas tossed a grin at her before he turned his attention to the traffic.

  “What’s that look mean?”

  “Nothing. Nothing.”

  The pinching sensation returned. Emily shifted on the seat to alleviate it and it disappeared. Maybe the elastic of her panties was rubbing her the wrong way. But that couldn’t be it because it was in the wrong place. The feeling was on thickest part of her labia, both sides at the same time. Nothing her panties did would cause it.

  She shifted again.

  “Gotta pee?”

  “No. It’s just…” She sucked her teeth and rubbed her thighs together. “It feels like something is pinching me…down there.”

  “What?” Lucas jerked his head toward her and stared hard, making the car wobble.

  “Holy shit, Lucas.” Emily grabbed the dash to anchor herself. “Watch the road.”

  He turned his gaze to the traffic. “Sorry.”

  “What’s wrong with you?”

  “Nothing. Sorry. My bad.”

  “I never realized my feminine issues were worthy of such a shock.”

  “They aren’t. I thought you meant something had bitten you.”

  “No. I don’t think so. I hope not.” She screwed up her nose. “Ew. That store was kind of dingy. Oh ew. Ew. What if something crawled into my clothes when they were sitting in the dressing home? Drive faster. Drive faster. I want to get home and out of these clothes.”

  “That’s nonsense, Em. The store wasn’t dingy. It had mood lighting.”

  “So do horror movies featuring bugs. Just drive.”

  “What’s it look like I’m doing?”

  Though he had a joking attitude, Lucas did speed up. Emily worried he might get pulled over. They got home in record time. Emily made a beeline for the bathroom with Lucas close behind her.

  She tried to enter the bathroom by herself but he followed her. “Lucas, why are you—”

  Emily blinked in surprise when she found herself facing the large bathroom mirror on the back of the door. She was naked except for the nipple necklace and the labia hoops. When had she stripped? The last thing she remembered was entering the bathroom. How had she gotten from walking through the door to standing in front of the mirror?

  “You look beautiful, Em. We should show Rich and the others this the next time they show up. What do you think? Do you like that idea?” He curved his hand between her legs from behind and tickled her lower lips.

  Emily nodded as she rocked from side to side so his fingers sifted through the chains of the labia hoops.

  “Does it still pinch?”

  “A little but it’s fine.”

  “Sorry about that. I didn’t know it was hurting you. It must have been intense for you to feel it while aware.”

  Aware of what? What did that mean?

  Emily said, “No. It didn’t hurt. It was just pinching me.”

  “Oh well, so long as you weren’t in pain.”

  “No at all. I like it.”

  He dipped one finger into her channel. “How about this?”

  “I like that too.” She arched her ass back, rubbing against his erection as he pumped her pussy.

  Emily’s nipples tightened and her channel slicked with liquid desire. Yet again, the woman in the reflection seemed to be enjoying a sex life Emily knew nothing about. But when would she let Lucas look at her like this without freaking out?

  The reflection woman wasn’t obsessing over a few extra pounds or a stomach that wasn’t perfectly flat. She was making purring noises and riding his finger, hoping he added another. This was the Emily she used to be, not the one she was now.

  She didn’t understand and wanted answers. With more effort than it should have taken, she asked in a whisper, “Lucas, what’s going on?”

  He smiled and dropped a kiss on her shoulder. “I should think that’s obvious, Em. I’m getting you nice and excited so I can fuck you in front of this mirror. I’ve always wanted to do this.” He added another finger and thrust faster. “I got this house because I loved the mirrors in this bathroom. I imagined us fucking and watching at the same time. But you went and got self-conscious and killed that idea.”

  “You never told me that. I might have been hesitant but I would have let you talk me into it.”

  “Em, you won’t have sex unless the lights are off. How was I supposed to bring up the mirror thing?” He frowned and his fingers paused. “Wait a minute. Em?” He met her gaze in the mirror. “Are you aware?”

  “Do you mean awake? Then yes. Obviously.”

  “No, aware. Aware. Are you aware?” He cursed under his breath and stepped back. “I must have missed something again. That might explain why you felt the hoops on the ride home. But I haven’t changed anything since the barbecue.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Turn around.”

  She started to turn only to find herself facing the mirror and confused why it was in front of her and not behind her.

