Book Read Free

Rougarou II

Page 7

by Judith Ann McDowell

  “They’re about to find out just how out of control they are this time. If those kids are still here, dead or alive, we’re going to find them!”

  “It’s times like this, I hate this job!”

  “Yeah, I know what you mean. You can’t let yourself dwell on the bad parts of the job. We’ve gotten a lot of assholes off the streets. Jonathan Hindel goes right to the top of that list! That has to count for something. Doesn’t it?”

  “The thing is when you get rid of one; ten more jump in to take his place!”

  “When that happens you treat them like any other bug. You keep stomping their heads into the pavement until there ain’t nothing left!” Donavan could feel his anger spinning out of control, but he didn’t care. Everything felt all too familiar.

  “You wanna know what scares me?” Jack checked the cylinder on his 38


  “I’m gonna have a son.”

  “Why the hell are you scared about that? I thought you wanted to be a father.”

  “I did. Hindel startin’ up again’s got me rethinkin’ everything. Like…what if the sick son of a bitch comes after Seelah or the baby? Or…Barbara and Jenny?” The gun slipped from his hand to land in his lap. “Hell you’re just as responsible for Jonathan goin’ down as me. He ain’t gonna let that slide.”

  “Jack,” Donavan pulled up a short way from the mansion shut off the ignition, “Lawrence is one man. We don’t know yet, if he’s on a rampage.”

  “Don’t you feel it, Donavan?” He looked through the window. “We didn’t get rid of the evil. It’s here! How many times do you have to fight your way outta the darkness before you can step into the light?”

  Donavan turned in his seat. “I want you to take a deep breath and calm yourself. Do you want to call Seelah and have her relax you before we get into all this?”

  “No. I’ll be okay. I guess comin’ here to look for missin’ kids again, got to me for a moment.”

  “I’m not surprised. We’ve investigated seven murders on these grounds. Now, we might be investigating two more.”

  “You’re scared, too. Ain’t you?” Jack looked him square in the eyes and knew he had guessed right.

  “Yeah, I’m sacred. Like you said, we both got families to worry about.”

  Donavan jumped as Blain walked up to tap on the side of the jeep. “You ready?”

  “I guess we might as well get it over with.” He slid his feet to the cobble-stoned driveway.

  “Ain’t you a big handsome fellow?” Jack patted the head of the beautiful German shepherd Blain had leashed beside him, ran his hands over his sleek black and silver coat. “What’s his name?”

  “Magnum.” Blain declared. “I got him about six months after Shadow got killed. I couldn’t bring myself to get another Dobie.”

  “Shepherds have always been my favorite. Not that there’s anything wrong with Dobermans.” He hastened to add. “I been thinkin’ ‘bout gettin’ me a dog. My wife and I are expectin’ our first baby. I thought it might be kinda neat to let them grow up together.”

  “Here we go,” Blain murmured as someone walked outside to stand looking at them.

  As they and the other deputies made their way up the driveway, Blain leaned over and whispered to Jack, “I thought you said Lawrence Hindel’s grandfather’s here. That sure as hell can’t be him.”

  Jack looked to the man standing on the steps and his heart plunged. Ever since they had walked into the mansion that morning something had been bothering him, but try as he may he could not put his finger on it. Now he knew. The man, who had introduced himself as Rafael Hindel, appeared to be no older than Jonathan had. Something didn’t add up. The thoughts flew through his mind at break neck speed and he could feel his breath catching in his throat. Either the man lied about his identity or…his mind slammed shut refusing to delve any further.

  “We’ll check out the house first. Top to bottom. Just like before. After that we’ll go through the cave. Sound right to you, Jack?”

  Jack felt someone shaking his arm and he looked up to find Donavan beside him. “What?”

  “I don’t know where you been, but you sure as hell ain’t been here. Are you sure you’re all right?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine. I’ll talk to you ‘bout it later. So what’s the plan? Are we gonna do it like before?”

  “Yeah.” Donavan walked up the front steps. “But this time, we got more places to look.”

