The Vorare Virus

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The Vorare Virus Page 6

by Selena Spry

  Meanwhile, in the housekeeping department, Aileen had been bored out of her mind. Occupancy at the hotel had dropped off dramatically as businesses had cut back on work-related travel and hotel conferences, and tourists had canceled reservations for fear of the Vorare Virus.

  “So tell me again what happened,” his boss asked, tearing Jaren away from his lustful mental wandering.

  “There’s not much to tell,” Jaren shrugged. “A lot like the other incidents we’ve been having lately. The guy wandered in off the street. He wasn’t a registered guest, and he didn’t have a reservation. Our officers stopped him at the main stairs before he got to the lobby. They asked to see his key card or identification to ensure that he was staying at the hotel. When he refused, they noticed that he was kind of mumbling and slurring his words, so they asked him to leave. They figured he was either drunk or maybe showing signs of being infected with the Vorare Virus. Anyway, he stood there for a couple seconds and then tried to bolt past them up the stairs. He ended up hitting Derrick in the head with an elbow, dazing him…”

  “Yes, I know. I’ve got the incident report on that to fill out in addition to his request for time off for a work-related injury,” the director huffed. “This whole virus thing is getting out to control. It’s all I spend my time on anymore. Anyway, sorry, go ahead with what you were saying.”

  “Yeah…” Jaren picked up again with his report, “…so after he elbowed Derrick, Ross managed to take him down, but the guy slipped free and was up the stairs before Ross could get a hold of him again. That’s when Ross called for backup and hustled up to the lobby after the guy. By the time he got there, the dude had already attacked two people, biting them, as you already know, and was on his way back downstairs. He was out the Wabash Street exit and gone before our other officers even made it to the scene. It’s like these infected people are superhuman or something. It’s wild. They’re in, they’re out, and they’re on their way before we even have time to react. All we get is the mess they leave behind.”

  The director sighed again. “I know. Those guests he bit are threatening lawsuits unless we cover their medical expenses. Sadly, if I slow play this, both of them will probably be in quarantine or worse by the time they can get their lawyers involved.”

  Jaren grimaced, nodding sadly, “Yeah, I guess you’re right.”

  “So did you contact the police?” the director asked.

  “Yeah,” Jaren glanced down at his notes on the incident. “They sent an officer out to take a report, but the CPD is so damn swamped right now with this virus mess, he wasn’t any help. Without us having detained the suspect, all he could really do was take a report. I also gave him a copy of our recorded video footage that he said he’d file with the report.”

  “What about the CDC?” the director asked.

  “Huh!” Jaren couldn’t help but scoff aloud. “Yeah…I called them. I got an automated response system that gave me three options. If I thought I was infected with the Vorare Virus, I was to press one. If I knew someone who was infected with the virus, I should press two. All other calls were to press three, so I pressed three. Then, after waiting on hold for about twenty minutes, a recorded message came on telling me that due to high call volume, a live representative would be unable to take my call. It went on to say, I could leave a short message that included my name, telephone number, email address, and brief explanation of the issue and a representative would contact me in four to six weeks.

  “Ha!” the director laughed. “A lot of good that does. They send emails out to all the area hotels telling them to report any incidents related to the Vorare Virus, and then they blow us off. Typical inefficient government bureaucracy.” He took a deep breath. “Well, we’ve done our part. All we can do is report this stuff and hope they get it under control soon. Jesus…” he said, half to himself, “…our officers are going to have to start carrying weapons to protect not just the guests but themselves too.”

  “That’s if we have any guests left to protect with the way occupancy is dropping,” Jaren added dejectedly.

  Chapter 9

  “Look at it this way, at least you get some time off,” Zach shrugged with a half grin. “Try to make the best of it.”

  “Easy for you to say,” Jen frowned. “You’ve got all those personal days built up. I used all mine for our vacation and when I came down with the flu back in February. Now my days off are unpaid even when they’ve closed the office of their own volition. I don’t even have a choice in the matter!”

