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Backstage (The Barter System Book 4)

Page 20

by McClendon, Shayne

  When the door shut behind him, he rubbed his hands together to warm up. He wanted a chance to meet the woman he almost knocked on her butt. He didn’t see her anywhere and quickly helped the Zelders finish the cleanup of their labor.

  An hour later, the most appealing smells started to drift through the halls and his stomach dragged him in search of the source. In an area that resembled a large eat-in kitchen, there were tables and chairs set up just beyond the last stage curtain.

  A small, slightly rounded woman bustled around pulling covered trays from large carts and placing them on a long built-in buffet.

  Isaiah and Ezra stood to the side chatting with her while she worked. They watched, waiting with pretend patience while she began uncovering them.

  When she turned, he caught a glimpse of the most angelic face he’d ever seen dominated by vibrant turquoise blue eyes. Shimmering blonde curls framed her flawless alabaster skin.

  Her glasses were pink with zebra print and she wasn’t wearing the puffy white jacket anymore. Instead, the t-shirt, thermal undershirt, jeans, and sneakers accentuated a curvy figure his body responded to instantly.

  She wasn’t very tall but she moved rapidly around her space. He knew she was the creator of the smells that had drawn him.

  “I’d love to cater your weddings!”

  Ezra took her shoulders and mockingly shook her. “We don’t want you to cater them! You’re going to be a guest! Just guide the process so we don’t end up with overpriced dog food. That tiny food revolution is everywhere. You don’t want me to cry at my wedding, do you?”

  “It would be a crime to starve you on your wedding day.” She tapped her chin. “I can get the menu locked down and bring in a few chefs for the day of the reception. Let me work out the details.”

  “An angel, that’s what you are, Theodora.” Isaiah popped a puff pastry in his mouth. “You stuffed them with shrimp. Dear lord, woman.”

  She laughed and Kiefer felt the tightening in his body again.

  “I adore weddings and I’ve been waiting for the two of you to get around to it forever.” Her smile showed bright white teeth behind full pale pink lips. “Those girls are going to be splendid in wedding gowns. I hope you know how lucky you are to have them.”

  Nodding with a mouth full of shrimp pastry, the big man sighed happily.

  Just then, Ezra glanced up from filling a massive plate and grinned at Kiefer standing just beyond the catering area. “It was the smell, wasn’t it?” He nodded numbly and walked closer. “I get it. Come grab yourself a plate and prepare to be blown away.”

  The caterer met his eyes with a big smile. “Ah, my knight in shining armor. Allow me to feed you in thanks for preventing a nasty fall.”

  He tilted his head. “I almost knocked you down the stairs.”

  “I told you, it happens to me all the time. I’m blind as a bat and most people don’t catch me.” She winked and picked up a large plate. “Come. I’ve marked each item so you can be careful of allergies.”

  “I don’t have allergies. Havin’ an allergy to food would be a tragedy.” He took the plate and held out his other hand. “I’m Kiefer Johannson.”

  “Theodora Grove. It’s a pleasure to meet the brother who gave up his summer for sisters with chicken pox.”

  “They told you about that?”

  “Yup. They went on and on about how gorgeous and popular you were at fifteen but that you entertained them because they were stuck indoors for weeks.”

  Feeling a blush touch his skin was so unfamiliar, he almost didn’t know what it was. “It wasn’t a big deal.”

  “Hmm. I think you underestimate the impact of it on your sisters.” She started to pile his plate with a bit of everything to try.

  Ezra moaned around his fork. When he swallowed, he looked Kiefer in the eyes and swore, “She’ll put ten pounds on you while you’re here. Accept it and be done. Open yourself to the decadence.”

  Staring at the plate, he lifted his gaze to Theodora’s. “Is that true?”

  She nodded with a solemn expression. “It is…but you can afford the ten pounds so don’t sweat it. Go eat and tell me what you think. I have desserts in the cooler when you’re ready.”

