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Rougarou II

Page 25

by Judith Ann McDowell

  “I don’t believe this is happening.” Her eyes welled up to spill over. “I love this man. I don’t know what I would have done without Rafael in my life right now. I trust him. Now, you’re standing here telling me he is the one responsible for the death of my own baby and…and Paul?”

  “Christina, Rafael Hindel’s an evil man. His son Jonathan Hindel was a werewolf. This is not hearsay. This is fact. Detective Hays and I actually saw the monster he would change into.”

  “I don’t understand why you are saying this! Werewolves don’t exist!”

  “That is exactly what Donavan and I thought until we were confronted with the proof. I can even tell you why Rafael Hindel is out to destroy Donavan, me and our families.” He tore off a paper-towel, handed it to her. “We’re the ones who destroyed his son.”

  Christina dabbed at her eyes. “Are you telling me that Rafael is a werewolf?”

  “I believe he is. I believe his family, who has come here from New Orleans, may also be werewolves. Christina,” he tipped her face up, making her look at him, “children are disappearing from all over this parish. No one is safe right now. Because of this you’re comin’ with me.” He placed a finger over her full mouth as she made ready to argue. “I ain’t takin’ no for an answer, so you best get your things together. You’ll be stayin’ with Seelah and me at our house. It’s gonna be a little cramped, `cause Donavan and his family are bunkin’ with us, too.” He gathered up the pictures, stuck them back inside the envelope.

  “I still can’t accept all of this, but if it’s going to make you settle down then I’ll get dressed and come with you.” She got to her feet. “Donavan Hays and his wife have been very nice and helpful to me. For that reason I’ll come with you.”

  “I wish I could say you’re right and all this is just a nightmare we’re all gonna wake up from, but I can’t. Everyone in Saint Anthony Parish is in danger right now.”

  “I won’t be long,” she whispered as she turned to walk out of the kitchen.

  “Christina,” he waited until she looked at him, “I hope you ain’t gonna put all our lives in danger by calling Hindel and telling him where you’re gonna be.”

  Without dropping her gaze she replied, “I won’t. If things are really as bad as you say, then I will wait and give you a chance to prove all you’ve accused Rafael of.”

  “That’s all I ask,” he told her; hoping against hope he wasn’t wrong in entrusting their well-being into the hands of yet another of Hindel’s victims.

  Chapter Thirty Four

  Seelah lay down on the bed, tried to relax her body enough to bring Chandra forward. But all she could see was the black nothingness of a cluttered mind and Chandra refused to answer her call.

  She opened her eyes, but stayed still. The child inside her body moved slightly as though reminding her of the importance of staying calm thus allowing him to stay safe.

  The face of a man, handsome, with steel-gray eyes that seemed to look into her soul, crept into her mind. Seelah shrank back as his image sharpened. With real fear, she sat up, looking around.

  In a corner of the room she could discern a dark shadow. Its pulsating blackness covered the wall as it began to take shape.

  Immediately Seelah called out to her guides, who rushed to her side. But they were not alone. Chandra hovered beside her on the bed.

  “What is going on, Chandra?” Her voice quivered as the shadow materialized into the body of a tall, middle-aged man.

  “I want you to stay calm, Seelah. Your guides and I are here to protect you. You know evil cannot touch you when you are surrounded by the White Light of the Holy Spirit.”

  “You should not be interfering in what does not concern you, Chandra.”

  “You do not frighten me, Jonathan. I destroyed you once, I can do it again.”

  “I am ready to be reborn onto this plane. This woman will house my soul; raising me from a helpless child to the man who will once again lead the dark souls of this earth.”

  “You will not touch this child growing within her body. He is protected by the light and all that is holy. Go back to the darkness where you belong, Jonathan.”

  Seelah tried to remain strong, but the battle going on in the room filled her with such terror it all but consumed her. As she saw the figure move she cried out to her guides in a voice strangled with fear, to stop the evil moving towards her.

