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Page 16


  “IQ. Justin, please stop. I need you to stop.” I squirmed around, trying to flatten my body on the bed to make it more difficult for him to reach under me, and I pulled Justin's hair, anything to get his attention, but he unashamedly ignored my plea. I watched as he put one of his fingers in his mouth, lubricating it with his saliva, then returned his hand underneath me.

  There was no way he could turn me over fully without removing the tape, so his ability to fuck me in the ass was off the table, but it could still cause me pain.

  “Justin, I don't want this, goddammit. Stop. Fucking IQ.” I tried struggling more.

  He would not relent and began getting bolder as I felt the tip of his finger push into my tight ring. My immediate response was to bear down and push it out.

  “Just let me stretch you. Once I have my cock in your cunt and my fingers in your ass, I promise you an orgasm like no other.”

  Did sex make men stupid and obnoxious? Did he just say the word cunt? Because let me just state for the record that all of this (in my mind I am flailing my arms around), being duct-taped and having my pussy called a cunt while having a very large man's finger rammed up my ass wasn’t even close to romantic or sexy.

  “IQ. Stop—Justin, IQ!” I yelled. My outburst seemed to interrupt his current activities. I had screamed it at least five times, and still he had continued.

  He finally stopped and pulled his hand out from underneath me. His breathing was harsh and uneven. “I heard what you said. Are you sure?” he asked, attempting to catch his breath.

  He rolled off the bed and walked over to the mini bar. I watched as he took a drink of water and pulled out a drawer. A blue blur went past my eyes as he returned to the bed. He reached across me to the far nightstand and retrieved some scissors. A chill went up my spine, and then I remembered Cass was watching.

  Justin gingerly cut the tape binding my ankles. It felt good to put my legs back together even though I still had no panties. He took me by surprise when he reached, grabbing both my hands and holding them together with his one hand as he wrapped the tape around them five times. Once he appeared satisfied with the job, he produced the blue blur I had seen. It looked like a collar with a ball in the middle.

  Wait, I know what that is. My mind struggled to access the information. Justin was going to muzzle me—literally.

  He became forceful as he tried to get that contraption on my face. I struggled against him, turning my head from side to side, not allowing him to secure the device.

  He grabbed my bound hands tightly, painfully, and whispered in my face. “You won't win. I'm too strong. Quit struggling. Let me fuck you in the ass and we can be done for the night.” The tone of his voice was menacing, and I feared Cass was allowing this and he didn’t intend to stop it.

  “But you told me I could use a safe word. I have a safe word,” I sobbed. Please, let Cass stop what's going on. Please, do not let this happen to me.

  I felt Justin's hand squeeze mine tighter. “Why do you think I'm going to gag that pretty mouth of yours? Hate to do it, but it seems to be good for only one thing—and it has nothing to do with talking. Let this happen, Nic, and I swear to you once I have broken that tight little ass of yours, you'll love it.”

  “I doubt it, mother fu—”

  Justin's left elbow came down on my chest with just enough force to not only hinder my breathing, but subdue me into submission long enough to secure the collar around my face and push the ball into my mouth. I could hardly breathe, I couldn't swallow, and it felt stifling. My nose was running and my eyes were burning with tears as I kicked my feet and struggled. He flipped me over on my stomach and forced my taped hands above my head. I felt him straddle my upper thighs as I felt the cold and wet intrusion of what felt like thick grease. It had to be the lube. He was slathering it all over my ass. With my face pressed into the pillow with my arms held and my lower body pinned by him, all I could do was kick my feet.

  I could feel the consistent stab of his thick member as he slid it up and down, taunting me with the realization that this would be happening. I could hear the sound of the lube and feel the wetness as it warmed and surged between the crease of my ass. I heard his breathing become heavier as mine became labored, and I kept praying for unconsciousness, knowing I had placed myself here. I had asked for this. Our breathing combined with the loud ticking of a wall clock made it seem like a countdown, and at one point, I felt my body go limp.

