The Vorare Virus

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The Vorare Virus Page 5

by Selena Spry

  She grabbed the back of Brian’s head, pressing his mouth harder into her.

  “Mmmmm…soooo nice,” she moaned.

  She could hear his breath coming deep and fast as the lust for her body – something he’d watched, warm and wet beside the pool so many times through his window – overtook him. She relinquished herself to him in full.

  Finally, after allowing Brian to give equal attention to the other nipple, Wendy guided his head back up to her. He seemed dazed by his efforts thus far, almost drunk with lust. Wendy was pleased, and she couldn’t wait to see the look on Brian’s face when she was through with him.

  She pulled his T-shirt up over his head, tossing it on the floor. Then she swiveled him slightly before pushing him back and down onto the bed. In the process, she ensured his positioning was just right to capture the full-coverage of the video camera’s point of view.

  She made quick work of his shoes and socks, then ripped his pants down over his feet, tossing them onto the floor with his T-shirt, leaving him clothed only in boxer shorts.

  She moved slowly, sexily up between his legs until she could rub her ample breasts around his chest and up over his face. Then she slid slowly back down to his waist. She could see his hardness framed in the forest green of his boxers.

  She was pleasantly surprised by what she saw.

  Wendy hadn’t been sure of what to expect from Brian when it came to size down there. She wondered if he had some sort of deficiency, thus resulting in – or exacerbating – his difficulty with finding a mate.

  But as she pulled him through the opening in the front of his boxer, she fast realized that this was definitely not the case. In fact, upon initial comparison, Brian might actually have been a bit bigger than Rob. It was hard to tell. Rob seemed to have girth on Brian, but Brian might have had Rob beat when it came to length. Either way, the closeness in comparison would be another sexual itch for Rob to have to scratch when he eventually watched the video. He’d have to question her on size, feel, quality…and she knew just how she’d play him like a fiddle. She’d hem and haw, and tell him that it was difficult to say which was better – him or Brian. It would drive Rob absolutely crazy with excited jealously and the urge to compete, to be better, to win her good graces back to him by proving himself a worthy opponent to their neighbor.

  Wendy began with a soft kiss of Brian’s cock, a light lick, a couple nibbles at the tip before diving in headlong – slurping, slobbering, and at times gagging as she realized that Brian indeed had Rob beat in length by at least a half inch, maybe a little bit more.

  Halfway through, Brian sat up so that he could stroke Wendy’s hair and the back of her head as she bobbed, dipped, and angled with the agility of a skilled boxer around his hardened shaft.

  “Ohhhh…that’s so gooood…” he moaned.

  Wendy thought his gesture of petting her was a sweet one, and it made her work even harder to please this poor sexually neglected man. All the while, she ensured that their angle remained toward her hidden camera and that her hair stayed out of its line of sight.

  Finally, as she felt Brian tense and his dick expand in her hand as she jerked it in tandem with her mouth work, she knew she was about to be rewarded for her efforts. She moved back and slightly away at first, still yanking on his girth with a more forceful movement. She wanted to watch the explosion and be sure she caught it on video. At the same time, though, she would dive back in for occasional licks or tongue flickers along the edges or tip of his saliva-slickened shaft.

  Brian scooted forward, closer to her, moving almost to the edge of the bed so that Wendy’s face aligned directly with the tip of his rod. Wendy didn’t care. She was ready…or at least thought she was.

  Like sprinkles of rain before a deluge, she felt the first few spatters of pre-cum spurt lightly. A few landed on her cheeks, a couple more landed on her nose and lips. But Wendy wasn’t dissuaded from the rhythm she kept up with hand and tongue.

  Then with a groan, Brian bit his bottom lip, his cock jutting forward even closer to Wendy’s face. Wendy made the decision to back away just a little to avoid an errant eye shot – but it didn’t matter. Brian unloaded upon her with surprising magnitude. She was splashed across her nose, her lips, her cheeks and forehead with an eruption of cum. The size of the load surprised Wendy and it made her smile and giggle at a job well done. Some of it even got into her hair. But she kept going, tugging every last drop from Brian’s still hardened member.