  “Em?” Lucas stood behind her with his hands on her shoulders. His gaze was intent on hers.

  “Lucas? I thought I turned around. Why am I facing the mirror again?”

  “What are you wearing?”

  “Jeans and a shirt. What kind of mouth-breathing-phone-call question is that?”

  “Look at yourself. Look at your reflection and tell me what you’re wearing.”

  She looked down at her body. She was wearing jeans and a shirt, except that she wasn’t. She was naked with only the nipple necklace decorating her body. Something gold dangled between her legs. “What?”

  “What do you see?”

  “I’m naked? Why…? How am I naked? I’m wearing clothes. What’s wrong with this mirror?” She touched her belly and felt skin where cloth should be. A shiver of fear coursed over her. “Lucas, what’s happening?”

  “It has to be the mirror. Shit. I need to read those directions again.”

  “What directions?”

  “Do you remember the store we just came from? Do you remember what you did?”

  “I tried on a dress.”

  “What else?”

  “Nothing else. I…” She gasped as the memory of toying her pussy and letting Joseph fuck her from behind resurfaced. “I-I didn’t. Why would I…? Lucas?”

  He covered her eyes. In that moment of darkness the memory of her intimate encounter with Joseph faded away. She couldn’t keep it no matter how hard she tried. From one breath to the next, she forgot what she was trying to keep.

  Lucas uncovered her eyes and said, “Ta-da.”

  Emily looked at the tiger-striped shorts set draped across the edge of the bed. “What’s this?” She picked it up. It wasn’t a short set. It was a romper. “It’s nice. When did you get it?”

  “While you were trying on dresses, I snagged this little beauty. I thought it would look perfect on you. What do you think?”

  “I like it. Thanks.”

  “Good. That’s not all. I’ve got a crazy idea. What do you say to dinner out tonight? We can go to that Italian place you like.”

  “Isn’t that expensive?”

  “I can afford it.”

  “What’s the occasion?” She glanced at the romper. “You don’t want me to wear this there, do you? This is kind of dressed down for that place.”

  “No occasion except giving you an excuse to get fancy. Didn’t you say you wanted to wear that red dress again?”

  “Yeah, but—”

  “No buts.”

  Emily smiled at Lucas over her shoulder and then faced him. “What’s got you in such a generous mood lately? Going shopping with me? Buying me clothes? Taking me out to dinner?”

  “I’m enjoying wedded bliss when finding a babysitter isn’t a worry. There’s no reason to stay home. Let’s go out.”

  “Fine. Let me change my clothes and we can go.”

  “I gotta change too. But first, I need to get the rest of the bags out of the car.” He left the room after giving her a quick kiss.

  Emily stared at his retreating back. She didn’t know what had gotten into Lucas but she liked it. He seemed more attentive and willing to do what she wanted. She couldn’t remember the last time they’d had an argument. Sending the kids away for the summer was just what they needed to work out some of the kinks and return to how they should be.

  She hoped the trend continued into the bedroom. Their sex life getting back on track would make everything better.

  * * * * *

  What Actually Happened…

  Emily walked quickly to the bathroom and tried to shut Lucas out but he followed her. “Lucas, why are you—”

  “Snip-snip out. Em, take off your clothes and hop up on the counter. Let me see the hoops.”

  “Sure.” She pulled her shirt over her head, tossed it aside, and then shimmied out of her pants. Bracing her hands on the counter behind her, she pulled herself onto it and spread her thighs.

  Lucas bent close, putting his face near her pussy. “Are you in pain?”


  “You’re sure?” He passed one finger over the left hoop.

  She cooed. “I’m sure that you better be ready to do more than that or I might get mad.”

  Lucas smiled. “You’re a bad girl.”

  “Yes I am. I’m prepared to take my licks.” She reached down and parted her lower lips.

  “You certainly are.” He straightened and glanced at the door mirror. “I’ve got a better idea.”

  “No idea is better than muff diving.”

  He held his hand out to her. “Not even standing in front of the mirror and watching as I fuck you from behind?”

  Her pussy twitched. She let him help her off the counter. “I’m not saying that’s better than muff diving. Maybe on par or a little below. It’s just something we haven’t done yet so I’m game.”


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