  What I couldn't hear was my sobbing because the ball in my mouth kept the sound at bay. I couldn't even claim this as force. I had given permission; I had said yes. I’d wanted to do this, but with Cass, not another man.

  Was this what Cass enjoyed? Was this his kind of sex? He’d been right; there was no love involved in these acts. This kind of sexual stimulation was cold and abrasive, requiring no emotion, just force and pain. Maybe that's why Cass was drawn to it. This was why he’d been so reluctant, because he knew our worlds could never coexist. I’d asked him once if he wanted me to submit or comply, and he hadn't said anything, but now I knew the truth. This was his world and there was only one way, and after tonight, I could never be a part of it no matter how I felt.

  I could feel Justin's fingers squeeze one of my ass cheeks as he bit down hard on the other. The pain was so intense I knew he’d drawn blood. I could feel it.

  “Relax. Once you get past the initial pain, it’s going to feel good. Let me play with your clit while I lube you a little more. I want to make sure you're really juiced and ready. Your ass is so tight. It might take awhile.”

  I shifted my body, trying to buck him off. By doing that, I allowed him access to my sex. He was not patient—that had ended. He thrust in two fingers, causing me to wince.

  “Get the fuck off of her now.”

  I recognized his voice immediately, and then I felt weight lifted away from my body. I couldn't see him because I was facedown on the pillow, but I could hear him. He sounded enraged.

  “Get dressed, Justin. YOU ARE DONE.” I heard Cass hiss as he spoke.

  I felt humiliated and embarrassed, my ass fully exposed, covered in lube, with a ball in my mouth. For a moment, it sounded humorous, until I remembered it was me.

  “What the fuck, man? I thought we had an understanding. You knew I was going to fuck her. You knew what I was going to do. What the hell, Cass? What's your problem?”

  “What did I tell you, Justin? What were the rules? What were the GODDAMN RULES?” Cass yelled.

  I heard shuffling and movement, as though someone had been pushed against the far wall. Then I heard a large crack and booming sound—something definitely had hit the wall. Justin was in good shape, but he had a swimmer's physique, where Cass had a muscled athlete's body, and I had no doubt he would win if there were blows between the two. I didn't expect that. Cass was much too educated to get into a brawl of any sort, definitely not fighting in a whorehouse.

  “I asked you a question, Justin, and it would be in your best interest to answer me, because frankly, all I want to do right now is fuck you up, royally.” I could hear Cass's restraint.

  “Not to hurt her, no marks.” I could hear Justin's voice grow quiet and tremble. He was definitely afraid of Cass. Of course, he might also fear losing this job since it was quite possible what happened here might get back to his employer—Cass's cousin.

  “Jesus, you bit her. I should kill you.” His voice was absolute.

  “I'm sorry, man. I might have gotten a little carried away.”

  “I never said you could have her ass. That, my friend, belongs to me. Now get the fuck out of here before they have to life flight you back to the mainland due to internal injuries.”

  I would have snorted at both of those comments, but I was gagged. I heard the door open and close. I felt the mattress dip as a sheet covered my body. Strong hands turned me over, and for the first time, I saw something different on Cass's face. He gently removed the ball from my mouth and pulled the straps over my head, and then he cut the
tape with scissors.

  “Nic,” he whispered as he scooped me into warm, enveloping arms. The gesture was so unlike him that I began sobbing like a little girl. I continued to cry as I pressed my face into his chest, soaking his shirt with my tears. I didn't understand if I was crying because of what Justin had tried to do or Cass's dialogue when he rescued me.

  I pushed myself out of his grasp and away from him, backing up until I my back pressed against the headboard. “I don't understand, Cass. You could see what he was doing and you let him hurt me. You did nothing. Are you sure you got everything? Did you write all the little details down in your book? I thought you'd protect me. I needed you to rescue me.”

