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Boss Me (A Steamy Office Romance)

Page 85

by Adams, Claire

  Austin reached around to cup my ass, and he lifted me. I wrapped my legs around him, and my skirt slid up. He moved us to the bedroom. I kept kissing him, needing this connection as our tongues met again.

  Austin lowered me to the bed, his hands sliding under the hem of my sweater to pull it over my head. He knelt on the bed to kiss me again, His hands worked my bra open, and I whimpered against him. Austin slipped the lace off me and cupped my breasts with his hands gently. My nipples pressed against his warm palms.

  He pinched me gently, pulling on my nipples with his fingers. I arched my back. Our lips brushed together again. I worked the button on his slacks open and unzipped them, sliding a hand down to grip his hard cock in my hand. Austin groaned and kissed my jaw slowly, dragging his mouth down to my neck.

  I tugged his pants down. Austin stood to kick them off and leaned over me, naked and hard. His eyes burned through my skin. He pulled my skirt down and spread my legs apart before he dove between them, sucking on the skin of my inner thighs.

  He tugged the material of my underwear roughly, causing it to tear. I gasped. Austin leaned in to kiss my pussy. I dropped back against my bed weakly, feeling his tongue gently tease my folds before he found my needy clit.

  Austin drew it between his lips and slid a finger inside of me, curling it to stroke me.

  “Austin!” I cried out, feeling my body tense up with a pending orgasm. “Oh, God.”

  His finger dragged against me, and his lips sucked my clit in, and I cried out with it. He coaxed me into a release. I wanted him. No, I needed him. I raised my hips as I came. He tasted me with his mouth as I moaned.

  “You’re so fucking sweet, Rebecca,” he told me. “You’re just like honey.” He pulled away and moved above me. “Get on your hands and knees, baby.”

  I moved into position for him, dropping my head down to look back as he got behind me. Austin reached out to massage my ass before gripping my hips. Then he entered me with one deep thrust. I grunted as he filled me, still wet and sensitive from the first orgasm. I felt him so deep in me. He pulled back and took me again, moving faster with every thrust.

  His hand slipped around my body to pull me against him. He adjusted his angle and squeezed my breast. I dropped my head against him.

  “Austin,” I murmured.

  He kept taking me, claiming me. I knew that’s what it was as he came, filling me. I knew that.

  Austin pulled me down on the bed and held me against his body. We both breathed in deeply, and I closed my eyes, trembling from the feelings he sent racing through my body.

  We made love again with Austin on his back as I rode him. I moved slower this time, wanting to feel him filling me so I could memorize it. I was falling more in love with this man with every passing day. I came with a small moan. I looked down to see him staring up at me. He joined me in my release, and I dropped against him, kissing his lips softly.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  I looked out the window and sipped my coffee. The snow fell down lightly, making it a perfect Christmas Day. It almost always snowed on Christmas in New York as well, but I didn’t find it this beautiful.

  When I first saw the tree in the city and all the people skating on the ice rink in Rockefeller Center, I thought that I’d found my place in the world. I thought I was in my element as I drank with my friends on a balcony and took everything in. I was on the fast track to success back then, and while I was successful, it wasn’t everything I thought it would be.

  I walked over to the coffee table and wrapped the small box with the pretty red foil wrapping that Mom favored. I hadn’t lied when I told Rebecca I’d bought her something. I found it a few days ago after roaming the town for something perfect that could tell her how I felt about her. The gift brought me back to the days when we used to be together, and I knew it would for her, as well.

  Would that be a bad thing?

  I cursed the sloppy edges of the paper, trying to hide them with some silver ribbon that Mom gave me. Rebecca knew I wasn’t perfect and still seemed to love me.

  She loved me. Rebecca never stopped loving me. I let that sink in for a bit. I slid the present into the pocket of my jeans and took a bite of the toast that was left over from breakfast. Mom had cooked some eggs for me, too. I’d showed her the present I bought for Rebecca. She gave me a long, serious gaze when she saw it. I knew what she was thinking, but I said nothing.

