Book Read Free

Rougarou II

Page 17

by Judith Ann McDowell

  “A slice of cherry cheese cake will be fine.” He tried to quiet his fear, but Jenny’s words kept repeating themselves in his mind.

  The waiter looked to the others seated at the table.

  “Yummy, cherry cheese cake sounds good to me, too,” Jenny declared, rubbing her hands together.

  “Jack,” Seelah nudged him, “is that what you want?”

  “Whatever you’re havin’ will be fine,” he told her his mind whirling with the latest bit of news.

  Seelah looked up at the waiter. “We’ll both have the cherry cheese cake,” she told him, then leaned in close to whisper to Jack, “What is going on with you? You’ve been miles away all evening. Is it something I’ve said?”

  Her words snapped him from his stupor. “No, hon. I guess, like Donavan, I’m still on the job. I’ll tell you all about it later. Although there is something you need to know now.” He lifted a bottle of beer to his mouth.

  “We’re going to be staying with Donavan and Barbara tonight?”

  “That about sums it up.” He finished the beer, set the empty bottle down on the table. “No surprisin’ you is there?”

  “Nope.” She leaned her head on his shoulder, smiled when he dropped a quick kiss on her dark head.

  “Holy snake shit,” Donavan breathed unable to believe his eyes.

  “What?” Jack asked, then drew in his breath at what he saw.

  “Donavan, what’s the matter?” Barbara turned to follow his line of vision. “Who are you staring at?”

  Across the room, a tall, dark-haired man seated a beautiful redheaded woman at their table. His hand lingered for a brief moment on her shoulder before he drew away to seat himself in a chair across from her.

  “I don’t believe what I’m seein’.” Jack pushed back his chair to get to his feet.

  “No, Jack, don’t interfere.” Donavan motioned him back to his chair with a wave of his hand, then moved back out of the way as the waiter set the small plate of cheese cake down on the table in front of him. “She has a right to go out to dinner with someone. Even if that someone is Rafael Hindel.”

  “Oh no.” Barbara whirled back around. “That’s the man who frightened you at the church the day of the memorial, Seelah. He’s evil!”

  Seelah sat very still as she watched the couple lift their glasses of wine in a toast.

  “Who’s everyone looking at?” Jenny asked forking a bite of the rich dessert into her mouth. When her eyes fell on the couple in question, she replied, “Oh, him. He’s a friend of my new teacher. Mr. Lybbert introduced him to me when I helped him carry in the fish tanks he brought for our room. He’s a very nice man.”

  The thought of Jenny being so close to a man the likes of Rafael Hindel sent a shiver of fear down Donavan’s spine. “Jenny, I want you to stay away from this man. He is not a good person.”

  “Oh Daddy, don’t be a boob. Of course he’s a nice person. If not, he wouldn’t have bought fish tanks for the entire sixth grade.”

  “Jenny, if your father says you are to stay away from someone then you will stay away from them,” Barbara spoke up. “Being a well-trained detective, he’s in the best position to know good people from bad.”

  “Does Hindel come to your school often?”

  “No, Daddy.” She gave him an impatient glance. “I just think you’re making too big a deal of all this. Mr. Lybbert is a nice teacher and I like him. He likes me, too. He told me I’m his favorite student.”

  “Is that right?” Jack said, his voice taking on a biting tone. “What else has he told you, Jenny?”

  “Just that. But I can tell he likes me better than the other kids, ‘cause any time he needs help after class, he always picks me.”

  “That’s what Barbara and I wanted to talk with you and Donavan about,” she whispered, leaning her face into the crook of his neck, so Jack, alone could hear what she said. “Her teacher came to drop off some papers at their house earlier. “I’m telling you, Jack, he’s evil.”

  “I’m not arguing with you, baby. If he’s connected to Hindel, that’s already a given.”

  “I think we should end this conversation and enjoy our dessert.” Barbara gave Jack and Seelah a pointed look. “Remember, this is supposed to be a fun evening out?”