  A deep growl, erupting from Magnum’s throat as they walked up the steps of the mansion, had Blain tightening his hold on the dog’s leash. “Simmer down,” Blain whispered.

  Instead of heeding the command, the dog lunged snapping and snarling.

  Raphael backed up out of reach. “Now you see why I said no dogs are allowed on this property!”

  “Out! Magnum! Out!” Blain commanded.

  The K-9 dropped to his haunches, his large body trembling in his need to be released.

  Jack trailed a hand over the dog’s head. “Good boy! See,” he continued to stroke the animal, “he’s gentle as a puppy! Guess he don’t like what he smelled.”

  Rafael kept his voice controlled in his anger. “I would appreciate you conducting your investigation as soon as possible. Lawrence and I are not idle people. We do not relish waiting around while you entertain yourselves with ridiculous paranoia!”

  “Two kids disappearin’ on this estate is not ridiculous paranoia.” Jack sauntered up to stand beside him. “I been noticin’ somethin’, Rafael.” Jack leaned forward eyeing the other man and ignoring the smoky glare looking back at him. “If you are grandpa Hindel, like you claim to be, then I gotta hand it to your cosmetic surgeon.” Jack reached out and before Rafael could move, pushed his face to one side. “I don’t see one damn scar and he had to peel…what…thirty… forty years off you?” Jack whistled through his teeth. “He hadda be a regular Criss fuckin’ Angel to do you up that good!”

  “Jack!” Donavan stepped forward. “Regardless of what Mr. Hindel thinks we’re not here to play games. Let’s go!”

  “Stay outta the sun. I hear its hell on facelifts!” Jack gave his cheek a few gentle pats before walking away to join the rest of the team.

  “What the hell is wrong with you? Are you trying to get him to come after you?” Donavan all but shoved him through the front door.

  “There ain’t a goddamn scare one on him, Donavan! How the hell can a man who has to be…at least…bangin’ eighty, look like he’s no more’n fifty?”

  “Maybe he’s lived an exemplary life!” Donavan shot back. Anger at Jack’s antics, when they still didn’t know what they faced, pushing him to lose all patience. “How the fuck should I know how he looks like he does!”

  “Bullshit!” Jack rounded on him. “Think back to when we had to deal with Jonathan Hindel! Remember? He looked young, too! We’re right back to a goddamn year ago!”

  “We don’t know that!” Donavan pulled him into the entry hall away from the other men “I’ll say this, though. If we are dealing with another Jonathan then the best thing you can do is not go out of your way to antagonize the son of a bitch!”

  Raphael walked up to them.

  “Lawrence is here so I am assuming everyone is ready to begin the investigation.” He nodded to the men standing down the hall waiting for them.

  “Yeah, we’re coming,” Donavan said as Rafael raked his cold eyes over Jack.

  “Walks like a goddamn panther,” Jack murmured under his breath as they followed behind the man who could be leading them into another nightmare.

  Chandra watched each man as he came through the door. When her eyes fell on Jack, she came forward. Although her heart cried out with unspeakable fear, she could not keep herself from cupping his face in one hand while her other hand slid over his hair.

  “You should not be here, my darling,” she told him unable to pull herself away. “So much danger lies in wait for you.” A sob erupted from her throat and she drew closer to place a sof
t kiss on his parted lips. “Although I am no longer in body, the feelings I hold for you are as strong as though I never left this plane.”

  At that moment, Jack ran a hand over his hair and down his face. Chandra drew in her breath. “He felt my touch.” She twined her arms around her body in euphoric glee. “He felt my touch,” she laughed into the air.

  “If you choose to ignore my words, he will soon feel mine.”

  “You will not harm him, Rafael!”

  He stood, transferring his thoughts into her mind. “Take heart, Chandra. If all goes well, as I am sure it will, in no time at all you will have your lover on the same plane you are. Won’t that be cozy?” His deep laugh echoed inside her head.

  “If you touch him, I promise you I will destroy this house and everyone in it!”

  “We both know that is an idle threat. You have given your soul to the light side, Chandra. Once you have done that, you are restricted from destroying anything or anyone.” He sauntered towards her.

