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Backstage (The Barter System Book 4)

Page 7

by McClendon, Shayne

His brother laughed. The friends were excellent dancers but they saw the true level of Micah’s skill when he paired with a professional. Mikayla didn’t take it easy on him and he grinned the entire time. As the song ended, the two men escorted them directly back to the Zelders.

  The move was telling…and appreciated.

  Respectfully planting kisses on the back of their hands, they released them and took a step back. Max grinned. “You are incredibly personable and talented. We’re going to book three more shows after opening night during the season for this charity and two others. We’ll spread the word.”

  “You know Winters will have Lola on the case by tomorrow afternoon.” Micah grinned. “He hates when we do anything first.”

  Madeline asked, “Winters?”

  The friends laughed and Micah clarified, “Hudson Winters. Huge wanker but a closet philanthropist and unspoken friend in our circles.”

  “Lola is his assistant. We’ve known her for years but I think Isaiah and Ezra have known her since she was a girl.”

  Ezra nodded. “She’s going to love you. Huge theater buff and great connections.”

  Touching her temple, Mikayla murmured, “Too much input, not enough food. I’m going to have to excuse myself and find Theodora.”

  Max whispered, “Her food makes me want to weep with joy.”

  “She’s amazing with the simplest ingredients. My mouth is already watering and my head is starting to spin. Thank you so much for the dance.” Glancing up, she said more urgently, “I need to eat.”

  Isaiah nodded and they said their goodbyes.

  The tiny caterer clapped when she saw them from across the room. “Come! Sit and I’ll get your food myself. You girls look ready to collapse.” She led them to a small table and touched each of their shoulders as she waited on them personally, taking beverages from a passing server.

  “Theodora, can you join us? You’ve been going as many hours as we have.”

  “Not dancing and singing in front of a thousand people. You relax. I love what I do.” With that, she disappeared into the kitchen.

  “Love her. I hope she brings me food guaranteed to put on five pounds by morning. I’m ready to eat my own arm.” Mikayla looked at her sister and crossed her eyes. “I’m so proud of you.”

  Madeline pulled her into a hug. “I’m proud of you. This wouldn’t have happened without you.”

  “That’s bullshit. You’re brilliant and hungry...oh god yes! Speaking of hungry, the angel is back.”

  Theodora led a server carrying an enormous tray to their table and proceeded to load it down with plate after plate of food. All their eyes were wide and Isaiah heard Mikayla’s stomach growl.

  As the young man left them, Theodora said with a smile, “I expect every bite gone.”

  “I’m on it,” Mikayla said seriously and dug in.

  For almost an hour, they made small talk but all of them focused on the food. The caterer checked on them regularly and grinned when the twins started dancing happily in their seats.

  “You two are very food motivated. It recharges your batteries faster than anyone I’ve ever seen. I’d give anything for your metabolisms.”

  Madeline shook her head. “Nope. Mine wakes me up in the middle of the night to eat and then I’m up writing until after dawn. Very inconvenient.”

  “I set my alarm half an hour early to make sure I get breakfast. Without it, I’m a monster. I was so nervous this morning that I couldn’t eat.” Staring into Isaiah’s eyes, she smiled happily. “No more nerves and my stomach is back on track…”

  Mikayla’s voice trailed off as she turned her head. Then she stood without a word to storm across the room. Linn followed her trajectory with a frown. Then her eyes widened in shock.

  “Oh shit. She’s going to whip his ass for sure.”

  Isaiah didn’t know what the problem was but he didn’t wait to clarify. He was up and taking broad strides in her wake. When he saw Mikayla stop in front of a good-looking man, shove his shoulders, and back him into the employee-only area, he broke into a run.

  Chapter Nine

  Isaiah heard Mikayla before he saw her.

  “You are a fucking asshole! Where is my sister’s stuff? You can keep my shit you little weasel. I deserve it since I was so stupid…but if I don’t have the crystal egg my Nana gave Linn by tomorrow, I will hunt you down. Do you hear me?”