  Cass moved toward me and caressed my lips with his thumb as his eyes lowered at my accusation. “I couldn't take any more. It was too hard to watch you with him. I left for about a while. I assumed it would be over and done with by the time I returned. Nic, he gave me assurances and I believed him.” He tilted up my chin. “I am so sorry. We had a verbal contract. I should have never trusted him, and this is my entire fault. I should have never allowed him to touch you or left you alone.”

  “No, it's my fault for all of this. I shouldn't have ever left my home, where I was safe. I wish I'd never come here, and most of all, I wish I hadn't met you. You've turned me into someone I don't know. I can't believe I agreed to any of this, but I did. Want to know why, Cass? Because I have feelings for you… or rather, had. I don't know what came over me to act so irrationally to go after someone who's younger. You might be smarter than I am, but emotionally, you're still a child. I feel sorry for you because this here… it's all you'll ever have. You have nothing to offer anyone because you're nothing but a heartless bastard,” I said, glaring at him angrily.

  “Are you finished, because regardless of what you say, nothing will make me feel more reprehensible than I do right now. I can't even fathom a word stronger than sorry for tonight, and you know I am, Nic. I would never have intentionally set out to have you hurt.”

  My body jarred as he reached for me, and I pulled up the sheet to my neck in reflex.

  “You have to forgive me. You've made me question everything I spent years regarding as truth. I believe in science and logic, and you've thrown a wrench into both. I will do anything to get you to absolve me.”

  I pinned him with an icy stare. “Why in the hell would you care if I forgave you or not? This is what you wanted, me to be so shaken that I'd scamper off to my room and make myself scarce so you wouldn't have to bother with me anymore. Jesus, why didn't you just send me packing days ago? Was I that important to your research that you had to traumatize me? I don't absolve you at all. You're a self-serving prick, Cass. If you want your sins forgiven, go find a priest,” I said, shaking my head, questioning why he was even bothering to ask for forgiveness. We both knew those emotions were vacant from his soul.

  “Just leave me alone, Cass. I won't bother you the rest of my time here. I promise. You won't see me, and on the off chance we run into each other, we don't have to acknowledge it. Pretend we never met, because that's what I'm going to do.”

  “I don't want that,” he replied, running his hand over his facial hair. “I think I want you.”

  For a moment, I was truly and without question stunned. I had spent weeks attempting to crack this hardened shell and get an emotional reaction, and here it was. Evidently, all it had taken was the knowledge that someone other than himself might fuck me in the ass.

  “Well, you live in a very precise world. It's either you want me or you don't. The scholar in you knows without a doubt there is no in between, so which is it and when did you decide you wanted me? Did the thought of another man breaking virgin ground by fucking me in the ass do the trick or was it when I swallowed his ejaculation? I have no doubt your pencil was furiously writing that all down. When was it, Cass? I'm dying to know. When was it you decided you wanted me? Inquiring minds and all…”

  “The minute I knew you belonged to me.”


  I sat on the bed and watched her leave, slamming the door behind her. I had no idea she could be that strong and assertive. That woman had verbally castrated me. I deserved it, and at this point, I had a hard time believing she'd ever talk to me again. I couldn't blame her. If I hadn't come back… I cringed just thinking what would have happened. She had been my one and only responsibility tonight, and I’d abandoned my post. I'd let that son of a bitch injure her. Somewhere deep in my psyche, had I known that would happen? Had I allowed it? I had to have known it was a possibility. I let another man step up to the plate because I didn't want to.

  Watching Nic with Justin through the two-way mirror had been possibly one of the worst experiences of my life. At one point, I thought I should be writing down my own reactions in my notebook because I had emotions bubbling up that I'd never felt before.

  When I saw her in that bra and panties, I almost had to masturbate again because my cock had become so hard it bordered on pain. It seemed to recognize her even through the mirror. I had a murderous reaction to Justin and his cock while in Nic's mouth. My entire body began to go taut, and I could feel a ticking in my jaw. I actually wanted to hurt Justin—badly.