  “It’s fine. I’ll cover our expenses for the week. No biggy.”

  “But it’s not just that,” Jen protested. “I’ve got some big projects going on, and this is going to put me way behind. People are making too much out of this whole Vorare Virus thing. It’s just like all those other ‘the sky is falling’ type scenarios. Just another way for the media to boost ratings and keep the sheeple in line.”

  Zach walked over to where Jen stood sorting bills from a stack of mail set on the small table in their apartment’s tiny dining room.

  “Ugh…” she shook her head in disgust. “Bill…bill…bill,” she tossed envelopes onto a quickly forming pile. “I don’t think we’d get mail if it wasn’t for bills.”

  Zach stopped close behind her, putting his hands on her shoulders and massaging them gently. “It’ll be okay,” he whispered into her ear. “We’ll be fine.”

  “That’s easy for you to say. You don’t have sixty grand in student loans, ten thousand in credit card debt, a car loan, and now a job that isn’t paying her.”

  “You’re right,” Zach agreed. “I don’t, but we do. Just because we aren’t married doesn’t mean I’m not there for you…emotionally, financially, or any other way.”

  She turned around to face him. “You’re so awesome.”

  “You’re awesome,” he smiled, kissing her softly. “Now, try to enjoy the time we finally have together and forget about this stuff,” he took the remaining stack of mail from her hands and set it on the table.

  “I think I’ll go take a shower,” she said. “That’ll help take my mind off things.”

  “Smart move,” Zach said. “After you’re done, I’ll make popcorn and we can just stay in and watch a movie.”

  “Sounds good,” Jen said, moving away from him. “You pick something out. “Just no zombie flicks!” she called as she walked to the bathroom.

  “Got it!” Zach called back.

  Oh, Zach got it all right. There was no way he was going to waste this opportunity by spending it flipping though the movie guide. During the week, they were slammed with work. Weekends were filled with shopping, doing laundry, washing dishes, and running other errands. No, he was going to put this alone time with Jen to good use!

  He waited patiently until he heard the water running inside the shower, and then he started to undress.

  Once he was done, he crept silently toward the bathroom. The door was cracked to allow some of the humid air from the shower to escape. He pushed the door open stealthily. Through the steam, and inside the glass-enclosed, full-length, walk-in shower, he could see Jen’s naked body. She was facing away from him, a leg raised, propped on a small ledge in one corner of the shower.

  She was shaving.

  Zach loved to watch Jen shave her lovely legs. There was just something about the way she stood as she did it. The lower portion of the raised leg on which she worked was coated in white foam that accentuated the soft roundness of her calf and showcased her petite, yet shapely foot. She pushed her heel upward with the ball of her foot so that it looked as though it was shoved into a high-heeled shoe, accentuating the muscles of her lower leg.

  Zach let his eyes linger before they glided slowly up to where the foam ended, and then on past the knee and up the curvature of her outer thigh and around to her sweet ass. From his position behind where she perched, he could see the one butt cheek curved away with the bent leg on which she worked, but the other, the one that supported the bulk of h
er weight, was pooched out toward him into an amazingly rotund form that made his belly quiver with delight. He wanted to take a giant bite of that milky white ass.

  It was all too much to bear. Zach ached as he watched, feeling intense sensations of lust pulsate through him while at the same time, odd twinges of guilt and nervousness. It was almost as though he was a schoolboy caught in the girl’s locker room. He smiled to himself, finding it funny he still felt that way about someone who he’d known for almost a decade and had lived with for years.

  He moved forward, his flaccid penis quickly hardening as he stared at Jen before him.

  She noticed him.

  “Well…fancy meeting you here,” she gave him a sly smile and a wink. She paused in her work, fleshly trails of freshly shaved silkiness streaking through white foam. “I’m almost done. Care to join me?”

  “It’d be my pleasure,” Zach happily accepted the invitation. He slid one side of the shower’s glass door aside to allow him access to the warmth and wetness awaiting within.

