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Asura Sovereign VII

Page 33

by Shian Jeen

  “Desecration of the Beast God?” Chuck sneered coldly, and in a split second, his hand clenched into a fist and shot out at Andy. Startled, Andy raised an arm to stop the attack, but the power still pressured him backward, landing him in quite an uncomfortable appearance.

  “You-!” Andy was both frightened and angered.

  “Who stipulated that humans cannot join our beastmen tribes’ congregation?” Chuck sneered, “Liege Lord Beast God has never made this rule, perhaps you managed to get up?

  Andy’s face flushed a deep red, however the words were stuck in his throat, being unsure of how to reply.

  As Chuck stated, there was no guideline that forbid human being from joining the beastmen tribes’ congregation. It had been just that there got never been any humans that participated before this, therefore everyone inevitably formed a misconception that humans were not allowed to be present.

  Ignoring Andy, Chuck led Huwang Xiao and the group of Tiger Tribe experts toward the square middle. Arranging for another chair to be added, Chuck, Huwang Xiao, and everything the Tiger Tribe Saint world experts sat down.

  Andy retreated back again to Andrew’s part. Andrew didn’t speak, maintaining a stoic face as though nothing at all happened just now.

  Sitting a long way away, the Snake Tribe’s Patriarch’s took an instant glance at Huwang Xiao with cold eye.

  Using the Tiger Tribe’s arrival, all the tribes had arrived prior to the Beast God Shrine.

  Andrew commanded to Lion Tribe High Priest, Phil, who was simply beside him, “Begin.”

  Through the tribes’ congregation, disciples from each tribe would take part in the sparring competition, and another year’s tribe congregation would be hosted by the winner’s tribe. Last year, the first place winner came from the Lion Tribe, therefore this yr’s congregation was managed by the Lion Tribe.

  The Lion Tribe’s High Priest Phil stood up, complying with Andrew’s order as he made a respectful bow before walking to the center of the sq ., then he spoke in a sonorous voice, “Today is our beastmen tribes’ congregation, and according to the usual events, the congregation should start with the disciples’ sparring competition. However, this year, the disciple sparring competition will be pushed back.”

  Pushed back!

  A commotion pass on throughout the large crowd as if they could already guess what was going to take place.

  As expected, the Lion Tribe’s High Priest continued, “A lot more than ten thousand years ago, our glorious Liege Lord Beast God led the beastmen tribes in conquering this 10 Directions Continent, all other races surrendered under his rule. But after Liege Lord Beast God vanished, we fought amongst ourselves, internal conflicts and discord arose, never seeming to cease, resulting in the drop of our beastmen tribes’ power. If we continue down this path, us beastmen will be suppressed by the demonic beast clans, or worse, swallowed by them!”

  “Therefore, we beastmen tribes must come together and elect a new Beast God, so the new Liege Lord Beast God can lead us to become more powerful again, to prosper, conquering the Ten Directions Continent once more, to recuperate our past glory and might!”

  The Lion Tribe’s High Priest was righteous in his words, stirring the crowd’s emotions.

  “A new Beast God?” An ironic snicker sounded from the Tiger Tribe’s direction, from Chuck. “Pray inform who this new Beast God is going to be. Let me guess, will it be your Lion Tribe’s Patriarch? Your words flowed much better than a song.”

  Immediately, the crowd quieted.

  High Priest Phil coughed lightly to ease the unexpected awkward atmosphere, “Suggesting to elect a fresh Beast God this time, of course, depends on one’s capability. Regardless whether it is in the Martial Soul World or other worlds, strength is the fundamental qualification. Therefore, our new Liege Lord Beast God would be selected predicated on the most powerful one among us!”

  The strongest one amongst us!

  The beastmen’s number 1 strongest expert was none other than the Lion Tribe’s Patriarch, Andrew.

  It was evident from High Priest Phil’s words that no candidate was more befitting than their Lion Tribe’s Patriarch Andrew as the new Liege Lord Beast God!

  Chuck snickered, he was about to speak again before hearing Huwang Xiao’s tone of voice in his ear, stopping his next action.

  “I strongly nominate my Lion Tribe Patriarch Andrew as the new Beast God, only our Patriarch is capable of leading us to a stronger drive, reproducing our beastmen ancestor’s glory!” High Priest Phil lauded.