  I had watched as he wrapped her legs in the bondage tape and started to fondle her pussy. I'd decided right then I'd had enough. Every single cell in my body felt foreign and even my mind went into shutdown. I couldn't comprehend what was going on and why I was reacting like this. I’d played these games with many women; I enjoyed crossing over and dabbling in some moderate pain. It had always been consensual and my partners had been skilled in that kind of lifestyle.

  Once I left, I walked downstairs to the kitchen, grabbing a beer, and then went to sit by the pool. The hour was late and the house was quiet. That left me alone with my thoughts, a muddled mess of confused emotions rolling around in my head. Along with my imagination going wild with thoughts of them fucking. Nic had annihilated twenty-six years of thought process in a matter of weeks. Everything I believed, supported, and taught in my classes was now shit.

  I truly had no idea what this was. I knew I wanted her, but I didn't know why, what for, or even how long. Maybe this would end up being a phase. I believed that given the chance for us to be together sexually, whatever emotions I was currently experiencing would burn themselves out. That would never be true now. Now my brain was on overload, and all I wanted to do was to take her over sexually and have her unrestrained. I didn’t think I'd ever wanted anyone as badly. My entire world had just become about her.

  She detested me right now, and I had no idea if this was long-term hatred or a passing thing. For being a genius, I had very little knowledge on figuring out women when it came to their world. Oh, I knew how to fuck them and make sure they had the orgasm of their life, but outside of that, I was definitely the novice. I had no idea if Nic was going to ever forgive me or if I would have to beg forgiveness again. She’d made it abundantly clear that I was a prick and a heartless bastard. Unfortunately, both were probably true since until I met her, I was a blank slate of emotions, and she’d changed all that. Now I knew a different kind of pain other than physical and this hurt so much worse.

  I refused to believe what I was feeling had anything to do with love. I rebuffed that notion; belief in such an idiotic concept would unravel all of my work. Everything I had strived for would be obliterated with just that singular emotion.

  I sighed. Tonight had been an epic failure and a disaster. I didn't even know who I was anymore; everything inside me was spiraling out of control, and I had no idea how to stop it or if I even wanted to. If only Lorraina had given me the chance to leave this place. Nic was right about one thing and she wasn't the only one who felt that way. I too wished I'd never come to Acquiesce. I wished I'd never met her.

  Nicola Barrington was going to be my downfall, my demise.


  All I should have wanted to do was sleep, but after arriving back in the safety of my r
oom, clothed in nothing but a robe and a bra, what I needed was a bath. I knew no amount of scrubbing would wash away what happened, but I was definitely too wired for bed.

  I filled the tub, then dropped the robe to look at my backside. Justin had left a bite impression on my one cheek; it looked red, swollen, and stung as I sat in the water. I leaned back against the bath pillow and closed my eyes. Tears began to prickle as I replayed tonight's events, wishing I could forget them.

  I could sit here and play the victim, but I knew what role I’d played. It hadn't been just Cass's fault, or even Justin's. I had accepted what Cass offered, and I let him choose my partner because I’d known he would never actually have sex with me, at least not intercourse. I also knew he was brilliant and I trusted his choice to be a perfect one. How could he have been so off the mark? And then he just left? Oh, because he couldn't take it anymore. What the hell did that mean? And what the hell was his announcement to Justin that “my ass was his?” And then to top it all off, after I’d given him his walking papers, he’d decreed he wanted me. Seriously?

  I once read there was a fine line between genius and insanity. I knew what that meant, but honestly, I hadn't seen it in action until tonight. Cass had seemed both crazed and confused. Two emotions I didn't expect to see in him. I’d spent weeks following him around, acting like a lovesick puppy, only to be constantly kicked to the curb.

  I’d played these games with him even though I knew our age difference, among all the other obstacles—mainly his lack of depth as a human being—made this venture futile. I was never going to create another Chris. Cass didn't have the ability and he lacked the desire to contemplate the possibility of love. It was his way or the highway. Maybe you only get one chance at love and the rest of the people you care about are just illusions of what you want. I had to face the fact that Chris, and what we had, was it, and we don't ever get a second chance—not at love.


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