  Jen put her razor away and rinsed the remaining shaving cream from her leg. She stood, awaiting Zach as he entered. Once he was inside, she moved up close, placing her hands on his chest, rubbing and then massaging his pectoral muscles – a move that she knew he loved. He took her in his arms and pulled her tight up against him, continuing to hold her close with a hand on her back while reaching down with the other to cup a wet ass cheek. They kissed – softly at first, Jen turning her head and sighing softly. Their tongues flickered lightly against one another.

  Her hands moved down his chest and past his abdomen to take him in her hands. She tugged slowly, lingeringly at him with a hand while her other hand cupped his balls, massaging them softly.

  It was almost too much for Zach to bear. He kept the one hand on her ass while using the other to hold the back of her head as he kissed her passionately. Then he took both hands and placed them gently against the sides of her neck, pulling her head back and away so he could look at her angelic face, a face he’d found instantly beautiful from the day they’d met.

  Jen tilted her head back as he massaged her neck, her checks and her jaw line with the base of his palms and thumbs. He stared down at her closed eyes as water ran down and around her soft features. With the shower pelting her, and her wet strands of hair hanging down behind her, she looked like a blonde goddess standing in the rain.

  Finally, she released her agonizingly awesome grip upon his midsection and slowly stepped back, turning to find a bottle of body wash and one of her frilly bath sponges. It was the only time Zach would allow such a girly sponge to be used on him; otherwise, he always went with a standard washcloth.

  Jen squirted a big glob of body wash on the sponge and worked it in, lathering it with fragrant suds. Then she went to work on Zach. She started on his chest, his shoulders, his neck and arms. Then she moved down to his manhood, giving it a good lathering, her hand sliding, gliding, cleansing. Then she moved around to his back, his tight butt, his legs. Finally finished with her washing, she stood, allowing him to rinse.

  “Now it’s my turn,” she handed him the sponge once he was soap free.

  Zach felt his stomach quiver in anticipation. He loved washing Jenny. It was almost as good as sex…but not quite.

  He followed much the same pattern as Jen had on him, starting at her top, spending a bit more time on her breasts, vagina, and rear, and finishing at her cute little pink-painted toes.

  Before she could rinse, Zach grabbed her close up against him. He relished the feel of her soapy-slick body pressed against his. Her excess soap acted to re-lubricate his body, and they slipped and slid against one another, touching, groping, feeling, rubbing, squeezing until both of them were worked into a lather-fueled frenzy.

  They rinsed together, and when both were soap-free, Jen immediately dropped to her knees to take Zach in her mouth. He allowed her but a few licks before using a forefinger placed gingerly beneath her chin to guide her back up to him. “No,” he smiled, shaking his head.

  She bit her lower lip and looked at him with innocent eyes. “I want to work on you,” he placated her concerns that she might have done something wrong.

  The fact was that he wasn’t sure he could stand to have Jen suck him for more than a minute. He might lose it completely, and then all the fun he had planned for her would be ruined.

  Instead, he turned her around, guiding her over to where he could prop one of her legs back upon the ledge she’d been using to help her shave. Then he sat down on the shower floor behind her so that his head was directly in line with her cute little butt. Before she could argue or protest, he drove his face into the crack of her ass, locking hold of her upper thighs for leverage and pulling her back into him.

  “Ohhh…” Jen gasped, clenching her butt cheeks against his face in surprise.

  Zach released his hold on her thighs to spread her cheeks with his hands while sticking his tongue out as far as it would reach, jabbing it squarely into her puckered butthole.

  Jen had never been much for ass play, but Zach had a feeling it was because she never really gave it a chance. Sometimes, for as much as she liked sex, she was a little bit of a prude…that is, until she actually let loose and tried something new or different. Then, she would typically admit that she liked it, and it became a whole different story. Many times, Zach opened her eyes to new things in the sexual realm by springing them upon her. It wasn’t that he liked forcing her into something she didn’t want to do or anything like that. He just liked to give her a little taste and see how she reacted. And usually, it was with surprised enjoyment.