  In an instant Jonathan found himself being driven back; a bright light, emanating from the guides blotted out Jonathan’s dark energy.

  “They are binding him in chains. Where are they taking him, Chandra?”

  “They are taking him over to the dark side where he will remain until he asks to be allowed to enter the light.” Chandra’s voice was filled with pure exhilaration at seeing Jonathan, at long last, being forcefully removed from her sight.

  Instantly Seelah dropped her feet to the floor. “Then if he is trapped on the dark side, that means he can’t pose a threat to my son.” Tears of relief streamed down her face.

  “That is true, Seelah. He cannot do you or your son any harm ever again.”

  “But why now, Chandra? Why could Jonathan Hindel be stopped now and not before? I begged them to do something to stop Jonathan from destroying my son. But they did nothing. Now, not only did they stop him, they took his spirit to the dark side?”

  “Jonathan was not just threatening the life of your son, Seelah. This time he was actually going to follow through. When you called on the guides, just now, to stop him you untied their hands to do whatever was needed. Spirit laws forbid them to destroy another soul. Even a dark soul. We are all God’s children and we are all given the choice to return to God.”

  Seelah felt a great weight lift from her shoulders and she could not wait to tell Jack their son was now safe from Jonathan Hindel’s evil.

  Chapter Thirty Five

  Reverend Statler sat alone at a small table, his huge bulk overflowing both sides of the chair. Every few moments he would turn to look towards the stairs. He jumped as someone walked up to the table.

  “Reverend Statler, how good to see you here this evening.” A pretty, skimpily-dressed waitress smiled down at him. “Will you be having your usual tonight?”

  “Yes…yes that will be fine, Miss.” His lascivious gaze slid over her and he licked his lips. “I’ll also have the steak dinner.”

  “I’ll put your order in with the chef and be right back with your drink.” She started to walk away, but stopped as he placed a fat hand on her arm. “Was there something else you wanted?”

  “Is Christina gonna be dancin’ tonight?” His voice was low and personal.

  “I’m sorry, Reverend, but Christina is gonna be away for a while.”

  “She ain’t sick is she?” He hastened to ask.

  “I don’t really know why she won’t be in the club for a few days. We’re not privy to that information,” she told him, patting his hand and pulling away.

  “It’s very nice of you to ask about our Christina.”

  Statler looked up to see a tall man dressed in black standing by his table. “Do I know you?”

  “Not at this moment, no.” The man reached out his hand. “Allow me to introduce myself. I am Rafael Hindel.”

  Statler turned away ignoring the outstretched hand.

  Refusing to be set aside, Hindel pulled a chair away from the table and sat down.

  “I don’t mean to be rude, but I prefer to be alone this evening.”

  “I disagree.” Rafael shot a look of knowing across the table. “You and I came here for the same reason. We both want a woman.”

  Statler’s head snapped up. “I will have you know, I am a man of God!”

  Hindel laughed deep in his throat.

  Statler glared at him. “I am the Reverend Statler. It is my duty, as caretaker of this parish, to see to the fallen and bring them back to God’s bosom.”

  “Is that why you were inquiring after Christina Crawford?”

Ms. Crawford and I have known each other for a long while. I have ministered to her many times.”

  “I find that odd, given that Christina has told me about your, shall we say, fixation on her?” Hindel pierced him with his steely gaze.

  For the first time since the man had made his presence known, Statler felt uneasy. “I have tried to help Ms. Crawford see the life she is leading is not one she should continue to embrace. But, she refuses to heed my warnings. However, as speaker for the Lord God Jehovah, I cannot allow her refusal to be brought around, to silence His voice.”

  The waitress sat a plate of food in front of Statler followed by his drink. “Will this do you for the moment, Reverend?”

  He nodded stuffing a linen napkin into the collar of his shirt.

  “And what can I bring you, Sir?” she asked, looking at the man staring at her.

  “You may bring me a glass of your finest white wine. In fact you may bring me a bottle. Reverend Statler can enjoy a few glasses with his meal.”