  Every time I was with Rebecca, I fell a little harder for her. Every time that I was inside of her, I went back to the past. It made me realize that no woman felt like her, no matter what their celebrity status or how beautiful they were. It didn’t matter. They weren’t Rebecca. Nobody was.

  I wondered what I would do without her once I left. There’s no way we could have a long-distance relationship, even though I could fly her out to me at a moment’s notice. I knew Rebecca didn’t want that for herself in a relationship. She wanted a man to settle in North Reed, where she was settled, and she wanted to raise a family. She made it clear that nothing in my life impressed her as far as my wealth and possessions.

  Fuck. I knew that I might love her, and I didn’t know what to fucking do. I couldn’t drop everything and come back here, even though I cared for her and my parents would love the idea. I couldn’t toss all my hard work away: my contacts, my city, and my life there. I dreamed of it the entire time I was in school, and once I moved there, I was convinced that all of my dreams would come true. I couldn’t just walk away and put myself back in the past that easily.

  But was I happy in New York?

  I looked around the living room and took in the comfortable room, filled with old furniture. I imagined myself in a house here with Rebecca and a family, working some job in town or not at all. I thought about not being manically busy like I was now in the city, with little time for anything other than what I’d call napping. It couldn’t even be called sleep.

  I didn’t even have real time for friends or the women I attempted relationships with. The best I could was a quick meal and drinks, along with sex that didn’t even last the night in some cases. I wasn’t an overnight kind of man. In the cases where I was, like Mia, it didn’t work in my favor. I shook my head at the thought of her call to me. Mia actually thought she wanted me back. She didn’t know who the fuck I was, not like Rebecca.

  Damn it. My thoughts were so conflicted right now. I dropped the bread crust on my plate and rested my head in my hands. I had no idea what to do.

  If I asked Mom, Dad, or Preston, I knew what they would tell me. Stay. Be happy. Enjoy life.

  Enjoy love.

  I looked back around the room and out the large bay window to see the light snowfall on the ground. New York was beautiful during the holidays. There was no question about that. It was fast-paced, though, and shopping was always crowded, with people practically fighting over gifts in the overpriced stores. I always told my parents that I lived for that rush. I wasn’t sure if that was true anymore.

  Every time Christmas rolled around, I tried thinking of new, over-the-top activities for my parents. I wanted to show them how amazing the city was.

  Had it worked? Obviously not, since we were spending Christmas in North Reed this year.

  I’d avoided coming back home for a long time. I didn’t want to be reminded of what I left behind. I expected it would hurt to come home, but I had no idea of how deep that pain would go. I felt it the first time I saw Rebecca’s face in the salon. She wounded me in ways I thought weren’t possible. I felt it every time we were together. That was the kind of pain that was addictive, due to all the pleasure that came along with it. It was the kind that could kill a man.

  For the last several years, I’d been content being addicted to the business of investing. I was happy making millions as fast as I could blink. I wanted to make money to take care of the people I love. I was bitterly disappointed that they didn’t want my money. They wanted me. Not my money or what I could buy them, but me.
/>   Everything I thought I believed was crumbling around me. Less than a month ago, I’d been sure about the direction my life was heading. Coming home had changed all that. I wasn’t certain about anything anymore. I didn’t know what I wanted.

  I sucked in deep breaths and reminded myself it was Christmas. It was a peaceful family day. Rebecca would be over with her sister later for dinner. It wasn’t a complicated holiday, but confusing emotions rushed through my head.

  “Calm down,” I told myself in a whisper. I closed my eyes tightly. “You don’t have to worry about this right now.”

  I was calm enough to take my plate and cup to the sink and wash them. I was thankful that nobody came into the room to witness my breakdown. That was the last thing that Mom needed, and I knew Dad was getting some rest. He went to have coffee with friends this morning, even though he looked a little pale to both of us. Mom tried to argue with him about it, but he shot her a stubborn glare and left the house.