  “It started out that way, but it sure as hell ain’t anymore,” Jack told her, looking across the room as soft music drifted through the room. “Would you look at that arrogant fu…fool?” He amended as Jenny snickered.

  “Uncle Jack, you don’t need to watch your language around me. I hear that all the time.”

  “That may be so, Jenny, but Uncle Jack does need to watch his language around you and every other female.” Donavan shot Jack an angry scowl.

  “Sorry.” He chanced a quick glance at Seelah who smiled at him.

  “I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’m ready to get out of here. I don’t think I can watch Rafael Hindel play the swain on a full stomach.” Donavan pushed back his chair.

  As they prepared to leave their table, Christina called out to them in her soft voice. “Detective Hays, how nice to see you and your family enjoying the evening.” She held out her hand to him.

  “Christina, it’s good to see you.” Donavan took her hand to give it a quick squeeze. “I’m surprised to see you here.”

  “You mean you’re surprised to see me out having dinner and dancing with a friend so soon after my daughter’s murder.” Her voice lost its softness and she stepped back, welcoming the gentle, yet firm hands griping her shoulders. “Rafael took pity on me enough to invite me to have a bite with him.”

  “I’d be careful, Ms. Crawford.” Jack stepped in front of her. “I hear a bite from a Hindel can be a death sentence.” He looked into Rafael’s eyes.

  “Jack, what a lovely wife you have. And I see you both are to be congratulated.” His gray eyes skimmed over Seelah’s swollen stomach. “It must be so worrisome for you, Ms. Olivier’, what with your husband having such a dangerous job and all. I would imagine there are nights you worry about his safety.”

  “Naw.” Jack pulled Seelah close to his side. “She knows as long as I got my gun loaded with them silver bullets, I’m as protected as if I wore a suit of armor.”

  “Have a safe evening, Christina,” Donavan said, as he ushered Barbara and Jenny ahead of him. “Let’s go, Jack,” he called back over his shoulder.

  “You behave yourself tonight, grandpa. And try not to stay out too late. Remember, you have five people who can attest to your bein’ out with Ms. Crawford this evenin’.”

  “You can rest assured I will take very good care of our Christina, Jack.” Rafael snuggled her close, smiled as he watched anger spread across Jack’s face.

  “Rafael has been a complete gentleman all evening, Detective Olivier’,” Christina purred, running a slender hand down the side of Rafael’s face.

  “Evenin’ ain’t over yet,” he told her, keeping his gaze fixed on Rafael.

  “Jack,” Seelah pulled on his arm, “I’m ready to go. Have a good evening. And please,” she touched Christina’s arm, “take care of yourself.”

  “Goodness.” She watched them walk to the door. “The way everyone is behaving a body would think I’m spending the evening with a mass murderer.”

  “Put your mind at ease, my beautiful Christina.” He pulled her around to face him. “No one will ever do you harm as long as I am with you.” He dropped a gentle kiss on her forehead. “Now that I’ve found you, I’ll never allow you to be far away.”

  Chapter Twenty Two

  Chandra walked through the rooms of Jack and Seelah’s home and tried not to let her fear of what she knew overpower her. Instead she cried out to the Holy Ones to do something.

  “You can stop this. I know you can! Why do you allow evil to keep feeding on people who have done no wrong? I destroyed Jonathan Hindel and thought that would be the end of it! Except it isn’t! Why did you allow me to waste my very soul? I committed the unforgivable sin! I
took my own life to destroy a dark spirit and now I will have to answer for that act. And in the end, I did nothing to stop the evil!”

  Chandra dropped to her knees waiting for someone to come to her. When she looked up, she found she remained alone. No one stepped from the light to comfort her.

  “You have abandoned me in my darkest hour. Because I dared to do the unforgivable, you leave me alone on this dark plane to fend for myself.”

  “Where is your mercy? I know I have offended you and for this, I am so very sorry. You know I turned my face from the dark side before I destroyed my body. I always believed Holy Mother and Holy Father God would not abandon me if I repented. Now, I find that is not so.”