  “I’ll bring it to you right away.” She smiled down at him.

  To an astonished Statler, Rafael caught one of her hands and holding her gaze skimmed his lips, lightly, across the palm.

  As the young girl walked away, a knowing smile pulling at her full mouth, Statler talked around the forkful of steak he was enjoying. “She could have slapped your face for that.”

  “But she didn’t, did she?” he laughed, then grew silent as he watched blood, from the rare steak, run down Statler’s chin to drip onto the white linen napkin.

  “She’s probably like the rest of the harlots here,” he growled, his hand continuing to rise and fall, shoving vast amounts of food into his mouth. “They prostitute the bodies that house their souls. The souls that Jehovah has entrusted them with. Now, it’s up to me to save them.” He picked up his glass, threw the liquor down his throat and banged his empty glass on the table.

  “Would you like to save a soul this night?”

  Statler finished his food, pulled the napkin loose from his collar to wipe his mouth. “Are we talking about your soul, Mr. Hindel?”

  “No, not my soul, Reverend. My soul is just fine right where it is.”

  “Then whose soul are you referring to?”

  “After we have finished our wine, we will buy the pleasures of two young women who are in need of your help. I am sure Jehovah will not hold it against you for testing the depths of a lost sinner.”

  As they walked from the club, a shaken Jerry Stalls stepped quickly, back into his office to watch them leave.


  Rafael led Statler and two young females through the torch-lit cave. Loud sighs could be heard from the girls as they tried to remain calm in the eerie surroundings.

  Up ahead they could see a large, four-poster bed complete with a white-gauze canapé.

  Without being told the girls disrobed then turned to help the men do the same. Rafael brushed their hands away directing them instead to the good Reverend who welcomed their eager hands as they pulled and tugged the clothes from his body. Rising to his feet his slurred and pompous voice filled the cave. “Harlots of Satan, you will kneel at the feet of God’s messenger!”

  Instantly they obeyed. Giggling as they did so.

  In his drunken stupor, he did not question the whip he suddenly found in his upraised hand. “You have blasphemed the gifts bestowed upon you by our Lord God and for this you must suffer the pain you have caused Him in your self-serving wantonness!”

  The girls screamed as Statler brought the whip down on their nakedness time and time again. When at last he threw the bloodied whip to the side he leaned down to pull the sobbing girls to their feet. “You will each kiss the hand of the one who has meted out your penance and saved your souls from everlasting damnation.”

  In turn, each girl bent forward to kiss the hand of the man who had abused them.

  “Now, you will enter into the perverted acts your putrid flesh has addicted you to.” As the three rutted on the bed, Rafael stood back, watching, until a movement caught his eye. Without taking his eyes from the perversion being played out before him, he motioned the one standing nearby, to come forward.

  “I see you have brought entertainment for this night’s festivities,” Lawrence Hindel said.

  “This will be a special night of rejoicing. The man giving into temptation is the Reverend Statler.”

  “The same Reverend Statler who has treated your Christina so disrespectfully?” Lawrence glanced at Rafael then away. “This night will not end well for him.”

  As one of the girls rolled her body from Statler’s enormous girth, they watched as the other girl was dragged atop him to satisfy his voracious appetite.

  “I see the people are beginning to arrive. I think it is time to enlighten the good Reverend on what all is about to transpire in his honor.”

  At the sound of his name being called, Statler sat up in the bed, swung his feet over the side. Surprise crossed his face as he saw all the people staring at him. “What are all these people doing here? How dare you bring them here to spy on me!”

  “Oh my dear Reverend Statler, these are not just any people. Look closely. Don’t you recognize them? Many of them are from your own congregation.” Rafael threw back his head his deep rumbling laugh filling the cave.

  Statler tried to pull his clothes over his body, but his hands were too shaky. “You are never to speak of this! Do you hear me? I am a messenger from the Lord God Jehovah! He has given me power over these fallen women. You know it is not a sin to fornicate with a woman whose soul has been touched by Satan!”