  The other Johannson men and the theater crew drifted in. Kiefer watched as she smiled and shook hands with his dad and his brothers. Reynold and Vince turned the conversation to food when she asked what they did for a living.

  “I have a bar in Tulsa that has live music. We serve an upscale menu,” Reynold told her proudly.

  Vince’s restaurant was regularly featured on the top ten lists for Tulsa’s elite. “It’s Tex-Mex infusion, with a lot of my favorite Asian foods thrown in to add character.”

  “They both sound lovely!”

  “I’d love your feedback on some of our menu choices. Maybe you could help us freshen things up a bit.” Vince stared at her with a calculating eye and Kiefer saw it from across the room.

  Hell no…I got dibs.

  Raising her brow, she told him, “I’m happy to help but perhaps you should actually try my food to determine if I’m good at what I do.” She laughed. “If you like it, I’ll share some recipes to test on your patrons.”

  With that, she handed each of them a plate and a napkin, gesturing for them to help themselves.

  There was a huge selection of hot foods that included skewered chicken, pastries stuffed with various meats and cheeses, wings, Southwestern egg rolls, and colorful roasted vegetables sprinkled with sea salt.

  “There are cold salads as well…house, lobster, potato, and pasta. Plates, bowls, and utensils are on this side and drinks are in the fridge at the end.” She never stopped moving. Everything about her was precise and efficient.

  They descended on the food as if they hadn’t eaten in weeks.

  Chapter Two

  The area went silent except for the sound of silverware. Occasionally, there was a sigh or a moan to punctuate the pleasure all of them felt over the food. Theodora would look up with a smile.

  As Kiefer devoured the best food he’d ever tasted in his life, he watched her prepare a small bowl of yogurt and top it with fresh fruit. She stood at the high counter making a list as she ate it absently. He approached and she gave him a wink.

  “Eat as much as you want. It saves me from packing it up.”

  “No more beautiful words were ever spoken.” She snorted and he gestured at her yogurt. “Aren’t you going to eat more than that?”

  “Nah. I do little taste tests while I’m cooking. By the time I’m done, I’m uninterested in making a plate.” One shoulder lifted in a shrug. “I prefer watching other people eat.”

  “Allow me to contribute to your happiness.” She laughed and watched as he went back for seconds. Instead of returning to a table, he stood at the high counter a couple of feet from her. “Where did you learn to cook? Did you go to school for it?”

  “Someone in my family owned a catering business. I worked there one summer and by the second week, I was hooked. I try odd combinations to see how they taste. My failures outweigh my successes.”


  “Very possible but the good stuff ends up in a little file. Maybe one day I’ll put them together.” The way she said it told him it was something that was important to her.

  She nodded to several of the men who were returning to work. Gradually, the space emptied out with everyone complimenting her food and making her blush.

  Kiefer’s father appeared at his side. “Miss Grove…my wife and daughters are great cooks who kept working men’s stomachs well filled for many years. However, they won’t hold it against me when I tell you I’ve never tasted simple fare that tastes so damn good in all my life.”

  “I appreciate that very much, Mr. Johannson. I’m glad you enjoyed it.”

  “Call me Ivan.” There was a small pause. “Reynold and Vince are using Ezra’s office to make a list of questions to ask you. Be prepared for them to hire you as a consultant.”

  “I’d never take money for giving them ideas!”

  “Well, that’s silly. You’ll take what you deserve and I won’t hear another word about it. Have you ever thought about opening a restaurant? People would be lined up around the block. I’d be happy to fund it.”

  “How generous of you but I can’t do that. As much as I’d truly love a restaurant, bright lights and people moving around messes with my vision. I have albinism.” Theodora gestured to the tables. “I set things up so I can stay behind the counter and the bulbs are special ones that don’t emit glare. My eyes take a long time to focus if there’s a lot of movement. When I’m not in a controlled space, I get flustered.”

  Kiefer thought about how such restrictions must affect every area of her life. “Ma’am, I’m not sure I know what albinism is.”