  “You underestimate the strength of the light side.” She forced herself to remain standing before him. “The forces of evil have no defense against the Legion of Light.”

  “Are you willing to take that chance?” His smoky gaze challenged her. “Before you or anyone you call on can move to save him I can destroy him! Think about my words, Chandra!”

  Chandra stepped forward. “I lived my life controlled by Jonathan to protect Jack. I refuse to do it again! Make your choice, Rafael. You can reside on this plane. Or, you can be taken to the plane set aside for dark entities. Hopefully, you will find your son, who, I am sure, misses you greatly!”

  Rafael’s steps faltered. “You dare to threaten me?”

  “You know I can do what I say! Spirits from the light will come when they are called. I will call them, Rafael!”

  He stared at her, his cold eyes mere slits in a mask of hatred as he tried to leash his anger. Then, as though she posed no threat at all, he became calm and his voice slid over her in a whisper. “I will grant you this victory, Chandra. For now, the man you chose over my son will remain safe.”

  She did not trust him. She knew from living her days with Jonathan how fast he could change. Chandra listened as Rafael spoke to Jack and Donavan then beckoned them to follow him.

  She had to think of some way to get Jack out of this house. His very life depended on it.

  Without warning, the words she had said to Rafael slammed into her mind. ‘Spirits from the light will come when they are called’. Of course! He would wait until he had Jack alone. When she could not call on the spirits for help!”

  He felt her touch once maybe she could make him feel her touch again. Without stopping to think, she moved across the floor to where Jack walked through the house with Donavan. She reached out running one hand over his face. He did not respond. She tried again, but knew he no longer felt her presence.

  “Jack,” she screamed into the silence, “you must leave here. Your life is in danger!”

  “He cannot hear you, Chandra.” Rafael’s voice broke into her thoughts. “He is too intent on finding the ones who fed our needs to hear you.” His laughter swelled until she placed her hands over her ears trying to shut out his intrusion into her mind.

  “You are powerless, Chandra. He will not always be where you can protect him. See? Even now, the darkness follows him waiting to swallow him up.”

  A dark shadow entwined itself around Jack covering him until she could no longer see him. “No!” she screamed running forward.

  Jack lay on the cold floor gasping for breath his hands clawing at his throat as Donavan tried to help him.

  “Jack!” Donavan tried to remove his hands from his throat. “What the hell’s wrong? Call an ambulance!” he shouted to the men standing nearby. “He can’t breathe!”

  Then as Donavan knelt by his side, Jack dropped his hands from his throat and stood up. “What’s goin’ on?” His voice sounded strong as he looked around.

  “What’s going on?” Donavan stared at him in amazement. “Are you telling me you don’t remember grabbing your throat and falling to the floor?”

  “No,” Jack answered on a nervous laugh that ended as he glanced over at the men huddled around him. “Is this some kinda joke?”

  “No, Jack. You almost took a ride with the paramedics.”

  “All right, if you say so. I sure as hell don’t remember any of it.”

  “Do you want to go home and rest or can you finish with what we came here to do?”

  “I already told you. I’m okay. Let’s get to it.”

  Seeing Jack walking and talking with no lasting effects of what he had been through, Chandra once again turned her attention to the white spirits she had called upon. She sent them a thank you as they bound the dark entity in bands of shimmering white to propel it over to the dark side.

  “Do you see how easy it can happen, Chandra?” Rafael moved to stand beside her.

  “Yes, I do.” She looked up at him. “And now you know how easy you can be thwarted in your attempts to harm someone whose soul is protected by the light.”

  “Bravo, Chandra. Bravo.” He allowed her a slight nod. “You won a small victory. However, I would not get too optimistic. There will be another time. I promise you. A time of my choosing.” He left her to think on his words as he followed behind the two men whose very presence filled him with killing anger.

  Chandra knew that for now they had won. But if she wanted to keep Jack safe she had to go to the one person he would listen to. Before she left she surrounded Jack, Donavan and the other men in the house with the White Light of the Holy Spirit. Then she surrounded Lawrence and Rafael with the light to bind them from doing harm while the men searched in vain for the bodies of two souls already safe in the Holy Light of Home.