  Some in the crowd were moved by his words.

  The Beamon[1. Beak animal? I dreamed it to be something similar to this aka platypus.] Tribe, Cattle Tribe, Violent Horse Tribe, Goat Tribe, and 100 Parrot Tribe’s Patriarch each acquired a tiny frown on their faces.

  “I also agree with Patriarch Andrew as our beastmen tribes’ new Beast God!” The Snake Tribe Patriarch Danny spoke up at this time, “Only a solid person like Andrew is with the capacity of leading us as the beastmen’s new Beast God!”

  “I also nominate Patriarch Andrew!” The Wolf Tribe’s Patriarch, Hayden, also spoke.

  Subsequently, the Fox Tribe’s Patriarch, Grace, echoed the same tune.

  Andrew stood up, greeting Danny, Hayden, and Grace with a cupped fist and then considered face the group. “If there’s anyone here that feels his power is stronger than me, I gladly accept the challenge; if I is defeated, I shall produce the Beast God position to the champion!”

  “Yield the Beast God position?” The Tiger Tribe Patriarch Chuck rose to his feet, a satirical smile dangling on his lip area, “Just what a joke! Who are you to yield the Beast God position? Andrew, are you implying that you’re already the new Beast God now?”

  Andrew ignored all Chuck’s words, relaxed as ever, “Chuck, are you issuing a challenge?”

  Chuck’s eyes lingered over the audience as he said, “I don’t object to electing a new Beast God, however, it should adhere to our long standing rule-whoever has the Beast God Scepter, that person will be our beastmen tribes’ new Beast God!”

  “Right, all in accordance to your ancestor’s guideline, whoever gets the Beast God Scepter, see your face will be our Beast God!” The Beamon Tribe Patriarch Clay decided.

  right “That’s! Andrew, if you can take out the Beast God Scepter, we have no objections with you taking over the Beast God position, normally, don’t fart around here!” The Violent Equine Patriarch Charles snorted, not leaving any face.

  With someone spearheading the objection, the smaller tribe Patriarchs echoed their support.


  Andrew’s darkened gaze fell on the Beamon Tribe’s Patriarch, Clay, and the Violent Horse Tribe’s Patriarch, Charles. Repressing the rising killing intent in his center, Andrew’s grim voice rang in the square, “I’m well aware that according to our orthodox beastmen tribes’ rule, only the one having the Beast God Scepter would be acknowledged as the Beast God, nevertheless, the Beast God Scepter has been missing for a large number of years. Should we continue to decline due to internal discord and conflict as we wait around without hope for the Beast God Scepter to appear?!”

  Individuals were silent.

  Andrew pushed harder, “We’re using this way to elect a fresh Beast God, as it is the fairest method within the limited options we've! Of course, whoever comes forward with the Beast God Scepter in the future, I'll produce the Beast God position to him accordingly!”

  Beamon Tribe Patriarch couldn’t resist issuing a disdainful snort, “Beautiful words, if the Beast God Scepter never appears, does that mean that you, Andrew, will be occupying the Beast God position forever? It will need to have used you a while to come up with this wonderful scheme!”

  “Correct, the Beast God Scepter has been missing for so long, who has learned when and where it will appear!” The Violent Equine Tribe Charles added, “Were you likely to monopolize the Beast God position forever?”

  A light flickered in Andrew’s eye, “
Then, Patriarch Clay and Patriarch Charles, have you got a much better method?”

  Neither spoke this time.

  Tiger Tribe Patriarch Chuck looked at Huwang Xiao from the corner of his vision, Huwang Xiao shook his mind, indicating that there is no hurry.

  It was at the moment that a series of clear whistling blowing wind sounds were heard in the sky above. More than a dozen statistics showed up, exuding terrifying momentum that spread around the square like great waves.

  The beastmen crowd below tensed up in an instant, staring at the band of over sixty intruders which were all Saint realm experts!

  Moreover, the majority of them were high-level Saint realm experts!

  “Deities Templar!”

  “They're people from the Deities Templar!”

  Shock swept through the beastmen crowd.

  Huwang Xiao inwardly sneered, he didn’t expect that Deities Templar would send over sixty Saint world experts here, moreover, the majority of them were high-level Saint realm experts!