  Dad wouldn’t follow anybody’s rules but his own. Mom was alone with him, and I knew she had a hard time convincing him to take care of himself. It was a large part of why I came home, to help her out. But I couldn’t come back here permanently. It would be like admitting defeat to the world. I could just imagine the articles in the paper. I was on the Forbes list and well-respected in the business world. Men worked hard to achieve what I did and failed, but it came so easily for me.

  I’d commit career suicide by coming back here. I could work remotely, but New York was the place to be to seize sudden opportunities. And I’d miss Wall Street. That was one of the most exciting things in my life the first time I knew that I made it, surrounded by guys who were like my mentors back then.

  I wanted my parents to be standing there by my side, seeing what it was that I lived for. I wanted them to know what I dreamed of for so many years.

  I wanted Rebecca there by my side, cheering me on. I’d always wanted her to be by my side. She was supposed to come to New York with me. She was supposed to be my girl and love me enough to want the same dreams that I did.

  She didn’t, though. She turned me down and broke my heart, despite my denial about that fact. Now that I was back, I was just stabbing the knife a little deeper into my gut every time we slept together. God knows I tried to make it casual last night by turning her face away from me, something I did with a lot of women. I tried so fucking hard.

  Then she was on top of me, riding my cock with that sweet body as she milked it. Her gorgeous tits bounced with the movement, making me want to suck and bite them. Rebecca liked that.

  I wanted her in New York with me to work out the stressful days in my bed at night. The string of women I got within the city were just warm bodies. They were pale substitutions for Rebecca. I thought I could fuck away the memories of Rebecca, but it never worked. Fuck me. It didn’t work.

  I dried the dishes and set them on the rack to dry a little too roughly. I took a deep breath to still my fractured thoughts.

  I headed back to my room to ask Preston what was up with the deal. That was a safe subject for me.

  I was almost there when I heard my mother scream my name. The sound filled the house. I turned sharply and rushed to their room, nearly falling on the floor as I jumped through the door. Mom leaned over Dad. He clutched his chest and moaned.

  “Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.” I rushed over to their phone and called an ambulance. Then, I dropped beside him. “Dad, don’t leave me. Don’t fucking leave me.” I had no idea what to do. The ambulance was on its way to take him to the county hospital where he would be treated.

  I couldn’t do shit for Dad like this. All the money in the world wouldn’t do him a damn bit of good right now. Once we got him to the hospital, I could talk to some of my contacts and get someone out here for him.

  “Dad,” I whispered, realizing it was Christmas.

  Mom sobbed quietly and clutched him to her body. Time seemed to stop. One thought flashed through my head over and over. I wished Rebecca was here at my side. I needed her arms, her strength, and her love to get me through this. I had no idea how I’d keep it together if this took a turn for the worse.

  I wasn’t sure if hours passed or just minutes before we heard the sirens. I stumbled to my feet and answered the door. The police chief himself was here with the ambulance. That was one positive aspect of small-town living. He pushed his way inside, and I directed him to the bedroom.

  My world was chaos. The paramedics shoved a nitroglycerin pill in his mouth before loading him into the ambulance. Mom rushed inside with him. I told her I’d be right behind them.

  I ran to my room and grabbed my phone. I needed Rebecca. I couldn’t do this on my own.

  The police chief clapped me on the shoulder when I reappeared. “Austin. I’ll take you to the hospital. You shouldn’t be driving in this state, son.” He looked at me worriedly.

  I nodded slowly. “Good idea.”

  I followed him to the tired looking cruiser. He opened the door for me, and I slid into the seat. I was useless right now. I felt empty and numb.

  I needed Dad.

  And I needed Rebecca. I found her name in my phone and opened a new text message. My breath sounded ragged and strained, and I tried to think of what to say.

  Me: I need you. County hospital. It's Dad. Hurry.

  I dropped the phone as the chief fired up the sirens. He rushed us to the hospital. I was more afraid of changes in my life than ever before.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  I finished some dishes and sang along to Christmas songs playing through my phone. Kim and I would be going to Austin’s soon, and I smiled at the thought. The sound of a text message cut through the air, interrupting the music.