  As soon as she was sure he was thoroughly drained, she relaxed her grip. Brian fell back on the bed with a groan and a sigh.

  Wendy turned toward the hidden camera and gave a sultry smile, using a finger to wipe away a few droplets of semen dripping from around her lips and chin. With lack of a better place to put this excess, she rubbed it into her bare breasts as she might a glob of moisturizing lotion.

  Then she moved back up to where Brian lay, breathing heavily on the bed, his eyes focused on the ceiling. Along the way, she bent to give his cock a loving kiss. She noticed that as she did so, his member was still amazingly hard even after the work she’d just done on it.

  “Well…” she sighed, settling in beside him, “…that was fun.”

  “Yeah…it was,” he said huskily, turning to face her. “Think you can do it again?” he asked with a sudden confidence and urgency Wendy hadn’t expected.

  “Uh…well…yeah, I guess so.” Wendy was now the one who sounded a little uncertain.

  Brian moved over and kissed Wendy’s cheeks before maneuvering himself overtop her so that his crotch was directly in line with her face, stiffened dong right over her mouth.

  Wendy was definitely caught off guard by this turn of events. But if Rob wanted a story, then that was what he was going to get. And with his desire to compete, this was certainly going to give him the fodder he needed. That thought, paired with the fact that Brian was man enough to go a second time, turned Wendy’s surprise into energetic action. She yanked, tugged, slurped, and sucked Brian into another mouth-filling orgasm. And while Wendy wasn’t big into swallowing, Brian’s position over her, and the size of his second load, gave her little choice – it was swallow or drown. She couldn’t believe the size of Brian’s loads. The second seemed even bigger than the first as it slid down her throat.

  After he rolled away from her, she gasped for breath. “Wow,” she finally breathed. It was the best she could come up with. She hadn’t expected this from the unassuming man who normally seemed nothing special in particular.

  Wendy’s swallowing of the load would drive Rob crazy that she’d done it for Brian when she didn’t usually do it for him. She found that she was satisfied with the job she’d done, but was now itching for Rob to get home. It was her turn to be on the receiving end of some sexual satisfaction. But it wasn’t to be at the hands of Brian, unless he wanted to do a little downstairs mouth work himself, which she doubted at this point. Poor boy was probably spent. At least that’s what she thought until she glanced down at his still vibrantly hard dick.

  Good God! she thought to herself. This guy is fucking insatiable!

  And while she wanted to put on a show for Rob, she’d already resigned herself not to go all the way, just sticking with a blowjob or two, a goal she’d already achieved. That way, she safeguarded herself against a situation where, if faced with a crueler than expected reality of his cuckoldry dreams brought to fruition, Rob wouldn’t have too much to swallow…even if Wendy already had.

  On the other hand, if Rob was happy with her efforts to please him, she would have laid the groundwork for a further rendezvous with Brian in which she might take it to the next level.

  When she glanced back into Brian’s eyes, they had a wild, almost crazed look about them. His appearance kind of worried Wendy, and she suddenly began second-guessing her impulsive decision. She sat up on the bed and slowly started moving away from him. “I think I’ll go clean up,” she said as casually as she could.

  Brian also sat up and go
t onto his knees, glaring at her. “I don’t think so.” His voice was different – deeper, louder, powerful, suddenly more commanding.

  It scared Wendy, and she hesitated, unsure of what to do. She was losing control of the situation, but she tried to keep the upper hand. “Now you be a good boy and lie back down,” she smiled. “Don’t get greedy.”

  Brian just stared at her, unsmiling, his hard dick in his hand.

  Wendy began to move again, sliding off the bed and standing, but Brian grabbed her by her wrist, pulling her back down toward him onto the mattress. Wendy gave an inadvertent squeal that seemed to set Brian off. He began to ravage her, kissing her body, licking her, touching and squeezing her hard, almost angrily.

  He shoved her down onto her back and moved around so that he was overtop her again. He used his hands to pin her arms down while using his knees to pry open her legs.