  She got to her feet to stand gazing around the room. “There is so much love in this house, so much goodness. Nevertheless, it will all be shattered because I dared to destroy the all-powerful Jonathan Hindel!”

  “No! No! No!” she screamed out her anger. “If you have abandoned me then I have nothing to lose in my vengeance against the horror coming down on this family!”

  As fast as her anger spewed to the top it cooled, bringing with it a cold calmness, as the face of the man she still loved floated into her mind.

  In her old, familiar way, she wrapped her arms around her chest to give herself comfort. “He will try and destroy you, my darling. I cannot and will not allow that to happen.”

  “Chandra.” She heard her name spoken in a clear deep voice and she looked up to see who called to her.

  “We have not abandoned you, Chandra. Nor do we condemn you for taking your own life. You did what had to be done to rid this plane of one of its most evil entities.”

  A tall man garbed in a long white robe stood before her. His long hair and beard as white as his robe. His dark blue eyes sparkled with an inner glow.

  Guilt at not trusting in the love of the Holy Ones and in their protection filled her until she could no longer look at him. “I have failed you once again. I did not trust with my soul but with my human heart.”

  “You have not crossed over to be cleansed by the loving light of Mother and Father God. Until you have done this you will continue to straddle both worlds.”

  “Jonathan Hindel did not reign alone in his evil. Those of his blood have now come to wreak vengeance on those they hold responsible for his destruction. What can I do to protect those I love from their evil?”

  “This is a time of testing, Chandra. One of those you love will be tempted to turn their face from the light to embrace the darkness. We are all given the freedom of choice on this plane. We spirits of the light cannot intercede in their right to choose.”

  “This can’t be so. No one I know would choose darkness over light. These people are all fine believers of God. Their souls are surrounded with the white light of the Holy Spirit!”

  “Yes, they embrace the light and for now that protection will keep them in good stead. But, as time passes, one will be introduced to the wiles of an entity so dark, this person will need all the love and protection you and all in the Holy Light can bring forth.”

  “Who is this person you speak of?”

  “The laws of spirit do not allow me to share that information with you, Chandra. That way it will be their choice whether they will allow their soul to be touched by darkness.”

  “Then I can’t help them,” she whispered.

  “Their soul is not in your hands. Their soul must have the chance, good or bad, to travel its own path. If you wish to help, keep yourself attuned, but always remember, it must be their choice, not yours, to walk away from the dark side.”

  “Wait,” she called out as he began to fade, “if I don’t know who it is I am protecting how will I know who to stay attuned to?”

  “You will know, Chandra,” he told her, before disappearing from her sight.

  Chandra turned as she heard a key turning in the lock, then watched as Jack and Seelah walked through the door.

  “Jack, I don’t think we should hang around here for long. I have a bad feeling.”

  “We’ll just be here long enough to grab a few clothes and whatever else we’ll need.” He moved down the hall to the bedroom. “I’m not psychic and I have the same feeling.”

  Seelah pulled clothes from hangers to put them into the opened luggage laid out on the bed. “I’m so worried about Jenny. She’s such a trusting girl.”

  “I pity the son of a bitch who tries to put his hands on her!” He pulled open drawers to remove his underwear and socks. “Donavan’s the most level-headed person I know, but if he even thinks Jenny’s in danger he’ll blow the head off the one posin’ the danger!”

  “This Lybbert person is not what he pretends to be, Jack. Now that we know he’s involved with the Hindels, I’m even more sure he’s evil.”

  “Jenny!” Chandra whispered, as she watched the couple pack what they would need. “Now I know who to watch out for.”

  “I think this will do it, Seelah. We got enough for at least a week.”

  “I’ll go get our toothbrushes and everything from the bath.” She walked out of the room, leaving Jack to finish.

  Chandra moved forward. “You are not wrong about being in danger here, my darling.” She ran a gentle hand through his thick dark hair.

  Jack stood up and looked around. “I know you’re here. I can feel your touch.”