  It had been clear from this alone the importance that Deities Templar had placed upon this new Beast God selection!

  And the main one leading at the front was Li Molin!

  It turned out three years because the battle on the Asura Square, and appearance wise, Li Molin didn’t seem to have changed at all compared to 3 years ago. Yet Huwang Xiao keenly sensed that Li Molin’s breathing appeared more solid.

  Beside Li Molin was Liu Yang.

  Viewing Li Molin and the Deities Templar’s group of experts arrive, the Lion Tribe Patriarch Andrew and the Lion Tribe experts stepped forwards in greeting, hands cupped followed by bright smiles, “Elder Li!”

  The Snake Tribe Patriarch Danny and others in the agreed alliance swiftly followed behind in a complaisant manner.

  Li Molin nodded slightly. The large group followed Li Molin to the square center and sat down within an obvious assuming manner.

  “Initially, our Deities Templar didn't plan to interfere in the beastmen tribes’ matter, but we don’t have the heart to see you great deal continue steadily to crumble from the inside, fighting amongst each other.” Li Molin drawled, “Our Deities Templar believes that Patriarch Andrew, after being elected as the new Beast God, is capable of leading the beastmen tribes’ to the maximum of your most glorious historical day, conquering the Ten Directions Continent once again!”

  Li Molin’s words were plain and direct in support of Andrew as the new Beast God!

  Of course, her words were also laced with threats; whoever dared to object, indirectly designed heading against the Deities Templar, they would become Deities Templar’s enemies!

  A heavy silence loaded the square, no one dared to utter a sound.

  The Beamon Tribe and Violent Horse Tribe Patriarchs that were protesting strongly earlier turned mute. After all, not everyone was prepared to offend a behemoth force such as the Deities Templar.

  Andrew smiled at Li Molin, “Thank you to Deities Templar, and many thanks to Elder Li. Please be confident Elder Li, once I’m elected as the beastmen tribes’ Beast God, I shan’t disappoint the Deities Templar!”

  This sentence was an outright screen of loyalty toward Deities Templar!

  The root indicating rang loud and clear to everyone present.

  Anger burned in the Beamon Tribe Patriarch Clay and Violent Equine Tribe Patriarch Charles’ eyes.

  Li Molin replied to Andrew with a smile on her face, “Patriarch Andrew can also rest assured, our Temple Preceptor has spoken, our Deities Templar will help the beastmen tribes in conquering the 10 Directions Continent, bringing back the beastmen tribes’ eminence of old days!”

  “I hope Elder Li can bring back again a term to the Temple Preceptor. I, Andrew, am quite definitely grateful and indebted to the Temple Preceptor’s support!”

  Li Molin nodded, “Good, then begin the Beast God Sacrificial Rite.”

  After the Beast God Sacrificial Rite was performed, Andrew would be the uncontended new Beast God!

  “Prepare the sacrificial altar!” Andrew waved his arm and commanded.

  The beastmen watched as the Lion Tribe disciples prepared the sacrificial altar item by item, but nobody said anything.

  Afterwards, the sacrificial altar was ready.

  Just like Andrew prepared to place incense joss stick as worship in the Beast God Shrine, a definite tone of voice rang: “Wait around!”

  It came too sudden that everyone’s action paused abruptly.

  Turning towards to way to obtain the voice, they found that ‘it’ was non-e apart from the individual that came with the Tiger Tribe.

  For another, individuals were stumped.

  What's this human planning to do?

  Li Molin viewed Huwang Xiao, just a little surprised. She didn't know why this human provided her a familiar sense, but searching through her remembrances, she couldn't recall where she had seen him before.

  Caught in the heart of attention, Huwang Xiao stood up and walked toward the square middle.

  Andrew frowned with displeasure, signaling a Lion Tribe Elder close to him. Receiving Andrew’s order, that Elder marched toward Huwang Xiao with hostility, raising an arm to block Huwang Xiao’s route, “Little brat, don’t think that just because Chuck brought you here we won’t dare to kill you. No matter who it is, daring to interrupt the Beast God Sacrificial Rite, the punishment is loss of life-!” The Elder’s surging fight qi was locked on Huwang Xiao.