  “Brian!” Wendy cried. “Stop it! What are you doing!?”

  “I want more!” Brian growled in a voice that was unlike his own. His eyes blazed wildly. “I need more!” he cried, gnashing his teeth.

  Wendy struggled to get out from under him, but it was no use. It was suddenly as if this unassuming Clark Kent had gained the strength of Superman. His grip on her arms was hurting her. And as much as she tried to press her legs back together, his knees kept them splayed apart.

  Suddenly he dipped his head down toward her as if he meant to bite her neck. She managed to avoid the thrust, but she was quickly tiring from the struggle.

  Brian paused, staring at her with crazed eyes, and then he opened his mouth, gnashing his teeth at her. “I’m hungry!” he growled. “And you’re gonna be my meal!”

  She could feel his hardness pressing in upon her, up hard against her, and she knew he’d be inside her within seconds.

  “I’m gonna fuck you…then I’m gonna eat you!” Brian snarled evilly.

  Wendy couldn’t believe this terrible turn of events. It was like an erotic dream turned horrifying nightmare.

  She felt his throbbing tip push up to the edge of her warm center, still wet and slick from the hormones that had been coursing through her just minutes before.

  Suddenly there was the sound of a dull thud, and Brian’s grip upon Wendy’s arms relaxed. She saw the whites of his eyes as they rolled back into his head, and then he collapsed, unconscious upon her.

  She was crying now, and wriggled to escape the dead weight of Brian’s body atop her.

  It was then that she felt strong hands moving around her, and a second later, Brian’s body was shoved off her. And there, baseball bat in hand, was Rob – her wonderful, awesome, amazing Rob. She rose off the bed and flung herself to him.

  Rob cradled his wife in his arms, stroking her hair.

  “It’s okay,” he soothed. “It’s going to be okay. It’s over now. Everything’s alright,” he placated his shaking beauty.

  He set the bat down on the bed and picked Wendy up in his arms, carrying her downstairs and setting her on the couch. There he found a blanket and covered her.

  Still crying she asked, “What are you doing home so early?”

  “It’s a long story…more craziness at work. It doesn’t matter. Are you okay?”

  Wendy, now self-conscious that Rob was home, used the blanket to wipe away some of the drying spunk still clinging to her face.

  “Umm…yeah, I guess so,” she did her best to clean up and then cover up with the blanket, shielding her naked body from Rob. “It’s not what you think,” she said, pangs of guilt suddenly radiating through her. “I’m mean…it was, but it wasn’t for me.”

  “It’s okay. You don’t have to explain,” Rob soothed, sitting beside her on the couch. “All I care about is that you’re okay.”

  “I was doing it for you,” Wendy burst into sobs. “I was doing it because I thought you’d want me to. And then…then...he went crazy!” she shook her head in bewilderment. “He said he was going to eat me!”

  “I never wanted you to risk your well being just for something like that,” Rob explained. “I want you to be safe…always.”

  “I thought I was,” Wendy sniffled and wiped away the tears.

  Rob decided to drop the subject for the time being. There was an unconscious – and possibly unstable – cannibal upstairs who he had just hit with a baseball bat. It was probably best to deal with that situation first.

  Rob held Wendy close to him for a minute, rubbing her back.

  “What should we do with…him?” her eyes tilted up toward the ceiling.

  “I’ll go and see.”

  “I’m coming with you.”

  “No…you stay right here.”

  “I’m coming,” Wendy said forcefully, and in a tone that Rob knew better than to argue with.

  They stood from the couch, and hand-in-hand, mounted the stairs and made their way back up to the master bedroom.

  “Where the fuck is he!?” Wendy gasped as they entered the bedroom.

  “He couldn’t have left. We’d have seen him come downstairs,” Rob walked over to the now-empty bed and picked up his baseball bat from beside the bloodspot where the unconscious Brian had fallen.

  “Look!” Wendy pointed to a half-open window.