  I dried my hands and walked over, tossing the towel over my shoulder before I picked up my phone. I read the message from Austin and gasped. Tears filled my eyes.

  “No, no, no.” Panic gripped me. I took a deep breath and tried to calm down. But I couldn’t. All I could think of was getting to Austin.

  I slipped my feet into my sneakers by my door and shrugged on a fleece jacket. I was just opening the front door when I realized I still wore my pajamas.

  “Damn it,” I cursed and went to change into something more appropriate.

  There was a knock at the door, and I paused.

  “Sis?” Kim called. I yanked open the door. “What’s wrong?” She looked at me, and her face dropped.

  “Austin’s dad is going to the county hospital. I need to get there, but…” I waved my hand over my outfit, and she surveyed me quickly.

  I assumed it was his father’s heart, but Austin didn’t say. I didn’t ask him anything else about his father’s condition. It was obvious that Austin was already suffering.

  “Go change into some jeans,” Kim said. “I’ll take you, and we’ll be there soon.”

  I hurried to my room and threw on some jeans. My hair was a mess. I pulled it into a messy bun and rushed to the door where Kim was waiting for me. She wrapped an arm around me, walked me to the car, and settled me inside before starting the engine.

  Tears slid down my cheeks as we drove to the hospital. It was a few towns over. In theory, it wasn’t far, but under the circumstances, it felt like it was on the other side of the world.

  Was Mel okay? Was he going to make it? Was his mom handling this okay?

  Was Austin okay?

  I closed my eyes and sat back in the seat. I prayed harder than I had in quite some time. I had a lot of faith in my heart. Today, I would need all of it to get through this.

  We made it the hospital and parked in the small lot. I opened the door, ready to run. Then I reminded myself that Kim was with me. I walked with her as slow as I could force myself. She still had to hurry to keep up.

  We made our way inside the hospital and asked the woman behind the desk about Mel. She informed us he was in the intensive care unit.

  We headed to the ICU.

  The three letters wer
e so serious in my head as I walked to the elevator. Every movement was wooden and automatic. I felt myself breaking inside. I wasn’t ready for anything like this to happen, not when everything was going so good.

  As much as I enjoyed having Austin around, I didn’t want him to stay longer due to tragic circumstances. And I certainly didn’t want him to leave even earlier because of it. His mama needed him more than ever now, but if he had to go, Kim and I could work out a schedule to be with her.

  I thought about all of this in a rapid-fire pace. Kim touched my arm. “Becs? We’re here.”

  I blinked at her and stepped forward. Kim took my hand. We walked towards the ICU and found the waiting room. I searched for a familiar face. Austin stood in the corner, talking on the phone with his head bent forward. He paced restlessly.

  We hurried over, and I dropped her hand to wrap my arms around him. I pulled him back gently against me so I wouldn’t interrupt his phone call. He reached back with his free hand to lace his fingers with mine. He kept talking on the phone, and I took in all his warmth.

  Nobody could make me feel like Austin did. Nobody could fill my heart the way he did, even though I ached inside for him right now.

  Austin ended the call and dropped the phone in a chair. He turned around and took my hands in his. “You’re here,” he said.

  “Of course,” I said.

  He looked at my sister. “Thanks for coming, Kim.” Austin’s voice was soft. He turned back to me and pulled me into his arms.

  “How is he?” I asked him in a worried voice. He held me so tightly that it nearly hurt.

  “He had a serious heart attack, but he’s going to make it. Mom’s in there with him.” He took a slow breath. “I guess he had more problems than we realized from the last time. Fucking small-town doctors. If he was in a bigger city, they’d know what they were doing. I called New York and got in touch with the best cardiologist there. He’ll be here soon. It’s cleared with the hospital already.”

  I felt shock waves rush through me. How does that even happen? “Austin, how is a doctor coming to see one patient in a whole hospital full of doctors, and that’s not a problem with anybody?” I spoke hesitantly, not wanting to set him off. He already seemed like he hated Texas all over again, but the situation was mind blowing to me.


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