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The Little Brooklyn Bakery

Page 23

by Julie Caplin

  Marty rolled his eyes.

  ‘Fancy coming with us, Sophie?’ Todd sat down next to her, his ankle nudging hers. She glanced at the younger brother, whose shoulders were now level with his ears.

  ‘Do you know what? I think I might stay put, if you don’t mind. It’s such a gorgeous day and being totally selfish, it would be lovely to laze by the pool with a book. Us Brits aren’t used to this weather, I want to soak up the rays. Make the most of it.’

  Marty shot her a look, part relief and part guilt. Todd noticed the exchange and raised an eyebrow but didn’t say anything.

  ‘You can come if you like, Sophie,’ he suddenly blurted out.

  With a gentle smile, she shook her head. ‘I wouldn’t want to come between brothers. Todd would never forgive me if I decided I like you better.’

  ‘OK, beach this afternoon?’

  ‘Sounds like a plan.’

  After a lazy morning by the pool, where Mahalia had brought lunch to her, which seemed deliciously decadent, especially when followed by a sneaky snooze, Sophie decided to investigate the library, as she’d finished the book she’d brought with her. There was a good selection and when she’d grabbed a paperback, she decided to head back to her room to sit on the balcony for a while. Crossing through the salon, she entered a second lounge area which she remembered from her tour with Todd. Today it had been transformed and she paused to take in the beautifully arranged table set up for afternoon tea.

  Red, white and blue bunting hung around the edge of the white damask-covered table, upon which champagne flutes and pretty china cups had been arranged along with little dessert forks and fine bone china tea-plates, interspersed with floral napkins. She almost did a double take when she saw the cakes on glass cake stands and, intrigued, she crossed the room to examine them.

  ‘Surprise,’ yelled a voice from behind her.

  ‘Bella!’ She turned and before she could say anything else she was enveloped in a huge hug. ‘What are you doing here?’

  Bella beamed, her eyes twinkling with mischief. ‘Personal delivery. Aunty C saw my cakes on mom’s Facebook page and just had to have some.’ Bella wiped her brow with exaggerated feeling. Sophie grinned at her, delighted to have her here.

  ‘Honestly, I thought I was done with the darned things. But what Aunty C wants, Aunty C gets.’ Her freckled face danced with glee. ‘Uncle Ross sent the Lear to get me and five cakes. Heck, I’m not complaining, it’ll be great advertising.’

  ‘The Lear?’

  ‘Jet, darling. Welcome to the Hamptons.’

  Wow, it really was another world.

  ‘I’m rather enjoying them, so far. Oh Bella, it’s so good to see you.’

  ‘You too. How are you finding it all?’

  ‘Fine,’ said Sophie, with a sudden qualm. Eeek, what was Bella going to say about her and Todd?

  ‘I hope you don’t mind but the house is pretty full, so I offered to bunk in with you.’

  ‘No problem. Er, Bella, there’s—’

  ‘Ah there you are, Bella. I completely forgot to ask. Can you tell me if there are any additives in the frosting? The colouring is all natural. And did you make a gluten-free version too?’ Celine breezed in wearing a white linen sheath dress that showed off her tan and a youthful figure that looked far too young to have Todd as a son. As she teased her blonde hair, the single piece of jewellery – a diamond tennis bracelet – on her slim wrist sparkled and glinted in the sunlight streaming through the window.

  ‘Yes,’ said Bella with the type of patience that suggested she’d been asked the question a few times before. Sophie shot her a sceptical look, which Bella met with blithe innocence.

  ‘Marvellous. They do look wonderful. I’ll see you later. Tea at four.’ She tutted. ‘I really should have said tea at three. It has a better ring to it.’ She sighed heavily and drifted off, straightening champagne glasses and fiddling with the plates.

  ‘Let’s get out of here,’ Bella whispered.

  Only when they’d reached the foot of the stairs did Sophie round on her. ‘Natural blue food colouring?’

  Bella shrugged, looking like a naughty pixie, her red curls bouncing as she then shook her head in disgust. ‘Like any of her friends are going to touch it, because of the carbs anyway. She wanted red, white and blue cake. She got red, white and blue cake.’