  Chapter Seven

  Standing in the kitchen after a thorough search of the upstairs, Donavan spoke with Blain. “Magnum get any hits?”

  “Not even one. Those kids never made it to the inside. At least, not upstairs.” He massaged the dog’s ears, patted his head. “I about shit when he went after Hindel!”

  “You and me both! I recall one of the other K-9s reacting the same way to Quigly, when we searched for the missing Stewart girl.” Donavan drew his thumb and forefinger over his dark brown mustache. A habit he employed when his nerves strayed to overload. “I’ve heard dogs can see things we can’t. Almost makes you a believer. Don’t it?”

  Blain pulled the dog closer as his eyes darted around the well-furnished house. “After what we went through with Jonathan there ain’t much I don’t believe anymore.”

  “No shit! I didn’t expect to find anything here. If we’re going to find any trace of them I think our best bet will be down in the basement.” He glanced over Blain’s shoulder to see Lawrence and Rafael standing off to the side and he motioned them forward. “I want you both to wait upstairs while we conduct our investigation.” The tone of his voice warning against any argument. “The dog doesn’t like you, Mr. Hindel. I feel your presence will hinder the search.”

  Lawrence spoke up voicing his unwillingness to hand over control. “This is my home, Lieutenant Hays. Anything you do will be under our watchful eye.”

  “I don’t think so,” Donavan said. “You see,” he held up the four-page warrant, “this gives me the right to search your house, your cave and your grounds without you being present.” Donavan grinned into the faces of the two men glaring at him. “Oh! And lest I forget! This little document,” he smacked the papers, “also includes Quigly’s house. Or I should say, Quigly’s former house since he isn’t with us anymore.”

  Walking down the basement steps, Donavan tried to hold on to his reason for being there. He refused to allow the memories of another time to enter in as he waited for the rest of the men to get there. To busy his mind he looked around the large room taking in the familiar, top-of-the-line washer and dryer. Then he read the name brands of wash-detergent, bleach and fabric-softener. “No generi
c brands for Lawrence Hindel”

  “Looks like Master Lawrence has been a busy little housekeeper.” Jack rumpled through a stack of folded clothes atop the dryer. “Guess we interrupted him on laundry day. Otherwise, prissy as he is, all these clothes would be put away in their little drawers and these,” he ran a hand down the creased slacks already placed on hangers, “would be hung in the closet by now.”

  “Do you believe this?” Blain took down an expensive silk shirt. “He hangs his shirts on satin-covered hangers!”

  “Oh yeah, he’s a fastidious little prick. Good Christ,” Jack blew out a breath, “I think we just passed weird and jumped straight into sick!” Jack unfolded a stack of under-shorts. “He even makes sure his underwear are all facin’ in the same direction.”

  “He’s a creature of habit, Jack. Although I have to agree with you on the shorts. The way he has them all lined out like that, borders on O.C.D.,” Donavan said.

  “O.C. what?”

  “Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. A person with O.C.D. does everything the same way every time. For example, take the laundry. It wouldn’t matter whose laundry he did, each piece would smell the same, be folded the same way — and they would all have the same creases in the pants. Some people wash their hands ten times after they use the bathroom. Not nine, not eleven, but ten. The list goes on and on. It’s a ritual and try as they may, they can’t deviate from that ritual. At any rate,” Donavan ran his thumb and forefinger over his mustache then, noticing what he had done, slapped his hands together. “I guess we’ve had enough psychology for today. Jack, if you’re through playing with Lawrence’s under-shorts I suggest we get started on what we came here for.”

  “Fuck you, Donavan!” Jack snickered then became serious as they each turned towards some large shelves. Knowing behind those shelves, placed in an innocent manner against one wall, they would find a passageway leading to an underwater cave.

  “I see the smoke and mirrors have been repaired and are back in good-standing order.” Donavan stood looking at the floor-to-ceiling shelves. “Wonder why he put them back up? The secret is out.”


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