  “Please, call me Theodora.” She folded her hands on the granite counter and cleared her throat. “I have fifty percent albinism. In the movies, albinos usually have clear or red eyes, are specifically intended to be frightening, and are evil psychopaths with a plan for world domination. My evil plan involves pastry, making the world a chubbier place…one baked good at a time.”

  “I’m down for that,” Kiefer said instantly. She was charming and well spoken, different from most of the women he dated.

  It made her interesting.

  From beneath the counter, she removed a tray that held a variety of brownies, cookies, baklava, and small cupcakes. He wanted all of it.

  Laughing, she set the tray down in front of him.

  “I’m forced to stay indoors because I’m sensitive to the sun. I cook.” Theodora shrugged. “I don’t eat much but I don’t exercise either. I get overwhelmed in the gym and my space is too small for my own equipment. Our house is only fifteen feet wide but I’d pit my kitchen against a professional chef’s any day of the week.”

  “You have my vote…” Kiefer was interrupted by feminine squeals and Theodora searched the area past his body with her eyes squinted.

  His sisters ran up and took turns hugging her. Madeline held her shoulders. “I didn’t know you’d be here today. We would have taken you with us so you could meet our mom.”

  “You enjoy time together. I get to see you all the time.”

  Mikayla murmured in a daze, “Theodora, are those your brownies?” The caterer nodded seriously and Kayla took a square with a look of pure pleasure. “Dear lord…you need to go with us for mani/pedis. You deserve it for making the most heavenly dessert on the planet.”

  The blonde’s laughter reminded Kiefer of tinkling bells. “I know it’s your favorite. Linn, I made you macadamia cookies and hid them in the bottom drawer of my cart. Ssh.”

  Pulling Becky forward, they introduced her. “I’ve heard so much about you. My daughters think the sun rises and sets on your pretty head. What a pleasure…and what a gorgeous feast you prepared!”

  “Have you eaten, ma’am? Please help yourself.”

  Kayla picked up a plate. “We ate but I don’t care. Your food is worth another five miles this week. Whatever!”

  While the sisters made plates for themselves and their mother, Becky chatted with Theodora. “You are so lovely, my word.”

  “I’m almost forty pounds overweight.” She put up her hands. “I don’t gain but I sure don’t lose.”

  She didn’t look overweight to him. He liked every pound.

  “We need to get you out to Oklahoma where men appreciate curves.” Theodora blushed and Becky chuckled. “How old are you, hon?”

  “I’ll be thirty in a few months, ma’am.”

  “I knew you had to be older than you looked. On first glance, I thought you were in your teens.” Theodora blushed again and his mother grinned. “You aren’t used to compliments. Hang around our bunch and we’ll shower you with positive vibes. It’s what we do, honey.”

  “I get a daily infusion from your daughters. I’ve never met such happy people who practically vibrate with energy.”

  “Do they wear you out a bit? They do me because I don’t know where they get all their get up and go. I want to sit down and watch Ellen.”

  “I admit absolute envy of their energy. They manage to burn off calories they haven’t eaten yet.” They looked at the twins. Both had their mouths full of food and it made Theodora and Becky laugh. “They try to keep up but it just doesn’t work.”

  “You are such a vibrant breath of fresh air. The Johannsons adopt people. We get them into our family and never let them out!”

  “That sounds lovely, Mrs. Johannson.”

  “Call me Becky! The only way I could get you on a more permanent basis is to marry you off to one of my boys…”

  Score the first point to Becky Johannson.

  Chapter Three

  “Oh my goodness!” Face blazing, Theodora released a nervous chuckle. “I’m afraid you’ll have to settle for adopting me in.”

  “We’ll see. I want you on the team full time and any of mine would score major points if they managed to sweep you off your feet.”

  Gently pushing her curls off her face, Theodora cleared her throat. “Men don’t really look at me that way, Becky. I’m usually placed in the mom zone or the friend zone. Neither category interests me in the slightest. I have plenty to keep me busy so most of the time, I don’t even notice there isn’t a man in my life.”