  Both Marty and Todd were pleased to see their cousin and the three of them exchanged family news as they walked down to the beach. Carrying his body-board and towel, Todd teased his cousin as he walked alongside Sophie, their arms brushing frequently enough for her to know that he wanted to make her aware he was there. Oh, she knew he was there, alright. Each touch brought the brush of his soft hair against hers, igniting a giddy warmth and lightening her step. Something about being with Todd made her feel happy, despite the slight apprehension she felt at the thought of telling Bella.

  Luckily, although that probably wasn’t quite the word, the cat was well and truly let out of the bag when they stopped at an appropriate spot and Todd dropped a quick kiss on Sophie’s lips before he and Marty charged off into the surf, already clutching their boards to their stomachs.

  ‘Oh lordy, it’s like Baywatch,’ said Sophie, watching them go and feeling her face turning pink, busying herself getting out her towel and laying it on the sand, hiding her face as she peeled off her T-shirt.


  With an inward sigh, Sophie turned to face the music, wriggling out of her shorts.

  ‘Seriously? Todd? After everything I said?’ Bella had planted both feet in the sand with her hands on her hips, and she looked as if she wouldn’t be budging until she’d had answers.

  ‘I’m a big girl, Bella.’ Sophie flicked the corner of her towel and sat down, rummaged in her bag for her book. ‘I know what I’m doing.’

  ‘Really?’ Bella dropped to her hands and knees on the towel, so they were eye-level. ‘Please don’t be like all the other girls and think he’ll change. He won’t. You must have seen Aunty C and Uncle Ross in action.’

  ‘Bella.’ Sophie lifted her head and raised her sunglasses, ‘I’m not like those other girls. I know what I’m doing.’

  ‘Hmmmph.’ Bella’s face twisted in disgust as she reared back on her heels. ‘I know you’re not like the other girls. That’s what worries me even more.’ She fixed Sophie with an assessing look. ‘They’re usually the smart, sophisticated, cool types who only want Todd for his - oh darn it, I’m going to have to say it - looks. Who wouldn’t love those baby blues and that manly jawline? Not to mention the slight bonus of status and pedigree. You do realise that his dad is on the Forbes richest list? Among a certain social circle, Todd is a serious catch.’

  ‘Bella.’ Sophie’s tone was firm and kind. She really didn’t want Bella raising all her own doubts. ‘I know Todd isn’t a keeper. He might be a catch for those girls, but he’s a fish I’m going to throw back into the sea.’ She gave Bella a sad smile. ‘After my last boyfriend, I’m not in the market for anything serious. I want to have some fun.’ Her jaw clenched as Bella looked sceptical. ‘I really loved my last boyfriend. I thought we were going to get married, everything. Then I found out he was cheating. It was such a shock, I packed up and left. I’ve not seen him since.’

  ‘Wow. How does that feel?’

  With a shrug, Sophie looked out to sea, just about making out Todd and Marty’s dark heads bobbing in the frothing waves.

  ‘Do you still love him?’ With her usual directness, Bella gave her a look that left Sophie with nowhere to go.

  ‘I shouldn’t after everything he’s done, but …’ With a beseeching look she turned to Bella. ‘I know you think I’ll fall for Todd, but I won’t. It’s going to take me a very long time to get over James properly. Todd is his polar opposite. And not someone I’d ever normally go out with.’

  ‘Your rebound?’

  ‘That’s a good way of putting it. I want to have some fun. Enjoy myself while I’m here.’

sp; ‘OK,’ Bella screwed up her face and gave a wry frown. ‘And now I’m in the weird position of saying, don’t hurt my cousin, even though I know he’s a player, but he’s … like my brother.’

  Sophie reached over and patted her on the hand. ‘Don’t worry, I’ll look after him.’

  ‘Make sure you do,’ said Bella with more than a touch of menace in her voice, before she lay back, propping herself on her elbows and tilting her face up to the sun saying, ‘Heavens to Betsy, this is just darn blissful.’

  Chapter 21

  Thank goodness for Nordstrom Rack. Sophie’s little black number, Calvin Klein no less, was exactly right. It also helped that during the last hour she’d giggled until her sides hurt as she and Bella got ready. Definitely one of the upsides to sharing a room. Now walking into the crowded salon, full of peacock-bright ladies in showy dresses, lit up with enough diamonds to put the crown jewels to shame, she felt perfectly relaxed. Formal dos didn’t faze her, there’d been enough of them at home.