  She was heated, it was gorgeous to see, and Isaiah leaned against the wall to enjoy the show. The guy was taller than she was, though nowhere near Isaiah’s height.

  “Kayla, let me explain! I…well, yeah, I took your stuff, but…” One sharp punch to his jaw snapped his head back. He shook it to clear the bells he was probably hearing. “I deserved that. I get it. I know you’re pissed but you look so hot. Can’t we try again? I miss you so much, baby.”

  Mikayla hit him again – the sound was impressive – and it took the guy a little longer to recover.

  “Not the face! I have an audition in a couple days!” She planted a combination in his gut and the breath whooshed out of him. “Shit…you been working out?”

  “Daily. Listen to me you little worm. I was desperately lonely when I met you and obviously out of my fucking mind to take you home with me.”

  “Baby, don’t say that…we had magic.” Another punch cracked against his face and he stumbled. “You hit like somebody way bigger.”

  “Don’t you call me baby, motherfucker. What magic? I made a grocery list and ran my lines. You stole a copy of our key and took everything that wasn’t nailed down.” He reached out to take her hand and she slapped him with it instead.

  “Keep the electronics I’m sure you’ve already pawned but if I don’t get the stuff with sentimental value back, mark my words…money will be no object. I’ll find out where you live, where you hang out, and who you’re fucking. I’ll harass you, get you fired, and warn the poor girl to find a man with an actual dick.”

  “Come on, honey, you’re just mad. Give me another chance.” He crowded her, his hands all over her arms and shoulders.

  Making a dramatic gagging sound, Kayla told him through gritted teeth, “Don’t touch me, scumbag.”

  He continued to press toward her and Isaiah was two seconds from beating him to death. Giving her another thirty seconds to handle it alone, he watched as she looked at the ceiling.

  “Why?” she asked no one in particular.

  “Why what, baby?”

  Then he ran a hand possessively over her breast and Isaiah watched her entire body go still the way predators did in the wild. She ground out, “Why are some men so desperate for an ass kicking?”

  She put her hands on his shoulders and the guy obviously thought she was going to kiss him despite the fact that there was nothing in her body language to imply such a thing. The surprise on his face when she brought her knee up and kneed him in the groin, slammed her elbow into his shoulders as he doubled over, and kicked his feet out from under him was fascinating to watch.

  He hit the floor and Kayla crouched to talk to him. Her words were very calm. “When I tell you not to touch me, I mean it more than any other female you know. Have my sister’s keepsakes back by tomorrow, dickhead. Otherwise, I’m going to find you and we’ll have another little chat.”

  She stood, kicked him in the gut, and turned. Spotting Isaiah leaning against the wall, her face lit up with happiness. “Isaiah…hi, baby.”

  “Kayla…who’s your friend?”

  “This is dickhead. A serious error in my normally sound judgment. Please don’t hold it against me.” She lightly kicked the man again. “Get me my sister’s stuff or next time, I really whoop your ass.”

  Stepping over him, she ran to Isaiah and he felt like the king of the universe as he caught her in his arms. He held her tight as she started raining kisses all over his face, her legs wrapped snugly around his back.

  Leaning back, she smiled, “Were you worried about me?”

  “I was at first…then I saw you had
it under control. Nice combination.”

  “Thanks. My brothers taught me the right way so I didn’t break my hands.” Kissing his lips, she laughed. “I’d have worn a lot of casts as a teenager.” She grinned before glaring over her shoulder at the loser picking himself up off the floor.

  “Mikayla, what the fuck? You’d choose this guy over me?”

  “Without one fucking instant of hesitation.”

  He gestured to his admittedly attractive face and Isaiah knew what was coming. When people had nothing valid to fight with, they fought low.

  “My face is made for modeling and he could do a horror flick, no makeup required.”

  “Oh no you did not…” Kayla squirmed to get down, fully prepared to kick his ass again. Isaiah held her, surprised he actually had to put some effort into it. She was strong when she was mad.

  She pointed at her ex-boyfriend, her accent thick as she ranted. “Let me explain somethin’ to you, you pathetic piece of shit. Not only do I find him beautiful, kind, and brilliant…it would take three of your puny dicks to compete with what he’s got goin’ on. He could be missin’ a hand and both legs…he’d still be more of a man than you!”