  To his horror the people laughed at him. He shrank back pulling the sheet over to cover his nakedness. “This ain’t really happenin’. It can’t be happenin’! I’ll wake up soon and all this’ll be a terrible nightmare!”

  Rafael walked forward. “Your nightmare has yet to begin, Reverend Statler.”

  “Follower of Satan!” Statler pointed an accusatory finger in his direction. “You brought me here to shame me in front of my congregation! You plied me with the fruit of the devil’s vineyard to steal my mind!” He got to his feet and snatching his clothes from the floor of the cave, dressed himself. “I am leaving here right now. And if you’re smart you won’t try and stop me.”

  “You are too important to this evening’s festivities to be allowed to leave. You see, you and these lovely young ladies,” he gestured to the frightened girls sitting on the side of the bed, “are here for a feast.”

  “I don’t want your food. I am leaving! You and the gutter trash you have thought to shame me with, will remove yourselves from my sight!”

  “Reverend Statler, is that anyway to talk to me after I went out of my way to give your son Paul and Christina’s daughter, Tina, such a ceremonial send off on their last night on this earth?”

  Statler could feel the blood drain from his face. “What are you talkin’ `bout?” he whispered.

  “I’m talking about the last moments your son drew breath. It was right here on the grounds of the Hindel Mansion. Paul and Tina fed our hunger and stilled our insatiable thirst for blood.”

  Statler screamed. “Oh my god! Who are you?”

  “As one who has been called upon to lead His people, you should know who we are.” Rafael’s words came forth, soft and low. “We are the dark souls put upon this plane to destroy those who refuse to come over to the dark side. I will give you a choice, Reverend Statler. You can die right here right now for what you profess to believe in. Or…you can join us and have life eternal. The choice is yours.”

  “What do I have to do?” Statler gazed at him then out over the crowd.

  “I will tell you what you will garner if you renounce your God and give your soul to the dark side. But first, I will show you what you will keep if you choose to die for your God.”

  Statler waved away his words. “Show me what I can expect if I choose to follow the dark side.”

  Rafael nodded knowingly and draping an arm
over the massive man’s shoulders filled his mind with every perversion known to man. When he had finished, Statler licked his lips, his arousal apparent in his glazed eyes as he stared over at the trembling girls still sitting on the bed.

  “I choose to live the rest of my life singing the praises of the one who rewards those who pay him homage.” He declared, smiling as he saw the welcoming looks from the people milling before him.

  “I applaud you, Reverend Statler. As one who has spent his life trying to bring souls to Jehovah and being rebuffed for your efforts, I am glad you see the wisdom in accepting the one who rewards such loyalty.”

  A woman, who bore a striking resemblance to Christina Crawford, walked from the crowd. Smiling, she took Statler’s hand to press it against her breast. Statler leered down at her his breath rushing from his lungs. He pulled her roughly against his chest then screamed as blood ran down his chest. She gazed up at him her mouth covered in his blood. “I admire a man who is secure enough in his manhood he can speak his heart without fear of reprisal.”

  He moaned deep in his throat to hear such praise from a woman of such beauty. “I have never heard such words from a woman who looks like you.” He tried to ignore the blood covering her full mouth, as she rubbed her lush body against him.

  “The one you serve now will see to your needs and reward you for the fruits of your labor. Soon you will be reborn into a child of the dark side, James.”

  “Yes, he agreed.” For a fleeting moment he thought of Paul and what Rafael had told him about his last moments on this earth. Then quickly put the thought from his mind. He was where he belonged. With people who understood the need for dominance over the weak. He did not allow himself to think about all he was giving up for this acceptance. For the first time in his life he was being shown the respect he deserved. And all he had to trade for this respect was his eternal soul.

  Chapter Thirty Six

  When Jack arrived back at the house accompanied by Christina Crawford Seelah immediately felt a strong warning of danger around the woman. Not wanting to be rude she greeted their guest and welcomed her into their home.


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