  “Who are you talking to, Jack?” Seelah walked back into the room.

  “Someone is here. I can feel their touch. I think you’re psychic abilities are startin’ to rub off on me, sweetheart.”

  “Hello, Chandra.” Seelah came forward.

  “I have come to warn you about the danger you are both in, but I see I was worrying without cause. You are getting very strong in your psychic abilities, Seelah.”

  “I have to be on top of things.” The smile disappeared from her face. “It seems like this plane gets darker and more dangerous every day.”

  “Yes and now that Rafael has returned to the parish, it is even more so.”

  “What do you mean, Rafael has returned? Are you saying this isn’t the first time he has been here?”

  Jack stood listening to Seelah converse with the spirit of Chandra and he could feel himself getting more and more on edge.

  “Rafael came to the parish many years ago when Jonathan was married to Angelia. He did his best to destroy their relationship. But Jonathan would have none of his interference. He loved Angelia with all his heart.”

  “From what I understand, she was the first and last woman he ever gave his heart to.”

  “Yes.” Chandra looked away, remembering those long ago days. “Jonathan behaved like a different man then. While Angelia dwelled in his life, he seemed almost happy. But after her death, he became a man inconsolable in his grief. Angelia was the good part of Jonathan. Her death brought out the rest of the monster.”

  “Earlier, you said you came to tell us of the dangers concerning Rafael. Will you share your concerns with me?” Her heart beat faster as she waited for Chandra’s reply.

  “I have to be very careful here, Seelah. You see there are laws on the other side that tie my hands. They are called the laws of spirit and I must abide by them.”

  “But you haven’t crossed over yet. How can you be bound by the laws of spirit if you have chosen to remain earthbound?”

  “I have not crossed over, but the ones who protect me and help me to help others, have. They are my Holy Ones.” Her full mouth widened in a broad smile as she talked about the ones so close to her heart.

  “How long have they been with you?” Seelah patted a place on the bed beside her, then reached out to take Jack’s hand as he joined her.

  “The Holy Ones are very old and they have been with me throughout all my lifetimes on this plane.”

  “I never heard you mention them before.”

  “I don’t tell others about them because they are so special. I like to think they belong to me alone, but they don’t.”

  “Have I eve
r heard of them?” She gave her a puzzled look.

  “Yes, Seelah, you have. But you know them as The Circle of Elders.”

  Her breath caught on a loud gasp. “Oh my god! You work with The Circle of Elders? They are as old as time itself!”

  She nodded. “I thought, when I continued to be so involved with Jonathan’s evilness, they would turn their face from me, but they never did.”

  “How can that be? I mean, they are so holy. Why would they be around evil?”

  “We all go through a testing of the soul. During this testing the Holy Ones stand back and allow us our freedom of choice. Even though it took a lot of years on this plane for me to turn my face from evil, they never turned their face from me.”

  “It’s my understanding they never turn their face from anyone.”

  “That is true, except they know a white soul can never turn all the way to the dark side. They already knew that in time I would come back to them. And Mother and Father God in their infinite goodness would be there to welcome me with all their love.”

  “You must be a very advanced soul, Chandra. I know this is the worst planet in the universe and souls that are brave enough to come here to be tested can advance their souls faster, but even so I had no idea a soul could go all the way to the darkness and be welcomed back.”

  Jack remained sitting beside Seelah on the bed and although he heard but half of the conversation, he heard enough to tell him they discussed a topic he himself had always wondered about.

  Seelah turned. “I know you must have a million questions right at this moment, Jack, but perhaps we should be on our way.”

  “You’re right. We need to get going.”

  “Yes, the danger that threatens all of you must be dealt with in a very careful way. And, Seelah?”

  Seelah turned back at the fear in Chandra’s voice. “What is it?”

  “Keep the young daughter of Donavan Hays protected at all times. She is in great danger and will need all the love and protection each of you can give her.”

  “Oh my god!” Seelah went to her. “I knew it! Her new teacher is a friend of Rafael Hindel. Chandra, what can we do to help her?”


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