  The more she talked, the more she fought to make it to her feet. Isaiah wasn’t about to let her go.

  “You’re lucky he’s protectin’ you. I’ll stomp your pretty girl face in, you pussy.”

  The guy backed hurriedly down the hall, seeing the violence on Kayla’s face, and belatedly realized he might have pushed her too far.

  “You best move faster, boy. No one talks about my family or my man…”

  Isaiah slammed her into the nearest wall and devoured her mouth. Her tirade died a sudden death and she required a single heartbeat to change direction. Her arms and legs gripped him hard and she gave back as good as she got. His hands went under her sweater to massage her bare skin.

  Little by little, he stroked her down from her fury until he felt the tightness ease from her muscles.

  Assuring himself that the guy was long gone, Isaiah ducked into an open storage closet and slammed the door behind them, putting her against it as added assurance of privacy. Her hands were all over him. He sealed their bodies together, grinding his cock against her slow and steady.

  “Kayla, I want you to come for me. I’m not going to take you here, but I think you need a nice climax to clear your head.” Cupping her breasts, he tweaked the nipples through her bra while maintaining a rocking motion with his hips.

  “Isaiah…please don’t stop.” Already ramped up with anger, the transition to sex was a simple one and her body responded quickly to his attention. “I’m coming, oh yes.”

  She arched, locking her legs even tighter around him, her hands gripping his face, pulling him to her. Her lips to his, she breathed, “Damn.”

  He chuckled as she kissed him thoroughly. His hands itched to touch her everywhere.

  After a long time, she lifted her head. “I’m selfish. I’m sorry.”

  He put a finger over her lips. “Don’t worry about me, Kayla. I can wait. I have to get you back or your sister is going to be worried.”

  Isaiah set her on her feet, his heart pounding when she wrapped her arms around him and laid her head on his chest. It was a beautiful hug and he could have held her in such a way forever. She turned them until his back was against the door and they stayed like that for a long minute.

  Nothing prepared him for her slipping from his grasp, dropping to her knees, and going to the waist of his pants with determination.

  “Kayla…we have to go back.”

  “When I’ve sucked you, we’ll go back. Stop fighting me…I’m not kidding, Isaiah.” She had the button undone and the zipper halfway down. “I want my way and it’s a win-win.” She reached into the opening and circled his length with a sigh. “You’re so hot and hard.”

  Without hesitation, she took him as far as she could with both hands fisted around the length she couldn’t suck. She worked her fists in opposite twisting motions as she licked, sucked, and nibbled the first few inches. Her moan around the head almost buckled his knees.

  Isaiah leaned his head against the wall, struggling to control his breathing. “Mikayla, fuck…what are you doing to me? No one has ever worked me like…it feels so good. Don’t stop.”

  He gathered her hair and held it in one hand. When he tugged the strands, she moaned louder around him, sending intense vibrations over his length.

  She lifted her mouth away but didn’t stop using her hands on him. “You can guide me. I trust you. Fuck into my mouth if you want, I want you to enjoy this…you’ve given me so much.”

  Without waiting for his answer, she took him back in her mouth, sucking with force and he had to lock out his knees. Watching himself disappear between her full lips was almost too much.

  Glancing up, meeting his eyes, she paused. Pulling back, she whispered, “I know you want to, Isaiah. Take what you want.” Kissing the head, she tugged her lower lip between her teeth. “Take it and talk dirty to me. I’m sure there are things you could say to me in this situation.”

  Putting one hand in her hair, he fisted the length and gripped his cock just below where the slickness from her mouth ended. He knew that was as far as she could take him.

  “You’re a shock to my system, Kayla.”

  He thrust forward and she sucked him greedily before he pulled all the way back out. Several times, he teased her, stroking into her mouth and withdrawing completely. She groaned in frustration and it made him smile.

  “Is there something you want, pretty girl?” She nodded. “You want my cock in your mouth, Mikayla?” She nodded again, squeezing her thighs together. One hand reached up to cup her breast.