  Although he was talking to an elderly couple, Todd spotted her immediately and shot her a smile of such focused warmth it made her knees wobble. It didn’t help that in black tie, he looked even more ridiculously film-starry handsome.

  ‘Put your tongue away,’ muttered Bella in her ear. ‘Oh darn. I’ve just realised. Are you two doing the dirty yet?’

  ‘Bella!’ Sophie punched her arm.

  ‘Didn’t think so.’ Bella grinned unrepentantly. ‘And I’ve cramped your style. Sorry.’

  ‘I meant that’s a horrible phrase. And I don’t think I could … at his parents’ house. Not the first time.’

  ‘Oh, Sophie you’re so sweet. That’s the whole point of these house parties. Beds available at any part of the day. No one knowing where anyone is.’

  Sophie giggled. ‘Sounds like a house party in a regency novel. Clearly things haven’t changed that much.’

  ‘Thank goodness they have. You and I would probably have been scullery maids if we traced our family trees back. My grandad made his money through technology and built up a huge telecoms company. And Dad and Uncle Ross built it up even more.’

  And what did she say to that? What would Bella’s reaction be if she told her that on her father’s side she could trace her family tree back to 1660 to the first Earl of Hanbury?

  ‘Bella darling!’ Celine interrupted, bringing another lady with her. ‘Sandy, this is my clever, clever niece.’

  ‘Oh, I adored your little cakes. Now, I have a party coming up …’

  Sophie drifted outside onto the terrace overlooking the gardens, enjoying the background hum of chatter and laughter. The balmy evening air carried the faint clean scent of pine, rather welcome after the overwhelming fug of rich perfumes.

  ‘I’m starting to wish I was back in New York,’ said Todd as he slipped his arms around her middle and came to stand behind her, resting his cheek against hers.

  ‘And why’s that?’ asked Sophie, turning around with a flirtatious smile.

  He kissed her firmly on the mouth.

  ‘Because then I could get you all to myself.’

  ‘And why would you want to do that?’ Her voice came out slightly breathless and a touch husky, which she hadn’t meant to do, at least she didn’t think she had.

  Todd’s eyes darkened and his direct smile that held more than a hint of smoulder made her swallow hard. Oh dear heaven, the man simply oozed sex appeal and she was drunk on it.

  With a feather-light touch, he stroked one hand down her arm, his thumbs skimming the outside of her breast. She didn’t normally play sexy siren, but when his smile ratcheted up the smoulder to damn near combustible, she smiled back, letting the desire swim in her eyes. Which was pretty tricky given that she was about to go cross-eyed with lust.

  ‘Do you really need me to answer that?’ he asked with smooth self-assurance, looking down at her as she stood bare inches apart from him.

  Sophie’s femme fatale upped and left. Todd was so much more experienced at this kind of stuff. Biting her lip, she lifted her shoulders in a half shrug, ducking her gaze.

  ‘Hey,’ he tilted her chin with a hand and gave her a gentle kiss on her lips. ‘We’ve got plenty of time.’

  ‘Sorry,’ she muttered, feeling stupidly gauche and suddenly near to tears.

  ‘Don’t worry,’ he gave her a quick kiss on her forehead. ‘Sorry, I realise it’s probably still quite soon. Come on, let’s mingle.’

  That’s not what she’d meant at all, but Todd was already leading her back through the French windows and into the crush. There had to be nearly two hundred people there. Of course, everyone wanted to talk to Todd. Why wouldn’t you? He was easily the most handsome guy in the room.

  ‘Can you see Marty anywhere?’

  Sophie glanced around the room.

  ‘I’m worried he’s up to something.’

  ‘Like what?’

  ‘With him, it could be anything, but he seemed a little bit too pleased with himself when we came off the beach. And when I went into the study he was on his laptop and shut it pretty quickly as if he had something to hide.’

  ‘Do you want—’

  ‘Sophie! Sophie Bennings-Beauchamp. It is you. Gosh, whatever in the world are you doing here?’


  ‘My dear gel. Don’t you look just delicious and isn’t this a lovely party? Don’t you just love the uninhibited trashiness of new money? Dear lord above, black champagne, in gold goblets. What fun! And who’s this handsome young man?’

  Sophie couldn’t help smiling back. Margery Forbes-Bryson was one of her parents’ oldest friends and famed for her social faux pas. Luckily she had such a warm, eager manner, she was quickly forgiven for her tactless observations which usually came from garrulous enthusiasm rather than unkindness.