  “Zach…” she started, but he didn’t give her time to protest, driving his tongue in harder again and again, then lapping the pallet of his tongue against her little brown eye, trying to show her just how he felt about her in each sensual, loving lick. He was willing to love her anywhere, kiss her anywhere, lick her anywhere. He squeezed her ass cheeks in against the sides of his face, reveling in their soft tautness. Then he pulled back slightly, flickering his tongue back and forth lightly over her butthole before taking more jabs at its tight center with the tip of his tongue.

  Eventually, he spent a little time lingering around the ring of her hole and nibbling at the sweet soft edges at the base of her ass.

  “Mmmmm…” Jen moaned, relinquishing her timidity and pushing herself back to meet his face as she gave way to the pleasure of his tongue.

  The sensations and sounds sent pangs of angst through Zach as he rubbed tongue, nose, lips, and face up and around her firm and goose-pimpled flesh where rounded ass cheek met shapely leg. Fine, almost imperceptible blonde hairs tickled his tongue around the spot. He pressed his face in hard again, trying to absorb her feel, something that he could never get enough of.

  As he licked, lapped, and explored, mouthfuls of excess water poured from his mouth down from where Jen stood over him onto his ultra-sensitive and rock-hard cock.

  He slowly expanded the search radius of his hardworking tongue. He could tell by the way Jen had gotten quiet and started rhythmically rocking herself back into his face that his efforts to please were succeeding. Soon she had a hand down between her legs, rubbing herself as he continued his tongue play.

  Suddenly, jarringly, she brought herself to orgasm. Once Zach was sure Jen was done, he turned her around to face him, lifting one leg up over his shoulder to expose the V-shaped patch of finely trimmed hair that pointed the way to the treasure that lay a short distance below.

  Already slick from her rubbing, he dove in with haste, licking with gusto that fresh, steamy-wet pussy. She smelled like coconuts – the same scent as the body wash they’d just used.

  Two body-jolting orgasms later, Jen leaned back against the shower wall, panting. She did her best to catch her breath as Zach lay back on the shower floor, tongue-tired and staring up at her as he basked in the glory of his work.

  She looked down at him and smiled. “Wow…you’re good at that,” she panted.
She closed her eyes, tilted her head back, and gave an inadvertent shiver of delight. Then she glanced down, noticing Zach’s still unattended hardness being bathed in the shower’s pelting waters.

  Without another word, she pushed away from the wall and straddled Zach where he lay. His torso was propped on elbows, and his tilted head rested against the tiles of the shower’s lower wall. She squatted overtop him, grasping him in a hand and guiding him up inside her. She was so well lubricated from his prior mouth work that he slid inside with ease.

  Zach closed his eyes and exhaled deeply. “God, you feel good,” he breathed.

  The majority of the shower’s waters were now blocked by Jen’s back, but the water continued to pour down behind her, pulsating against Zach’s tight, cum-filled balls. It felt incredible.

  Jen began a slow bounce atop him, driving him deep inside her, her head back, one hand on a wall, the other on the shower’s glass door as support. Zach gripped her ankles tightly, relishing the intense shockwaves of pleasure radiating through him.

  Jen’s downward thrusts built to a passionate pounding, a hand going back to her sensitive pink spot to rub it again. Zach watched with envy. Jen’s record for orgasms was six, but she complained afterward that she was sore. Three was the norm, four was a good day, five was pushing the soreness level again. He only wished he could cum four or five times like she could. What he would give for that.

  Zach glanced at the engagement ring on Jen’s finger and felt a wave of intense pride sweep over him. This fine specimen of beauty, kindness and intelligence was his. Sometimes he found it hard to believe that he could be so lucky. This knowledge made him feel more of a man and more powerful than any job title, position of prestige, or amount of money ever could.

  They coordinated their thrusts into one pulse-pounding explosion of pleasure. Jen trembled atop Zach as he spewed forth inside her, pulling her down by the hips onto him while driving his orgasm-enlarged cock deeper inside.


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