  “I want it bad.” He twitched and issued a low rumble from deep in his chest. “Give it to me. Let me have this until I can have you again.”

  He thrust forward until his fingers met her lips. The sensation sent chills up and down his spine. His hips flexed, rocking back and forth, as her moans made his balls draw up tight to his body.

  “You have the prettiest mouth, Mikayla. I’m using all my control not to come yet.” One of her hands was on his thigh, kneading gently. The other was squeezing her breast, her fingers rolling the nipple through her sweater. “I love watching you touch yourself.”

  She hummed around his cock and slid her hand under her sweater. A moment later, he realized she’d unbuttoned her jeans and slipped it into her panties. He fucked her mouth a little harder but didn’t allow himself to go deeper.

  “Are you touching your clit?” She nodded around him. “Are you wet, Mikayla?” She moaned and slid the hand on his thigh to his balls, squeezing in the same rhythm he used on her mouth. “I want you to come for me and then I’ll let go. Do that for me. Stroke yourself and imagine me eating you, my lips and tongue everywhere.”

  Her movements became more urgent and he watched as she came, moaning hard around him and clenching her thighs together.

  “Jesus. I’m going to come.”

  She nodded and returned her fists to his base, pulling Isaiah harder and more deeply into her mouth until he felt the back of her throat.

  “It feels too good. Coming hard.”

  He pumped twice and felt his seed leave the end of his cock, felt her throat swallowing him, milking the head, stroking the flat of her tongue on the underside. He tried to move back and she moved her hands to his ass, holding him as far inside her mouth as she could.

  “Yes, Kayla, take it all. I’m going to fuck you hard as soon as I can…to thank you for the first blowjob to blow the top of my head off. Fuck, you’re spectacular.”

  Mikayla pulled back and Isaiah yanked her roughly to her feet. His hand slipped under her pants and two fingers pressed fast and deep inside her.

  He whispered at her ear, “What a sweet, wet pussy. Mikayla, you’re burning up. I just came and want to pound you into this wall right now.” Her fingers dug into his back and forearm and he pulled back to look at h
er, his fingers working firmly against her. “Your clit is so swollen, begging to be sucked. You have a drop of my come on the corner of your mouth, baby.”

  He watched as she licked it away with her tongue.

  “Come for me. Please come for me, Mikayla.” She exploded, bowing her body hard into his. “That’s it, fuck, you’re so wet…dripping on my fingers. My mouth is watering.”

  He stroked her down, their breathing ragged. Taking his fingers from her, the sucking sound was audible. He painted a gloss of her essence over her full lower lip and watched her tongue dart out to taste herself. She pulled him down for a rough kiss.

  Finally pulling away, he exhaled hard and put her clothing back together. Tucking his still-hard cock back in his jeans, he managed to fasten them.

  “I can’t get enough of you.” He waited while she fixed her hair, smiling when she reached out to smooth his and straighten his shirt. “Do I look like I just came as hard as I did?” He shook his head slowly. “Do I look like I want to come more?” His smile as he nodded made her laugh. “Excellent. I’m effectively communicating my feelings.”

  She grabbed his hand and kissed him hard before they cleaned up and headed back to the party.

  Chapter Ten

  When they reappeared in the main room, Linn looked her sister over with a knowing eye and laughed as Mikayla shrugged without shame.

  The two of them circulated after thanking Theodora effusively for feeding them. Leaning close to Isaiah, Kayla whispered, “Thank you for dessert.”

  Unable to control his laughter, it drew attention. Flashes went off and he instinctively turned his face. Reaching up, she cupped his jaw.

  “Keep your eyes on me when the flashes go off. See how beautiful I think you are, Isaiah. See how much I want you.” Raking her fingers through his thick hair, she murmured, “Dance with me.”

  “Mikayla…” He was the only man in the place wearing casual clothing. His scar…


  As he took Mikayla Johannson in his arms to Giving Him Something He Can Feel, he knew he never wanted to let her go as long as he was breathing.


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