  ‘Margery,’ Sophie kissed her on either cheek before stepping back to introduce Todd. ‘This is one of our hosts. Todd McLennan. This is his parents’ party.’

  ‘Whoops,’ she patted Todd’s arm. ‘Lovely to meet you and pay no mind to me. Known for planting my size nines in just about everything. Now Sophie, I had no idea you were over here. I’m staying with my dear friend Cissie Newham, she moved here over forty years ago. She’s Johnny’s daughter. Was Cissie Blenkinsop, wouldn’t you marry just to get rid of that name? Caused a great scandal at Diana and Charles’ wedding. There she is.’ Margery started to wave at a woman across the other side of the room, her big voice bellowing, ‘Cissie! Cissie! Come here. Come meet Sophie, Lady Bennings-Beauchamp. You remember Freddie, the Earl of Hanbury? This is his daughter.’

  Sophie wanted to sink through the floor as half the faces in the room seemed to turn and stare. Bella’s open-mouthed surprise registered, as did Celine’s delighted, approving smile. Luckily the approaching Cissie and her rather magnificent bulk shielded Sophie from the curious gazes. She didn’t dare look at Todd, although she felt his hand slip into hers and give it a squeeze.

  ‘Oh my word. Freddie. Haven’t seen him in yonks. Is he still an old reprobate?’ Cissie let out a larger-than-life cackle. ‘Although I probably shouldn’t be asking his daughter that? Dear lord, Margery. Do you remember when you, Freddie and Charlie went for a dip in the lake at Buck House?’

  Thankfully the two of them launched into a trip down memory lane and all she had to do was nod and smile as, out of the corner of her eye, she spotted Bella advancing.

  ‘Well, someone’s made Celine’s day,’ muttered Bella in her ear. ‘She’s telling everyone that you know Prince William. You don’t, do you?’

  Sophie ducked her head.

  ‘Oh, shit. You do!’

  Sophie moved away from the two ladies, now deep in conversation, to face Bella with Todd flanking her.

  ‘Bella …’

  ‘Lady Sophie. Forgot to mention that one, didn’t you?’ Although there was a teasing note in her words, her voice cracked slightly and Sophie could tell she was hurt. Before she could say anything, Bella turned to her c
ousin, ‘Did you know, Todd?’

  ‘Yeah, I did.’ Sophie did a double take but her attention was held by Bella’s furious blinking and the tell-tale glisten in her eyes.

  ‘Bella,’ Sophie reached out and touched her on the forearm. ‘I wasn’t keeping it from you.’

  ‘I thought we were friends.’

  ‘We are … I never tell anyone. Honest. The only reason my friend Kate knows is because she saw my passport. People I work with in London have no idea. It’s not that important to me, but other people … well, it affects their perception of me. Look at Celine’s reaction.’

  ‘So is your dad a … you know … a real-life lord?’

  Sophie smiled at Bella’s sudden diffidence.

  ‘Yup, the fourteenth Earl of Hanbury. And I’m still exactly the same person I was yesterday morning, before you knew.’ She sneaked a look at Todd’s profile. To her relief he turned his head and gave her a quick wink and a warm smile.

  ‘Wow,’ said Bella. ‘Fourteenth whoa! You really are an aristocrat. Not a scullery maid in sight. And do you have a place like Downton Abbey?’

  Sophie laughed. ‘No, nothing like! That’s Highclere Castle which is huge and a proper stately home. Felton Hall is … well, it’s not that big.’

  ‘No wonder you weren’t thrown by my parents’ house,’ said Todd.

  ‘You’re kidding. Felton Hall is old but it’s nowhere near as grand and luxurious as your parents’ place. No swimming pools or private access to the beach.’ Sophie laughed. ‘Can I put this in context? My dad is the Earl and his first wife was Lady something or other before she married Dad. When they divorced he married my mum, who is very ordinary. She was his housekeeper before they got together.’

  ‘So you’re only half posh, then,’ said Bella. ‘Phew.’

  ‘Does that make it alright?’ asked Sophie with a grin.

  ‘Yes, half posh I can cope with, but whatever you do, don’t tell Wes. He’ll never speak to you again.’

  ‘Why, is he some kind of Trotskyite?’ Sophie frowned. The big, gentle guy seemed too shy and thoughtful to indulge in forceful politics.


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