  Huwang Xiao flashed a smile, then his fist already struck the Lion Tribe Elder. Before he could react, Huwang Xiao’s fist blasted a hole in his upper body, flesh and blood splattered and pieces of internal organs were littered on the floor.

  The Elder’s blood-curdling scream shook the air and his body was thrown out of the square area.

  Sharp intakes of breath could be heard from all around.

  Most people recognized that Lion Tribe Elder, a late Sixth Order Saint world, but his power rivaled a Seventh Order Saint realm. Yet, this human being blasted an opening in the Elder’s chest with just one single punch!


  Everyone looked at Huwang Xiao with dread in their eyes, that right hands was comparable to a godly tool!

  A individual’s physique could actually be invulnerable to the degree! This shocked even Chuck and the Tiger Tribe Saint world experts. Including Li Molin and professionals from Deities Templar.

  Andrew regained his composure rapidly, his eye narrowed dangerously as he walked to Huwang Xiao.

  Li Molin remained sitting down where she was with no intention to interfere. Despite this human’s sturdy entire body, she could see that he was only a Seventh Order Saint realm. A measly Seventh Order Saint world was incapable of leading to any big waves in her eyes.

  Stopping in front of Huwang Xiao, the aura of the lion king flooded out from Andrew’s body, forming dark yellow strands of energy noticeable to the naked eye that soared to the sky. His robe fluttered without wind.

  “I don’t get rid of a nameless face.” Andrew mentioned loftily, “Speak your name!”

  Huwang Xiao shook his head at Andrew, “Not necessary. For someone who’s going to die, is there a need to know?” What Huwang Xiao loathed the most was Deities Templar, and this Andrew actually sought to cooperate with them, he had been a dead man in Huwang Xiao’s eye.

  Andrew laughed in spite of his anger. Then, he suddenly attacked, striking a palm at Huwang Xiao. The energy within that palm produced a shadow of a lion mind that seemed to leap at Huwang Xiao.

  Before you can blink, the attack landed on Huwang Xiao’s chest.


  Andrew’s hand heavily struck Huwang Xiao’s chest, rising shock in everyone’s hearts; it ends so fast? One move destroy? But then the masses quickly recognized that something wasn’t right, for Andrew’s palm actually penetrated the human’s upper body. It was only an afterimage!

  When Andrew’s hand shot through Huwang Xiao’s chest, the afterimage scattered.

e was evident in Andrew’s eyes as he retrieved his hands. However, Huwang Xiao appeared again on a single spot as though he hadn’t moved an inch.

  This scene shocked the crowd, while Li Molin’s eyes narrowed in a dignified manner. In her eye, it wasn’t because that human being did not move but his speed was too quick, so fast that it appeared as if he didn't move on the surface.

  From the moment he vanished and reappeared, there wasn’t a single fluctuation in space, showing that his mastery over space had reached a terrifying level.

  Andrew’s face warped grimly.

  As the main expert standing up above all beastmen, how would he reign total beastmen tribes if he didn't kill only Seventh Order Saint realm little human brat?

  Andrew let out an angry roar, a yellow energy rolled out like raging waves from his body, the color growing more intense and vivid with every second, becoming a dark yellow. At the same time, Andrew’s physical body changed. Muscles and flesh rippled under his skin, bulging under his robe, a head of fantastic hair, with his face and mouth area protruding out as lion whiskers shot right out of the sides of his lips.

  The aura of the lion king overcast the heaven.

  Beast transformation!

  Following the beast transformation, Andrew’s momentum more than doubled, causing the furrows on Li Molin’s brows deepen even more. The transformed Andrew gave her a sense of foreboding danger.

  The rest of Deities Templar experts also lost the relaxed expressions on the faces.

  “Die-!” Andrew bellowed, attacking Huwang Xiao with both hands. The dark yellow energy whirled like it could swallow heaven and globe, a larger than life lion head flickered in and out in the surging yellowish energy whirlpool. The roar of a lion ruler shook the environment miles away.

  Numerous minuscule space cracks spread out.

  Some distance away, the Tiger Tribe Patriarch Chuck and the Saint world experts jumped with their feet, wanting to rush to Huwang Xiao’s aid, but an indifferent tone of voice sounded in their ears: “No need!”


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