  Kiefer watched her face carefully and realized she was on the verge of tears. “Men are highly overrated,” he told her with a grin. “We’re gross, we leave the seat up, and we scratch ourselves in inappropriate places.” Leaning on the counter with his arms crossed, he added, “I could curl your hair even more with stories of burpin’ and fartin’ contests between my brothers and me. Absolutely disgustin’.”

  Her eyes lifted to his and she gave him a small smile. “I’ve heard horror stories from my cousins and friends. Sounds awful.”

  With a serious nod, he replied, “Men suck. Dogs are much better.”

  “Any particular breed?”

  Though he felt his mother and sisters staring at him, he didn’t look in their direction. “Always pick a mutt. The ugly one that no one else wants. That’s the friendliest, most loyal creature on the planet.”

  “Do you have dogs?”

  “Three of the sweetest and dumbest mutts you’ve ever seen.” He winked. “Anyone comes to the door they don’t know, it’s a potential Deadliest Animals on Earth situation. Loyal means fiercely protective and I think my mailman is on anxiety medication now.”

  “I like a dog that will snuggle but still be willing to rip the face off of a mugger. Sounds like the best of both worlds.”

  “Exactly. If you have a shaded park near your house, you can walk it without hurtin’ your skin or eyes.” He smiled. “I’d be happy to help you pick a sweet mutt while I’m here. We can chart out a safe walking path for you.”

  “How kind of you, Kiefer. I’ll think about it for a couple of days. I would never bring an animal into my life if I wasn’t certain I could give it all the attention it would need.”

  “You’re already ten miles ahead of most people who adopt. Now, I’m tryin’ real hard not to beg for one of those cupcakes but I can feel myself weakenin’ by the second.”

  Laughing happily, Theodora lifted the tray and he gave up trying to choose and took one of each variety. “A two-fisted eater makes a caterer’s world go round.”

  “I’d trough it if I wouldn’t get weird looks. I told you, men are pigs.”

  “Not so much, just exuberant.” To the women standing nearby pretending not to eavesdrop, she said, “Give me a few minutes to get things straightened up and we can talk about food for your weddings. I’m giddy to put menus together.”

  Kiefer knew his mother and sisters well. Their minds were turning rapidly and he needed to let them know up front that he wasn’t looking at the caterer as a long-term thing. He couldn’t deny that he was attracted to her but they’d never work.

  The life she led wasn’t his style.
r />   Becky smiled brightly. “Next week, we’re havin’ a big dinner together to celebrate. One of Ivan’s friends here in New York made us reservations at Peter Luger’s and we’d love you to join us.”

  “That happens to be my favorite restaurant. Isaiah and Ezra used to take me there every year for my birthday. That was when Mom could still get around.”

  “I’m sorry, dear. The girls mentioned that your mama’s sick.”

  Theodora nodded. “She has rheumatoid arthritis. It’s progressed to the point where she can’t walk anymore. Her doctors finally found a combination of medications to manage her pain. For that, I’m grateful.”

  Walking around the counter that separated them, Becky pulled Theodora into a tight hug. “I like you more and more. Will your mother be alright if you spend the evenin’ with us?”

  “She has around the clock care and she pushes me to get out more. Thank you for the invitation.”

  “Naturally, you’re invited! Now, what can I help you do to finish up?”

  “Absolutely nothing, ma’am. Spoil your girls and I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  With that, Theodora hustled the Johannson women toward the dressing area. They went laughingly as the last person finished eating and headed deeper into the backstage area.

  While she started condensing the food in sealed containers, Kiefer busied himself rinsing the huge stack of dishes that everyone used and placing them in the dishwasher.

  She stared at him with a puzzled look on her face.

  “Mama gave all of us chores. Daddy raised us to do what had to be done. Doesn’t make sense to stand around while you clean up after twenty people you fed.”

  “But…I’m a caterer. Cooking and cleaning up is what I do.”

  “Not today, Teddy.”


  “I bet no one ever gave you a nickname before and you should have one. Theodora is a mouthful and I’m super lazy.”


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