  “Crazy fuck must have jumped out,” Rob walked to the window and peered outside. “It’s at least fifteen feet down. What a nut-job!” He pulled his head back inside and turned to look incredulously at Wendy.

  She just stared at him, shaking her head, mouth open. Finally, she managed, “What if he goes to the cops?”

  Rob walked over and put has hands around Wendy’s waist. “Fucking let him. It’s his word against ours, babe. And I’ll say or do anything it takes to protect you from that goddamn psychopath.”

  * * *

  Later that night, Wendy and Rob sat on the couch watching television. Rob was looking for a way to take Wendy’s mind off the events of the day.

  It backfired big time!

  As Rob flipped through the channels, he paused on a news station. The banner across the screen read: “Breaking News Alert”.

  Such attention grabbers didn’t hold the same affect they once did. Often the “alert” could relate to anything from a well-known company taking their stock public or a celebrity death, to nuclear Armageddon or an asteroid heading for earth.

  Tonight however, it was indeed something important. The associated story was about a new virus sweeping the country. The on-screen reporter standing on a downtown New York City street corner was doing her best to relate the details of this strange new disease. She explained that while officials were still investigating, it appeared there was a growing number of people infected with what they were currently terming the Vorare (which the reporter explained was Latin for “to devour”) Virus.

  While the report noted that the CDC was hard at work trying to reach some conclusions regarding the virus’s origins, they had determined little as of yet with which to combat the new and relatively mysterious disease. Initial findings from the infected they’d managed to quarantine thus far seemed to indicate that the virus numbed or dulled brain activity, eventually lulling its host into an almost zombie-like state. But while the brain was inhibited, it also appeared to produce more endorphins, substantially reducing the transmission of pain signals sent to the brain.

  Those infected with the virus also apparently grew much stronger, became more sexually active, and they gained a voracious appetite for raw meat and especially for living flesh. And from the number of attacks that were being reported around the country, the infected seemed to differentiate little between people and animals when it came to where that fresh meat derived.

  The report also went on to explain that from the initial cases the CDC had been able to isolate, the virus didn’t seem to have gone airborne, but was instead transmitted through saliva when an infected person bit another. Someone couldn’t catch it through a sneeze, a touch, or putting their fingers in their mouth after touching something an infected person had tou
ched. The virus appeared to have to be injected – through something like a bite – directly into the bloodstream to allow it to thrive.

  As a final note, the reporter mentioned that the CDC was still gathering statistics on the total number of people currently affected and how quickly the virus was spreading.

  “My God…do you think Brian was infected?” Wendy breathed. “Maybe I caught it,” she sat up straight beside Rob on the couch. “What if I’m infected? What if I turn into some sort of crazed zombie!?”

  Rob could tell that Wendy was starting to get panicky. “I’m sure you’re fine,” he tried to sooth her. “He didn’t bite you, right? So you should be okay.”

  Rob’s words did little to placate Wendy’s concerns, but he wasn’t really sure what else to say or what else he could say. If the CDC was still largely in the dark about this thing, how in the hell was he supposed to know what was going on?

  Chapter 8

  Jaren was having trouble concentrating. He kept flashing back to scenes of Aileen’s cute little naked self lying on the bed upstairs, tennis shoes up in the air as he pounded away on that tight-ass body. Visions of the two dimples – one on each side of her waist where her back met with butt – were emblazoned like a cattle brand into his memory. They were one of the damn sexiest characteristics about Aileen. On the rare occasion that he pulled out while doing her from behind, he always liked to aim for one, and often both of them, seeing how well he was able to fill them as a mental gauge of his fertility and their sexual success together.

  That had been the last time they’d been able to play one of their at-work sex games, and it was weighing on both of them. It had rapidly become apparent to them just what these little rendezvous did to spice up their sex life. And the loss of such meetings, paired with Jaren’s longer hours lately, was stressing out both of them.

  Jaren had been swamped. Currently, he was working on a report with the hotel’s director of security regarding several incidents they’d recently had relating to this new virus, cases of which seemed to be popping up all over the place.


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